Chapter 9: Serpents
"Thank you, your highness." As the man left , Ruhainian sighed. Managing royal duty along with personal meetings sure was hard. Just how did her father manage to go through this every day?
"Your grace! I will accompany you to your next meeting now." Jonathan bowed his head as she pouted .
"That won't be necessary. " Jonathan turned his eyes piqued at sudden voice. "Miss Zelda had requested your presence , Jon. I will safeguard her Majesty for now." Dylan winked secretly at Ruhainian.
"If Zelda said it, it can't be helped then." Sphylla smirked walking down the stairs.
"Indeed, your grace." Jonathan stared at Dylan for a moment before walking away.
"Phew! That was intense. "
"Are you Venefics not on good term with each other?" She enquired.
"No! Nothing like is just that he always has been bit domineering in his ways ." He scratched his head.
"You just winked at queen .You are no less domineering yourself I might say." She chuckled.
"Just kidding. So what did Zelda wanted to relay to me?"
"Well! She just wished you good night like usual. But I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Yes! What is it?" They were way out of anyone's ears by now heading towards the second floor outflanked section.
"Do you remember the incident that took place one week ago when you were ..
"about to be killed by some lackey sent by cowardly King of Vexes,. Of course I do. What about it?"
"Just what kind of attack did you use? I would like to know all details."
"Why should I bother telling this to someone unfamiliar to me one week ago?"
"I can provide you some insight if I think it is what I think it is about your power."
"Is that so?" She breathed deeply. Venefics have been on good term with them. The possibility of betrayal was highly unlikely and even if they wanted to betray, it wasn't like anyone in Andonia would be able to even take on them alone let alone her.
So keeping her powers hidden wouldn't really do any good especially from a Venefic.
"If it helps to assuage you, I was on bad terms with Regalius even before the war started out and he stripped me away of 80 percent of my power. All I am now is a former shell of myself but in return for that , I have been able to find myself as a person rather than just keep myself satiated by futile quest for power. Of course, you can't really verify that but still I just felt like sharing since I am asking you to reveal your secret to me." He smiled.
"You don't sound like a trickster but even if you are, knowing my powers or not would not help in halting you anyway. She placed her hand on railing gazing at stars." I have no idea who is Regalius too by the way?"
"You don't. Oh ! right. Chrome era took over everything so fast that even his name was lost like it was of relevance. Regalius was the first supernatural being to enter your world , the man against whom three kings united four centuries ago. He was also our leader, the most prodigious of our brethren."
"Oh! So where did you come from? I have always heard rumours about you since childhood but I would like to know the truth."
"It seems your elder kept truth to themselves .Well! I made them promise that so I suppose it only makes sense."
"No wonder they were always silent." She shook her head.
"I do remember my past but some fragments seem to be missing. There was a world just so beautiful that it could almost be described as paradise in your world. For thousand years, there had not been any war, no strife . We could only see it from window being confined in one room. None of us had ever gone out from that cellar except Regalius.
We didn't know why we were kept as prisoners within that world ? All I remember is that ever since we were born , we had only seen that same old roof and that scene was like imprinted in our mind . So everyone used to depend on Regalius who was the only elder there , earliest of all of us. When our powers came to surface, he helped us hone them and revealed to us that we were locked because others were jealous of gifts our brethren possessed.
When we offered to help him escape the prison with all of us, he refused and said . " It is not time."
That is when we knew that for all those ten years he had been there with us inside, he could have easily broken out by himself. He didn't need us to arrive at all. But he was willingly staying there for some purpose that I just can't seem to recall.
Since Regalius refused to leave , none of us left the cellar as there was no point in freedom without our leader. Exactly thirty days later, when we were sleeping, something heavy struck our cellar and we were swarmed by debris .
When we destroyed the last piece of chunk headed toward us, we found ourselves in empty space. There was no sign of our planet , no sign of any other celestial body. It was like we were wrapped in some kind of cushion as we laid there neither falling or dying.
Then the next thing I remember is waking up in land of Ardania and Regalius was always surrounded by his three comrades. Those three always had been more loyal to him than others even back in our world.
He told us that this will be our new world and whoever wishes to follow him in this endeavour, should only stay with him. Obviously we all stayed with him until we came to learn of his plans about slaughtering whole species here. That created a rift within Venefics and on the day of final battle, several tried to escape in which some were killed while few like me succeeded but not before losing significant portion of our power and got certain fragments of memory modified."
"That one intense past you got there." Ruhainian remarked at last. "To think with only twenty percent of your power, only one of you can take down an entire kingdom."
"I am sure you over exaggerate my lady. With my current skill , I can only take down 120 humans without magic."
"Only 120. You are giving me real inferiority complex honestly."
"Don't beat yourself up over numbers. It is just an estimation after all. So will you tell me the details now, Your highness?"
