The mage battling (Y/n) was cackling with glee as his shadowy arms wriggled around.
Mage:"Do you really think you can beat me? You can't even get close to me! My dark magic can keep you at bay and keep me safe all at once! There is nothing you can do! Just give up and drop dead! Besides, what can a member of the Black Bulls do?! Nothing! Because-"
(Y/n) appeared right before his eyes while being surrounded by water. The mage's eyes widened before being decked across the face and tumbling along the street.
(Y/n):"Sorry, you left yourself wide open. And what was that thing about being untouchable?"
(Y/n):"Don't worry about it. Just worry about how hard I'm going to kick ass."
The mage stepped back in fear and launched his hands, but (Y/n) got in a fighting stance, and his grimoire glowed blue.
(Y/n):"Razor Shell!"
He created a shell of water that extended into a blade of sorts and cut down the hands with ease. This left the mage in shock as the water faded away into bubbles.
(Y/n):"You've wasted my time long enough. This ought to keep you down. Mach Punch!"
Once again, (Y/n) had appeared before the mage's eyes and delivered a devastating right hook. The force behind the punch was so great that it made several teeth fly out while sending the mage through several walls. The mage was KO'ed instantly and laid in a pile of rubble. This left (Y/n) smirking before he gained a serious look on his face and began running.
With Asta, he was struggling against Rades, who had certain wraiths helping him fight Asta and the others. Noelle and Leopold tried to back him up, but they had to deal with a wraith that had muddy water magic. It's a horrible match-up on Leopold's side. Asta himself had to deal with a flying wraith that had lightning magic.
The wraith was about to strike Asta with a powerful attack, but Fuegoleon stepped in and turned the wraith to complete charcoal.
Asta: Dang it... I couldn't beat him...
Fuegoleon:"My apologies for joining in on your fight. I thought it would be a shame to let a man like you die here. Forgive me!"
Fuegoleon put a hand on Asta's shoulder and took a step forward to face Rades.
Fuegoleon:"You're a peasant, with no magic. I'm impressed you fought this far. I hate to admit it, but it looks like Yami's foresight was better than mine. Asta, wasn't it? You said you were going to become the Wizard King."
Rades:"Say what?! Become the Wizard King?! Like a nobody like you could do that!!"
Fuegoleon:"In that case... You and I are rivals!"
Asta looked up at Fuegoleon in a mixture of awe and shock.
Rades:"I get it... This guy's..."
The captain of the Crimson Lion King Magic Knights...
Fuegoleon:"LEAVE THE REST TO ME!!"
Fuegoleon:"Then you and I... Are rivals!"
Asta: Did a Magic Knight Captain... Just call me his...?!
Asta stared at Fuegoleon's back with a look of pride and happiness. Hearing Fuegoleon call him a rival boosted Asta's passion for taking down Rades.
Asta:"RRAAAARH! This is no time to stand around like a wuss!! I'm still good to go!!"
He tried to rush at Rades before being promptly chopped on the head by Fuegoleon.
Fuegoleon:"No, you're not. Warriors must monitor their own condition, constantly determining whether or not they can fight. At this point, you're in no shape for it! Your exuberance may be your greatest weapon, but keep a cool head as well! If you really intend to become the Wizard King, that is."
After spreading his wise advice unto Asta, he turned his attention back to Rades.
Fuegoleon:"What is it that you people want?! Your actions are too scattered for an invasion and too organized for indiscriminate terrorism. Who are you?!"
Rades:"...Hah! Six years ago... I was the top choice for a Magic Knight squad, the name's Rades."
Fuegoleon:"...! What?!" A former Magic Knight?!
Rades:"You don't remember, do you? I wasn't important enough for you people to bother with."
Fuegoleon thought back and remembered Rades as a commoner who had high magic power and joined the Purple Orcas.
Fuegoleon:"With all that talent, why would you...?!"
Rades:"They expelled me! They said my wraith magic was dangerous, forbidden... Since I was a commoner, nobody had my back. They exiled me from both the Knights and the country!! Even though my talents were better... Better than the nobles... Better than anyone!! Wasn't magic supposed to be everything?! Huh?! So that's why!! I'm avenging myself against those Magic Knights and the country!! With this power!! That's why I'm doing this!!!" Although, yeah, there's one other reason...
