You are a young mutant in the Mid-21st Century (2050). You have been on the run or hiding for many years, some of you are running from the government, some from your families and friends, and some hiding with your families. Then one day you are confronted by a person. This person goes by neither male or female and glows like the sun. They give you a note and then disappear. It tells you a location, date, and time.
AMDF Workers
General [TAKEN]
(Also one of the Heads)
Head of military and other such procedures in the AMDF, in charge of everyone else, reports directly into President
Head Scientist [TAKEN]
Reports into General and President directly, in change of all science and experiments that go on at AMDF headquarters, in charge of all scientists
The Hunters [4/4]
An elite form of grunt. They are more complicated and require a form. They are elite masters of the hunt and have been tracking down and capturing, or killing, mutants for years. There are usually 3 main ones and they listen to all of the General's commands. Additionally, they have very high tech and powerful weapons, most of them brand new, straight from the Tech Labs.
Probably going to die or something, don't really require a form unless they are going to be a re-occurring character for the lols
The Resistance Workers
Spokesperson [ TAKEN ]
Not actually associated with the NS or the Resistance. Just fights for pro-mutant right and has been gaining popularity and popularity in his growing pro-mutant movement
The Ushers [2/6]
Aglow's Pre-Night Society group. Meant to usher in a new age of Mutant and Human balance and peace. Run missions for Aglow based on notes they are given, but have never actually met them. They have learned not to ask questions and are amazing fighters. Most live at HQ.
The General [ TAKEN ]
They are either a former disciple of Aglow, part of Aglow's Pre-NS, or one of the few mutants or humans to have ever seen Aglow in their light form without being a disciple. Well trained and knows how to fight. He / She spends most of their time in Mission Control, the Gym, or with their soldiers in the barracks. They also recieve orders from Aglow through the notes.
The Second in Command [ OPEN ]
They follow the General's orders and Aglow's orders. They are human and probably one of they few people to have ever see Aglow in their light form. Usually with the soldiers or the general. Helps out and stuff. Also well trained and knows how to fight.
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