"Just Sphylla is fine. " She beamed relaying her condition to him.
"It is just as I suspected . " He crossed his arms together. "You just might be one of the serpents."
"Huh? I am a pretty maiden . Don't compare me to some vile serpent." She scrunched her face.
"What? No! I didn't mean like that. Very well then, we have much to discuss. But you should head to scheduled meeting for now."
"Oh right! I totally forgot about that ." She scampered quickly towards the room as he smiled holding his chin. "To think that Queen itself would turn out to be one of the serpents. This just might prove to be bit more complicated than I thought."
"Fielera" Keith opened his eyes at familiar voice to find that there was no sign of Bezos left. But then he widened his eyes as he noticed that in fact, it had been plastered on nearby walls like some liquid limestone.
"Let's go, Prince. We are done here." Felix grabbed his hand speeding through the streets as he hit himself to break out of trance.
He was having so much trouble with Bezos and Felix ended him without any effort. He was furthermore bleeding a bit from his gut and yet , he didn't appear to be even fazed by it. So not only had Felix managed to beat Bezos but had also defeated someone else just as powerful as him or even more before saving him.
Felix's speed didn't seem to wane because of his injuries even a bit. If he was really this powerful, then why was he in that metal prison for thirty years? Were mages in his Selvesters really that powerful?
"Maybe I am just too weak after all." Keith hung his head as wind whiplashed against his face before coming to standstill as a gate came in sight.
"Just wait here a moment . I will right be with you." Felix poised him beside the gate before rushing headlong inside the villa. On throne sat atop Aveline who raised her eyes in surprise at sudden intrusion.
"Is that you, Negika?" She questioned.
"No! She got few teeth and ribs broken but she would be fine. I went easy on her after all. Oh my gosh! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Felix , also the Venefic you have been looking for." He giggled.
"Insolence! You mean to tell me that you were able to defeat Negika who couldn't be caught even by our royal guards."
"I have few questions that I would like to be answered. So I am going to give you two choices . Answer and barely survive and don't answer and die quickly. What will it be? "
"Why you..."
"I am going easy , you know. I could just destroy this town in instant. The only humans worth a challenge are probably in Selvesters after all,"
"I am one of the top general who have just been promoted . You think you can defeat me with your big mouth , then .."
"Will you answer or not? Quick. We are on a schedule you know." Felix smirked.
"Die." She jumped towards him as her claws elongated like a wild beast. "Indeed." He swung swiftly as red blood splattered on the floor as she held her bleeding neck tightly.
"You don't need to tell me anything, dear." He caressed her cheeks as she passed out.. " I would just figure it out myself."
Soon afterwards, both Felix and Keith departed through the checking point into next town.
"I was worried there for a second when I hear about the blood test but it seems like usual, you are good at everything, Felix. You even managed to evade that and defeat all three enemies who were after us. You truly are amazing , aren't you?" Keith tightened his fists .
"You are bit salty for some reason?" He blinked.
"It is nothing."
"Don't try to hide from me . Aw! Tell me ! What is it?" He beamed springing around him like a curious bear.
"It is just that I am doing nothing in fight. I am just being protected all the time even on the journey where I am supposed to get stronger."
"Oh! Just that.." Felix chuckled.
"What do you mean by 'just that?" Keith grumbled.
"You just don't have affinity with magic you see."
"What? I can still use my fire magic time to time."
"I mean affinity with common magic. Let's get somewhere first. I shall explain and thou shall not speak until allowed."
"What is with change of tone? But fine." He followed him intrigued by his words .As they stopped at one inn, they checked their map to see it was indeed one of the secret hideouts of Selvesters .
"I would like one room. Chrome business, sire." Keith stated as the man at counter raised his eyes and passed them the key from hidden drawer.
"So Chrome was the password? " Keith unlocked the door scouting every side .
"Yeah! It wouldn't be unnatural to hear Chrome's name here since that is the only name universal to all kingdoms because of era demarcation. For language, we had to depend on scribes here and were taught six languages on birth so that we won't have any problem infiltrating any Kingdom." The door opened to reveal a room that hadn't been furnished for two years.
"Interesting! I was wondering just how were you speaking and understanding same language as these people and coin usage ." Felix dusted off the bed sitting down on it.
"Yeah! Coins can easily be created by use of magic and even though we are at war, due to diplomatic meetings in past five years. Each kingdom at least has one copy of other kingdom's currency so it wasn't really hard to replicate them for our people. But wait! How were you able to speak the same language as Weseltonians then or in fact even or language?"
"Honestly ! I am a Venefic . We can learn anyone's native language the moment we touch them . I had taken care of all that before speaking to inn keeper in Meran . It was just that I was so sleek that you didn't even realise ." He fondled his hair proudly.
