Chapter 20
The void. The void was there, whirring. His friends. His friends were there, blank and expressionless.
He. He was there
For a moment, Black Talon was confused, but then, he understood:
This is what it is to be a viral.
He turned around, and saw his friends behind him. Suddenly, an explosion of emotions filled his soul- sorrow, nostalgia, melancholy, anger, wistfulness. He knew they wouldn't listen to him. He knew their love and affection was all but gone, gone forever.
I'm going to be tormented for the rest of my days, aren't I? He thought to himself, staring at them. This is my punishment. This is my punishment for that single stupid year of happiness.
He sat down as he felt a strange cramp in his chest and stomach, and his heart speeding up.
Why did I exist? Why was I even born? What was my purpose in life? I barely did anything. I was just a useless nuisance to everyone, wasn't I? If I never came to existence, they would have remained happy just the same, probably happier. All those packs who I tried to join before, only to remain unaccepted and get thrown out of, they certainly would have fared better if they never knew me. Most of them didn't like me anyway. This life has been all but a massive waste. Now all I'm going to do is mindlessly attack others.
Tears began brimming at his eyes, but he held them back.
I just... I just didn't want to be such a pathetic failure anymore...
He turned to look at his friends.
'Razor Feather,' He approached her, feeling his heart heave. 'I... I never really showed it much, but you... you could make me laugh with so much ease... all the crazy things we used to do, all the jokes... I miss them. I just wish things didn't turn out this way...'
He moved onwards.
'Thorn Tooth... I always found our conversations to be fascinating... and your loyalty, it was impressive. You were a good listener... I'm so sorry that you became a viral completely alone... you didn't deserve to experience such a horror...'
He sighed, and shut his eyes (he still had both in the void). He walked over to the final one.
'Fleet Claw...' A single tear trickled down his face. 'I... I came to trust you more than anyone... you showed me more affection than I had ever experienced before, and I began to look up to you as a true friend. I never understood why you were so nice to me. You almost gave me hope. Almost. You nearly opened me up. Nearly. You came so close... But it's all gone now...'
He collapsed to the floor, weeping. 'I'll never understand why any of you ever wanted to befriend me in the first place!' He shuddered, tears spilling from his eyes and dripping onto the ground like rain. He breathed, trying to calm himself.
Maybe they never did.
'...Last year was the best time of my life. But Life didn't want that... It took everything away...'
He got up, trembling as he tried to keep everything inside. He moved backwards, away from Fleet Claw, towards the middle of the group. He wanted all of them to hear the next thing he had to say.
He looked at them, one by one. Then, with great difficulty, he said:
'I loved all of you!'
He collapsed again, putting his hands on his head, whimpering and sobbing. They all ignored him. He couldn't stop crying, he couldn't stop the way his heart burned, the way his stomach twisted. Breaking down, he began to feel the crippling loneliness, the pain of loss. It was all coming back.
They... they're not listening... none of them care...
He shut his eyes, wiping away his tears with his elbow, sniffing.
'It's futile, isn't it...?' He spoke. 'None of what I said had any meaning... none of you will ever get to know any of it, not the real you, at least... you're all nothing but illusions...'
He looked down at the ground. It was covered in his tears.
'Life must truly hate me...'
Stop. Life is not a living, conscious being. Life is just another meaningless, insentient thing that just so happens to exist. You know this, idiot. So, stop it.
'I can't die here. I can't die now. I can't become a viral...' He grumbled to himself. 'Because however worthless I feel inside, I think the world is worth saving. It's not worthless, and despite how I feel sometimes, neither am I. I hated myself. I despised myself. And for quite some time, I had wanted nothing more than for everything to stop. I never really saw a real purpose in living. But now, I understand exactly what I must do. I must use my life to save others, not to harm them, or abandon them. That will be what gives me worth. Existence is still built upon pain and suffering, it always has been... But I am going to do everything in my power to stop you and the rest of our pack from passing through the canyon. I am not worthless, and I never will be.'
The three still ignored him, but at this point, Black Talon did not care.
Around him, the void began to lighten. Cracks began to appear on his friends, though they still did not react to any of it.
