Chapter Eight: Insane
Velmaior and Catherine finally emerged from the sea of people after about fifteen minutes of treading through the crowds. "That toke longer than I had hoped." Catherine sighed, patting her off in an attempt to get the artificial skin off her fine, purple, dress suit. "Yeah." Velmaior snickered, amused by her behavior as he ran his tongue over his smooth fangs. "Hopefully this Ridley-character is still awake." He shrugged, slicking his oily, night back hair back behind his ears. Catherine sighed, her eyes scanning around this strange new area. "I've never been here before." She remarked, looking around at the low-grade, spray painted houses surrounding them, the cold and dry air causing her to shiver. "It's understandable why you wouldn't. This is the Abuolie Zone." He explained, sniffing softly for the smell of blood in the air, strangely enough, there was none. "It's the its a Sub-Section in the area of the middle zone that transitions between the Lower-City and Middle-City." Catherine nodded, her eyes drifting to a strange and alien-like message written crudely in graffiti at the side of an old and abandoned home
"היט דיין צוריק. האַלטן אַלייז נאָענט"
"Hey, Vel," She placed her soft hand on his cold shoulder. "Look at that." She pointed to the alien-like writing. "Oh," He squinted his eyes, wondering how she could possible see in this darkness, even though the reflection of the pure moon was shining like a flashlight on them. "Come on." Catherine gestured, not even bothering to glance back at him as she stomped over to the house where the strange text was. She wasn't in the mood for games, that is, if this was actually one. Velmaior huffed and walked followed her, grudgingly. This place seemed off, almost too unnatural to exist. He sniffed the air once more, his head cocking back. Maybe all these thousand years where taking their toll on his once acute sense, maybe it was the deadly pollution that clouded Vergessene Stadt on a daily bases. "Hey... Cat," he turned to look at her, his eyes revealing all the stress and anxiety he futilely tried to cover up under his cool demeanor. "Yes, Vel?" She asked, her now gloved fingers scanning over the text. Her eyes locked on the text, nothing could distract her now. "I can't take this anymore -- Agh!" Vel let out an unearthly scream of frustration; his disability to smell was getting to his head. It was driving him insane. "Ciouin Velmaior!" Catherine toke no hesitation in rebuking him and spun violently around. "Listen," she growled, seizing the half-insane vampire and locking her determined eyes on his crazed eyes. "I know you can't take this, but you are an adult." She shoved her fingernails into his neck, trying to control him. This wasn't the first time she had seen him become insane like this, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
He feverishly thrashed to get out, her fingernails only jabbing him and causing him more pain. Catherine grunted, her nostrils flared with apparent anger, her eyes having an almost scarlet red glow and blood from his neck glazing her fingers. They glared lifelessly into each other's eyes for what felt like 500 years, their minds in a battle of wits. "What was that?” She gasped, her attention darting to an enormous, untamed bush a few feet on side of them. "Agh." Velmaior breathlessly screamed, flailing his head around until his neck was detached from her cold fingers. "Wh-Why'd you do that to me, Cat!?" Velmaior asked, his breathless as he fought for air. His eyes blood shot and strained as he feverishly re-scanned his surrounding, in a feeble attempt at recomposing himself. "Shh..." She tokes no time in hushing the injured vampire, her index finger over her lips. "What do you hear, Cat?" He questioned, squinting his eyes as he looked about. Maybe he was getting old, because usually he could see and smell really good. Well, he wasn't that great at using those two senses, but he didn't remember being these handicapped. Catherine sniffed the air. "I smell a rat..." Velmaior snorted. "That’s it? That's all?" He questioned, inspecting the run-down and abandoned-looking homes that surrounded them in a half circle. Catherine gasped softly as she heard the noise again, this time it was a bit louder than before. "Wait here.." She ordered. "What? No!" Velmaior huffed, grabbing her shoulder right before she could dash away to the source of the noise. "What is it, Vel?" She snarled, her eyes restless. "If you go. I go." He stated, his voice loyal and firm. She let out an annoyed huff. Why did he always insist on doing this? Yes, she was younger than him, but she was strong enough to handle on her own. She had always been. "Vel," She glared coldly at him, though she knew he couldn't see it. "I'm fine." She growled, striking his hand away. "Touchy...." He huffed, slightly pouting as he crossed his arms. "Shut up, and stay here." She commanded, grunting and raced off to the source. Velmaior sighed, hearing her beastly howling in the distance. "Don't kill it, Cat..." He sighed to himself, kicking a stray can he had found.
