Chapter 6: Face off
Three hundred years ago , King Chrome XIX with help of King of East and North destroyed the man who threatened to eradicate the world when he first appeared four hundred years ago . Events ensued from betrayal and thirst for power leading up to Selvesters , Weselton and others facing each other in a long battle to capture Venefics and gain more power .
Keith woke up earlier than usual but he was surprised to find that Felix was nowhere to be seen.
"It seems he is also an early riser." He rubbed his eyes at light coming inside small room glinting his eyes as it blurred his vision. Even when Felix wasn't here, Keith knew what he had to do. While Felix's job was to collect information, he was supposed to get money so basically firewood bringing from forest.
"It is certainly not befitting of a royal but oh well !"He sighed as he knew that currently there was no other way of getting money. He set out for the forest after locking the door .
He had to be careful while going there since he didn't want to meet any of the guards there . He looked around as far as his eyes could see but was relieved to find that guards were patrolling different area right now .
Keith didn't exactly have a hacksaw or axe to chop wood from tree but he was quite sure that his fire magic could come in handy . By controlling his flames in shape of a disk shapes cutter , he started to burn away the charrerd inside of the tree as the trunk started to fall giving a black smoke .
"It sure takes a toll ." He sighed rubbing his forehead as he laid his eyes on fallen tree . Since Prince didn't have control of his abilities , he had most likely trouble keeping it in a shape even when for few seconds . Keith wasn't sure whether these would actually be enough though to get money .
"Look at me . Worrying about money so much after I couldn't care less for it my whole life." He chuckled as he pulled his shirt sleeve and folded it to his arms so as to not let fire catch it .
All of sudden, he heard a sound as he looked behind him with his eyes barely emanating from his hat to find a boy of six or seven looking at him curiously .
"Who are you ? Why are you chopping down that tree ..."
Keith blinked as if to contemplate what he said.
"For firewood of course. What are you doing here ! You know little kids shouldn't wander around alone in forest" Keith smiled.
"I .am not a little kid ." The boy protested with his short scattered hair .
"Sure ! You are not . So what are you doing here ?"
"I live here. " The boy replied as if it should be obvious.
"You live here ? Even though there is big .." Keith held his chin.
"Yes ! I am a forest dweller like my father and others . So go to some other spot to cut the tree, will you !" He complained .
"I see." Keith looked at the fallen tree . It was all indeed strange . When him and Felix had come through the forest to Meran , they certainly hadn't run into any other person . But now that he had come here alone , he managed to find a boy who belongs to a forest dwelling tribe. It was quite true that there were few people who chose to live in forest in Selvesters but to find them here in Weselton too was indeed a surprise for him .
"What do you mean by 'you see' ? Didn't you hear me .. " He began under presumption that Keith was ignoring him..
"I didn't mean to offend you . I will take my leave but now that this tree has already fallen, wouldn't it be better for me to at least make some use of it before I go so would you mind waiting a bit . I promise I would leave after I am done with..." Keith began .
"Fine ! " The boy looked displeased but agreed all the same .
As Keith sharpened his flame cutter , he drove it straight through the midrib of trunk piercing it completely bit by bit as wood scraps got turned into ashes with sparks flying before his eyes .
"Hey ! Mister .."
"Yes ." Keith answered without moving from his position.
"Wouldn't it be easier to cut if you take off your hat? You are keeping hold of your hat while piercing with right hand at same time right now . " He asked .
"No ! It is fine ." Keith replied.
"It is fine . I just like to keep it this way ." Keith sighed trying to fasten up the cutting process as he was getting impatient to go away from here.
"Finally ! It is about time ." Keith sighed stretching his arms as he finished cutting after five minutes of heavy drain and work . He looked behind to bade the boy goodbye but he was nowhere to be seen .
"Huh! Looks like even he got bored ." Keith chuckled. A strong gale blew as his hat fell off .
"Oh! Forgot about tightening my grip ." Keith bent down to pick up his hat brushing the dust off . Just as he straightened up back again, his eyes met a piercing gaze at which he quickly took a step back to dodge the person.
"Who are you ?" Keith asked as his heart rate increased .
"It hardly matters. Whether I am a man or a boy of seven year old ..." At which he raised his eyes . The forest dweller kid was him. This guy with blue hair and piercing dark gaze emanating a dark aura.
"What matters is I have found you Prince Keith of Selvesters . Prepare yourself for death. " As he rushed towards shocked Keith .
"Felix!" Keith thought as the attack approached him.
Felix was lying in a ragged sac covered place right now . He had woken up earlier than Prince Keith and decided to come to a place where he could relax i.e. bar .
[Author - I am trying a scripttype format now so bear with me
Note -" " sentences in these means speaking to someone . If it is simply written without " " , then it means characters are thinking ]
A bar maid - "Would you like some other drink or what you have been ordering for past fifteen minutes?"
Felix (blinking)- "No ! I am fine with this whatever this red is ...."
The bar maid bows her head leaving the table as Felix continues to lie sprawled on it looking at surrounding.
Man 1 (sitting down on a chair)- "Hey ! Did you hear what happened?"