Am I waking up...? Then I have one last thing to say to them...
'Despite everything...' He said, his voice becoming somewhat distorted. 'I am glad to have known all of you. But this is where it ends. Farewell.'
There was a blinding flash.
The world began to fade away.
And then, everything went white.
His one good eye snapped open. He looked around. How long had he been in this state? It was dark, with clouds partially covering the full moon, and stars gleaming brightly, as if they were laughing at him.
He was still at the rock which Fleet Claw had slammed his head against.
How am I still here?
He got up, looking around. He raised his hand up to his face, and touched around his empty eye socket. Dried blood crusted his black feathers.
I was bitten, so why didn't I...?
He fumbled around his face to make sure he had been bitten. His head still hurt from the blow against the rock, sharp and throbbing.
The Virals just left me here... they must have thought I was dead... but why didn't I become one of them?
Finally, it dawned on him. There was only one explanation for it. If he had known it earlier, so many lives would not have been lost. If he had known this earlier, he could have stopped the virus before it ever took his friends from him.
I am immune. . .
For a moment, he could barely breathe. He chuckled for a moment at himself. Everything could have been prevented if he knew this before. But it wasn't, because he was nothing but a—
No! This is not your fault. There was no way of knowing that you were immune until now. There was no way you could have stopped it from happening, and you mustn't hate yourself for it. Remember- you are not worthless.
He didn't know how he was immune, or why.
All he knew was that, now, he had an advantage over the virals. He could save those left alive from them.
Now all that is left is to see if Sharp Claw made it...
He took in a deep sniff of the air. He gasped when he realised a certain something. . .
Sharp Claw, Leafie, and Fuzzy are trapped... they're surrounded!
He could smell them right outside the canyon. The three survivors were hiding in a crevice located under a boulder, while his old pack were trying to claw their way inside.
They must have been trapped there for hours. I can't let things end like this!
With a snort of determination, he took off, running towards the canyon.
He hid behind one of the rocks. Ravenous, hungry snarls from his pack could be heard, as could the desperate cries of the three he had to protect. Their eyes glowed eerily, all of them creating intense spotlights focused on their prey.
I know what to do...
He crept away, slowly so none of the virals would notice him. Highlighted by the moonlight, he could easily see the massive boulder which Sharp Claw and the others were hiding in, whimpering and holding each other close.
Latching his claws onto the rock, he clambered up silently, narrowing his eye. Reaching the top, he looked down. Bark Scale, his worst enemy, was at the very front of the pack, trying its best to get at his friends.
Yes... Sharp Claw, Leafie, Fuzzy... I think I can consider them friends. Midnight and Fern Foot too.
He looked down at his old pack. He located Thorn Tooth and Fleet Claw, snarling and pacing as they waited impatiently to attack their terrified prey.
He shut his eye for a moment, and inhaled.
This is it.
He opened it again, and locked onto Thorn Tooth.
I'm sorry, friend. But this is necessary. I will not hesitate. I will not be afraid. You are dead, as is Fleet Claw, as is everyone. This pack is the only thing that stands in my way. I will win.
Instantly, he pounced off the canyon, screeching at the top of his lungs. The pack looked up, to see a streak of furious black feathers pounce from the rock, the enormous moon illuminating it from behind, as it latched onto Thorn Tooth with terrifying precision.
Thorn Tooth roared angrily, and began running around, trying to shake the persistent Acheroraptor off his back. Black Talon sunk his claws into the viral's body, holding on tightly, feeling the blood trickle onto his claws.
'Sharp Claw, run!' He screamed, and hit a grey coloured raptor with his tail, knocking it over, while Thorn Tooth kept on snarling and trying to get him off.
Sharp Claw watched for a moment, utterly unable to believe that Black Talon was alive. He could see the bite that had taken out his eye- yet, somehow, he was not a viral. Then, with the entire pack watching Thorn Tooth trying to get rid of the furious small raptor, Sharp Claw ran away, with Fuzzy holding on and Leafie in the lead. They disappeared into the canyon.
Thorn Tooth twisted around, and grabbed one of Black Talon's arms in his jaws. Black Talon cried out as he felt the needles enter his flesh. As if it was nothing, Thorn Tooth threw Black Talon off him.
