Chapter 17
A/N: This was probably one of my favorite chapters to write!
Black Talon did not manage to sleep. When the sun came up, he woke everyone up, and they entered the forest in front of them. The trees were enormous, bigger than any trees they had ever seen before. Only tiny strips of sunlight would shine through the canopy and illuminate the forest floor. Instead of walking in a scattered manner, they all walked together, side by side. Black Talon had insisted it, not because he was accepting them as his pack (that was something that would never happen), but because sticking together was smarter than splitting up. He had learned that the hard way.
'I wonder how everything started...' Fern Foot said to himself, in deep thought.
'What? You mean the virus?' Black Talon replied. Fern Foot nodded.
'I think I might know,' Black Talon added.
'I wasn't there. But someone I know was,' He replied.
'Can you tell us what happened?' Sharp Claw asked.
Black Talon sighed. 'Sure.'
Sharp Claw's face lit up, though Black Talon felt pathetic for telling them all of this so readily, yet not even managing to tell his friends about everything before until it was too late.
'It was... it was a friend of mine. She and her hunting party came across this carcass, but something was wrong with it, so they didn't scavenge. When they came back with prey, one of the hunters, Moon Pelt, snuck away at night time. Apparently, she had been the only one to want to eat from the corpse, so my friend assumed that she went and consumed some of it. But, when she came back, she was a viral. She just began attacking everyone... I guess that was the moment it started...'
'What happened to your friend?' Sharp Claw asked, curiously.
Black Talon frowned at him. 'I don't want to talk about it.'
Sharp Claw stayed quiet, and looked away, realising he was starting to hit a bad nerve.
'Black Talon?' Fern Foot said.
'... I'm sorry for whatever you've been through... you didn't deserve it...'
I deserved it. I deserved everything I got. Life hates me, and this is what I get.
'It's fine.'
You coward... always lying about your true feelings... always finding it hard to talk about your emotions... you're so pathetic...
Black Talon shuddered at his thoughts.
I just want it all to stop.
'Do you hear that?' Fern Foot spoke up.
'Hear what?' (Sharp Claw)
'Quiet!' (Black Talon)
There were loud, slow thumps, echoing through the forest. They could feel the ground shake with every booming thud. Fuzzy let out a nervous squeak, but Sharp Claw quickly silenced him.
They all suddenly realised what it was. Their hearts stopped, and they cast horrified looks at each other. They could smell that it was a lone viral, but that was not what filled them with terror.
It was a viral Tyrannosaurus.
A seven-tonne beast with bone-crushing jaws, terrifying power, and the undisputed apex predator in the land.
'We need to hide!' Fern Foot hissed at the others.
'We won't be able to stick together...' Black Talon looked around. 'If we go behind the trees, they'll only be able to safely hide one of us...'
'So be it!' Fern Foot replied. 'Quick! It's coming this way! I can smell it!'
Instantly, they split up, and ran to different trees. To Black Talon's relief, no one was too far from the other. He could see Sharp Claw and Fuzzy crouching at a tree to his left 20 meters away, trembling nervously. Somewhere behind them was Fern Foot, which he couldn't see since his location was blocked by Sharp Claw's chosen tree. To Black Talon's right, 30 meters away, was Midnight, and only 10 meters from her, was Leafie.
The stomps came closer and closer, louder and louder, until finally, Black Talon could hear a deep snort.
It was here.
Black Talon slowly turned, and crouching, peeked from the side of his tree. It was mostly blocked by the other trees, but he could see certain parts of it. The creature was a sickly white colour- an albino- and the very top part of its muscular head, neck, body, and tail was covered in a small layer of fuzz. Its teeth were stomach-churningly huge, each one razor sharp and merciless. Its eyes, despite it being an albino, were still the striking yellow surrounded by an ocean of black and blood-red lines. It was covered in bloody scars, dribbling out the red liquid. Dark veins lay painted upon it, pulsing slowly.
Black Talon quickly turned away, hiding. He couldn't bear to look at it- it was enormous, bigger than most Tyrannosaurus's at 14 meters long. And those jet-black veins pressing against its skin, pulsating so grotesquely...
