Chapter 1
You decided you would go to the office's Christmas Eve party this year. After all, you heard from Hannah, your best friend, that Trott was gonna be there. You'd had a crush on him ever since you started working as an editor at YogTowers five months prior, but you never really got the chance to talk to him much besides a few times you helped them edit some of their videos. You were glad it was a casual party because you were never too into wearing fancy dresses. Your outfit consisted of jeans, knee-high boots and a cute Christmas jumper. You didn't do much to your hair besides curl it a bit and because of your limited makeup skills you just put on some eyeliner and red lipstick along with your usual foundation and powder.
Your phone buzzed on the counter next to you. It was a text from Hannah saying she was leaving to pick you up now and she'd be there in about 10 minutes. You sat on the couch and played on your phone until you got another text from Hannah saying she was waiting outside your flat. You grabbed your purse and coat on the way out and locked the door.
You had made friends with a lot of other editors and a few of the content creators so you weren't completely alone during the party but you did tend to stay near a wall and keep to yourself. While staring down at your drink Kim came up to you and made you jump at the sudden greeting next to you. "Oh sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to startle you. I was just wondering why you're over here by yourself."
"I guess I'm just not a really good people person..." You started saying when you noticed Trott on the other side of the room laughing with Ross and Smith. You didn't realise that you were smiling until Kim snapped you out of your trance. "Why have you got that big smile on your face?" She asked as she looked over at what you had been staring at. "Oh my god, you like one of them, don't you?" She realised with a giggle. Your face redden as you nodded. "Ew." She said, faking a gag before asking with a smile, "Which one?"
The only person who knew that you liked him was Hannah and you contemplated for a moment whether you should answer her question or not, until she promised she wouldn't tell anyone when she saw the look of indecisiveness on your face.
"Trott. I like Trott." You said quickly, looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact. You heard her laugh a little, unsure if it was because of your answer or your actions, but then she touch your arm softly.
"You should talk to him sometime tonight then. I mean tonight is a great time to do it while there's no work to get in the way." You shrugged, not sure if you could get up enough courage to talk to him about things that weren't work related. Of course with your luck though you weren't given much time to find out.
"Well speak of the devil, look who's coming over here right now." Kim whispered to you. Your head shot up quicker than you would've wanted but your heart started beating faster and your stomach twirled and turned a bit. Trott was walking over to the two of you with a cute little smile on his face. You tried to act casual as you turned to Kim and quietly told her to stay with you.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Trott asked casually, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
"Uh, pretty good." You said with a smile, trying to keep yourself relaxed.
Kim nodded and agreed, "Yeah, it's been loads of fun."
"That's good." Trott said with a smile before turning to you, making a few small butterflies flutter in your stomach. "Can I talk to you about editing some videos?"
"Oh yeah, of course." You said trying to keep your voice natural and casual, even though so many different thoughts were racing through your head.
"I just remembered a game I needed to tell Hannah about, so I'll have to leave you two alone now. I'll talk with you later (y/n)." Kim said with a wink, which made you glare at her with somewhat of a smile on your face and then roll your eyes. You turned back to Trott and realised that he had been staring at you the whole time with a slight smirk, making you blush.
"So, uh, what videos do you need edited?" You asked, trying to move on from what Kim said.
"Well we wanted to know if you could just help us edit some videos over the next few days because all the livestreaming we've done has taken away some of our editing time." Trott explained as he took a second drink from the plastic cup he was holding, and from the smell and colour of it you guessed it was probably beer.
"Oh definitely. I'm always happy to help you guys out." You said with a grin, now glad that you'd be spending more time with them.
"Thanks, mate. You know we actually need to make one more video to upload and well, you could be in it too, if you'd like." He told you, and as he spoke his words were a little shaky. You just assumed it was from the alcohol, because what else could it be from?
You smiled at his offer, "Recording a video with the Hat Films sounds really fun, that would be great." You told him with a grin, being jokingly over dramatic. "But are you guys sure having me in the video won't ruin it? I mean I'm kind of awkward on camera." You asked with a laugh.
Trott laughed a little too but glanced down at his cup before looking back up at you, "Well, actually, the other guys don't know I'm asking you to be in the video. I just thought you'd like to be in one of our videos and be able to get credit for how much you've helped us over the past few months." He kept glancing away from you as he talked. 'Is he embarrassed?' You thought.
You couldn't believe he wanted to do that for you and you added it to the mental list of things you loved about him. "Well, if they're fine with it then I'd love to be in your video." He seemed relieved and smiled his cute little smile again, the one that you loved the most. You wished this moment could last forever so you tried to keep the conversation going, "Would we be playing a game for the video?"