Black Talon hit the ground, and began rolling over and over, but he quickly stopped himself and jumped up.
You're going to have to try a little harder than that.
A green raptor ran at him, but Black Talon quickly grabbed its head in his clawed hands.
He began feeling his hands tremble as he began to crush the skull, growling as the viral dared to resist him. The skull gave way, caving in. The viral collapsed as its brains spilled out, going splat against the ground. Splintered, bloodied bone fell from Black Talon's very hands.
I will not lie down and allow my angst to consume me.
He heard something run to him from behind. Instantly, he turned and thrust his arm through his attacker's eye, smashing through the eye socket, breaking apart the bone around it. The viral twitched and spasmed furiously, while blood dribbled from where its eye should have been.
I will not lie down and wait for nothing.
He tore his arm away from the viral, and quickly turned again, instantly biting down onto the throat of another who came with the intention of killing him. With a fast twist, he ripped out the bottom part of its neck. Red droplets sprayed from it and appeared around the viral's mouth as it collapsed.
I will bathe in your blood! I will fight until my bones break! I will not give up!
He opened his jaws and released the most barbaric, primal roar of defiance that he could muster. He could feel raw emotion soar through his entire being, powering him with nothing but instinctive impulse and brutal rage.
You are all D E A D to me. ALL OF YOU.
The taste of the blood was not normal- it was bitter, tainted by the virus. But Black Talon knew that he could never be infected by it, and thus, a wide grin tore onto his face, revealing his serrated teeth splattered crimson. A surge of confidence took over his body- he felt like he could do anything, that nothing could stop him. He had not felt like that in a long time. He was going to save whatever- no, whoever- lay beyond the canyon, and he would succeed no matter what the cost.
Among the angry crowd, his eye caught someone else's. Someone who he despised with all his existence.
Instantly, without taking a moment to think, he sprinted at the viral, baring his teeth.
He grabbed Bark Scale's left arm. Bark Scale snapped at Black Talon's side, ripping out feathers and making him bleed, but he did not care. With one smooth blow, Black Talon's claws slashed right through the viral's limb, separating it from the shoulder. Blood sprayed out like a geyser, and the dark raptor kicked Bark Scale away from him.
From all around him, virals ran in for the kill. One went straight for Black Talon's face, but he blocked the attack with the severed arm. As the viral bit down on the arm, he threw the viral to the side. It slammed into the other attackers, sending all of them tumbling down to the ground like dominos. He smashed his foot onto the head of one of the virals, and using his sickle claw, stabbed it into the head to damage the brain. It twitched for a moment, then its glowing eyes weakened until there was nothing. It stopped breathing.
Bark Scale suddenly pounced towards Black Talon, who cried out as his enemy pinned him to the ground, and latched its jaws around his neck.
Wincing in pain, Black Talon placed his clawed feet beneath his attacker, and kicked it off.
Bark Scale fell to the side, and Black Talon instantly pounced up and grabbed his enemy by the skull, lifting it up from the floor with no mercy. He sunk his claws into his enemy's cranium, feeling the anger and adrenaline flow through his body. Bark Scale writhed, opening and closing its jaws mindlessly, lashing out its claws and talons, but it was no use.
'I'm not afraid of you...' Black Talon snarled, strengthening his grip on the struggling raptor, digging his claws deeper into its skull, feeling blood dribble onto his fingers.
With a single movement, he grabbed its neck and twisted it around until he heard a crack. The viral went completely limp. With another swift strike of his claws, he slashed off Bark Scale's head. The red blood of his enemy sprayed onto Black Talon as the decapitated head fell against the ground with a thunk. Black Talon's dark feathers were highlighted in crimson, dripping heavily.
He exhaled, trembling in fury. Throwing the body down to his feet, he turned to face all the other virals who glared at him warily.
'What are you waiting for!?' He taunted them, flaring his nostrils and puffing up his feathers to look bigger.
One of the virals- Quick Blade, he recognised- stepped back submissively, the glow in his eyes weakening. Then, he ran off, followed by most of the others.
