X. Redemption
Voidwalker? How did she know..?
I could hear Astrid's footsteps closing in behind me. She took one big step ahead of me and gripped my hand. "What do you want with us?"
A pool of water formed at Arlo's feet and lifted her right to us. I couldn't read anything from her face, but her aura was a different story. I don't think she meant us any harm, though her presence was heavy. My throat was starting to close up and lightheadedness started to follow. It was almost as if her aura itself was an ocean, engulfing Astrid and I in its waves.
"Just some small assistance with a personal matter," Arlo said.
I could feel Astrid's palm start to pulsate with energy. "What's in it for us?"
The knights standing behind Arlo started to approach, their weapons weren't readied though. I don't think they mean to hurt us at all. My intuition could be wrong, but if that's the case I think Astrid and I could at least make an escape.
"I have something that could help the Voidwalker, I heard she's in need of a cursebreaker."
One of the knights leaned down and whispered something to Arlo, causing her neutral expression to shift a bit. Once the knight lifted their head, they all turned their backs and started to walk away.
Arlo turned her head and looked back at us. "Meet me at the castle, Mira will guide you! Also, welcome to Elyse."
So that's the name of the domain of waves! I figured Astrid would've known that, but actually now that I'm thinking about it; this seems to be her first time here as well.
"Astrid, please hold your fists for just a second."
Mira was standing centimeters away from the hole I had made, perfect striking distance for Astrid. I could see her fists trembling— flowing with rage and sorrow.
Mira took a step back as Astrid took a step forward. "Hear me out, at least for a moment" her voice shook.
"I- no... we trusted you. Why are you even here?" Astrid said.
I could tell she tried to keep her voice cold, but there was a slight quaver to it. I know deep down she doesn't believe Mira would sell us out. I never thought she did, I figured Gus said that just to rile us up. Astrid's right arm started leaking light; enveloping her fist and forearm. Wait, why isn't Mira moving?! No way Astrid would still strike, right? Why are they acting like this? My brain couldn't catch up to my heart.
I have to stop Astrid.
My legs started moving on their own, dashing to get in between those two. Astrid's arm was already pulled back, the light blinding both Mira and I. Her knuckles held the most concentration of energy, I could feel it. Black flames started enveloping my right hand, no time to think about the damage. I held my hand up.
The moment her hand connected with mine, I could feel the bones in my palm shatter. Astrid pulled her fist back immediately, phew. If she had gone any further... well, I might've been going around with one less hand.
"Reimi?!" Astrid cried.
My knees buckled and slammed into the chipped wood floor.
Astrid collapsed and wrapped me in her arms. "Reimi?! Oh god- oh god, I'm so sorry" she cried.
Her eyes were filled with panic. I couldn't concentrate on the imaginary knives digging into my hand. Seeing Astrid cry hurt much more than any physical pain I was having.
My eyes started to burn, and I could feel the tears start falling. "Astrid I'm alright, really. Please don't cry" I said shakily.
Her fingers slipped from my back and instead gently gripped my wrist. I could hear her sniffle, attempting to stop the crying. I raised my left hand and pressed it against her cheek, sweeping my thumb against any remaining tears. Astrid's lips started to curve slightly, with her eyes solely focused on my hand. The warmth I've become accustomed to started to envelop my hand, piecing the bones back together. I thought something like this would hurt, like a lot, but then again I would've never even imagined healing like this was possible.
"You've gotten much more comfortable, Reimi, that was amazing. Sorry you had to get hurt at my expense though..." Mira said.
Astrid held me close and stood up, holding her right arm past my shoulder. "You have one minute to explain yourself."
I started tugging at Astrid's shirt. "Shouldn't we just hear her out calmly? I know you feel the same as I do; you know she didn't betray us" I whispered.
Her face started to tense up, ever so slightly. "Darling... you're too kind for this world. People are slimy and rotten, you can't give them the chance to take advantage of you."
Shivers went down my spine. Hearing Astrid say things like that— it didn't feel right. The words were cold and hollow, signaling to me that she's been through it all before; I don't think this instance is a part of that though.
"So I'm slimy and rotten to you now?" Mira said.
"Well no, but if that's what you wanna think, be my guest."
Astrid brought her arm down, now bringing me even closer to her. I laid my head on her chest and let myself relax, letting the rest of the world become fuzzy and blurry. I wasn't able to say much, gosh I hate my brain. Thankfully I think my actions spoke loud enough to both of them. Here's to hoping they talk this out civilly, and not tear each other apart. I don't think I can do anymore, at least anything of benefit. It's up to them now to reconcile, I'll just listen on my incredibly soft and warm pillow.
Speaking of which, I know I have the dumbest smile right now. Not really fitting for the situation, but I can't help it.
"Look Astrid, I understand your hostility— really I do. But please, listen to me open-mindedly" Mira said.
I could hear Astrid take a deep breath in, and then a deep breath out. "Fine."
"Come here though, it'll be easier to talk."
Feet started shifting, except for mine since I was lost in another world. When Astrid started moving I just let myself fall to the ground. I wonder what she'll do now? I don't want to open my eyes, I'll pretend like I'm asleep. Maybe this way they'll be more open with each other.
"Did she fall asleep?" Mira giggled.
I felt Astrid's hands under my neck and below my knees, my ears also catching the sound of her softly giggling. "She did."
"God I— her," Astrid whispered.
Wait what did she say?! She mumbled that so quietly, I need a replay right now.
"Is it just me or have you two gotten way closer in just a day or two?"
Astrid set me down on the bed and laid my head gently against her lap. "Have we? I'm not really sure honestly. Though then again, after day one I've felt undeniably close to her. Time seems to vanish when we're together. She's just so precious ya know? I can't help but feel the need to stay by her side all-"
There was a brief pause.