"Yeah, most likely GTA, if you're okay with that." He said, taking another sip of his drink. '"If you're okay with that" was he seriously going to make them play a different game if I wasn't okay with it? Would he do that for me?' You thought to yourself.
"Oh yeah, I'm totally down for playing some GTA. Just beware that I'm not that good at it." You told him with a grin and a small chuckle. "Maybe you three could teach me how to be as good as the stunt lads." You added with a wink. 'Did I seriously just WINK at him?! Why?'
"I don't know, I mean, it takes a lot to be as good as the best but maybe we can give you some of our top secret tips." He joked with a smile. 'Oh thank god that wasn't a total disaster. Just remember to keep calm...' You thought as you laughed a little at his joke. "I'm gonna go tell Ross and Smith our plan then I'm gonna get another drink and come back, so don't go anywhere." Trott told you before walking back over to his friends. You had to restrain yourself from jumping up and down with joy. 'He actually wants to talk to me and I haven't made a total fool out of myself!' Then you feel a buzz in your pocket. You pulled out your phone to check who sent you a message, and realized it was Kim, who was standing and chatting with Duncan and Hannah, most likely trying not to make it obvious to everyone that she wanted to discuss your conversation.
What were you guys talking about? You were smiling like crazy lol
He just asked if I could help them edit some videos and if I wanted to be in their next one. He said he was coming back to talk more after checking in with Ross and Smith XD
You played on your phone a little as you waited, but after a while you lost hope that Trott was really going to come back. You looked up and found Ross and Smith talking with Sips but no Trott. You looked around the whole room but didn't see him anywhere. You sighed and started thinking about leaving. 'Why would he even want to come back and talk to me?' You thought as you went back to your game on your phone.
"Why do you look so sad?" Asked a familiar and charming voice. You looked up and your eyes met with Trott's dreamy dark brown ones staring down at you with concern. A small smile crept it's way onto your lips and you shook your head and told him it was nothing. "Are you sure?" He asked, stepping a little closer to you. His steps were a bit wobbly and you wondered how much he'd had to drink so far.
"Yeah, it was just something I read on my phone." You assured him with a smile as the concern on his face faded away.
"Sorry it took so long for me to come back by the way, Smith and Ross wouldn't stop talking. I also had to take a piss and there was a line for the toilet." Apologised Trott with a grin as he took a drink of his beer.
"How many of those have you had?" You asked gesturing to his cup.
"This is my third but I still feel sober though so don't worry about it." He said but some of his words were a bit slurred. You didn't want to push it so you asked him how the party was going for him. "It's been good. Haven't done much besides talking with the guys so it's nice talking to someone else." He said with a sweet smile. "Especially you." You looked down at the floor with a big grin as you felt a blush spread across your face.
You somehow managed to talk to him for awhile more without feeling any more nervous than you already were. You didn't know if it was because of how tipsy he was or if it was just because you'd been talking so much but you felt like you could say anything and he wouldn't judge you. It felt nice to just talk. You always loved listening to his voice.
You two had been standing near a speaker that had been quietly playing some festive music, that is until Duncan, who was completely wasted, got the microphone and started some Christmas karaoke by singing O Rubber Tree. "We should probably move unless we want our ears to bleed." You laughed. Trott agreed and made a joke about how Duncan's drunk singing made him want to rip his own dick off. So you two ended up standing by a door that lead to an empty storage room.
"So Trott-" you started saying, turning to face him, but the words were stopped as his lips pressed against yours. This caught you by surprise but you kissed back, able to taste the flavor of beer still in his mouth. He broke the kiss and grinned like a madman. "What was that for?" You giggled as your face reddened.
"The mistletoe above us." He laughed as you looked up and wondered why you didn't see it before. He was still grinning and staring at you though when you met his gaze again.
You smiled and laughed while asking why he was so happy, but he just smirked and shook his head and wouldn't tell. You asked repeatedly while getting the same reaction until he finally cracked. "You're not drunk and you didn't see the mistletoe but you kissed back." Trott said as he leaned closer to you, a small smirk forming on his face before lowering his voice, "Do you like me?"
Your whole face burned with embarrassment as you bit your lip and looked to the floor as you nodded. 'I've just ruined my chances, haven't I?'
You kept your gaze down but Trott opened the door to the empty room and pulled you in. "The feeling is mutual." He told you as he closed the door. "I've been wanting to do that for a while now actually." Trott admitted.