So, they have some form of intelligence. They know when an opponent is too hard to defeat. At least, some of them do...
Indeed- about four remained. Fleet Claw and Thorn Tooth were among them, and they were all snarling angrily, their flaming eyes filled with rage.
Black Talon lowered himself, and picked up the limp, headless Bark Scale by the throat. He held it out in front of him.
'Come at me! I DARE YOU!' He roared at them. 'I'll make all of you look like this!'
One of the raptors screeched a battle cry and ran to him. Quickly, he threw Bark Scale at it, throwing it off balance. Without waiting to see if the others would follow, he sprinted to the canyon, entering it. The walls loomed above him from either side as he ran.
He could only hear two raptors follow him inside. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was.
He felt their yellow spotlights shine on him powerfully, illuminating him. Breathing quickly, he knew there was only one thing left that he had to do.
Fleet Claw pounced forwards and grabbed his arm into her jaws, biting hard. Black Talon roared out in pain, and quickly grabbed a stone from the canyon floor.
'Let me go!' He snarled at her, even though he knew it was pointless. She couldn't hear him, or recognise him. She was gone.
'Hey!' Fleet Claw greeted Black Talon, as he stared into his reflection in the lake.
'Hello...' He mumbled, still gazing at his reflection, scanning all his scars. Small fish swam around, making ripples in the water. Fleet Claw smiled at him, then stared into the lake as well.
He hit the rock against her snout, over and over. Blood squirted onto the stone, onto his hand. She let him go, only for Thorn Tooth to come in, snapping up his leg. Black Talon's eye widened as he fell to the ground. He screamed in agony- the pain was like nothing he had experienced before, burning like a blazing fire. He felt bones snap, and break through his skin. Thrashing his tail in misery, he felt the blood spurt from the wound, dribbling into Thorn Tooth's jaws, while Fleet Claw watched with interest.
He couldn't hear him, or recognise him either. He was gone too.
'Hello,' Thorn Tooth pounced into the clearing. Black Talon was crouched, watching an interaction between two ants on the ground in front of him.
'Hey,' He replied, glancing at Thorn Tooth for just a second, then turning his attention back to the ants. Thorn Tooth could have sworn he saw Black Talon smile for just a moment. And so, Thorn Tooth smiled back.
Black Talon twisted around, wincing, and smashed the rock into Thorn Tooth's snout as well. Tears began to appear at his eye.
Don't you dare cry... He thought to himself, hitting his friend again. Don't you dare... They're dead, and they've been dead for a long time, so don't waste your tears.
The tears spilled out as the blood of Thorn Tooth splattered onto his hand, mixing with Fleet Claw's.
Black Talon and his friends walked along the edge of the lake, when suddenly, Razor Feather pushed him in! Black Talon made a huge splash, and swam up to the surface to see all his friends laughing gleefully. He felt happiness grow inside him- he loved it when he managed to make them laugh like that.
Black Talon, grimacing, lifted the stone, and smashed it into Thorn Tooth's eye. The red raptor immediately let go, screeching out and clutching his damaged orb while blood seeped through his fingers. He fell, writhing and screaming and lashing.
Fleet Claw lunged forwards, jaws agape, but Black Talon quickly let go of the stone and grabbed her head, holding her back. She snapped at him angrily, her yellow eyes locked onto tearing out his throat, but he did not let his claws give way.
Stop crying... He ordered himself, as he felt the tears drench his cheek.
'Black Talon...' She said, nudging him with a worried look on her face. 'Are you okay?'
He looked at her, and quickly blinked back the tears brimming in his eyes. 'I'm okay,' He replied.
Her jagged teeth glinted in the moonlight, begging to sink into his flesh. Her snarls were rasping, and they overwhelmed his ears. He could feel the throbbing pain in his leg, the bone sticking out of his skin. He trembled as he held Fleet Claw's jaws away from himself, feeling blood splatter from his limb.
As the tears began to blind him, he shut his eye, trying to block everything.
I just want to open my eye and see that everything was nothing but a nightmare...
Without opening his eye, he slowly began to snake one of his hands around Fleet Claw's head, towards her temple. He could feel the muscles in her cranium move as her jaws snapped open and shut ravenously.
