IV. Voidwalker's Tale
I can't lie and say I'm not taken aback by everything right now. Things were all moving so... slow. I could collapse any second now. Everything from the past day was all hitting me at this moment. Trying to hold myself together, I mustered the remaining energy I had and grabbed Astrid's hand.
"I.. Reimi.. Nice to meet you" I muttered.
She tightened her grip a bit. "Reimi.. A pretty name for a pretty face" she said smiling.
"Are you okay though? You seem really worn out-"
Something was slithering inside my arm. Cold and frigid, the further it crawled the more my arm felt void. The warmth from Astrid's hand faded as our magic seemed to collide. Our linked hands broke apart, and her face contorted to that of slight disgust. I could feel my consciousness start to fade; falling towards Astrid.
A beautiful girl in my arms, gorgeous looking sky, and a killer headache— a cherry on top of this really weird sundae? Reimi huh... I need time to process all this. Her magic almost burned my skin off. If punching that jackass in the face didn't sober me up, our handshake definitely did the trick. Dammit... I wanna get away from her, but at the same time, I can't leave her like this. Here I thought I'd be escaping the magic world, lucky me.
Reimi's bike flashed white for a second; then the next second there was a key laying on the ground. Utility magic really is a beautiful thing huh. I swept up the key and slid it into my pocket, shifting my focus onto Reimi.
"Let's get you to a bed shall we?" I sighed and smiled slightly, taking Reimi and carrying her like the princess she is.
My eyes couldn't help but stare. So peaceful now that she's asleep. Definitely a princess; wonder what palace she escaped from. All questions I'll be sure to ask later.
Ya know, I think some sprinkles have to be added to that weird ass sundae. This weather is too nice for there not to be sprinkles. A sun that's out and about paired with a gentle breeze? Sign me up. After last night this is all extremely refreshing. If only Reimi was awake... we could've had a mini adventure around town. I really hope she's okay though— maybe I'll heal her a bit just in case when we get home.
"Alright June, Reimi, let's go" I chuckled and sped up my pace.
My cabin hung around the more forest-y side of town. Trekking up a decently long pathway, you would end up staring down two huge trees. I feel like they're my guardian buddies, protecting me when I happen to be wasted; or whatever. I can't help but laugh at myself at times honestly. I love adding sentimentality and personality into so many different things. Sure the trees would never wave hi, but I feel less alone when I imagine them smiling; each time I return home.
Passing them by, the door to my not-so-humble— yet very humble— abode awaits. The door opened with ease, creaking a tad bit when pushed all the way. This may be a temporary home but I love the lighting in this place, just enough windows to really make this place a lightbox. I made my way to the spare bed by the living room, it was definitely calling Reimi's name. I gently laid her down, making sure her body wouldn't be in a position to get strained. Doesn't seem like she'll be waking up, still...
"God" I crossed my arms together.
"Hang tight okay? I'm gonna head back down to town, gotta grab a couple things."
I pull a blanket up to Reimi's chest and let out a weak smile. Time to head out. Walking by the mirror I realized I looked awful- Probably didn't smell much better either, what a first impression. I sighed and slid out of my clothes, taking a quick peek back at Reimi:
"No peeking love."
I hopped into the shower and grabbed the handle, turning it to max heat. Basically bouncing in and out, no time for a long soak, unfortunately. I grabbed the towel to the side of the bathroom door and wrapped it around myself. Going back to check myself out in the mirror, after a nice shower, is really unfair. People should start paying me to stare in my direction; this beauty can't be for free. Taking off my towel and mentally face-palming, I closed my eyes and exhaled. The warm feeling of light enveloped my skin; drying my entire body real fast.
"All done" I smile and wink at myself in the mirror.
Slowly opening the door, I tilt my head out to check if Reimi was awake. Still dead asleep. Too good to be true huh? I walked over to my dresser and scanned through my various piles of clothes. On normal days I swear this could take hours. No time for that though ahh— Simple yellow windbreaker, black tank top, and a blue and black set of harem pants. Not my best outfit, but it'll have to do. I grabbed my gold bracelet from the top of the dresser and headed right on out.
"There ya are June, missed me?" I chuckled, passing by my guardian trees.