Fuegoleon:"For a childish reason like that, you've... You fool!! Don't toy with me!!"
He began cackling as one more wraith floated from the floor and appeared behind him.
Rades:"That's the thing about reasons. They're always simple, y'know?!"
Leopold:"Big brother!"
Fuegoleon:"Do you need help?!"
Leopold looked at the wraith before smirking with a massive sense of pride and self-confidence.
Leopold:"Definitely not!"
Fuegoleon:"That's what I like to hear! If you understand what you need to do, then get it done quickly!"
Asta: Whoooaaa... Spartan brothers!
Rades:"Way to ask the impossible! The affinity between their attributes is lousy! Well, it's not like I'd let you go save him anyway..."
He tried to boast but stopped as soon as he saw a giant fire construct of a lion's head behind Fuegoleon.
Fuegoleon:"Sorry, I'm not going to be able to control the intensity of this flame. Flame Creation Magic: Leorzenas!"
The lion inhaled air before shooting out a massive stream of fire directly at Rades. The attack hit its mark, but Rades laughed as his wraith defended him perfectly.
Rades:"Meet number one, Carl. When he was alive, this guy was a defense magic expert. I added my curse magic to that and made him tougher to get past!"
Asta: He's bringing things out like that again...
Fuegoleon:"Asta. Do you remember what I said a moment ago? Watch carefully!"
Rades:"What're you acting so calm for?! This guy does more than just defend!"
Carl shot our sharp blasts of magic towards Fuegoleon, who flipped pages to a different spell. A column of fire erupted around him and protected him from the blasts.
Fuegoleon:"Flame Creation Magic: Ignis Columna!"
Rades:"Trying to match barrier spells with Carl, huh?!"
Rades kept having Carl barrage Fuegoleon with magic attacks as the column continuously protected him.
Rades:"How's this?! Whaddaya think of this iron defense plus super barrage?!"
Fuegoleon:"I certainly can't touch you..."
Rades:"Hahahaha! Is that all you have?! Mister Captain of the Crimson Lions!"
He tried to keep gloating and kept laughing as a small orb of fire hovered in front of Fuegoleon before shooting a beam directly into the barrier and pierced Carl's chest. Asta and Rades looked stunned as Carl looked down to the hole in his chest that started to burn with a small fire before it erupted and burned him into ashes.
Fuegoleon:"Flame Magic... Sol Linea."
As Rades remained stunned, Fuegoleon explained how he overcame the barrier in an instant.
Fuegoleon:"In the instant you attack... For just a moment, the mana of the barrier thins in places. I aimed for that. I meet with difficult magic every day. Listen well! Because you are Magic Knights, you will find yourselves constantly pitted against powerful enemies and magic. When it happens, if you gauge the ability calmly and maintain a bold fighting spirit, you will never lose! Is that clear?!"
?:"Crystal clear!"
Noelle and Asta heard a familiar voice and smiled. Leopold smiled as well as he looked over to see (Y/n) doing a front flip off a roof and landed next to Asta.
Fuegoleon:"A pleasure to see you again, (Y/n)."
(Y/n):"Likewise, sir."
Rades:"No way! You took out my best just like that?! You...! You...!"
Fuegoleon:"Rades, was it? Even if you possess phenomenal abilities and polish them to their fullest... Without a just spirit, they're nothing but violence!! There is no one who will acknowledge something like that!!!"
Rades was too stunned to even move a muscle and looked on at Leopold, who overcame the muddy water wraith and burned him down to ash.
Rades: Why?! I've got phenomenal power, more than anyone! I researched my own magic as much as possible, honed it, and prepared! Planned for today... for years! Years! And yet, why?!
Leopold:"We took advantage of the gaps in the enemy's mana and evaporated it with intense firepower!"
Fuegoleon:"That's the spirit! Well done! That's what qualifies you to lead this country as royals!"
Noelle and Leopold both gave a salute with pride and Noelle was shocked that she did this as she was caught up in the moment.
Rades:"It can't be... That can't be... I've got just as much magic as a royal! I..."
