II. Mio
A sea of red flooded the impasse. Various guts and organs splattered as chunks, clinging to the ground where once men stood. Shrill screams were all that could leave my lips; echoing through the night. I collapse and clasp my hands to cover my ears and temples. Blood was trickling down my face, dripping slowly back into the pool. My long, jet-black hair, stained with crimson. I couldn't do anything yet watch these monsters eviscerate and consume these people; shoveling organs and guts into their mouths. The entrails and blood laid on the earth, staining it forever.
I-I didn't know what was going on, I couldn't look away. Frantic breaths in between the screaming, my body was going numb. Things were getting blurry... one of the big monsters turned my way. His eyes were like endless wells, a spiraling white; forever twirling towards the center. A big grin entered his face, exposing his many jagged teeth. As he took a step toward me, the ground shook. Towering over the buildings, and looming along with the great trees of the forest. I slowly backed up, trying to get away but my focus couldn't leave him. Before I knew it, my back had hit the tree behind me.
Shivering and shaking, I don't know how much more of this I can take. The big monster leaned down, his teeth were almost the size of my body.
"S-stay away... please." I cried and whimpered
The big monster sneered and chuckled, not taking me seriously.
"It's been a pleasure serving, my Queen," he said with bellowing laughter.
As the big monster started laughing, all the rest joined him. All sneering and staring at me. The longer it lasted, the more they approached.
They didn't give a response, instead just kept creeping forward. Leaving blood and darkness in their wake. I'm gonna die here... should I really go out like a coward? I can't just let them kill me like this, can I? Whatever, maybe it's just my adrenaline speaking but I might as well end this quickly. I shot up and tried to stand my ground, hoping they would end everything quickly if they saw I'd put up a fight. Though by the time I steeled my resolve, they were all gone. Where did they go...?
I turn frantically, trying to find the monsters. Am I going insane? I grabbed my guitar case and left the scene as fast as possible. I knew I couldn't go home like this, I was covered in red. I hope everyone is alright... I'll just come back in the early morning. Deeper in the forest would be the best place to go for now. There had to be an area with at least a small pond or stream. Washing my hair would be enough, I think. The guiding blue light is now gone, same with the monsters. I don't even know how to process any of this. Monsters, magic? Let alone the fact I might've had something terrible happen to me at the bar. Everything is a mess.
Questioning everything like this won't help, I should at least make some theories. Gotta piece all of this together, one anomaly at a time. Assuming that those monsters and that... void were real, and not symptoms of my brain going crazy, some reasonings can be made for all this I'm sure. That woman I saw in the 'void', I'm not quite sure what to make of her at all. I know she has a big role in all this though. After all, she was the one who appeared first.
Whoever she was, she definitely had a lot of power. I couldn't move at all in her presence. That could be because of something else, but every muscle in my body was locked when she appeared. She addressed me as "Voidwalker" and the monsters referred to me as "Queen." Though, it's definitely arguable that the monsters were messing around. But.. that can't make sense either, since it seemed like they didn't even take me seriously. If that's the case, then why would they even call me queen? It would make more sense to just address me as something lower than them...
There are leads but I can't connect them to anything. Though who am I kidding, this all sounds like stuff straight out of a nightmare. Maybe... someone could help me? Confirm for me that, by some chance, I'm not going insane. I don't know anyone to go to though. I don't have friends, and there's no way I could go back to my family right now. Maybe just a night to myself would help.
I let out a deep sigh and looked up to the sky. The stars were slowly fading, getting masked by the shine of the sun. Dawn was approaching, yet time still felt so messed up. One moment a minute feels like an eternity, and then the other it feels like just a second has passed... Sleep is what I need; everything is in pain. Making many more complaints to myself, I finally found a small pond. It was enclosed between many large trees, but these trees, in particular, were very different from the ones near the entrance. The ones guarding this pond were very wide, the stumps being longer than my entire body. The leaves adorned the top of the trees, like clouds of greenery. When gusts of winds slap the trees, they don't give any ground. Just a single leaf; coursing down the currents of air, landing gently on the surface of the water. Creating a relaxed ripple, flying across the surface.
The water stayed chilled, even while getting burnt by the sun. I undress, exposing myself to the elements. The air stung a bit, but it was really refreshing. Don't think I can stay in here too long though, I might actually freeze. I slowly reached my foot out into the water. Cold enough to make me shiver a little, but honestly not that bad! I submerge myself into the water, and thoroughly run my fingers through my hair. Thankfully the dried blood didn't completely stick to my hair or body. For my clothes, it was a bit of a different story.. but it should be fine. It's noticeable enough to maybe be considered a fashion statement, but not so noticeable to the point where it looked like I went on a murder spree.