The breeze slapped me on my cheeks while I closed my eyes, sensing for any lurking bystanders. Thank god, no one around like usual. I lift up my arms and stretch side to side, and start channeling magic into my legs.
"Off we go!"
I burst off the ground, soaring into the sky. Passing over the clouds, I gave a quick wave to the sun. I flipped over and started to dive back through the clouds. Cutting through the air and being surrounded by an open blue sky; feels like heaven, but better! The ground started getting close fast; time to slow down! It's still extremely early in the morning so I doubt that people are out and about. If they are, well, then I'm screwed
I gently land near the outskirts of town, by the main path that runs through the whole place. Time to put on my mask. Not literally, but an emotional one. Walking through town at this time was always much more peaceful, but that definitely didn't mean rainbows and sunshine. I'm sure there are some assholes around here that I wanna keep my distance from. I made my way to the bar from yesterday, which is actually just a cover for what the place actually is.
Doing mercenary work has led me to all sorts of places. This bar happens to be boring and full of annoying bastards; a perfect mix truly.
The door was still busted from earlier today. I made my way to the back of the place, where the staircase heading down was. Also where the guy I punched flew through; god, I can already imagine what's waiting for me down here. The floorboards seemed to be extra creaky today. There was an odd amount of people down here, all seeming to be of similar appearance to the guy from earlier. Ahh.. don't tell me. A man was sitting at one of the side tables, wearing what seemed to be more expensive clothes compared to the others. He had a much more disgusting aura than the others. His eyes caught mine, analyzing me right back. He got up and approached me; with a disgusting smirk on his face.
"Astrid Everard, famous mercenary with a supposedly terrible temper. A pleasure to meet you" he took a deep bow.
"Cut the shit, tell me what you want."
"Ahh feisty indeed. Certainly living up to your reputation" the man smirked. "I know you're not one to talk things out. I can respect that. So, here's what we're gonna do."
"You don't know me-"
Before I could finish my sentence, all the men stood up. God damn, how did so many of them fit in this room? Of course, my destination had to be the spot for all these weirdos. The lady behind the counter, on the farthest end of the room, went into hiding; I hope she gets to running away soon. Then again not too soon, since I still need to talk to her— The men started moving closer to me, surrounding me on all sides.
"So Astrid, you're either gonna give me what you owe— or... well, I'm sure you know how this goes. The easy way or the hard way, what'll it be?"
I could feel the aura in the room get more dangerous. Nothing I can't handle though. My fingers slid across my bracelet, causing me to smile instinctively.
"You hear this guy June? He thinks he's scary-" June starts to shine brightly.
The light started flowing and emitting from my body. I could feel the room start to shake, with pieces of the ground breaking apart. June stayed steady in my right hand; my trusty shining great axe. I pointed to the man in front of me and smiled.
"Let's do this the hard way then yeah?"
I swung June quickly in front of me, splitting the leader in two. The force of the swing forced the others behind him to move back. The blood was flying, soaking almost everyone in it. I tapped June's head, causing her to transform back into a bracelet. The rest of the men stood still, unsure whether to continue fighting. I've realized that the moment you cut down the leader; the morale of everyone below them drops whether they'd like to admit to it or not. I would rather not have to deal with the rest of them, so hopefully, they're scared enough to leave.
"So, who's next" I laughed.
In the corner of my eye, I saw one of them sneaking up the stairs. Perfect. I took June off my wrist and tossed her at the group closest to the exit. As she made her way right above them, she turned back into an axe— winding up to slam down. Before I could even say anything they all started running together, pushing me aside. Everything went according to plan I'd say!
I yawned and raised my hand slightly, letting June make her way back to me.
"Well done as always partner" I whispered.
I walked over to the counter where the lady was hiding, secretly hoping she didn't actually run away. I peeked over the countertop and saw her, balled up. I gently patted her head.
"It's all over, sorry about the mess though," I say nervously.
The lady got up abruptly, but I made sure to stand in a spot where she couldn't see the uh... mess.
"Astrid Everard, I was hoping I could pick up my rewards from the last mission."
"Oh yes, let me go get them!"