Fuegoleon:"Flame Binding Magic: Leo Palma!"
A series of flaming claws held tightly onto Rades to keep him from moving.
Rades:"Let me go, you piece of- I'm still..."
Fuegoleon:"There are many, many things I want to ask you! Before I do, I'm going to confiscate your grimoire."
Fuegoleon walked up and took his grimoire as Rades screamed for him to let go of his grimoire. Fuegoleon opened up the grimoire and was shocked to see that it only contained a single page.
Rades:"Don't look! Quit looking! Give it back! Don't you dare... look down on me!"
Asta:"Who'd look down on you?! Couldn't you have made people acknowledge you some other way? Even though you've got that awesome magic... Even though you have so much power... What a waste!"
Fuegoleon:"Heh, well said. Rades, you were able to overcome adversity, but what you lacked... Was a just heart! Pay for your crimes!"
Rades looked down at the ground as an unknown voice spoke in his ear.
?:"You're satisfied now, I trust. As I thought... defeating a captain was too much to ask of your power alone. Sometimes you can't win, even with enormous magic. Catherine was careless and lost as well. As did Moar. My magic is also very near its limit. There will be no more arbitrary actions. Starting now, we'll move according to plan. For the master's sake..."
Asta's ears twitched and he looked mildly confused. (Y/n) took notice and eyed Rades carefully.
Fuegoleon:"At the very least, one more- a spatial magic user- has invaded the capital. Where are they?! Did they run already? Even if your objective was revenge... What is your group's objective?!"
Rades began to chuckle before looking up at Fuegoleon with a sinister glare.
Rades:"Our real objective is... You! FUEGOLEON VERMILLION!!"
In that moment, spatial magic formed underneath his feet and swallowed him up. Fuegoleon decided to play along and let himself be whisked away. (Y/n) and the others looked shocked as Leopold cried out to Fuegoleon.
Fuegoleon found himself in a large and open white void with strange symbols floating in the air. He was confused about the place he landed in before hearing a set of footsteps. He looked over his shoulder and gasped.
Leopold grabbed Rades by his collar as Rades only laughed in his face.
Noelle: That super accurate spatial magic... The user could never have done it if they weren't nearby! So where...?!
As Noelle tried to figure out where the user was hiding, Asta rushed past her and found the location. Off to the side was a massive pile of wraiths that were already downed.
Asta:"Right there!"
He slashed at the pile and the bodies flew in the air but the spatial magic user had teleported to the top of a building.
?:"I figured if I disguised myself with magic, magic could find me out... So I went to the trouble of wearing this filthy disguise. And yet... You're like a wild animal, boy. But... It appears to be over now."
The spatial magic user removed the mask off his face and a portal opened up across from them as something fell out.
The thing that fell out of the portal was Fuegoleon who had his entire left arm missing.
Noelle screamed at the top of her lungs in horror as Asta and (Y/n) were shocked to their cores. Leopold and Noelle ran over to his side while (Y/n) stayed by Asta and grit his teeth.
Asta:"Ghk! He was... He was so strong, and they just... It can't be.."
Because Fuegoleon was out of commission, his binding spell was dispelled and Rades was free. Noelle tore off a piece of cloth and used it to bandage up his wound. Leopold was still in shock and was blasted away by Rades. The spatial user tried to get Rades out of there, but Asta threw his sword at the magic spell and dispelled it. He began wailing on Rades with justified rage.
The spatial magic user tried to teleport Asta away but was almost hit by a fire attack from Leopold who stood back up. Both him and Asta were panting as backup for Rades showed up. They were mages wearing white robes with a strange design on them. It looked like a line of 3 eyes. (Y/n) decided to act and walked up to his rivals and pat their shoulders.
(Y/n):"Asta, why are you bleeding so much?
Asta:"That guy hit me with curse magic. Even a small wound can be deadly."
(Y/n):"I see. Well, it would be nice if something were to completely stop the magic from working."
He smirked at Asta who picked up what he was saying and smirked. He brought both swords close to his wounds and sliced them. This caused the curse to disappear.
Asta:"Why didn't I think of that sooner?"
(Y/n):"You were too focused on everything else. But don't worry. I've got your back!
End of page 9.
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