V. Stronghold
All the thoughts I was having went null. My head felt bleak. I wanted to dismiss Astrid's words as a lie, but... With the way she was acting and the way she delivered them to me; it was the truth. I could feel it in my soul, that things were wrong. The pain, the cold, the emptiness— the void is a curse I don't know how to get rid of. Astrid clasped my hands together with both of hers and we stood in silence for a minute. As the birds started singing their last songs for the day, Astrid let out a faint smile.
"Ya know, we still have lots of time. We're not giving up, let's free you from this Void."
"But.. how would we do that? And why do all this for me" I say, audibly confused.
"Well, I would be lying if I said I knew a surefire way to do this. But! I know someone who might be able to point us in the right direction."
Astrid was a bit more cheerful now, and the warmth from her hands really helped calm me down. She has some sort of light magic, I know that for sure, but it's like her whole essence itself is light. Keeping people warm, providing a feeling of comfort and safety— and of course, being fast and strong. A match made in heaven it seemed, and then there's me; with whatever curse I got 'blessed' with.
"Really? Well... I trust you, Astrid. Let's find this person! But on bike from here."
"Yay! So, I get to hold your waist and stay reeeally close to you then right? Just for my safety of course, wouldn't want me falling off" she giggled and smirked.
I toss the key into the air and the bike descended to the ground. I hop onto the seat and start revving the engine.
"Yeah, you're walking" the words come out shaky, as I'm trying not to get too red.
"Whaaa, come on! You can't do this to someone this beautiful, definitely not okay"
"Oh yeah? See you later then~"
I drive off fast, not really expecting any of this to happen. In just a few sentences, she managed to make me smile and feel all bubbly. I need to be careful around her for sure. I could hear Astrid yell distantly, her words growing quiet by the second.
I laughed and started to accelerate a bit more. This pathway seems to go on for quite a ways, so why not go as fast as I can. I check my mirror to see if I could make out Astrid at all, but nope. I was starting to hear something though, it sounded like.. I'm not even sure how to describe it honestly. If glistening had a sound, that's what it would be. A gentle hint of light started to bounce from the mirror, which was odd since the sun was mostly set-
A second later I could hear the air around me suddenly smash together. The whiplash almost knocked me to the ground, but thankfully the bike helped me keep balance.
"Miss me?"
I turn to the right and see Astrid, floating and keeping pace with ease. I don't know if it was just me but her eyes looked like they were sparkling.
"How did you...?"
She shrugged and spun around.
"Yeah I should've just assumed that-" I was still in shock though, she was flying?!
"Now, I don't mind doing this all night but— could I please sit on the bike with you Reimi, pretty please?" Astrid said while attempting her best puppy dog eyes.
"F-fine, you can" I scoot up a bit.
Astrid swiftly got onto the seat and kept a distance from me.
"So.. directions?"
"Just keep going straight for a while, I'll let ya know when to turn" Astrid said, oddly quietly.
After that, neither of us said anything. The buzzing of insects, whispers of the trees, and humming of the motorcycle were all I could hear. Before I knew it, night had fallen, and the headlights were on. Astrid would occasionally put her arm over my shoulder and point which way I should go, completely radio silent though. It was odd, we had really only known each other for a day— yet I already felt close with her. I don't think that's natural, and she probably doesn't feel that way at all. I'm not sure what's going on, but maybe it's best to just not look into it any deeper.
I was starting to get tired, but Astrid hadn't shown me any new directions for a while. So I'm gonna assume it's just a straight path forward from here. Riding through meadows in the dead of night, the serenity is evoking drowsiness much more than I'd like. The scenery was all so beautiful though, I had no idea the world could look this wonderful. While getting lost in my head, I felt Astrid's chin gently rest against my shoulder. Taking a glance, it looked like she was half asleep.
"Mm.. I don't think I ever answered your question before Rei-" her voice was starting to trail off. I could tell she was practically asleep already, yet somehow still talking.
"I've never had a friend before ya know.. Always bad wi.. people, but I-i" she yawned.
"Comfy around you."
I couldn't help but tear up, I wanted nothing more than to say something— but now she was definitely asleep.
"Goodnight Astrid," I whispered.
After a couple more hours of driving, we finally made it to where we were supposed to go. The Ironmaugh Domain, widely known as The Stronghold. Never thought I'd willingly come here, ever, but here I am. Thankfully since our destination was the heart of the domain, there were many directional signs the closer we got. Astrid was still fast asleep, but I assume she'll be waking up sometime soon now. On the way I thought about setting up camp.. but I couldn't let myself rest. I felt as if the second I slowed down, I'd never be able to start moving again.
I let out a sigh of relief and propped my bike on its stand. My legs started to tremble as my feet hit the ground, natural I guess after driving for many hours. I made it over to a nearby tree and sat against it, trying my hardest to stay awake. We were just a couple minutes away from the city gates, but I needed Astrid's help from here— since quite frankly, I'm way out of my comfort zone.
