House Call
House Call
"We-Well, come in and tell me more.." I gestured for the two strange men to come into my ragtag appartment. Strong apprehension flowed through my veins as the stone faced figured sat on my couch, a loud creaked emitting out of the worn couch as the two men's body weight hit the feeble, wooden mainframe. "Thank you, Mr. Schatten." The one on the left bowed his head. "N-No problem..." I shrugged off his thank you nervously. "... It's n-nothing really." Why was I getting so nervous? This was nothing. I have been through much worst in my life. "You seem nervous, Schatten..." The older man remarked in a firm and unimpressed tone. I cringed slightly, cursing myself for showing that feeling. "... I don't think we've introduced each other yet..." He continued to speak. Sighing, I sat on my bed. "... My name is Darwin Garth." He presented himself rather politely. "And my name is Galen Eber." The younger one introduced himself not even a moment after Darwin did. I swear I had heard that name somewhere before, though I had lived in Greece long enough to hear that name. "Darwin, eh?" I recited the name to myself, trying to get it in my memory.
"I take it you aren't Greek." I commented coolly, my confidence returning as my nervousness departed from me. "You are correct." He verified my suspicions. "I'm from America, to be more spefic: Californa, America." He clarified his loctation. I simply nodded as though I actually knew where Californa was, but in reality, I didn't. "I'm from Athens." Galen also told me where he was from. I snapped my fingers in some excitment. I knew where Athens was. "I was from Egaleo. It's pretty close to Athens." I was suprised I felt so trusting of these people, they could be sent from The Legion to capture me. "Let's cut the chatter and get to the point..." Darwins expression altered to that of a serious one. "... As I've already told you, Greece has entered World War Two. Germany has attacked Greece and we need troops to help us pull them back." Darwin went over what was happening. "So you need me? For what?" I asked, skeptical of their reason behind finding me. "Listen, Schatten.." Darwins voice morphed into a more demanding and firm tone. "... Your country is being attacked by the Axis and you just sit here. I get the vibe you support the Axis." I scowled and jumped to my feet. How dare he accuse me of supporting the Axis!? "I do not support them!" I hissed vemon, fury surged through my veins. "Erik, calm down.." Galen tried fulitly to calm me. "Shut up!" I hissed at Galen, he looked at him with partical shock then coughed it off. "Schatten, calm down." Darwin ordered coldly. "I wasn't--", "How can I calm down!? You accused me of being a nazi!" I snapped, cutting him off, my voice quivering with rage.
"Ack!" I cried in shock as a sharp pain arose in the back of my head. "Calm it, Erik." Galen scolded me sharply. Darwin let out a dense sigh. "Are you going to join the Allies or not?" His question was simple and to the point, much like his personality. "Vαί...(1)" I answered in a low grunt, rubbing the back of my head where a knot was beginning to form. Galen nodded, translating my response to him. "Welcome to the Allies then, Mr.Schatten." Darwin toke my free hand in his and gave it a firm shake, a sincere smile on his face. "Your service will be remembered."
*Third Person POV*
(Velmaior & Catherine)
"We're here investigating a murder." Velmaior explained, his voice solum and his eyes having a slight red glow. "Oh? I'm not a supect? Am I?" Victor jested in a jolly, loud voice. "Victor, this is serious." Velmaior rebuked him, his eyes narrowing as his voice grew humorless. Victor's face aburtly frowned. "What's his problem?" Victor mouthed to Catherine. She shrugged and put a hand on Velmaior's shoulder. Velmaior huffed and recomposed himself. "Victor, there's been a murder by a student in your class." Victor's eyebrow quirked at this. "Who?"
"A boy by the name of Gregg Ofir."
"Oh? Gregg, eh?" Victor meditatied on this for a moment then answered. "Gregg was a normal kid. Tall, lanky, nothing special. He was shy from what I saw of him. Always sat in the very back of the room, somewhat of a strange boy." Victor informed them. "Hm..." Velmaior grabbed a small fragment of charcol and a crumbled up piece of paper from his coat pocket and began to write crude notes, mumbling incoherent words.
"One more question: Did Gregg have any friends?"
"Ah..." he groaned as the gears in his mind started to run. "... I couldn't tell you that, I never spoke with him. But! He did sit by a boy named Ridley Travers. A sneaky little fellow. I can't count how much times I had to send him to detetion for cheating."
Velmaior nodded, "Thank you, Victor. Do you know where Ridley lives?"
"Ah! Yeah! He lives in the Middle-City. Block Seven."
With that Velmaior stroded out of the small, smokey store and into the brightly lit, clean, Upper-city.
"Vel," Catherine put a hand on his shoulder, she needed to confront him on his short-tempered behavior inside of the store. "Why did you act like that in there?", "It wasn't that bad, Catherine." He protested as he rolled his eyes, grumbling softly. "Vel, do you need a break from this case?" She asked him in a motherly tone. "No." He shook his head and turned around to face her. "Listen, Catherine.." He grasped her hand gently in his and placed a soft kiss on the top of it. "... I'm fine, okay?" He guaranteed her, a slight twinkle in his eyes. "Fine, fine." She playfully rolled her eyes and pulled away her hand from his. "Great!" He smiled then began to tread off into the crowded streets of the city. What am I going to with him?, Catherine thought with a low snort as she followed behind him into the sea of people.
A/N: yay! So I posted a new chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment! :3
Translations: (1) Yes - Vαί
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