He could feel his heart crawl up his throat.
The Tyrannosaurus inhaled sharply, then released a loud grumble that vibrated the forest floor. Its head alone was bigger than Black Talon. If this creature found them, then it was almost certainly the end.
Black Talon noticed Sharp Claw, shaking furiously, covering his mouth with his claws. His eyes were wide, and tears of fear were dripping out of them, rolling down his feathered cheeks.
No! He needs to calm down!
Black Talon felt his stomach writhe in horror as Sharp Claw let out a single, tiny squeak.
The Tyrannosaurus began growling, releasing a loud rumble from its throat. It stepped forwards, shaking the ground with every step.
It was moving towards Sharp Claw.
The young raptor shut his eyes, still shaking in terror, as the monstrous Tyrannosaur drew its enormous head right behind the tree. It lifted its lips, crinkles appearing atop its snout as it waited for just one more sign that its prey was right behind the tree.
The black tendrils of veins pressed hard against its skin, moving around slowly, as the predator waited. It's enormous teeth gleamed with the insatiable lust for prey.
I... I need to do something!
Black Talon, unable to believe his own actions, almost instinctively began to move away from the tree. The Tyrannosaurus's head edged closer, nostrils flared, while Sharp Claw glanced at Black Talon and pulled a look of utter shock.
I can't just let him die like this. He's too young...
Black Talon lifted a single foot. He had no idea how or why he was doing this- he just was.
I am not beginning to care. I simply need to get Sharp Claw out of that situation. I can do this. I can do this. And I'm going to do this NOW!
It was at that exact moment that Fern Foot ran to the Tyrannosaurus. Black Talon froze, unable to move, watching in useless horror as the giant monster turned its head, and as if it didn't even need to think about it, instantly latched its jaws onto Fern Foot, biting down on his entire front.
He watched as the titan raised its head, while Fern Foot kicked, lashing his tail in panic. It bit down hard, and sliced Fern Foot in half.
His legs and tail fell to the floor, spraying blood in every direction, painting the plants red.
Black Talon froze in utter fear.
The Tyrannosaur opened its mouth and spat out the rest of Fern Foot- from the waist up- onto the ground. He spasmed uncontrollably- he was becoming a viral.
Just like that, he was gone.
Black Talon's eyes darted around. He couldn't see Sharp Claw anywhere, he couldn't see Midnight, he couldn't see Leafie, he could only see death and blood and pain and horror and—
He had to run.
Without thinking, he took off, sprinting as quickly as his legs could carry him. He whooshed past the plants and trees, feeling the adrenaline fly through his insides, fuelling him. He hoped with all his heart and soul that the Tyrannosaurus was not giving chase, that he would be safe from those terrible jaws.
He was wrong.
His heart froze.
It had almost certainly seen him.
He could feel the Earth shake with every step, nearly throwing him off balance. In pure horror, he turned his head, and saw the gargantuan monster chasing after him, its eyes hollow pits leading into an emotionless void, its dark veins writhing and pulsing and pressing hard against its skin, as if they were about to burst through, its blood-splattered teeth bared, red saliva dripping from its jaws.
He saw two relatively large trees growing close together, with a gap large enough for him but far too small for the Tyrannosaurus. He ran to it, eyes wide with fear, and pounced through the gap. He did not dare stop running, he kept on going, hoping that those trees were enough to stop the viral.
He heard something solid smash against bark. He turned again, and saw the Tyrannosaurus slamming its head against the trees, snarling with fury.
And, just like that, they were torn from the forest floor as if they weighed nothing.
They hit the ground just behind Black Talon, only just missing him. The Tyrannosaurus snarled loudly, its eyes wide and empty, blood seeping from them. The veins sped up in their movement, sweeping across the body.
It was catching up to him.
He could hear every ear-piercing thump smash against the ground, becoming louder and louder as it came closer and closer, he could hear his heart thumping faster and faster.
He looked up.
He saw straight inside the dark, cavernous throat of the Tyrannosaurus, looming right above his head. Sharp teeth surrounded him on either side.
