VIII. Campout
The journey ahead seemed all too peaceful now, especially compared to how things were just a minute ago. It was as if the gods above were finally giving us some breathing room. Reimi stayed snug in my arms; not really showing any signs of waking up. I really hope she's okay. We may be getting some reprieve now, but I genuinely don't understand why any of this is happening to a girl like Reimi. Every time I think about her I wonder why there aren't more people like her.
Reality always crashes down on me soon after. The world is too cruel for innocent people like Rei to survive. Especially when magic is involved... everything becomes much darker. Ahh, I need to get stronger than this. I have to, for Reimi's sake. Whatever is in her body doesn't have good intentions; I know that for sure. I was blindsided this time— but never again.
The sun was starting to go down and there weren't any signs of places we could stop. I had been walking along this same trail for what felt like hours now, and Reimi was starting to become real heavy in my arms. My legs started to feel wobbly, signaling that I definitely needed some rest. If by chance Reimi doesn't wake up by tomorrow, my body should be recovered enough so I can fly us the rest of the way; hopefully.
The area where we were at the moment was like a maze of trees. One straight path, but way too many curves and slopes. When the path became straight again, I focused my vision to the treelines; hoping to find a clearing where we could sleep the night. As the sun hit the horizon line, light went racing through the trees. At that moment I was able to find a suitable spot for us to stay. That timing worked out perfectly; otherwise, I would've had to project some light myself, which would've been brutal considering the little amount of energy I have remaining. Still carrying Reimi, I went past the trees guarding our sides and made it to the clearing.
I couldn't sense anything ominous or malicious, thankfully. It was just a small field surrounded by tall trees. I gently set Reimi down on the grass and grabbed my golden bag; which I've decided to name Goldy. Sometimes the names don't need to be anything complex, but hopefully, I won't change my mind later. I opened Goldy and was only able to grab two things— dammit I hate being this worn out. A double sleeping bag and a ward of light. I know the sleeping bag should be fine; I haven't used it in a while. As for the ward, I'll have to test that.
I laid out the sleeping bag and tried my best to snuggle Reimi inside, which wasn't easy since her whole body was practically limp.
"Gosh girl I really miss you being awake" I mumbled.
I placed the ward next to Reimi since the effects would concentrate closer to her. The pyramid-like shape made it real easy to place on the grass.
"Okay.. so now I just tap the center button aaand-"
A gentle light poured out from the top, just barely encasing the sleeping bag and me; while standing up. I almost shouted in excitement but contained it last second eheh. The yellow light slowly became transparent, and now we were protected from anything outside— while having something somewhat comfy to sleep on. Wait... are we sleeping on or in the bag? I can't believe I just asked myself that.
I opened the other corner fold and slid inside, making sure to give Reimi proper space.
"Ahh.. the ground is hard as hell, but I don't care."
I turned my head over to Reimi, whose head was now facing mine.
"Our first proper campout, checking that one off our imaginary bucket list" I gently giggled.
Now turning back to face the starry night sky, I couldn't help but ponder on some things. Mostly Reimi related- wow. I really hope she doesn't think I'm weird, she doesn't right? Thank god she can't read my mind, otherwise... yeah that'd be terrible. I've been traveling the world for so many years since I left home, but never once did I grow attached to someone. The closest I got was with Mira, that backstabbing bitch. Something about Reimi though immediately roped me in. Maybe it was her aura or her sky blue eyes. All I know now is that I can't see myself leaving her alone, anytime soon.
I sure hope she can tolerate me for that long.
The chirping birds, blinding sunlight, and the extremely uncomfortable aching in my back all told me it was morning; sadly at the same time. I really didn't wanna move, especially since I was practically swimming in sweat. Ah, it's been such a long time though. I can't lie and say I didn't miss this feeling; the sounds and breath of life, all hitting my senses. I'm glad that I wasn't alone this time.
