chapter 5: the prisoners
Screams of anger and pain can be heard in the room behoned the lab, cages of all shaps,sizes, and material was keeping the imprisoned monsters at bay.
Some struggle to break free causing harm to themselves and others sit and wait, giving up hope for freedom.
Blood drips from one of the cages from monsters trying to break free but only making themselves weaker and lose more blood.
One monster was hungry he had been starving for weeks, the smell of blood from one of the cages doesn't help him. He was to weak to break out,
He was becoming skinny, his ribs where poking out of his skin he, had lost hope for freedom. He just wants something to eat. That's all he wants right now...
One of the small cages, Small shadows linger in a dark little box sealed with a glass walls it was to dark to see what was on the inside other then misty shadows.
A lady in a tank full of green was was hugging herself, she can't do anything but think of what life was like before the war, She can feel her eye burn but she can't cry she can't ever cry when she's in the septic tank.
There was a small cabinet down the hall, what was inside was only a jar of black ink, Sometimes the monster trapped inside tried to break out but to no avail.
Finally in one glass box that was simular to the one with shadows was only a blue and red clock, it's hands move slowly and makes a sweet ticking sound. Showing the prisoners the time, the time is all he can do at this point. He can do nothing but show the time, counting the days and weeks they all have stayed in this god forsaken prison.
It's also a reminder on how long most of them survived the expariments.
The monster that where trying to escape stopped, either they passed out from blood loss or gave up like the rest...
Does their boss even care that they are here rotting and basically dying?
All they can do now is wait for their tests for the 3rd time this week...
((Sorry that this probs don't make a bit of fucking sense.))
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