Man 2- "Yeah ! It is brutal especially after what happened few weeks ago ."
Man 1- "Honestly! It is like we are being cursed with one tax after another ever since new town chief came ."
Man 2 (drinking )- "I know ! It is crazy right . I mean when they arrived first all of us were cheering like crazy . It was the first time that someone from outside had become a chief . We thought..oh ! She will have some crazy good experience and improve our condition ."
Man 1- I know ! Honestly ! With this war and all going on for several decades , our town has been the only one to continuously suffer it's after effects and then that woman had the nerve to shout to all of us that we weren't contributing enough to our kingdom and increased land taxes. And now suddenly a new tax ..
Man 2 (sighing )- "Just what goes in her head ?"
Man 1 (frowning)- "I bet nothing . She is probably another one of those who just wants ti badly promoted to higher position quickly ."
Man 2 (as he pours drink in his glass)- "Why do you say that ?"
Man 1 ( frustrated ) -" Didn't you hear about what happened in capital then ?"
Felix who had been listening to their conversation was already piqued so he kept close watch on them.
Man 2 (realising)-" Oh right! "
Both man went silent after that as they continued drinking.
Felix - They were certainly talking quite freely about all the stuff that happened in town and all for all this time but fell silent at mention of capital incident. I have to find out more about what went down . I can't talk to them by suddenly going to them as I am already under cover and it would be weird for them to have a stranger asking something that should be known to all people living in Meran thus telling me that I in fact am not from here .
There is something much more important though. Drinks in this bar were enough for me now but I need to find a good place to eat. So I should probably start looking for it . Intel can be gathered later . After all , I am sure we can find a lot about what is going on in this town at where we are staying right now . It is quite possible to ask someone there by claiming that we are from another town to know about new law and all.
Even so , food comes first . Hope Prince Keith can collect enough firewood. Well ! It is not like I was really counting on that . I can hardly believe that he fell for that random thought I put in his head . Oh well ! I wonder what he is doing right now .
The scene shifts to Keith .
Keith 's eyes register as the blade of sword swings near him and he directs his feet falling back barely avoiding the attack .
The Attacker - "You sure move pretty well for someone who has been raised in environment full of nothing but comfort."
Keith (thinking)- "I guess arguing about something related to that statement would be like whining so I should probably not do that . At least that is not going to change his mind or intention to attack me ."
Attacker (yelling)-"Don't get lost in thoughts ." As the man 's sword grew even longer almost three feet in length.
Keith (to himself)-"It looks more like scythe now than a sword the way it is twisted. Just what is up with this guy ?"
He tried to channel his magical energy into flames so as to block the approaching sycthe but the iron tipped blade seemed to cut right through his flames but just before the scythe could cut off his arm, keith jumped above the blade and pushed the man to ground but to his surprise found that he was the only one to fall face down on ground with no sight of man there.
Keith (groaning as he tries to look up from ground while trying to stabilize his flames)-"You sure are fast...."
Man (smirking) - "It seems you might be easier prey to dispose of after all . "(As his scythe started to get even bigger almost as if getting even taller than the trees in forest .)
Keith (wondering himself)- Just what is going on ? This guy can transform into someone, he can move faster than normal humans and can also change his weapon shape to incredible extent without even breaking a sweat . As far as I know, the magic distribution in this kingdom is uniform so does that mean all of the mages are that strong ? But if that were the case , then why would they even bother to stop attacking especially when they have the weapon they stole from King Chrome too ? I don't understand any of this . But that incredible weapon is going to crush me any second so how do I avoid that .
My magic is unstable ... can I even get out of this situation at this point?
The blade drew nearer as Keith stood up bent on knees . As the tip was about to swerve right through his neck like taking it on a platter , Keith closed his eyes as he tried to focus the magical energy inside him.
Keith (groaning)-"If I can't control, then I will let it all go ." (As the blade passed through Keith but his neck remained as intact as ever )
Man (in disbelief taking a step back as the sword disappeared)- what is going on , you brat ? How can you still be standing ? blade passed right through your neck . There is no doubt about it ... (wondering to himself) What is going on? I am pretty sure they said that Prince Keith had no control over his magic . I did see a tint of red for a moment but what happened ...
Keith (panting )-"Well ! That was scary ." I have no idea how I did this . But that was one hell of a luck. Just before the sword touched my neck , I let myself lose to magic . Since I had few seconds left to use my flame magic without losing control , it swirled around my neck in tiny particles of ignition burning the chunk of sword away the moment it hit me before disappiating away as I had already left the reins on fire magic.
Man (confidently looking at Keith)- "It doesn't matter .I will get you for sure this time . "As a short sword materialized in his hands again
Keith (rolling his eyes) - "You know! I couldn't comprehend the fact that how you were so powerful and fast at same time . I just couldn't understand how you were creating sword out of nowhere." (dodging as a blade was about to hit him in gut and jumping away )" But you never had a sword . It is your muscle , isn't it ?"
Man (internally)- How could he possibly figure that out ?
