Chapter 4: Trial
Three hundred years ago , King Chrome XIX with help of King of East and North destroyed the man who threatened to eradicate the world when he first appeared four hundred years ago . Events ensued from betrayal and thirst for power leading up to Selvesters , Weselton and others facing each other in a long battle to capture Venefics and gain more power .
Almost One week later after the Venefic breaking out of captivity , Prince Keith set out on his journey with Felix . Keith had no great magic according to those who knew him or at least haven't been able to show it yet according to few .In order to develop that skill and set him fit to be King , King Lucius had sent eldest Prince Milan two years ago on a journey too when he turned sixteen and he had returned with even more potent magic skills than he already possessed before setting out even though his attitude didn't seem to change much as result of his journey.
In journey that Keith was setting out for , he had to find a way to sneak past the enemy kingdoms and visit several places as an ordinary person along with a partner they chose whom they could rely on to . The tradition of choosing a partner was simply to increase a bit of reliability and cut off the feeling of arrogance that might build up after being alone as one was trying to accomplishing hurdles but the whole tradition started hundred years ago only . Initial two hundred years were focused on increasing own power and sending guards or spies to scout area .
So when tradition was started, there were several men belonging to Selvesters who had started family there and passed down generation to welcome whoever sets out on journey where they could ask them for help while trying to learn more about culture and increase their own magic abilities by training in different terrains and feeling the natural magic coursing through the planet .
Even after Prince Milan managed to become powerful, King Lucius was quite sure that he never went to south or anywhere beside bit of Weselton and neutral territories . That further incentivised the king to make sure that at least one of his sons , the youngest Prince Keith take the initiative that he himself and his brother couldn't take , to reach all the lands and discover more about them.
Three centuries have been spent in war over capturing Ardania and they are no close. King Lucius knew that very well . And that is why for past years , every kingdom had subsided their armies to home . And if he was right, then a war will come soon that will determine the end of this war and when that comes , he wants someone of his own blood to at least know what the world was like before it belonged to just one nation , Selvesters .
King Lucius knew that whether Keith manages to survive in this journey or gets killed along with his partner, it would all depend on Keith's internal strength, resolve and how he uses his mind . In order to be worthy of becoming future king of Selvesters in this era , he would definitely need to go to all places and come back unlike Prince Milan who just focused on increasing his power , which was good but not enough.
Keith looked back at the palace 's small size as he gazed at it from distance as he was standing outside the Kingdom of Selvesters. It sure wasn't easy to leave all this behind.
"You ready , your highness." Keith looked surprised at Felix .
"Since when did you start refering me ...." he began.
"Just for now . I watched everyone doing it so wanted to try it ." At which he just let out a chuckle.
"So where are we going ? I think I should have the map simply because I can plan our camp locations better' ."
"Sure ." Keith didn't take offence and agreed heartily as he took a parchment and scroll from his backpack .
"Also ! I have something to tell you . Something that might affect future course of our journey to deepest extent so I think it is best to know how you are prepared to deal with that situation." Felix suddenly intensified his stare looking into deep crimson red eyes of Keith .
"What is it ?" He asked wondering what could be so important that he chose to kept quiet until now and suddenly brought it up when they were just ready to set out . He felt quite sure it would be definitely something significant indeed .
As two teen on border of Selvesters discuss their plans for future, the situation in South remains in hanging fire .
Fourty years ago, when several of the kingdoms joined together to form a union of South in order to combat Weselton and Selvesters, two big kingdoms , several of smaller kingdoms refused to accept that union because of their personal reasons . But slowly and slowly over years , kingdom of Vexes managed to spread its influence in smaller independent kingdoms and brought them into union while establishing itself as epitome of power of South .
Thirty five years ago , only two kingdoms Andonia and Melina managed to retain their sovereignty . People of Vexes and allied states had great faith in young prince of Vexes who was regarded as the true mastermind behind setting events into motion which lead to union of states in order to counter Selvesters's strength. But the Prince never reached Andonia to held talks and negotiations and disappeared out of nowhere along with his guards back then .
Since the Prince's disappearence was last accounted by sighting at edge of Andonia , people and other kingdoms had strong suspicion that King of Andonia had a strong hand behind the matter but even after more than thirty years , nothing was found as conclusive evidence and Prince's disappearence remains a mystery along with what really happened to those guards .
King of Andonia bore the resentment of his neighbouring allies until the day he died . The young Princess , who was now to ascend the throne was well aware of troubles she was going to get from Vexes and other kingdoms now that his father was gone .