The sunlight was soft for some reason, as if there was a haze blocking its full effect. There was a gentle breeze coming from the left, and a suffocating feeling from the right. I've never felt anything like this before, but if I had to relate it to something it'd be Astrid when using magic. An aura is the only way I could explain it— different feelings coming from... Magical sources I guess? I'll have to ask Astrid if that's really a thing or not, later.
My vision gradually shifted towards the sky, watching the clouds shift side to side. Sitting in this open space, on the brink of passing out— I think I've finally come to terms with my situation. Magic... I never thought it was even a possibility— yet now it's become my entire world. My family and music; things I don't think I'll ever be able to get back to.. at least not for now. Falling deeper into my well of thoughts, something black entered my vision. It was a butterfly? It sat against my nose, resting its black and purple wings. I'd never seen a butterfly like this before.
As it flew away, I could see Astrid gradually waking up. Yawning, stretching, rubbing her eyes— and then almost falling off the bike; it was all so rhythmic in a way that I couldn't help but laugh. I think it hit her ears since as she was gaining her balance back she started walking my way.
"What's so funny hmm?"
Astrid yawned and sat next to me.
"Nothing nothing, sleep well?" I said, trying to keep my laughter at bay.
"Very well actually, thanks! Though my neck is kinda killing me-"
I turn my head to face her.
"I wanted to move you a bit... but you looked so peaceful. Sorry about that-"
"Nah no worries Rei, the pain will go real soon~"
"Glad to hear then!" I said, with a smile forming on my face.
"So Astrid.. What's the plan from here?"
Her eyebrows raised as her chin pushed her bottom lip upwards.
"Yeah..? How are we going to find this person?"
"Eh heh.. Well!"
"I was just thinking we'd go in and look around ya know.. Uhm-" she started to play with her hair a bit.
I sighed and got up, using the tree as support.
"We'll figure it out as we go then" I reached my arm out and Astrid replied. We both turned to face the capital entrance, and as I started to walk forward I felt a soft touch against my hand.
"Mm? What's up Astrid?"
The clouds distanced themselves from the sun, creating a soft radiance against the grass where Astrid stood. Before her name left my lips, I could see her hand approach my face— I instinctively closed my eyes. A gentle touch landed against the tip of my nose, and a second later a heavy breeze hit me.
"Race ya there!" she exclaimed.
When I opened my eyes I was greeted by a pure smile, and shining eyes; though they were closed.
And she was gone. Ahh.. This is gonna be a long trip.
I took my time walking there, mainly to mess with Astrid, but also to take a break from driving. As much as I love bikes, I don't think I can do many of those kinds of road trips. Thankfully it wasn't that far of a walk. The gleaming shine from the metal gates was becoming more and more apparent, and they definitely gave off the vibe of a Stronghold. I could see Astrid talking with some of the people by the gate, and I giggled a bit. Even looking at her from afar makes me happy— ahh I don't know what's going on with me.
She turned my way and started to wave me over, it was then that I finally started to pick up the pace.
"You really took your sweet time getting here-" said Astrid.
I honestly couldn't tell if she was annoyed or unbothered, but I hope I didn't make her genuinely upset with me. Before I could reply she grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the gate.
"Was beautiful seeing you come back to me though" she giggled.
"I- ah- whatever" I managed to get out.
"Ah right, the person we're looking for wears a mask by the way. Covers their whole face."
"A mask.. Got it."
We passed through the metal gates, entering the grand capital of the Ironmaugh Domain. Have never heard good things about this place, but I guess it's time to figure out what it's truly like. The city entrance was oddly quiet, with Astrid and I being the only people in sight. Though after some more walking, a conglomeration of people started to emerge. Still utter silence. I peeked over to my side and Astrid's eyebrows started to furrow. I kept my concentration forward, the air weighing down on me more and more.
It was getting harder and harder to walk, but eventually we made it into the crowd. Shoveling past the people beside us, in the center there stood a tall man— and at his feet was another man, groveling. Behind him was a little girl, silently crying.
"Lord Graviole, please... I'll do anything, just protect my daughter— please" begged the man on the ground.
Lord Graviole... He must be of importance. His hair was long and black, though when it met the sunlight, parts of it glowed brown. He kept his hazel eyes glued to the man at his feet, showing death on his face. The man abruptly rose off the ground with quickness and slammed into the ground next to the girl. He turned away from where we were facing and started to walk away. Three heavily armed men emerged from the crowd, starting to drag the man away. The girl started screaming at everyone, asking someone for help. I.. couldn't move. It felt as if my feet were locked in place, and that mountains were weighing against my shoulders. This didn't feel normal-
I looked over at Astrid and lost all my words. Rage seemed to emanate from her skin— I could feel my arm start to burn. The girl screaming, the soldiers beating the man, the anxiety from the crowd; all of it ceased as Astrid yelled out to the Lord who was walking away. Turning to face us, our gazes clashed together. Attempting to ready for a confrontation, I tried to brace my mind as much as I could. However, before we could even act— the Lord raised his arm; and our bodies crashed against the stone pavement.
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