"I think me learning six language is more impressive considering your abilities are mostly immanent." Keith countered,
"Weren't you the one whining few minutes ago about how weak you were? If you really think you want to keep that sharp tongue , go ahead . But don't blame me if I don't feel inclined to not tell you power system in your world then." A sly smile curled his face.
"Fine ! My apologises. Sheesh.." He sighed.
"Good! Anyway I am only going to explain once so listen carefully." Felix told him.
"Got it. I am all ears."
"All right. Humans only know the concept of magic because their ancestors defeated Regalius , the man who threatened to destroy the world with help of mysterious being. They simply think that magic came to this world because of Venefics when in fact it was always there. All it needed was to be tapped carefully which wasn't possible until that incident. According to your belief, you think Selvesters born people are most prone to magic followed by Weselton and south in least. But all you know is just surface.
The core of domain magic is mantle. More the mantle, more the magic. We Venefics were blessed with magic long before but in your case, you had to access a way to utilize magic through mantle. During hundred years of war, the weapon was absorbing mantle of earth all that time which powered it enough to destroy Regalius but when the weapon came out, it also lead to several pores in planet that allowed humans access to magic even without their mysterious helper.
Since there are lot of these pores in Selvesters, they are born with most access to magic . Outside Selvesters, there are only few pores of magic on earth so it is quite uneven and irregular but for Weselton, there is no pore and yet they are able to use it. Can you figure out why ?"
"Uhmm..hmm..maybe because magic from all pores is carried by air towards them ?" Keith guessed.
"Wrong! Magic particles isn't something that can be carried by air so easily. When they elevate from core, they diffuse the moment they reach surface so intricately as if they were always part of it. Basically imagine Selvesters to be apex of the land which is able to get 60 percent of mantle energy or magic and twenty percent is absorbed by other pores scattered through the world so remaining energy is radiated within the core itself and are sucked in by living matter that possess no magic.
But even that radiation has its limits so it reaches toward adjoining Weselton which is completely bare in pores and diffuse themselves in land, crops , anything living, even humans naturally but since only small part is radiated uniformly, it leads to uniform magic distribution. You up with me?"
"My brain will die out from all this geology!" Keith groaned shaking his head.
"Right! I just wanted to make you understand why Bezos and other that we encountered were aberrations in this land."
"People with high affinity are exception to magic system.. Basically imagine I have 10 chocolates that I want to eat and there are 5 suitors for it so logically you would think all will get 2 but since I like it so much and can battle them to keep them to myself only." Felix explained.
"Wait! What? " Keith looked at him puzzled.
"I am just saying that there are lot of people everywhere who just have high affinity to magic so instead of usual system I explained, they are able to draw more magic out than normally possible ."
"Then say that and don't try to be meanie in your examples!" Keith shook his head.
"Sure! Anyway , so those two were well versed in it because they were high in affinity or they did some shady stuff. Now then there are three class of magic that you might be skilled in : Common, Specific and Origin magic.
Most people in Selvesters and Weselton are skilled in common magic which includes fire, water, air, lightning and earth. Unless someone shows combination of these abilities in some way in new way, it can be termed as common magic only.
All people are skilled in at least one type of common magic in your kingdom but you don't have much affinity with any of them . It is because you just possess specific magic but it is nothing to worry about really since specific magic will prevail in most fights depending on how skilled you are. "
"Oh! I see. So which specific magic do I have ? Tell me . TELL ME." Keith beamed excitedly coming close to Felix.
"I don't know." Felix pushed him away as Keith looked at him puzzled.
"I can just sense that your affinity being a Venefic myself but I don't know what magic you have ."
"Shucks." Keith pouted. "So what comes under Origin magic then?"
"Origin magic is the greatest magic, rarest of all and only few individual are born with them or have affinity with its types. People who have affinity with it are called serpents . Certain Venefics like me for example." Felix smiled.
"You are a serpent ? Yet you got defeated by our mages?" He raised his eyes in bewilderment.
"Well! I wasn't mature in powers back then and I had thirty years to myself to think of everything so that when I come out, I would be able to use them to utmost. " He hitched his shoulders.
"Are you hiding something?" Keith hummed.
"Oh! Wouldn't you like to know?" He leaned closer touching his fingers at which Keith quickly backed away nonplussed.
"NOT at all."
Felix just smiled in amusement. One hour later, the bell rang as allusion of dinner time.
"So if there is some human serpent or human well versed in origin magic who has polished his skills to utmost, how powerful can they be?" Keith questioned as both walked through passageway.
"Hmm! It depends on power really but I suppose, they can wipe out a city instantly or something."
"W-What?" Keith held his mouth in surprise.
"Hey lad! Keep it down , will you? We are trying to sleep here." An angry voice from nearby room shouted as Keith apologised profusely before catching up with Felix who was already gnashing at food with fork furiously like a hungry bear and just shook his head." I don't know about serpent but he sure is a glutton indeed."
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