The lady scurried off, and as I blinked I could feel her presence again. Speed magic?
"Welcome back... That was fast-"
"Oh uhm yes, I wouldn't want to make you wait," the lady said, clearly fearful.
I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just took the shiny bag off the counter and left.
"Thanks and sorry... again."
Mmm.. my head. It feels like my skull is caving into itself. I roll my head over and see a pretty barren wooden interior. Sunlight was pouring in through a set of windows on the left wall, perfectly showing how unlived in this place was-
Where was I, actually where am I now? What even happened before.. I remember Astrid, I was by that bar and-
"MIO'S BIKE?!" the sudden realization hit me.
I frantically start searching for the keys, but then all the pain and fatigue hit me at once.
It might still be there... No, I have to go get it. I slowly started to roll off the bed and slam against the floor. Much higher drop than I thought, ow. I could see the wooden door to the house start to open, time was slowing down. I attempted to get up, but it was no use— it was as if all my muscles were torn apart. My eyes started to tear up, I don't think I've ever been in this much pain before. I could make out a blurry figure, holding something shiny.
"Reimi?!" I could hear a woman say with panic.. Astrid?
My vision faded to black, as the pounding in my head calmed down.
I could feel myself slowly start to wake up, the tough mattress familiar to my back. Everything like before, except I felt no more pain— and my whole body felt so warm.
"Thank god you're awake, you really scared me ya know?"
"Mm.. Astrid?"
She exhaled relief and leaned a bit closer to me. "How are you feeling Reimi?"
"I feel... Much much better than before, I'm not quite sure how though. I mean just a second ago I was in so much pain I thought I was dying-"
Astrid started giggling a bit. "I'm really glad, seems like my magic worked on you."
My ears perked up at the mention of magic. "Magic! You use magic? No wonder you're so strong, do all the people in this town use magic?-"
The giggling transitioned into a full laugh. "Okay okay, one question at a time love" I could tell she was struggling to contain her laughter.
"I dabble in a bit of magic I guess, but my strength is actually all from training. Feel free to keep staring by the way."
I coughed and turned away. Her tanktop must've been really tight, her abs are practically a design on it.
"Anyways, as far as I know, no one else in this town really uses magic. Even if they do, it's something you're meant to keep secret... ya know?
"Mhm, I see. Sorry for all the questions by the way, I'm just really intrigued. With magic and all."
"No worries, but wait, don't you use magic yourself? I felt your energy earlier-" Astrid said.
"MY BIKE! Do you know where it is?" I exclaimed.
Astrid, visibly surprised, took the key from her jacket pocket and handed it to me within a second.
"Ahh- thank you so much, really" I sighed with relief.
"Yeah..? No problem" Astrid said with an eyebrow raised. "Ya know, I really didn't expect you to be so— active. Or jumpy. At least judging from yesterday, since you really seem like a quiet type to me"
"Sorry, I feel like I usually am. Things are just really... confusing right now. The chance at any bit of clarity makes me excited."
Astrid started to lean back in her chair a bit, keeping a bit of a puzzling look.
"Also I feel oddly comfortable around you" I muttered under my breath.
Astrid smiled, but I wasn't sure if it was because she caught what I said. Why'd I say that; I literally just met her. Now she thinks I'm weird, gosh I'm a mess.
"No need to be sorry, but I am curious though. What's your story Reimi, if you don't mind telling of course."
Part of me was a bit.. apprehensive. I told Mio my story and that led to her dying. Of course that could be pure coincidence, but I doubt it completely. Every time I think about it, I can't help but feel like it was all my fault. She was living so peacefully, and for a long time too it seemed. Then I come along, and suddenly a magic assault comes her way? The chances of that 'just' happening is basically impossible. What if something happens to Astrid? She's completely innocent and has already helped me so much. She seems to be around my age as well... she has so much left to live for. I can't-
"Ahh forget I asked, I'm sure it's difficult to talk about... I completely understand. Just rest up okay? I'll go grab us some food since I'm sure you're hungry."
"Wait-" the words meekly leave my lips.
"I'll tell you, but I have an odd request in exchange."
"Oh? What's up?"