After multiple failed attempts of trying to dry myself and my clothes, I decided to sit and lean against one of the giant trees. The sky was getting darker, yet the sounds of the forest remained tranquil. Putting on my clothes, I tried to make a mental map of how to get out of this forest. After spending a grand total of five minutes... I had zero ideas on how to get out of here. I guess the next best thing would be to climb a tree or get somewhere higher up to find the way. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a small peak. Ever so slightly higher than the trees that guarded this pond.
"Well, guess I know where I'm heading. Ugh.. why must it be so far though." I pout.
Slowly but surely, I trekked up the mini-mountain. The path was surprisingly straightforward, with life emerging from every corner. The farther I climbed, the more abundant nature seemed to get. Dewdrops scattered across the grass below and the tree clouds above. Making it through this evergreen wonder, I ended up at this wide-open plateau. It was shockingly similar in layout to the pond below, just without the giant trees. The wind was chilling, slamming against my skin. The full moon lit up the meadow, causing the fireflies and nightlife to stir.
From the nightmare I was in, to this dreamy landscape; not sure what else to think other than life is a fever dream. I'm too tired to make my way home now, but first thing in the morning I'll head on back! I really hope everyone isn't worrying too much. Guess I'm spending the night up here though, hopefully, mother nature keeps the nightmares away. I laid close to the cliffside, with my legs facing toward the drop. The chilly air became familiar, and the blades of grass didn't resist when I touched it. I let out a deep breath and slowly dozed off.
My body must've really needed rest since it felt like I just blinked and it became day. The second I closed my eyes was the second I could feel the sun radiating on my skin. Something was off though... My arms and legs! I couldn't move them. What the-
"Ahh~ Rise and shine."
Only a groan could leave my vocal cords, and my eyes remained blurry in the light. All I could make out was a dense stream of white smoke.
"Your energy feels dark. Darker than anything I've felt before, yet you seem like such a sweet girl. I'm sorry but... I don't have a choice but to keep you here" the woman said gently.
"My energy..? What're you.. talking about?" the words barely escaped my mouth.
"Your magic. It's so faint, yet extremely bitter. Explain to me girl; who are you?" I could hear the woman gently puff out more smoke, her exhale was long and drawn out.
"I.. My name is Reimi. I'm a part-time musician living in the Willowwood domain-"
The woman sighed. "I don't care about all that. I'm asking — Who are you? What's your magic type and who are you affiliated with?"
"Magic.. Wait huh?" I was stammering all over myself.
What the hell is she talking about? I feel like I've asked myself this question fifty times in the past day but, am I dreaming? My mind wants to deny any of what I'm hearing but.. Magic? If magic were to be real... That would be a perfect explanation as to what happened last night. Monsters and demons; this woman implies I have dark energy. Maybe that's why the monsters came to me! I swear I sound crazy but this is the only explanation I've got. I can just chalk this experience to a magical nightmare and leave it all behind. Part of me feels relieved, it hasn't been long at all but having any kind of closure to that massacre feels nice. Death in and of itself doesn't bother me, since I've been around it for so long. Just.. the way those men were slaughtered; that might haunt me forever.
"Please don't play coy with me. Answer me honestly and I'll consider letting you go."
Before the words exited my mouth, I tried to take a good look at the woman. My eyes had adjusted to the sunlight and the density of the smoke had dropped. Wow— she was super pretty. Short black hair, with intense blonde highlights rimming near the top of her head. Her hair was loosely tied up, creating a short ponytail of sorts. Her brown eyes were glowing.
"Do I have something on my face?"
"No no! You just look really pretty is all-"
Why. Why did I say that out loud?
"Flattering, thank you. Now, my question?"
And so, I proceeded to tell her everything from the night before. I was ransacking my brain prior; trying to figure out if I should even tell this to anyone. Since I figured normal people would just say I should stop taking psychedelics. Though, at least from my eyes, this woman felt like the only person who would listen to me earnestly. Eventually, all the words had exited my mind. I feel... surprisingly light.
The woman looked absorbed in thought; a single word didn't leave her lips for what felt like hours.
Not being able to move, I tried to relax the best I could. It was odd. After pouring everything out, my mind was completely still.
"Alright, Reimi.. I'll trust your story."
Not trying to struggle, I didn't even realize that she freed me. "You will?"
"I can't say I've heard any situations remotely similar to yours, but, I can tell you're being earnest with me. So... I'll help you."
"Really?!" I say with a bit more excitement than I intended.
The woman chuckles softly and lends me a hand. "My name's Mio by the way, nice to meet you Reimi." Mio smiled warmly as I grasped her hand.
"Nice to meet you as well!"
The anxiety and fear that sat on my shoulders slowly started to drift away, I hope Mio can give me some clarity.
Mio was reluctant at first, but she eventually led me to her home deep in the forest. It was secluded from everything else, almost as if it was in a pocket realm of its own. The clearing was wide open; a wonderland within the gloomy forest. Butterflies flew from flower to flower, as wisps of light emerged from the ground beneath them. The green of the field was all enchanted; it truly felt like I was in a place of magic. Mio gave me a fresh pair of clothes, and they fit surprisingly well! A baggy black t-shirt and some shorts? Her fashion taste is about as good as mine. After getting some rest, she led me to the common area.