I just want to see them all in front of me, happy, inviting me to join them...
He subconsciously curled in his fingers, and rested his claws on the side of Fleet Claw's head, pressing slightly against her feathers. He could feel his tears stop forming.
Why couldn't that have been the reality?
Without fully realising, he added more pressure. He felt them break through skin, feeling a drop of blood trickle down his claws.
Why couldn't we have stayed together for just a little longer?
He felt a twinge of anger in his body.
Why did it have to end like this?
It began to embellish into a tempest of fury.
Suddenly, he heard a crack. He opened his eye, and saw Fleet Claw pulling away from him, snarling, while his claws had broken through to her skull, damaging it. When he saw the look of pain and rage on her face, he let go in surprise, almost having forgot what the reality was around him.
She scrambled backwards, hand on her wound, joining Thorn Tooth thrashing on the ground. He almost felt the smallest twinge of sympathy for them- not for the virus, but for what had once been his friends.
Nonetheless, he quickly shifted his attention to a more pressing matter.
I must escape...
Black Talon looked down at his leg. The bone poked through, but he knew that he could still walk with great difficulty. He quickly grabbed the stone from the ground and placed it in his jaws. The stone was large and heavy, sticking out awkwardly from his maw.
I'm going to need this later...
He latched onto one of the canyon walls, and slowly, dragged himself up on his two feet. The pain almost made him drop his stone, yet somehow, he did not dare loosen his grip on it.
He limped forwards, leaning on the canyon wall for support. Every time his damaged leg touched the ground, it felt like it was slowly being eaten away by a powerful acid. Cringing at the pain, he glanced back. The virals were not following him yet, they were still wallowing in the physical agony their prey had dared cause to them. There was a trail of blood- his blood- leading to him.
The sky began to lighten slightly. Dawn was coming.
He looked onwards, staggering, his breath fragmented.
'Hey! Look at this cool flower I just found!' Thorn Tooth grinned, and whipped out a complex orange blossom. Black Talon yelped from the unexpected nature of the action, and stumbled backwards a bit. Everyone burst out laughing, and even he couldn't help but laugh with them.
He felt his body weaken, but he only snarled in response.
I have to do this no matter what.
He was losing too much blood- he could feel it drip from his injuries, he could feel it leak from his jaws.
'Look at all the snow! It's so pretty!' Razor Feather beamed at all the white covering the landscape.
'It is...' Black Talon watched in wonder.
'And up there! There's a rainbow! It's such a beautiful day...'
He could see the end of the canyon now. The small silhouettes of Sharp Claw, Fuzzy, and Leafie were there, waiting for him right outside, though he knew it was in vain.
'Let's go!' Fleet Claw exclaimed happily, trotting forwards into the meadow. Black Talon lagged behind unenthusiastically, and she began to nudge him with her tail, trying to get him to keep up.
The rocks were right above him, on both sides of the canyon wall. The wall was cracked, barely able to hold up the boulders. He could bring it down, easily.
Black Talon heard thuds and snarls behind him, and noticed that he was suddenly illuminated by a bright yellow light. They were coming.
He instantly turned around, and saw that the two were far closer than he had expected. Their teeth were bared, their faces only half a meter from him, and Thorn Tooth's talons were reaching for his neck. Reacting to the tsunami of fear and rage, he quickly grabbed the canyon wall with both hands, and with all his might, smashed Thorn Tooth in the face with his damaged, bloodied leg. The viral groaned as his head hit the other wall, and he fell to the ground.
Then, at the speed of light, Black Talon stumbled forwards as fast as his broken leg would allow, and he struck Fleet Claw on the head with his clawed fist. She slammed against the wall, leaving a smear of scarlet on it, and collapsed.
They're not dead... He growled at himself.
Black Talon was not aware of the feeling of warm blood and cold stinging on his throat until the two were on the floor. Shuddering, he placed a clawed hand on it as he finally began to feel the pulsing pain. It was a huge slash, and gallons of blood were seeping out. His vision slowly blurred.
Thorn Tooth... You managed to inflict this, didn't you? Black Talon thought. There isn't much time left for me now... I have to do this...