They were coming for him.
Instinctively, Black Talon spun his tail to the side, opening the tattered fan of feathers at its end, and adjusted the feathers on his wing. The jaws slammed shut, but he quickly evaded them, moving to the side.
He could barely think, though was able to process that he was more agile than it.
It tried biting him again- he felt its hot breath wash over his shoulder as he dodged it once more.
He had to find somewhere the monster couldn't get him.
As it opened its huge mouth laden with jagged teeth once more, Black Talon quickly turned around and ran in the opposite direction, to the fury of the Tyrannosaurus. He caught a glimpse of those scar-ridden white legs, and sprinted off.
The Tyrannosaurus snarled, and turned around at a much slower rate, then shot away towards the tiny raptor.
Black Talon could see it now- a huge tree, one the Tyrannosaurus could not knock over. He just had to survive long enough to reach it.
Thump thump thump THUMP THUMP.
It was coming behind him again, its veins writhing excitedly, its teeth watching with anticipation. It snapped at him, missing him once more. Black Talon whimpered, and sped up.
He pounced onto the tree, his sides heaving as he sucked in air into his lungs. He scurried upwards, clawing into its old bark desperately.
The Tyrannosaurus jumped up and tried to bite down on the Acheroraptor, but he was already out of reach. He quickly clambered onto a branch, wrapping his arms and legs around it tightly.
Angrily the viral shook the tree, trying its best to knock it down. Black Talon held on, staring at the monster below in terror.
With a final look of frustration, the Tyrannosaurus narrowed its eyes, turned, and stomped away.
Black Talon clutched his branch, frozen in fear.
I'm so high up! He looked down at the ground below him, trembling in fear. He wasn't sure how on Earth he was going to get down. He could slip and break his back so easily, or lose his footing on the way down, or—
He saw Sharp Claw, Fuzzy, Midnight and Leafie at the forest floor, looking around uneasily.
'Up here!' He hissed at them. Instantly, the four looked up. He could see twinkling tears in all their eyes.
'He's dead!' Sharp Claw sobbed. 'He died to save me...'
Black Talon felt his insides twist when he realised that Fern Foot was gone forever. He had been so suspicious of him, and yet, all he ever had were good intentions. The pang of regret hit him hard.
Black Talon nervously got up from the branch, trying to balance as well as he could. Acheroraptors were capable of climbing, but some were not very good at it- he was one of them. He latched his claws onto the tree, and slowly, began to climb down as precisely as possible.
'It's all my fault!' Sharp Claw growled to himself. 'If I hadn't been such a useless coward...'
Black Talon suddenly felt a jab at his stomach as he remembered his friends. He understood exactly how Sharp Claw felt- but he wasn't about to let him become like his wretched self. He knew how everything would go down- soon, The Thoughts would come, then, the wish to disappear, and then, the self-hatred, that loathsome, inescapable feeling of self-hatred...
'Don't you dare,' He snarled at the youngster.
Sharp Claw looked up at him, confused.
'Don't even try it. Fern Foot did what he did to save you, even if it meant giving up his life,' Black Talon paused for a second as he reached the ground and turned to look Sharp Claw right in the eye.
'It's disrespectful for you to react like this. He felt that giving up his life for yours was worth it, so don't you dare make him regret it!'
'But— '
'You know nothing, Sharp Claw. Be thankful that he managed to die for a reason, and with dignity.'
Sharp Claw looked down at the ground, quietly. 'So being bitten in half is a dignified death?' He muttered.
'He died for you. He gave his life to protect yours. He did not die for nothing.'
Sharp Claw sighed, and there was a small silence.
'Before that happened, I saw you moving towards me... like you were about to try save me too...'
'That doesn't matter now,' Black Talon quickly shook his head. 'Look, you can see the canyon from here,' He pointed north. Everyone looked, squinting, and saw the landmark. Though at any other time it would have been a brilliant thing, no one showed happiness or relief.
'We need to go. Now, come on. If it makes you feel any better, Fern Foot would not want us to sit around and give up. He would want us to keep moving- so let's move.'
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