King of Vexes on learning Andonian King's passing quickly sent his guard to instruct his spy there to assassinate the young Princess and instead install a puppet king they could control.
In order to thwart the plan hatched by Vexes , Princess's spy in Vexes was now heading with a Venefic with a hastened pace . While the Melina , was a kingdom of very small territory and economic value, Andonia was still full of minerals and economic importance , another reason that King of Vexes was after the territory but no one had taken military action as most of the efforts were focused on combating Weselton army and Selvesters and if they had tried to expend their army in internal conflict in South then they wouldn't have been able to reach near South flank of Ardania.
But since now that objective was already achieved and the King had died , it was perfect opportunity to snatch Andonia away for king of Vexes .
Andonia on other hand had other reasons unlike Melina who was quite interested in its independence to not join the Union . The reason was quite lucid . It was to hide the existence of Venefics there.
Andonian Princess Ruhainian respected her kingdom's policy of harbouring Venefics but she was definitely not allied with idea. Even so , she knew coming up clear with it now would only make them enemy of world for harbouring Venefics in their land and that would prove to be disastrous. She remembered as much as any other Andonian official and noble about the history behind it all.
"More than three hundred years ago , there was a man who threatened to destroy the world. And three kings of North , East and Central banded together and destroyed him with help of a magical sword. But later on, beings known as Venefics started appearing who were regarded as enemies simply because of their kinship with powers and magic just like the evil man by foolish kings of Selvesters. Three Venefics managed to reach South before the war broke out between destroyed North kingdom, Weselton and Selvesters over annexation of Ardania . But we welcomed them without any prejudices and indeed ! It was a joyful integration of two kinds .
All three looked joyful and as humane as they come . So the thirteen of us who met them first introduced to royalty who at first were quite unnerved especially after knowing a war was going on to capture their land among kingdoms in North but their worries soon subsided too after interacting with them.
And so a era of prosperity began along with help of their powers and skills to find minerals and improving agriculture. Thirteen of us promised to take their existence to grave and their details were only passed down the royal line one after another until kingdom of Andonia came to be recognised all because of our contact with those same Venefics despised by other people.
So it remains duty of each royal blood and those who come to know of this text to harbour their secret to themselves away from eyes of other. I suppose that covers it ." The girl looked at Venefic as they were going through the thick hide of forest.
"Was there really a need to reiterate history ?" Venefic looked at her sighing.
"I suppose I was just remembering all that since you saved me and all . I mean I haven't really met any of you before so which one of three Venefic are you ? I mean it is not like you guys die naturally ..or you are newer ones ?" She wondered.
"I am one of the first three who came . You can call me Dylan . But it hardly matters. I simply saved you as I owe a debt to Andonia for harbouring me and my kind for so long . Now can we walk without talking?" He told her .
"I am Zelda .So you intended to walk the whole way while trying to catch up with the guard dispatched just quietly without saying a single word in this forest . Didn't you get lonely all these three hundred years ?" She tilted her head as Dylan simply looked at her as if saying "do what you want "
As both proceed along the path in utter silence broken at times by the Zelda .
Sphylla looked outside her window at two days after her father's death . Tomorrow, she was supposed to sit on throne . Just when she had turned sixteen , and now suddenly she has to rule this kingdom after her father's death . It sure was hasty . Her older cousin due to his reputation and incompetency wasn't held in high regard among nobles or people so instead she had to become ruler along with a regent. Knowing she had no other choice , she sighed to herself . " If only I didn't have such a cousin "
Princess Ruhainian was in no way a sharp contrast to her cousin even though she despised him for his behaviour. She was quite proud of her elegant orange hair almost to extent that she didn't let anyone near her , not even her royal attendants but that quality was overlooked in her case because of her rigid stature to beliefs held by nobles and kingdom in high regard.
Princess Sphylla Ruhainian had meticulously adopted ideals that were followed in last centuries even after her dislike which made her quite popular with everyone and that was the sole reason behind her being chosen as worthy candidate for throne .As to who would be her regent still remained in mystery.
She was being dressed today for her crowning ceremony as she sighed. " Just what Lackey they are going to make regent . If they think they can control me , they can't be more wrong ."
Ruhainian had always despised anyone trying to tell her what to do , perfectly suiting a persona of princess status she was born into , almost as if she was just perfect for it . It still remained a mystery to those few who knew her as to why she was not openly voicing out her thoughts to those nobles and officials whose opinion she couldn't care less about . It sure was a wise choice not to do so but was that all? Several people had doubts about that .