He took the stone from his mouth, and held it in his claws, while his other hand was gripping his throat, trying to lessen the amount of crimson blood splattering out. He cast a quick glance at Sharp Claw and the others, who waited outside about 40 meters away with a worried look.
He hit the stone against the wall. Small pebbles fell from above, and one of the rocks shifted.
'No!' He heard Sharp Claw call to him, but he ignored him. 'There must be another way!'
Black Talon remained silent, unable to speak due to his slit throat. There wasn't enough time to find another way. He had to do this now.
He hit the wall again. Dust fell and coated his feathers. He could hear cracks form from within the weak walls, succumbing to his blows.
This truly is where I die. There's no way out of this, no way to survive.
He could hear Thorn Tooth and Fleet Claw stir, but he did not pay attention. If he didn't bring the rocks down in time, those two virals would come through and infect everyone. There would be no hope left.
I am truly sorry about what happened, old friends. But the moment you turned should have been the moment I killed you.
He hit the wall again. Medium-sized stones tumbled down around him. Only one more blow was needed, and it would all be over. Only one more blow, and his homeland would be safe.
Black Talon collapsed onto his knees, unable to stand any longer. The blood loss- it was too much. He could feel it everywhere on his ugly, scarred body.
This is it. Everyone... I am sorry...
He smashed the stone against the wall. Finally, there was an ear-piercing crack. Looking up, he saw from hundreds of meters high, the rocks falling towards them. He could hear Fleet Claw and Thorn Tooth snarl softly, as they tried to get up.
A whimper. Black Talon barely moved- instead, his one good eye snaked around, and saw Sharp Claw, Fuzzy, and Leafie watching in fear as the rocks tumbled down.
'No...' He read Sharp Claw's lips, watching the young raptor shake his head in disbelief.
Slowly, Black Talon's head turned around to stare straight at the youngster. Leafie and Fuzzy could only watch helplessly. The blood still sprinkled out his throat, leaked from his leg, and dripped from his arm.
They are my friends... no... they are my pack.
A single tear trickled out of his eye as he gazed at Sharp Claw.
I'm proud of you, kid...
He smiled.
Sharp Claw could only watch in horror as the rocks fell and crushed Black Talon, alongside the two virals who had started creeping towards him. The boulders smashed against each other, and piled up to create a huge mountainous mass. Dust rose up into a sandy mist.
'No...' Sharp Claw felt tears in his eyes. 'No no no, please, no...' His voice broke.
Sharp Claw's eye caught the flecks of blood on the lower rocks.
He covered his mouth with his hands, and fell to the ground, sobbing.
He felt Leafie and Fuzzy gently nuzzle him, cooing.
He really is dead... Like Midnight... Like Fern Foot...
Trembling, he shut his eyes and wept, digging his face into Leafie's body, his breath shuddering.
Slowly, he tried to calm himself, until he opened his eyes and looked at the pile of stones.
One... One thing I don't understand is... why didn't he turn? He was bitten, right? So why...?
He couldn't pull his eyes from the dark raptor's final tomb. The blood on the rocks were the only reminder to the world of his existence.
'He... he must've been immune...' He whispered to himself. Could there be others out there who are resistant to the virus? The thought only appeared for a moment, before it was consumed by all the sadness and anger he felt at his friend's death.
Leafie grunted at him, and nudged him up onto his feet.
'You're right...' Sharp Claw said, stumbling up. '... B-Black Talon wouldn't want me to act like this... he'd want me t-to survive... he wouldn't want me to g-give up...'
Fuzzy squeaked, and tightened his paws around Sharp Claw's feathered back.
'We should go,' Sharp Claw said while tears streamed down his cheeks. 'We n-now have a chance... let's take it.'
Sharp Claw, without warning, sprinted away. He would not allow himself to be consumed by his sadness. He would forever remember the friends he had lost on this journey, and would never forget the friends he still had.
Leafie followed obediently, while Fuzzy held on. The three ran towards the east, towards the rising sun, which blessed the world with light.
This world is filled with hope, Sharp Claw thought.
Even if some cannot see it.
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