He's Happy
October 31, 1981
Lily hugs James tightly around the waist as they sit on their couch. The lights are out in the entire house as they watch a scary movie, Harry fast asleep in his crib upstairs.
Once the credits role and silence fills their house they are unwilling to move. Lily bites her lip in thought before looking up at James. "What happens if he finds us?"
"Mhm," James hums staring at the wall not quite listening to what she's saying as he's in another world.
"What If You-Know-Who finds us? What if something happens to Harry?" Lily continues to ask multiple 'what if' questions as if her mind can't stop racing. This finally pulls James out of his own head.
"Shhh, everything if going to be okay. That's why we went into hiding, and only our closest friends know where we are," James comforts kissing her forehead and temple multiple times. "Why are you bringing this up now?"
"I'm not sure, just a bad feeling," Lily mumbles kissing James's lips softly to which he responds happily. "I love you, I hope you know that."
"I love you, too, always have. Since the day I met you," James responds dreamily making both of them chuckle softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Probably die," Lily responds seriously, making him laughs and nod in agreement.
"Most definitely," James agrees kissing her once again, pushing her onto her back. "You know what I want."
Lily hums waiting for his response as she enjoys his lips on her neck.
"A baby girl," James says and her eyes fly open to stare straight into his. She seems to stutter unsure how she should respond, she wants one as well but is now the time?
"Is that a good idea though? Bringing another baby into this war? I wouldn't want her to get hurt, I wouldn't want either of them to get hurt," Lily responds biting her lip as he just stares down at her lovingly.
"I don't know if it's a good idea but all I know is I love you. And I love the thought of a large family with you, so is that a yes or a no?" James chuckles grinning at her own dazed look waiting for her to respond before he continues.
"Yes," she whispers and he latched immediately back onto her lips happily deepening the kiss making her giggle against his lips. But then suddenly they are interrupted by a knock at their door making James grumble. "Go get it."
James sticks his tongue out at her as he heads towards the door slowly looking out to see no one standing out there. He frowns confused before he looks down to see a box sitting there. He uses his wand to scan it making sure there aren't any traps attached to it, and there aren't. He picks it up and brings it back inside.
"Was it trick or treaters?" Lily asks looking over the couch but frowns at the box in his hands. "What is it?"
"Not sure," He responds setting it in their dining room table and opening it quickly. He lifts a note out and reads it out loud:
"I thought I should return these to you. ~Albus Dumbledore"
"Huh," Lily says lifting a tube from inside the box and inspecting it carefully. "Memories?"
"I guess so. Why would he send them to us?" James wonders pulling another tube out of the box.
"Why don't we find out?" Lily says smiling as they count down and open them when all of a sudden blue lights fly around their heads and go inside causing James to stumble to the ground while Lily stumbles onto the couch as they just stare off hypnotized.
"Woah," James says softly coming out of it still seeming enchanted.
"Yeah," is all Lily can say in response. They turn to smile at each other happily. "He's happy."
James smiles for a second before it disappears as he glances at the colander on their wall. "Harry!" James yells. "You go get Harry I'll pack!"
Lily hops up as James runs towards their bedroom. She rushes up the stairs to Harry's room and sees him sleeping quietly and she can't help but smile at how cute he is. When suddenly there is a loud noise downstairs that feels as though the whole house is shaking.
"No," Lily whispers softly as tears build in her eyes and Harry's flutter open. "I love you, I love you so much and I know your going to be happy one day. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Lily run!" James tells from joy to far away, probably the stairs when a bright green light flashes and all is quiet but soft footsteps.
"I'm so sorry," Lily cries as she turns to see the vial created standing there smirking at her triumphantly. "You will never win.
"I already have," Voldemort sneers at her casting the curse and then another bringing about Lily's end but Harry's beginning.
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