"Well then, why not do it again?" You said with a smirk as you stepped close to him, your bodies only inches apart. He smiled down at you and brought his lips to yours again. Time simply wasn't important anymore as you two expressed your feelings for each other. You really didn't care about how drunk he was now, only because without it you probably wouldn't have gotten the chance to do this.
He cupped your face as the kiss deepened and you wove your fingers through his hair. He tried to reposition his feet but instead stumbled backwards and fell to the ground as you fell on top of him. You both laughed it off as you got off of him and helped him up. "Are you okay?" You asked when you both were standing again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but I guess you could say we really...fell for each other." Trott laughed before apologising for the bad pun.
You smiled and shook your head, "Don't be sorry, Trott, that was cute. Just like you." You leaned in and kissed him again before giggling as you whisper in his ear, "You've got a bit of lipstick on your face." He raised his hand to his mouth, but you stopped him from trying to get it off. "Don't try to rub it off, it'll only smudge more. We need to go to the bathroom to get it off."
"So I've got to go back out there, where all my friends are, looking like this?" He gestured to the door then to his mouth. You nodded with a somewhat suppressed laugh.
"Just try to keep your head down and hurry to the bathroom and we'll be fine." Trott nodded and opened the door, letting you go out first. Luckily no one had seen the two of you go in or leave the storage room. You both had made it to the other side of the room without drawing attention but that's where your luck ran out.
"Trott! Where the fuck have you been, mate?" Smith asked as he and Ross walked up behind you and Trott.
"Yeah, Trott, we've been-" Ross started saying with slurred words, obviously wasted, when Trott turned around. "Wah- mate, what's happened to your face?" He asked in surprise. You blushed heavily and moved your gaze to the floor.
Trott grinned a little as he thought about what to say. "It was just some, uh, mistletoe." You noticed that he was swaying on his feet and knew he should go home soon. 'He's too drunk to keep partying.'
"Just how much mistletoe was there?" Taunted Smith with a laugh, who wasn't as drunk as the other two lads. "This is why you wanted her in our video, isn't it mate?" He added with a smirk, gesturing to you with a nod of his head. Trott chuckled but told the guys that he'd talk more later as he grabbed your hand and started walking to the bathroom again. You looked back at the two and asked them not to tell anyone about this as you were lead away.
No one was in or around the bathroom so you both went in and locked the door. It didn't take very long to get all evidence of the lipstick off Trott's face and make yours look somewhat like it did before. "Take the rest of yours off too." He slurred, leaning on the counter for support. It was obvious that his third beer was sinking in more.
"Do it then I'll tell you." He said trying his best to speak clearly. You sighed and did as he said.
"So why did I have to do this?" You asked when you were finished. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to him and kissed you.
He then let go of you and smiled, "That's why. I didn't want any more on me." He laughed. You laughed lightly too and grabbed hold of his hand.
"We should go back. You should also maybe even go home now." You suggested as you looked up into his eyes. You could basically see the drunkenness behind them. "I mean you've had alcohol and it's obviously affecting you, so you probably don't actually have these feelings for me."
"I-I do and if I'm going home then you're coming with me." His words came out slowly, his mind not focusing on his speech but rather the alcohol flowing through his blood.
You tried not to give in but he was too cute, "Fine, how about I drive you home, stay for a minutes, then I'll get a cab home, okay?" You told him. He smiled and nodded and you both walked over to the door. Hannah had just walked up to it as you opened the door surprising all three of you. Her eyes opened wide as she jumped to conclusions.
"Were you two- did you-?" She started stammering.
"No, no! This isn't what it looks like, I swear!" You blurted out, redness covering your face. "I'll text you what happened later though because I'm taking this one home." You told her, gesturing to Trott. She smiled and narrowed her eyes, not sure if you were telling the truth, but nodded and let you two go so you could get your things.
"So which is your car?" You asked as you looked around the parking lot. Trott pointed and lead the way to his car. He gave you the keys before you both got in and then told you his address. You roughly knew where that was and only occasionally need extra help with which roads to follow.
"Thanks for doing this, (y/n)." He said kindly while you turned onto the main road. You just shook your head and said it wasn't a big deal because you had been thinking about going home too and you really didn't want him driving in his current state.
"What are you doing for tomorrow?" He asked out of the blue, catching you off guard. You lived alone and your parents were too far away to visit, so you usually just stayed home for Christmas and ate the candies and chocolates you sadly bought for yourself. Your tree rarely ever had presents under it and when it did it was because of one of your "temporary" boyfriends happened to be with you during Christmas. These were the guys you dated who you had met at a pub or shop or somewhere and knew it could never last but still hoped that they would be someone who would come along and save you from your misery and despair but never did.
