[79] Angry Willows And Fleeing Rats
The last match we played was the most epic and most dramatic one to be ever seen in Hogwarts' History. Slytherins were dead bent on winning by fair means or foul and of course our team members were knocked, hit and pushed off by them. Which did result in them being given a penalty but... Whatever.
Still what mattered most was that Harry caught the Snitch. Thanks to the anonymous person who sent him the Firebolt. If it hadn't been for the Firebolt's remarkable speed, Malfoy would have caught the snitch and a whole year's training would have gone in vain.
Oliver was beyond uncontrollable, even Professor McGonagall was crying from happiness when we were handed the cup, the whole team was exhilarated beyond limits and what a sight it was to glimpse the faces of the Slytherin team.
I bet Malfoy would be banging his head on a wall by now.
But of course the Quidditch winning hype didn't last long as we had our OWLs coming right up. I had missed a several night's sleep all due to the tension of the upcoming exams. And on the day we had our Arithmancy exam, I admit I had to ask Madam Pomfrey for a Calming Draught.
The best exam I gave however was that of Defense Against The Dark Arts. Professor Lupin had explained everything quite well to us and we all had no problem in doing the basic spells and recognizing the incantations. A few of us were asked to create our Patronuses as well (including me and the twins).
Then afterwards we had our Career consulting classes which were more fun than the OWLs itself. I had opted for an Auror and Healer as the main priorities but there was always the option of a Ministry job or teaching at Hogwarts before me. The twins however were still adamant on opening a joke shop.
And that was how one dreadful week of exams went for us. We were told that our results would be sent by owl post in summer break and now we were all quite free. If it hadn't been for the Dementors lurking around, we would have been given a celebratory trip to Hogsmeade to calm ourselves down after the nerve wrecking exams. Percy had said that it happened in his time but then of course, Sirius Black wasn't out on the loose then and the awful soul sucking monsters weren't around to spoil all the fun.
As I had absolutely nothing productive to do, I decided I may as well visit Professor Moons for a cup of tea. And then I also had to know what he thought about the OWLs result crises.
When Fred and George had left with Lee for a prank trip round the school, I went towards the Defense office. It was near evening and I suppose Moony would be free since there aren't any classes scheduled for this time.
True enough, I found him in his office pondering over something on his desk. The door was open nevertheless I knocked politely remembering how he had told me off for barging in on him once, "may I come in?"
He looked up from the parchment he was intently staring on. Oh... So he got the Marauders Map back in his possession. "Of course. You have come at just the right time."
I took a seat across from him and he showed me the Map. I don't think I can see what's wrong with it. However he pointed to three dots coming from the path to Hagrid's cottage. They were labelled Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"What are these three doing down there?" I asked.
He replied, "it's Buckbeak's trial today. I'm guessing they had gone over to Hagrid's in order to console him."
"And is that the reason you are watching the map so carefully?" I asked because I still can't understand what all that has to do with us. I mean yeah I feel sorry for Buckbeak and angry at Malfoy for the unnecessarily exaggerated stunt he had pulled. But still...
"Look at that," he pointed to a dot close to Ronald. It was labelled Peter Pettigrew.
He nodded solemnly, "you were right. Sirius is innocent."
All this was happening so fast that it was hard for me to grasp at it. Honestly, the whole scenario was a bit confusing. "Care to elaborate?"
His eyes darkened with the same emotion I had once seen when I had asked him of Sirius at our first day in Hogwarts. "Peter Pettigrew is the actual name for Wormtail. Remember he was part of our group too, the one who set firecrackers on the Halloween prank? It was believed Sirius killed him but here he is with Ron. And as far as I know the map never lies."
"And Peter was an Animagus, right? What did you say his animal form was?" A few things were starting to make sense now.
"A rat."
"Scabbers," I breathed. How had I never known that I was living with this rat who had betrayed James and Lily, sent Sirius off to prison for a crime he hadn't even committed and belonged to the Death Eater group? How...?
"Exactly. Sirius might have probably switched him to be the Potter's secret keeper and he didn't even let Dumbledore know that. Peter betrayed James and Lily and then faked his own death... That no good lying traitor!"
I was at a loss of what to say. Back in Hogwarts, Peter seemed the most harmless out of these four and yet how could he?
But suddenly Remus stood up, his eyes were glued to the map but his face had grown pale.
"Rem, you okay?"
"It's him, Sirius... He's here. He's got Scabbers."
With that he quickly folded the map, grabbed his wand and was about to rush out but I stopped him, "what are you going to do?"
His eyes had the wild urgency in them which I had never seen before, "I'm saving my friend. And Kat, promise me, whatever you do don't go near the Whomping Willow."
Before I could even reply he had gone off. And here I was left standing in his office with not a clue on what to to do. If I were to follow Percy's advice of staying away from trouble, I would have gone back to the common room.
But maybe he is right, I always do the exact opposite of what he says.
It had been a while since I was perched up on the tree near the Whomping Willow. I must say it was getting quite uncomfortable there and as it was just on the base of the forbidden forest, I knew I would be in trouble if any of the centaurs happened to pass by.
