Chapter 1
I am Isabella Marie Volturi. I am the queen of the Volturi Coven and I like the role. I am respected here as a queen should be or they would suffer the consequences. I, like the rest of the Volturi, have been around for many Millennium's. I have an Australian accent that I am told, makes me seem more creepy, I don't think so. I like it. I have many gifts that I got when I was crowded queen.
I have been human once, many many decades ago. A long story goes with it but, that's a story for another time. This is now...
I was sitting on the step of the castle of volterra, of where I live in the early morning with my cloak wrapped around my body and head to keep out the sun. I do this every morning to get some time to myself.
Being queen is hard sometimes. You never get to have some time to yourself. You always have to answer people and direct and all of that. It's hard and sometimes hell. But, I got used to it.
I look at the sun and sigh.
I heard footsteps coming from behind me and I turn around and glare at the them. They stopped and hesitated before actually approaching me.
"Yes, what do you want?" I yelled.
"Um...Aro wants to see you your highness." The servant responded.
I sighed. I guess my time's up.
"Where is aro?" I asked.
"In the throne room."
"Thank you." I walked past the servant and up to the throne room.
Aro was in the middle of the room, pacing back and forth. He didn't seem to notice my presence. I sat there at the doorway, my arms crossed and waiting.
I cleared my throat and he looked up and looked at me apologetically.
"I'm sorry....I didn't see you there. I didn't expect you to be so quick to get here." He smiled.
"You know me as quick and speedy with things. It's never changed and it never will. Now why did you call me here?" I asked impatiently.
"It's nothing really...I just wanted to know why you weren't in the castle this morning." He explained quickly.
"You know I don't sleep, so I often take walks outside." He interrupted me for this? Pathetic.
"Well, Um, yes. I do know that. I was just looking out for you." He said nervously.
"I don't need people to look after me. Everyone looks after themselves, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Are we done here?" I tapped my toe irritated.
"You are dismissed." I turned my back from Aro and faced the wall.
Aro bowed at me and quietly left the room. I didn't care if I was hard on him or not. That was a stupid excuse to bother me.
I was tired of everyone and everything here. I needed to get away for a while. But where would I go?
The only person I know who knows about any other places that vampires mostly visit or live would be Jane.
At that exact moment, Jane came into the room. She faced me and bowed. I smiled.
"It's ok, Jane. You don't have to do that for me, your my favorite." I told her.
"Thank you, Bella." She rose and smiled at me
"Just don't tell Aro or anyone else." I laughed quietly and she joined.
"I won't. Now, I sensed that you wanted me for something?" She guessed.
"Of course. I wanted to know the one place that would be a good place for vampires to live." I explained.
"You want to leave?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, I do. For a little while. I can't stand being here any longer. Aro and others here drive me crazy." I groaned.
"Not me or the guards and my brother right?" She asked.
I smiled. "No, you guys are fine."
"Well, the only place that I know and have been to that would be good for vampires like us, would be Forks, Washington." Jane informed me.
"Forks? What kind of ridiculous name is that?" I scoffed.
"I know. But, it's as safe and good as you can get. Plus I don't know any other places." Jane shrugged.
"Ok. Good. How soon can you and the guards get my things packed without aro knowing?" I asked.
"About two days. You have a lot of stuff. And I can ask my brother to help find you a place there like an castle or a huge mansion and bring a few people along with you." She told me.
"I don't need anyone to come with me." I refused.
"You will need a few guards there to report from here to you or from you to here." She protested.
I signed. "Fine. Two guards. Would you like to come, too?" I suggested.
Jane though about it and hesitated.
"I don't know...if that's a good idea..."
"I was just suggesting....You don't have to." I dropped it.
"I mean...if you honestly want me to, I will. I just don't know what Aro will think about it..." She hesitated.
"Aro? Jane, who has the most power here?" I challenged.
"You." She smiled.
"Right. If anyone has a right to criticize who I bring with me when I leave try go anywhere, they will have to take it up with me." I laughed.
"Right. Right." She joined in.
"So, is that a yes?" I asked.
"I would gladly go with you to Forks, your highness." Jane bowed.
I sighed. "What else do you know about this place?" I crossed my arms and sat in my middle throne.
"There are several vampires in and around the area. Most are nomads. There is a Coven of vampires called the Cullens, and they are a group of adopted teens and two adults. They have been around for many years." She informed me.
"A Coven of vampires in a place surrounded by humans and walking undetected?"
"Pretty much. There are lots of humans there so you won't be starved but it's not a large population so you may have to be careful." Jane paced.
"Ok. Tell me more about these "Cullens". What are they like? What do they do?" I questioned.
"They only pray on the blood of animals and their eye color is gold. Their names are Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, And Edward." She continued.
"Very small town names. Why animal blood? Animals are useless like humans. That's why there aren't going to be a lot left in the years to come." I rolled my eyes.
"Only you would think that. They actually protect humans there. They don't hunt them. They try not to. That's why they prey on animals instead." Jane said.
"Alright. I want you to pick two guards to come with me to Forks. I will inform Aro about everything and expect everything to be ready to be departed by tomorrow afternoon." I instructed.
"As you wish." Jane bowed.
"Good. Call Aro and everyone here. I want to make the announcement right away." I continued.
Jane nodded and left the room without another word. I sat in my throne and waited.
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