Catherine huffed loudly as she ran through the cracked and worn down streets. Her foot steps were heavy as she ran and her breath slow. "There it is..." She mumbled as she heard the noise again. She let out a growl; she could smell that whatever it was, was close by. She blinked, losing the smell completely. She slowly halted, obvious confusion plastered across her face. "What...?" She whispered, looking around at the blackness around her. She squinted her eyes; in the distance was a small light. It looked to be a flashlight. Then she heard a voice. It was a bothersome, snide voice. Whoever it was, was gabbing loudly about something Catherine couldn't seem to figure out. "Hello!" She called out. The figure turned around and asked loudly. "Yes?!" Catherine smiled to herself; this was the same as the voice she heard. "Come over here!" She ordered, slowly making her way towards the source of the flashlight. "Why!?" He questioned, his tone displaying he wasn't in the mood for interruptions. "Because." Catherine grunted, finally approaching him. He was a teenage boy. He was tall, had oily black hair that was pushed behind his ears and seemed to be no more than 15. "I need to ask you something." She grabbed his wrist, causing the boy to tense. "Push off." He spat, pushing her away his free hand. She growled, her eyes glowing with rage as she punched him in the stomach. "Agh!' He yelped breathlessly, tightly clinching his stomach as he fought to breath. "Now listen..." She snapped, tightening her hold on his wrist. ". You're going to listen to me and do everything I say. Or so help me I'll stick your sorry carcass in a prison cell." The boy gulped weakly, still l holding onto his stomach. "Yeah, right." He spat, clinching his hand into a fist. "Like you're a cop. Probably just some lowlife wanting to kidnap me or something.." Catherine growled, she wasn't in the mood to deal with stupidity. "You want to test me?" She fumed, yanking him closer. "Even if I'm not, I'm a werewolf." She threatened him, her eyes glowing red and her teeth becoming more canine. "I can tear you to bits and leave you here to bleed to death." The boy gulped his eyes swelling with fear, but he was persistent. "Pfft," He rolled his eyes, scoffing under his breath. "Like I believe that. You don't look a werewolf. They're faking anyway, genius. Get a life." He muttered, sarcastically. "I wish was Vel was here... He's good with this.. Darn it, I should have.. No! I don't need him.." Cat thought, grunting aloud. She let out a growl and began to drag him away. "Hey!" The boy squeaked in surprise, his black converses trudging along the dusty ground as he fought to escape. "Help me! Please!" He screamed for help, aggressively battling for escape. "If you want to die, keep that up!" Catherine roared as she kept walking
"Well, looks like you caught something." Vel smirked, chuckling softly as he crossed his arms. "Shut up, Vel." She hissed, keeping her grip on the now trembling boy. "Who's that?" Velmaior quirked an eyebrow, a stupid smirk still played across his face. "This is our suspect." She replied, her eyes still glowing with rage. "Kay..." He nodded, squinting his eyes to try to see well, ".... What's your name, kid?" He requested coolly, scratching his forehead. "Like I'll tell you." He snarled, spit flying from his mouth. "Oh, I think you will.." Velmaior chirped, pulling a glass, hexagram shaped badge out his pocket that read:
The boy gulped, fear consuming him. These guys couldn't have been real, could they? But if they were, he didn't want to risk being jailed. "Wh-What did I do...?" He stammered, all the sudden becoming calm. "Well," Velmaior toke a breath, returning the badge back into his pocket for safekeeping. "... First off, tell me your name.", "R-Ridley Travers." He answered nervously. Velmaior smiled, this was good. "Okay, thank you, Ridley. Now, we need to ask you some questions." Vel explained, gesturing for Catherine to release his wrist. "O-Okay..." Ridley gulped, worrisome thoughts rushing through his mind. He had cheated a lot in the past, did they arrest people for cheating that much? No, no they couldn't have. Hopefully, no. "... You go to school with a boy named Gregg? Is that so?" Ridley nodded in response. Okay, this wasn't about him. Thank God, it was about that little wimp Gregg. "... Are you aware that he murdered his parents?" Velmaior questioned in a professional manner, causing Catherine to snort and roll her eyes. He was getting too into this. "What?" Ridley was taken back, shocked by this. "Yes," Velmaior nodded, his expression becoming solemn and serious. "His parent's corpses were found almost a week ago. He disappeared." Ridley looked at them surprised and partially amused. "Wow," He chuckled, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "I didn't know the wimp had it in him." Velmaior rolled his eyes, not impressed. "Did he show any signs of violence?" Ridley laughed hoarsely at this question. "The kid was a violent little wimp. I tried to take him under my wing, but he was too scared." Ridley huffed, disappointed by this matter. "Ridley," Catherine spoke up, confused about something. "Why are you out tis late? Shouldn't you be home, asleep?" Ridley shrugged. "Bored, I was really bored." He answered vaguely. Catherine raised a brow, not believing him in the slightest. "Vague, aren't we?"
"Pretty much," He rolled his eyes. They were wasting his time. "Listen, I got stuff to do. So yeah, see you later." Ridley smirked and began to walk off. Catherine huffs and grabs him by the shoulder before he can take another step away. "You're coming with us, Ridley." She glares at him, sinister intent in her eyes. She gestures for Velmaior to hand her the handcuffs. Velmaior nods and does so. "By the law of the Lower-City. Ridley Travers, you are here by under arrest until farther evidence is found." She put the handcuffs on him, gestured for Velmaior to follow her and began to trek back to the station
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