"Could you... give me directions to the next town from here? I don't know how to explain why, but please. I'd have to leave as soon as possible. Right now might actually be good— I'll be out of your hair."
"That... is an odd request. But, don't you think I deserve a bit of a reward for helping you out earlier today? Astrid smiled.
My face grew red. "U-uhm, I don't have any money on me..."
"Is that so?" Astrid smirked. "In that case, there is something else you could do."
"What would that be-"
"Let me tag along! I actually need to get out of this town as soon as possible myself. Let's just say I've caused some trouble. Besides, I can't let a princess like you wander out at night alone' she giggled.
"I can keep you safe, pinky promise love."
Tears started welling up, but not exactly from sadness. The stars finally seem to be aligned together, making a path for me to go. I don't have to be alone. I mean I am technically traveling with a stranger— but whatever, I feel oddly safe around her anyways. Astrid got up from her chair and sat at the bedside. I shifted away from her, and started explaining all that's happened; starting from the night this nightmare began. It feels like so much time has passed with all that's happened— when in reality it's only been a couple of days. Eventually, I had nothing left to say. I silently braced myself for what Astrid had to say, if she had anything to say at all.
"Reimi... thanks for telling me all that, really. I know it wasn't easy" Astrid's voice shook a bit. "I'm not really good with knowing what to say in situations like this not gonna lie— but if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'm here for ya."
Not the reaction I was expecting, but then again what would be the proper reaction to an information dump like that. It wasn't what I was expecting, but, it felt really nice to hear regardless. I couldn't help but have this strange trust in Astrid, I just had a feeling she knew what she was doing— and had good intentions. I got up from the bed and tried to get myself situated; meanwhile, Astrid had already gotten up and was opening this... golden bag? She was pointing it at various things in the house, like her wardrobe and bed.
Wait— they were getting sucked into the bag?!
"Cool right? This golden pouch can store just about anything, with the caveat being the storage limit is relative to my own magical strength— which, if you couldn't tell, is pretty damn high" Astrid blurted. I didn't even know she was looking at me.
"I— don't even know what to say" I blubbered.
Astrid walks out of her room and ties the bag to her waist, using these golden threads; which also seemed to be magic.
"I'll be sure to show you lots of magic" Astrid winked.
"Anyways though, let's get going, yeah?"
I walked over to the door and let out a faint smile, opening it for Astrid. I'm glad she took the charge in leaving since I wouldn't know how to say it.
"Lead the way," I say with a hint of excitement.
The sun was still bright, but I could tell we were close to midday. When it gets darker we'll definitely have to travel by bike. I tried to keep pace with Astrid for the most part, but she was way too fast. I didn't want to complain though and just pushed myself to keep up.
After passing many winding roads, we ended up on one straight path. Enclosed by trees, above and to the sides. The leaves were a bright green, contrasting with the darkness of the shrubbery. The sunlight was always in front of us though, seemingly guiding us to our destination. Which, actually thinking about it, where are we going?
"Hey Astrid-"
"Reimi, have you by any chance heard the Voidwalker's Tale?"
"T-the what?"
She slid her hands into her jacket pockets and slightly tilted her head up towards the canopy.
"Sorry, I know that came out of nowhere, but... it's been eating away at me for a bit. I needed to ask you."
The tone in her voice was dark and grim, polar opposite to how it was prior. She seemed quite worried.
"I see... well, I've never heard of it before? You seem really anxious though, are you okay Astrid?"
"I-I, yeah I'm fine. But Reimi, I need you to listen to me alright?"
"Yeah of course," I say worryingly.
Astrid slowed down her pace by quite a bit, and I noticed she was keeping her eyes closed longer— making the gaps between blinks much bigger.
She let out a deep sign. "Well... there's not really an easy way to say this— but Reimi, you might be in danger. Life-threatening danger."
"E-eh?" I let out.
"The Voidwalker's Tale— ahh.. I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. I shouldn't have said any of this."
Astrid took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.
"No no, please tell me! It involves my situation, right? So even if it's dark, I'd like to know all of it. If you don't mind of course" I said.
Astrid glanced at me and nodded, gently letting me know about the future nightmares I may come to face one day. Of course, a tale like this doesn't end happily; I could die.
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