Quite some time had passed ever since I saw Professor Lupin go down the hole of the Willow. Seeing that hole still sent shivers up my spine as I recalled the near death experience I had had. If it hadn't been for James and Sirius, I wouldn't even be here at the moment.
I sat up startled as the Whomping Willow froze. There was absolutely no one out there who could twist that particular clump of roots to make the Willow go still, or was there? I squinted hard to see what was going on but to no use. Sometimes not being able to be in on the scene has a few downsides.
However, what else could I do but just wait for the whole party to come out of the Willow? I do hope that everyone is safe down there. By the way Moony had urged me to stay away indicated that he knew it wasn't going to be safe at all.
After all they were dealing with a Dark Wizard disguised as a rat for the past twelve years. I shuddered at the mere thought of it. Poor Sirius suffered all the torture while the real traitor enjoyed his life as a rat living with my family.
And I don't know how Ron is going to take it when he finds out that his dear pet Scabbers is actually an Animagus. For all I can imagine, the convincing is not going to be easy.
All of a sudden there was a rustle and I got more alert. It looked like the hole was opening. Oh wait... I think they have caught Pettigrew because I could see them emerging out with someone tied in chains with them. Guess it's time for me to get down from this tree and join the others.
However, there was a low howl that caught me by surprise. This can't be happening. Looking up at the sky I saw the full moon appearing from behind the clouds. Oh Merlin, no!
I had never been good at keeping track of the days and if Remus transforms into a werewolf right now then it could be disastrous for the others.
I hurried down the tree as fast as I could manage, lucky that I didn't land face first on the ground. My robes had got tangled in the thorns in the undergrowth but I tugged hard tearing them from the edges as I ran towards the Willow.
Moony had gone rigid, his mouth was lengthening and his shoulders were getting hunched. He was transforming. "Harry... Run!" I halted at the yell. Sirius had transformed into a dog and was locked in a battle with Remus to keep him away from the other three.
And what the hell is Snape doing here?
But of course there's no time for me to ponder on stupid questions. From what I can assess by the situation, Remus is in danger mode, Sirius might keep him off from the others even though he's kinda out of practice, but the troublesome thing is that Scabbers aka the traitor is nowhere in the picture.
"Don't you dare escape," Harry yelled and that's when I saw the rat running off into the distance. Since Harry and others were closer to the Willow, they got attacked by it's now angry branches.
Guess that leaves the whole situation on my shoulders.
Avoiding the angry willow, Remus and Sirius I rushed as fast as I could after the rat. Aiming for his darting figure I said the first spell that came to my mind, "Alarte Ascendare!"
Oh good, a few more feet in the air and I might be able to close the gap between us. As expected Wormtail flew up to several feet (due to the spell cast in open air) which gave me enough time to reach him and he landed back on the ground with a sickening thud as I withdrew the spell.
Serves him right.
This would probably be the only time I would have felt grateful to Lockhart for demonstrating this particular spell.
Eventually the rat enlarged and before me stood a man who was quite like a rat in appearance with crooked teeth, bald head and weird features.
"Well, well, what a pleasant surprise," he spoke, "I had no idea I would be meeting so many old friends today."
"I'm not your friend," my jaw was clenched in anger. Seeing him standing there sent a wave of mixed emotions through me which were mostly of anger and hate contrived into one.
If Sirius had spent so many years in Azkaban, it was due to him. If Harry was an orphan, it was due to him. The reason the Marauders were torn apart was none other than him, the foul backstabbing traitor.
I knew he didn't have a wand with him and if I had to stop him from escaping this could be my only chance. "Stupefy!"
However he dodged the hex and transformed into a rat. The undergrowth was dense here and unfortunately for me I couldn't see where he had vanished to.
The howls coming from the other side of the castle grounds were also driving me anxious but I had to focus on the matter at hand. I turned around my wand held steady before me, looking around for any sign of Peter. I must say that years of hiding from everyone has granted him proficiency in staying out of sight.
"Where are you, you stinking coward?" I breathed in a hushed whisper, the anticipation was getting the better of me and I didn't feel good about it at all.
All of a sudden, I felt a tremendous jerk as if someone had smacked me hard across the head. I was pushed down forcefully face first to the ground and my head hit hard on a rock or stone below me. To top it all off, my wand was also jerked out of my hand.
Why the hell does every bad thing has to happen to me at all sorts of odd times?
"I'm sorry, Kat, I know this is not how you treat an old friend," the unmistakable squeaky voice reached my ears as I struggled to free myself, "but you have caused enough trouble already and I will have to do this."
He muttered something I couldn't comprehend but soon after an excruciating pain shot through my body. It felt as if my back had been ripped apart and I couldn't hold back the scream that ensued from me.
The rat had escaped. I had failed to turn him in so Sirius could finally be free. I had failed.
A small form darted through the grass in front of me as I tried to keep my eyes open with much difficulty. I could feel the knives grating at my back painfully even now and there was only one thing I could do.
Gathering the remaining strength in me, I focused on the fleeing rat and tried my best to send a blaze of fireworks towards him. The last thing I saw was an orange burst of light and a bright flash of fire and then everything began to dissolve into darkness.
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