Either way , that was the situation . And she was supposed to be crowned as ruler of Andonia today . As she traced her steps inside the throne hall , she could feel all the gaze falling upon her ar which she just smiled as if that was to be expected already .
Soon the royal ritual followed as she sat down on her throne with other ministers promising to serve her faithfully at least even if just as formality and them sitting down after that . One of the officials presented himself before Ruhainian gave him permission to speak.
"Thank you ! Your grace , we the council of ten have chosen after long deliberation and discussion as to who could serve as your best pillar for meanwhile . His name is ..."As the door opened to reveal a strange man , with flowing red hair and barkish brown eyes wearing black coat....
Ruhainian barely kept her composure at the selection made . Why ...why was a Venefic chosen to be her regent ? Out of all people in kingdom , a Venefic was chosen to be her pillar by the council of ten and the smiles on those nobles and all in hall...oh ! How annoying that was! But still , if they have made that choice, them opposing it especially after just becoming Queen would look bad on her . She would wait and amass more support among officials and then plan to get this Venefic dismissed .
"I am honoured , your grace .My name is Jonthan. I hope I can be of good service to you for kindness you have shown us for past centuries . " The Venefic bowed his head knelting .
"As am I to have none other a Venefic to be my side in order to help me . I truly couldn't have made better choice if I did ." Ruhainian smiled sweetly as all looked at each other glad .
"Oh ! What a pain . It is the first day . And already , it seems like they are going to be pain ." Ruhainian groaned in frustration as she laid down on her bed after relieving herself to her inner chamber .
"I hope Zelda returns soon . She is the only one I find worth talking to ." She wished pressing her face against pillow . closing her eyes as all of sudden she felt a strong sensation of gripping around her neck as she quickly opened her eyes , with her muffled scream barely reaching anyone.
Was she... just going to get choked to death ? What kind of trial was this just after her first day as crowned Queen.
At edge of Selvesters.
""What is it ?" Keith asked .
"Do you get enough money ?" What ..
"It is just that I might need to eat a lot of food .".....what .... Keith's thought fell into whirlwind . He certainly didn't expect that . It was just that .
"I thought it would be something serious ." Keith squinted his eyes looking sharply at Felix who just shook his hand as if to say he was misunderstanding.
"No ! It is really quite serious. Like really serious." Felix emphasized.
"I don't feel like that but since you are my partner , I would listen to you until end ." He offered.
"Cool! Now . As you know I was locked in metal case for past thirty years . Now didn't you wonder how I am alive now even after consuming no food for so long ?"
"Isn't it because Venefics are different from human beings ?" Keith stated as if it was obvious.
"No ! You are not wrong but you are not right either . Venefics also need to consume food or something for energy requirement . They cannot live on magic alone . So all the time I was collecting this massive magical energy in order to threaten to royal who will happen to pass by to earn my freedom , I used a technique to avoid dying . I have the ability to transfer years . Well ! To be put more simply for mind like yours .." Felix paused as Keith just bit his lip again after the insult hurled at him.
"I can put my time in debt . If I need energy for myself but can't get it so I can borrow it from future so basically I borrowed thirty years of energy requirement that I would have gotten from food I eat during that time . But since I haven't eat it and now finally stopped borrowing , it means I need to consume thirty years worth of food along with present requirements ."
"Um....not that I really understand how that powers work but can't you just keep borrowing?" Keith asked .
"If I could, I wouldn't ask you and we wouldn't be having thos discussion, idiot ." He replied quickly at which Keith just sighed.
"There is a limit to how much I can borrow and the more I reach near it , means more my efficiency to use my magic deceases and that is really bad for Venefic . So here I am asking if you have enough money to arrange our food when we are in town ."
"As much as I would like to say oh yes . I am Prince and dancing in money. No ! It is a journey so of course they won't send me with much money . ...
"Oh! Right." Felix rubbed his nape.
"But I would arrange it as long as you help me and don't go around causing trouble . After all , this journey is supposed to be full of troubles. This can be seen as one of the trials standing in my way. But it doesn't matter. I would definitely overcome it ." Keith continued . He had to all cost . It was an imperative.
"Sure ! You will , your highness." Felix chuckled.
"Now you are suddenly all respectful after calling me an idiot . Honestly! I don't understand you ." Keith sighed shaking his head .
"But my prince! Understanding me was never part of deal and to be honest , no one can truly understand anyone in this world. That is one fact that i suggest you keep in mind ." Felix smiled as both gave one last look at Kingdom of Selvesters before the ephemeral feeling subsided as they marched towards their destination , a path full of trials and full of adventures yet to come .
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