"Oh, probably just sit at home alone and watch some Christmas movies or something, like usual." You said, trying to make it sound more fun than how miserable it really was.
"That's lame, you should celebrate with us then. I'm sure Ross and Smith wouldn't mind." Trott told you as you pulled into the house's driveway. You shrugged and told him you'd think about it. You got out of the car and helped him get out and walk to the door without falling over. He fumbled in his pocket and got his key out and fruitlessly tried to unlock the door. "Can you do it?" He asked handing you the keys. You nodded and took them and unlocked the door. You both stepped inside and turned on the lights.
The three boys lived in a three bedroom house not too far from the office. They had packages and artwork and presents from fans scattered throughout. "Home sweet home, eh?" Trott laughed as he closed the door behind both of you. You took off your coat and purse and hung them on a coat rack by the door. Trott sat on the couch and motioned for you to sit next to him.
"When are Ross and Smith gonna be home?" You asked as you sat down. He just shrugged and wrapped his arm around you. "When the alcohol wears off are you still gonna feel this way about me?" You quietly said as you laid your head on his shoulder. He turned on the telly and put on some random movie then kissed the top of your head.
"Of course I will, (y/n)." He whispered back. "I mean I haven't been this drunk the whole time for the past few months." He lightly chuckled. You smiled, but got up from the couch.
"You need to drink loads of water so you won't have a bad hangover tomorrow." You told him as you walked towards the kitchen.
He got up and stumbled after you. "I'll be fine, my hangovers aren't usually that bad." He said as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and tried to bring you back to the couch. "Just come back and cuddle."
You managed to slip out of his grasp and you ran into the kitchen and called back to him, "Only if you promise me you'll be drinking water while we're cuddling." You heard him sigh as you opened the fridge and found a few water bottles. You picked one up and handed to him as you walked back over to the couch. Trott disappeared down the hallway for a minute before coming back out into the living room with a big, fluffy throw blanket.
He sat next to you and wrapped the blanket around you and him. After a few minutes you ended up laying on top of him as both of you slept. You woke up about 30 minutes later and tried to get off of him without awakening him but you weren't successful. "Where are you going?" He yawned as he sat up.
"Home." You answered truthfully. "I think you're stable enough to be home alone now." You added as you went to grab your things.
"Please don't go, I want to spend Christmas with you. Just stay here for the night." Trott slurred from a mixture of sleepiness and drunkenness as he walked over to you and snaked his arms around your waist.
"I feel like I'm intruding on your guys' Christmas here though." You admitted and looked down at your feet. Trott raised your head up with his hand gently and looked into your eyes.
"You won't be. The others will like having you here, I promise. So please stay the night. What you do say?" He whispered to you with big puppy dog eyes that you just couldn't turn down.
"I suppose if you promise it'll be okay, then I'll stay. It'll be nice, finally not being alone for Christmas." You smiled up at him and hugged him. "Where should I sleep?" Your words muffled some as you spoke into his chest.
"You can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch."
"No you don't have to do that. I'll sleep on the couch since I'm the guest."
"You're sleeping in my room and that's that. Don't make me come in there and make sure you stay in bed all night." He smirked. You giggled and asked where his bedroom was so he showed you as well as where the bathroom was. You washed off most off your makeup and put your hair in a bun before going back to Trott's room, where he had been waiting for you.
"Do you have anything I could sleep in?" You asked him, glancing down at your outfit. He got up and went over to his closet and came back with a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants.
"These will probably fit and don't worry they were washed recently." He chuckled as he handed them to and made his way to the door. "Good night, (y/n). Promise me you won't leave?"
"I promise. Good night." You told him as you hurried over to him before he left the room and kissed him. "I'll see you in it he morning." You smiled and he smiled back.
You fell asleep pretty quickly as you lay in his bed, surrounded by his scent. It was relaxing and pleasant and in a strange, yet comforting way made you feel safe.
Both you and Trott were asleep when Ross and Smith got back home. The lights were all off, except for one in the hallway but they didn't turn anymore on. They hadn't realized Trott was on the couch and they went to their own rooms, completely unaware that you were in the house, that is, until the next morning.
So how is the story so far? Hope it's good. I started writing it before Christmas and even though it's January now it's still okay that it's set during the holidays, right? XD
I've never written a fanfic for a real person before so it was a bit hard to make it actually seem like him.
I've decided that I'm gonna make the chapters in this fanfic pretty long because I won't be uploading as often as my primary fanfic. I alsl think it's easier to write this one with more dialogue than the other one, which makes these chapters seem even longer too.
Hope you all enjoy this story as it unfolds. Suggestions are always welcomed and votes and comments are appreciated :)
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