I felt Reimi's arms wrapped around my right. Her body was pressed against mine; her cheek resting against my shoulder. AHH another reason why I really don't wanna move— she looks so peaceful. Do people cry from cuteness? I think I might. I stare upwards, trying not to focus too much on Reimi. With the light bouncing against the almost invisible barrier, it was easy to tell whether it had been damaged or not. I could see very faint cracks within it. I need to recharge it when we're ready to go.
What to do now. Just laying here, breathing and such. Eeee! I can't I can't, all I can hear now is Reimi breathing. I think my heart is gonna pop outta my chest, I need to move away. I try to wiggle my arm from Reimi's grip, slowly of course to not wake her up. Just as she was about to let go I heard a meek whimper; as she pulled me back towards her. My face was starting to feel hot. How do I deal with this?!
I'm surprised she didn't wake up with how loud my heartbeat was. To be honest I'm surprised I haven't passed out or something from how much my blood was racing. I move closer to Reimi and rest my head against hers. I guess I'll just... enjoy this moment. Closing my eyes, I fell back asleep in seconds.
Reimi's POV
Mmh.. so warm. Where am I... And why do I feel so happy? I know I'm waking up since everything feels so slow. So many questions; but before thinking, I should open my eyes first. My eyes still felt groggy but I knew they weren't deceiving me. W-why is Astrid so close to me? Her lips were so close to mine, so close that all I could focus on was her breathing. Also, the fact that I could... no no. What's happening though, ahhh everything is so foggy. Even though I'm beyond lost, I couldn't feel happier. Definitely not letting go of her arm anytime soon, eheh I couldn't contain my smiles anymore.
How did I end up like this though, I truly can't remember a thing. I gave Gheera control of my body and that's all I.. wait, Gheera?! Astrid is alive! I felt so at home that I completely forgot we were facing life or death just a bit ago. He actually saved her, and I'm assuming dealt with Gus as well. I wanna be surprised but at the same time; it feels fully believable. The sense of pressure and rage I got from him assured me he was different. I doubt any human could give off those types of feelings.
I guess in a way it's good I experienced that kind of thing. I'll never freeze in front of anybody again— no matter how frightening they may be. In the end, they're nothing to me, lambs to be culled... wait, what am I saying? I'm not like that. I-I won't stand still though, that's for sure.
Getting stuck in my head is getting scarier and scarier, jeez. I turn away from Astrid a bit to get some fresh air. My vision was starting to get clear and I could immediately tell today was a beautiful day. The grass glowed green and yellow, blades waving along with the wind. Ooh that sounds like a great line for an interlude! If I remember it, I'll use it in the album.
As I was thinking I could hear Astrid muttering something. It didn't sound like anything coherent but I do really wonder what she was dreaming about. I turn back to face her and try to relax my muscles. I felt a very strange tingling feeling on certain parts of my skin as if the fabric of this sleeping bag was touching what was under my flesh. It somewhat prevented me from being able to fall asleep again, so I guess waiting for Astrid is now the plan. I'm not sure of all that happened, but I knew she deserved the rest.
As my gaze was focused on her resting face, I faintly spotted something black and purple out of the corner of my eye. Those butterflies sure are common nowadays, but I'm not complaining. Time was passing slowly, but I couldn't be more okay with that. I pressed up against Astrid's arm and gently laid my head next to hers. Rest well Angel.
Astrid yawned and moved even closer to me. "Reeeimi, you awake?"
"Nope" I yawned, thanks, Astrid.
"I think I'm still dreaming Angel"
The middle of her face grew a tad bit red.
"W-wha? Angel.. You, uhm" Astrid stammered.
I couldn't stop smiling and even winked at her, gosh what's going on with me.
"GOOD MORNING" she yelled.
The sudden jump in volume made me jump back. "Good morning?"
"I- ehh... sorry about that" Astrid said, with her eyes looking at everything but me.
I tackled her out of the sleeping bag and stayed on top of her. That felt really odd for some reason like I was touching solid air?
"Now I'm definitely awake, thanks love" Astrid sighed.
