A Bunch of Questions
(The music I added was the music that I listened to while writing.)
(Marks Pov)
He's become protective ever since he met her. I wonder what the hell is going on, but she needs clothing.
A/N: No insight on when you got it?
A/N: Nani? Storytime.
So, the clothes arrive. I walk into the spare room and I hand them to Dark, who is sitting in the room with y/n comforting her.
(Dark's Pov)
Mark walks in with clothes for y/n. He hands me the clothes and I put an outfit on the bed. She confusedly looks at the clothes, and I shut the door.
(Y/n's Pov)
I get the pj's laying on the bed and put them on. The shirt was alittle big but it was nice to wear. I go out of the room to see dark and mark making dinner. "Anything I can help with?" I say.
"Nah, we got this, go ahead and relax, you've had a long day." Dark answers immediately. I nod and go back to my room. It wasn't too bad, it was f/c. I lay down in the bed, and drift off to sleep.
(Dark's Pov)
Y/n slept until we were done dinner. I went in the room to get her and I saw her asleep hugging her body pillow. (That's how I sleep according to everyone who has watched me sleep. I find it creepy that they watch me sleep......) I decide to just make her a plate and leave a note in her room
'Hey y/n. I made dinner and you fell asleep so I didn't want to wake you. A plate of mac and cheese is in the microwave.
I put the note on the door and walk out. I decided to wait for y/n to wake up to eat. It's only fair.
Sorry for the shitty chapter! It's a filler chapter, bc I actually have to do shit with my life today.........
Haha, I don't like interacting with people. This should be plenty fun.
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