"I'm not really sure where to begin here.. So, you genuinely have no idea about the magic world?" Mio said.
"Not a clue-" I said awkwardly.
"Oookay... I'll try my best here."
Mio gently raised her hand, palm side up. Holding her arm a bit away from her chest— a faint glow started to emit from the center.
"Wow.." I was lost for words.
A multicolored mist started to take shape, showing our planet; and seven different figures. "So Reimi, you know how our planet is divided right? Between-"
"Between the seven regions! They all have their own emperors; wait.. Or I guess their own presidents, prime ministers and-
"Okay okay, good that you know that at least," Mio said, with a hint of relief.
"Sorry," I said nervously.
"All good. So.. anyways, I guess the best place to start would be with those seven. They all happen to hold massive weight in this magic community of ours."
The planet started to twirl, and the regions started shifting colors. Some areas were very vibrant, while others grew darker... and more twisted. There were chains, blood, and various other things I couldn't make out in those darker regions. The figures soon followed, matching colors with their corresponding region.
"These seven are referred to as Archons in the magic world. The ones chosen by the gods to watch over this planet; moving from generation to generation."
"Oh wow- chosen by the gods?"
"Yep, at least that's what everyone says. They're the ones who make sure our worlds are separated, yet also coexisting." Mio said.
"But.. how does that even work?" I question.
Mio slowly started to twirl her loose strands of hair. "I know there's various different ways of doing it. Most of them are... very inhumane."
"In cleaner regions, I'm sure the general consensus is to keep your powers hidden though," Mio said.
"Inhumane? That must be what those symbols were showing," I mumbled, slowly starting to straighten my back.
"I wish I knew more myself Reimi, but it's all secretive for a reason right? Either way, I guess it all doesn't concern me."
Mio held a somber smile on her face and reached for her pipe.
"Mio?" I said.
"What's wrong?"
"Hmm? Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask Reimi?" Mio said while exhaling more smoke from her lips.
"N-nevermind." I don't know her at all; I shouldn't be prying into her life after she's been so helpful. At the same time though I can't just ignore the pain I saw in her eyes...
"It's been so long since I've talked to someone you know? I've been alone in this forest for god knows how long..." Mio said, looking up at the ceiling.
I stood up and went to sit right behind her since there was no way I was sitting in the path of the smoke.
Before she could turn around and ask a question, I asked first. "Mio, I'm sorry if this is a bit personal and comes off rude, but, why are you isolated here anyways?"
She turned around and blew smoke in my face anyways, placing her pipe on the small coffee table next to us. "Heh... now that's a long story. Let's just say life is easier this way. I don't have to deal with people or all their emotions."
I was still coughing but I managed to get a sentence out. "Doesn't that get lonely though?"
Mio pressed her hands against my cheeks and pinched them. "You're too young to understand Reimi, but I also hope you'll never have to understand this dilemma."
"But wait, what do you mean too young? We look the same age?" I said
Mio started laughing. "Oh I wish~ alas I'm nearing thirty."
I'm stunned. She still looks so young. "That isn't even that old!" I whined.
"Well it is especially compared to your what, thirteen-year-old self?"
"Wha- I'm seventeen excuse you," I said.
Mio started laughing even harder. "Exactly, baby."
I scooted back and looked at her with a fake frown. At least she seemed much happier now, I think.
"Thanks for this Reimi. I genuinely can't remember the last time I've laughed, let alone interact with another person," Mio said.
"And here I thought there was no one good left in this world."
I smiled and gave her a hug. "I've never had a friend before, so this has meant a ton to me as well Mio."
Mio's eyebrows raised with concern and surprise. "Really? A sweetheart like you has never made a friend?"
"Yeah— Willowwood doesn't exactly house many people worth being around."
"Hmm... I see. Well, if we are friends now, I apologize that your first friend had to be an old woman like me" she giggled.
I sighed. "You're literally not even old."
"Anyways Reimi, let's talk more about your magic. I'm still very intrigued by your energy. I've never felt anything like it."
Okay, just ignore my comment—
At the mention of my own magic, I could feel myself starting to burn up. Now that I know it's all real, the more dread I'm starting to feel. Can what I have even be considered magic? It seems like more of a curse than anything.
"I wanted to ask, is there any way I could get rid of my magic?"
As the words left my lips, I could feel something start to tingle inside me. My skin started cracking, exposing my flesh as soft dark energy seeped out.
"Reimi!!" Mio yelled, concern beaming from her voice.
I could see her arms reach out to me, to hold onto me. My vision was filled with her, but out of the corner of my eye— an explosion of light covered the room. The roof exploded, and everything was flying.
"Mio! Are you okay?!"
The sounds of light crashing into the wonderland flooded my ears, rendering my screams to white noise as Mio's blood soaked into my skin.
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