I got up and offered her a hand. As she grabbed my hand and pulled herself up, I couldn't help but stare at our sleeping spot. Even though our backs were basically against the solid ground I would definitely sleep there again; not by myself of course. Ahh... I can't save myself from this great fall I'm taking huh?
"Hey Astrid, was it just me, or did it feel like you were passing through solid air just a second ago?"
She leaned down and picked up a golden pyramid. It was small but had many etchings all across the body. Whoever made that definitely put a lot of care into it-
Astrid tossed it extremely high into the air. "Oh yeah, that was us passing through a ward."
She pulled out her golden bag and opened it; trying to position it to catch the ward? It quickly landed into the bag and Astrid went to roll up the sleeping bag.
"That- that was impressive."
"I know right?" she smirked.
I walked over and helped Astrid fold the sleeping bag, which was honestly kinda hard since I didn't wanna get my hands dirty.
"So, I'm assuming that ward is basically an on-the-go shield?"
"Yup! Exactly right. It's really useful for traveling ya know? I've been using this one for god knows how long."
We picked up the sleeping bag and pointed it towards the golden pouch, letting it do its 'magic'.
"I was wondering why there weren't any bugs or anything on us, that thing is so awesome."
Astrid tied up the pouch and slid it into her pocket.
"Yes yes, that and you had this hot bundle of strength holding you the whole night" she giggled.
"Hot bundle of strength...? I would say more of a teddy bear, extra soft and fluffy maybe?"
"Ha ha, very funny. You snore by the way" she scoffed and started walking away.
"Wha- where did that come from? And no I don't-" I chase after her.
Just like that, our trip to the domain of waves continues. We made our way back onto the dirt road and started walking. The wind and sun felt so nice that I actually forgot I had a motorcycle we could've been riding. I reached into my pockets to grab the key and just as I was about to do so, Astrid grabbed my hand.
"Reimi, you trust me right?" Astrid smiled.
"Hmm? Well yeah of course... but why are you asking?"
Astrid stopped walking and held her arms out. "I have a way to get us to our destination real fast, just close your eyes for a second babe, alright?"
"B-babe? Okay now I don't trust you, let's just take Bee and-"
Before I could even move my body Astrid swept me off my feet and held me in her arms.
"HEY LET ME GO" I tried to push myself off her, but her grip was way too strong.
"Just relax Reimi, I promise you'll be fine" Astrid looked down at me and smiled warmly. I had no choice but to cool down at that point.
I could feel us slowly lifting off the ground, oh god. We're flying. I could feel my lips starting to purse together. My palms were starting to get sweaty; I wasn't sure whether to be nervous or excited. I've seen how fast Astrid goes when flying, I know I couldn't handle that.
I reached out and gently squeezed her bicep. She didn't say anything but I could tell she noticed. We started moving, but everything felt so slow. The farther we raced into the sky, the more I could tell we were actually moving extremely fast. Trees and dirt were becoming blurs, and the clouds were blowing right by us. I felt so warm and fuzzy— the breeze was so calm everything around me felt tranquil.
I'm not sure what Astrid did... but I truly feel like a dream has become reality. I tilted my head to look at the world below us, and before long the great blue ocean started approaching us. As we got closer to the shoreline Astrid gradually lowered us back onto the ground. I've never seen an ocean before this, it almost felt surreal. The water was such a deep blue, yet the sun made it glow a bright green. How was there this much water anyways? Really makes you think, if magic is real I wonder what kind of things exist down there.
Our feet land against the last bit of dirt, before the waves of sand.
"See, that wasn't too bad right?" Astrid giggled.
I tip my balance a bit and lean towards her shoulder. "You could've just told me you know?"
Astrid grabbed me and set me to look straight at her. "Well yeahhh~ but where's the fun in that?"
I gripped her hands and took a step closer. "True, I honestly loved that... thanks, Angel."
Astrid gently rested her forehead against mine. "Reimi, do you know why I'm nicknamed Angel?"
"Uhm.. because you are one?"
Astrid quickly backed away with her eyes wide open. "How did you know?"
"Are you really an Angel...?"
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