~ Third Person P.O.V ~
The resonating chirping noise of crickets outside cut through the air, it was late at night-- that was all Izuku knew. Shoto had ushered him into one of the cramped rooms beside the tents, essentially throwing the small boy in and locking the door from the outside; keeping Izuku locked in. Two beds aligned the left wall of the room, and one tattered, beat-up, wooden nightstand positioned between them. A dulled, flickering lamp being the only light source in the room-- besides the tiny window in the back of the room, showing the grassy hills behind the wired gates.
If anything it was a downgrade from the absolute hell of the internment camp. A lump formed in his throat as he thought of the small quantity of fond memories he had of the camp. All of them have one thing in common, all of them were with his family. Laughing at their neighbors when they argued too loud, staying up at all wee hours of the night just talking, even the bad moments seemed to make Izuku smile. Yelling and screaming at each other, being so pissed off to the point where nobody would make eye contact with anyone . . . only to turn around and apologize and hug one another.
The lump from earlier thickened in the base of his throat, lurching forward, wanting nothing more than to shift into a sob-- but he wouldn't allow it. He had cried himself dry over the past few hours. Tip of his nose dusted a dark shade of carmine, the sclera of his viridescent eyes mimicking that same hue.
Izuku sat on one of the beds, back slumped forward as he leaned against his knees-- chin tucked in the crevices of it. Pink lips dried and slightly cracking, as his stomach growled with undeniable hunger. That's when it hit him--
He hadn't eaten all day.
Seeming to add onto his dread, an assortment sound between a whine and groan slipped past his lips as he lowered himself down onto his belly. Mouth shifting into a pout as new thoughts of food clouded his judgment.
As if on cue the locks of the door opened with a muffled click.
Only it was someone else who stepped in, someone Izuku hadn't been expecting, nor does he recognize.
"That's my bed," Katsuki growled, his ruby eyes blazing into Izuku's. "Get off."
When Izuku made no move to get up, the blond released a weighted sigh. Scarlet orbs zeroing in on the smaller male furtively, clenched jaw as he walks over to him. In one swift movement, Katsuki's hand locked around Izuku's wrist, the rough, calloused fingers scraping against his whip mark. Izuku couldn't help but wrangle out a hissing noise as pain jolted up his arm.
That's when the elder finally distinguished the rosy tints of his eyes and nose, as well as the mark adorning his seemingly delicate wrist.
"Jesus fuck," He muttered under his breath, any trace of irritation fluidly washing off his features. "They really did a number on your Small Fry," Katsuki commented, slowly lifting the boy down.
Izuku remained tight-lipped, once he was lowered back onto the bed he scuttled backward-- making sure to keep his distance. "I need . . . food." The freckled male simply replied, his voice croaked and guttled.
"And apparently I need God, looks like we both can't get what we need Small Fry."
Narrowing his eyes into tight slits, the younger curls his lip into a scowl. "I get that I'm different, but I'm still a human dumbass--" He huffed, hiding his trembling fear behind his sass; but he wasn't doing very well.
"--I need food to survive. Or did you forget that?"
Katsuki gaped at him, irritation prior to his slight amusement washing back into the depths of his veins. 'It's either pure, undeniable, flaming rage-- or quiescent calmness' . . . Remember? With an ironed click of his jaw, the blond fisted his finger into the fabric of Izuku's shirt-- hauling the small male forward so they were face to face.
"Let's get one thing straight here," (*cOuGh* gay *CoUgH*) "I don't give a flying a fuck what my Captain needs you for, pissing me off is something you do not want to do," Katsuki warned, strengthening his grip into the fabric as Izuku glared back at him.
However, the glare Izuku was sporting had begun to falter, chapped lips starting to palpitate. It was no mistake that Katsuki was . . . scary to say the least. The blond's hardened gaze was doing its very best to break away at Izuku's facade and it was working like a charm.
"Katsuki put the boy down, the only thing that's intimidating about you right now is your funky ass breath." Shoto scoffed, walking in with a bag and slinging his army fatigue jacket off.
"Why you little asshole--"
Opting for turning a blind eye to his blond friend, Shoto sat down on the bed next to Izuku-- forcing the younger to make eye contact with him. "Sorry about him--" An icy scowl was directed in Katsuki's general area. "--he's your typical asshole, but you'll get used to it."
The insides of Izuku's stomach clenched as his eyes darted back and forth between the two boys, eyebrows knotted together as he scooted back towards the edge of the bed; steadying himself on the palms of his hands. A cold sweat trickling down his sides as he inspected the two carefully.
"I'm Shoto Todoroki, this is Katsuki Bakugou," Shoto continued after the freckled male made no motion to speak. "I brought food, and water for you kid-- eat up." He said, tossing Izuku a decent-sized canteen and handing him the bag.
Cautiously taking the small container of food out of the bag, the youngest of the three eyes it up and down-- poking the mush of brown and white with his fork. "What the hell is this?" He gagged, setting it down next to him with a look of disgust.
"That's what we like to call 'Slop', it looks gross, and smells like a Camel's ass-- but it's good." Katsuki murmured, unlooping his belt from his pants.
"How do you know what a Camel's ass smells like?" Shoto snorted, cocking one frosted eyebrow with a half-amused half curious smirk plastered on his lips.
"Remember when we went to Russia and I got that black eye?" The blond reminisced, kicking off his boots and setting them neatly in the corner. "I told everyone I got into a fight with Shitty Hair, but it was really because a Camel fucking kicked me."
Pressing his mouth into a thin line, Izuku's stomach churns as he holds in the laughter bubbling up in the base of his throat-- squeezing his eyes shut.
Narrowing his red eyes into slits, Katsuki glares at the younger. "The hell are you laughing about?" He asked.
"I don't know smart one, take a wild guess," Izuku shot back, holding his breath as he took another bite of his food.
While Katsuki and Izuku begin to get into a heated scream fest, the younger couldn't help but feel warm on the inside. And not because of the 'Slop'. Sure, these two guys were scary as hell-- and would most likely kill him but . . . Izuku couldn't help but think he still has a little bit of home with him right here.
You know, with all the yelling of course.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
I have a love/hate relationship with this chapter right now. But I guess it was good, right?
I'm honestly just trying to develop how the characters in the book would react to certain things, their thought process, etc. Which I probably should have done before I published it buuuut too late!
Until we meet again!!!
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