"Wait, this isn't the time for that."
Mira laughed. "That may be true, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this side of you. I've never seen you so attached to someone before, it's very cute."
"Shut up," Astrid puffed.
A loud sizzle came from my left, along with a brief gust of wind. No clue what happened, but honestly my mind is just mush.
"Wow, have you gotten uglier Mira?"
"Shut the hell up, you know I look great."
Whoa, was that really Mira? She sounds way different all of a sudden- Did she take off the mask?
"Sure~, but anyways, tell me what happened with Gus. This is the most relaxed you'll get me, so ya better hurry."
Something started to crumble... very slowly.
"You know when we parted ways from Haven?" Mira said.
"Ako gave me one last mission... She asked that I use the guild's name to gain favor with each of the Archons, to finish the revival project."
"Wait wha- the revival project? I thought Haven was done for."
"Well all future plans for the guild were scrapped after you left, all the others basically gave up. Ako couldn't really accept that though" Mira said.
Astrid started playing with my hair, I think subconsciously since it felt very rhythmic. "Hmm... I see. So with Gus?"
"I'm not sure when you got wind of my location Astrid, but by the time we met I had barely won Gus's trust," Mira said.
"I was hoping to leave after that, but once you guys showed up that complicated things fast. Don't get me wrong I was, and still am, glad you came... I just hate everything that happened afterwards."
Astrid sighed. "You're telling me."
"Gus must've found out you guys were close to me and used that to his advantage somehow."
"You know what, he really didn't do much with that info. All he did was frame it like you sold us out" Astrid said.
"And you believed him?"
Astrid slowly stood up, moving my head down to the mattress. "You know how I am Mira, trust with me is very finicky. It all seemed too coordinated, I wasn't sure how in the hell he even found us."
The wood started creaking a bit. Their footsteps were all quite random, I think they've started to walk around the room.
"That's true... If I was in your position I'd have thought the same. The Stronghold has incredible surveillance, unsurprisingly. I just never thought they would have eyes everywhere."
"For real, no wonder they have a 'zero percent' crime rate."
I think I hear... patting? They must be hugging or something; Lucky.
"Are we alright now Astrid?"
"Ahhh I guess so, sorry for doubting you— or whatever."
"Wow, such a genuine friend," Mira said.
Yes! They're actually good now, thank everything. I mean I knew it wasn't thaaat serious; okay maybe for a bit it was. I think me being... well me, somehow managed to keep things cool. Guess I'm not too bad after all.
"I know right? So lucky to be in my life" Astrid taunted.
"Sure let's say that, but your massive ego aside, shouldn't we wake Reimi up?"
Their footsteps started growing quite loud.
"Gonna pretend I didn't hear that. And nah, she deserves some rest. I sense the next couple days won't be the easiest."
Astrid's picking me up again, ahh what to do? I should pretend to wake up, I can't let her keep taking care of me like this. I also don't think my heart can handle anymore, between everything she said to Mira and how close I've been to her— my chest is starting to hurt. She says she's more sexy than sweet, but that's definitely not true. Let's see if I can mess with her just a bit.
We've moved away from the house, I think. My eyelids are begging to open; so I comply.
"Mmh, good afternoon love" I yawned.
Astrid's face flushed red. "D-did I wake you? Sorry, Rei-"
I shake my head and lean against her slightly. "Nuh-uh, but I think I might fall asleep again... so warm."
Astrid's now glowing red, mission accomplished. "Is that right? Well uhm, please feel free. I'll- keep you safe."
Mira started laughing, and I followed. "You're too sweet Astrid I swear," I said.
"Ahh no, you're the sweet one. I'm just... hot and in charge?" Astrid yelled, though her voice trailed off into near silence. I actually love this.
"She's got you way too flustered my friend, a very nice change of pace," Mira said.
"I hate you," Astrid sighed.
I'm starting to feel warm and fuzzy. I don't know how Astrid does it, but nothing seems to stay depressing for long. No matter what situations we find ourselves in, at least thus far, she always makes me forget about the pain. I feel like all of what's happening should crush me, but it hasn't. I always feel comfy and safe thanks to her... I'm terrified at the thought of ever losing her.
"Anyways! How come we're heading the opposite way of the castle Mira?"
"Ah, I figured we'd stop by my place first. Just to freshen up since we are going to see the archon after all."
Wait, so Arlo is the archon here? I guess that makes sense since she had such intimidating guards with her. Of course, she herself was also quite imposing. I'm still surprised I was able to act in the moment.
"Wait Mira, when did you put your mask back?" Astrid said.
"Huh? Oh, just a bit ago. Can't have Reimi seeing my face just yet."
I bend my head back to make eye contact with Mira. "I promise I don't bite! Let me see" I whined.
Mira sped up her pace. "Maybe another time Reimi."
Astrid lifted my head and whispered: "Trust me, you're not missing much."
"Meanie" I say while pinching her cheek.
"Oww- and hey I'm not mean Reimi" Astrid sobbed, not seriously I think.
"No, you definitely are-"
Before Astrid could say anything else, I chimed "Definitely my favorite meanie though."
Her eyes opened wide, and her face turned into an actual tomato.
"D-d-amn right I am," Astrid said.
I giggled a bit but then noticed Mira stopping dead in her tracks. Her hands started to quiver.
"Mira? Is everything okay?" I shouted.
Astrid closed the distance and stood next to her. "What the hell...?"
The second I saw what was happening, my blood started to boil. Disgusting... My blanket of safety seemed to burn away the second it was starting to evolve. All I could feel was rage creeping in, as memories of my past started to breach the surface.
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