Keith (smiling)-"Wondering how I know that ? It is easy really . No matter who you are . You can only use one specific magic and generalized magic. Since there is uniformity in Weselton, it means that you have been using same specific magic power only . When you transformed into man from boy , I was already in shock as I didn't sense any change in magic around me at all. It meant that none of this was a illusion because my royal eyes can see through it .
So the only probable things that can be here is you changing your body internally and using its structural flexibility that you are born with to increase your physical characteristics . As for the sword ,I am sure that by now, you have used lots of iron that is present in your blood , isn't it ? "
Man (widening his eyes )-" Who the hell are you ? I was made aware that you were nothing more than a weak naive brat ...but find all that out so fast...."
Keith (smirking)-"Did you forget already? Then let me jog your memory . I am Lucius Von Keith, The second Prince of Selvesters. "
Man (growling)-" Even so won't be able to dodge my next attack ." As the man rushed towards Keith in unimaginable strength by adjusting his body to increase his pace to fullest extent.
Keith (wondering )-It is certainly a suicidal tactic but I don't think I would be able to dodge it . I can't use my flame magic any longer and I don't have any control over my other magic . What do I do ?
Keith blinked as the man vanished just before he could hit him . (gasping)
" What the hell just happened?"
Felix( waving his hand )"You better be grateful. I just saved your petty life, Prince ."
Keith (raising his eyes as he rushes towards him ) -" Thanks Felix . I was just about to be done ."
Felix ( backing away )- " G-get away ! I didn't mean it literally like coming so close . Honestly , you need to act more like a Prince."
Keith (tilting his head )- " Well ! You certainly need to treat me like Prince then . "(Chuckling)
Felix (crossing his arms) -"Not happening "
Keith (sighing)-" Should have known. So how did you find me ? And what was ..."
Felix (scratching his head)-"Well ! I was following you the whole day and just waited for right chance to intervene ....
Keith (sharpening his gaze )-"I can see that you are clearly lying"
Felix - tsk ! Oh well ! It was completely accidental. I was like pretty bored of the food served in this town . not that they were even . They just offered me a beer ...(Keith makes a face as if asking him to stop rambling which is noticed by Felix )
" And I thought of catching fish in a pond that is located here after I heard about it from townspeople and then just happened to hear this tussle . That is about it I guess."
Keith-" And how about vanishing of that man attacking me ?"
Felix (saying as it it should be obvious) : " Oh that ! I just used my powers . Now come on . I am hungry . "
Keith (inner self)-" I know that . I am asking about what is your power . Never mind ."
As both of them walked , the silence stays for a while until it was broken by humming Felix .
Felix (telling)-" You know ! This face off means something else too , don't you ?"
Keith (wondering)-" it does? I mean I know enemies know about me but what else?
Felix (sighing) -" You are so good at figuring out battle stuff. I watched how you gave your analogy but when it comes to these obvious things , it is like you are an idiot ."
Keith (complaining)-"Hey! I am not an idiot.
Felix (ignoring him) -" Yeah sure ! But seriously, the fact that he knows your description , your projected behaviour pattern means that someone from Selvesters is informing them . More precisely , someone from Nobel family or employed in court ."
Keith ( surprised but then nods his head)-"As much as I would like to say it is impossible and I don't want to believe it , it is most likely the case."
Felix ( internally)-" Your ability to agree with rationality over emotion is certainly likable characteristic, Keith . Might be the only one well .
Keith (looks suspiciously at Felix)- "Are you thinking of something rude ?"
Felix (shaking his head sideways )-"Of course not . Keith , we need to get out of this town fast as we can . I believe that this person might not be the last one to come after us we continue to stay here ."
Keith -"I know . Tonight seems good enough time to take rest and set out , doesn't it ?
Felix (nodding his head)-" Yeah ! Tonight, we get out of this city . "
At capital of Meran
Hall of Mayorton
Woman (in a deep voice): "So you failed in bringing down a small brat. "
The man (bowing his head ): "I am sorry . I was just suddenly thrown away by some unknown force before my attack could reach him ..."
Woman (dismissing him ):" I don't want to hear your excuses. You better get him next time because if you don't.....
Man (with a determined look ) : " I assure you that next time I face that brat, it will be his last . I will take care of them both"
Woman (smirking ) : "Bezos ! You won't be facing that Venefic. I have someone else planned for him already"
Bezos (surprised): "Huh ! Who is that , your grace ?"
Woman (crossing her legs): "The Venefic travelling with him. There is no one else that could have pushed you away like you described . I have already stationed my guards at border and they would detect a presence of Venefic magic if they attempt to cross into next town . " (Bezos raised his eyes ) "The one who will battle that Venefic will be Negika ."
Bezos (standing up suddenly ):" Negika ! The criminal throat silter mage on run from capital . But why are you harbouring such a ..."
Woman (glaring):" Remember your place . I am Aveline, ruler of Meran and the one who owns you . You won't question me ." As Bezos knelt back quietened.
Aveline (to herself ) : "The face off approaching would be nothing more than a stepping stone foe me to rise through ranks like I should have . It doesn't matter people I must use . I won't let myself get tricked by Selvesters again . "
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