[75] God Rest Ye' Merry Hippogriffs
There was one good thing that happened in the following week though; Christmas.
The Christmas spirit thankfully was enough to elevate the dull atmosphere and somehow the Dementors seemed to have lost their influence on us as well.
Trust me, Hogwarts has been a rather doleful place due to the presence of these ghastly creatures even though they were banned from entering the school grounds.
And especially after what happened to Harry due to them.
Anyhow, the whole school was wound up in the festive mode as there were ribbons and decorated trees everywhere. Christmas Feast at Hogwarts sure is a bright and cheery affair.
Even though most of the students had gone home by now, still the remaining of us were looking forward to a celebration in the form of the much awaited feast.
Lately, Fred and George have been collecting candy canes for their Christmas prank and they are not even telling me about it so it is safe to assume that this prank of theirs is not only going to be massive but also will target everyone.
Including me.
The night before, I had wrapped up all the presents. A book on Astronomy for Percy, explosive stash for both Fred and George, something for Ginny (probably bought from Hogsmeade even though I don't really remember) oh yes, it was a stationery set for quills and inks.
A pack of Honeydukes sweets for Ron, a new diary for Hermione, a good luck charm for Harry and not to forget a special present each for both Angelina and Katie.
Guess what?
An edition of the new issue of the Quidditch Magazine.
And well, also a pair of brightly colored socks for Dobby.
Oh yes, Dobby. The cute little elf pays me a few visits every now and then. Besides, the fact that he is a free elf now, it has made a whole lot of improvement since he doesn't bang his head on tables if he says something he shouldn't have.
The presents for the family had been sent by owl post already so I'm guessing they will get them by tomorrow all right.
The next morning when I woke up, I saw presents at the foot of my bed. Getting showered and dressed, I decided to open them one by one.
There was a Weasley knitted sweater for me with my initial on it (definitely from Mom) and it was a great orange yellow color. A book on Ancient Runes by... Bill? Yup, the guess is right.
A collection of miniature dragons by Charlie, of course. A daily time table diary by none other than Perce (he thinks I need to pay more attention to studies), Zonkos specials by the twins, issue of the Witch Weekly by Katie, a Quaffle by Angelina (wonder where she got it from though).
There were still a lot many presents for me to open. Exploding Snap cards by Ron. Real intelligent. A book on Divination by Professor Trelawney (oops, I didn't know she would send me a present or else I would have got her something too), there's one from Harry too. Let's see... Chocolate nougats, great.
After I was done with all of them I noticed a neatly wrapped package at the bottom. It was wrapped up in a brown sheet and a card was pasted on it. I took off the card and it read:
<<To Kat,
Merry Christmas.
From, Moony.>>
Evidently curious, I tore open the sheet and inside was a leather-binded book. Wait, that's not a book. It's an album, a photo album.
I took the album and sat back on my bed and after making sure that the girls were nowhere around, I opened it.
Inside were all those photographs which me and the Marauders had taken on my last day. And there were a lot others as well which I hadn't known were taken as well.
Photos of Quidditch, Halloween feast, Deathday party, the Marauders Lair and much much more. There was a photograph of me and Sirius at the end of term feast too and underneath was the writing I recognized so well:
...Me and the most unbelievable girlfriend I had ever had...
Of course, nearly all the pictures had notes on the bottom as captions.
...Winning the Quidditch Cup...
Below was a photograph of James cheering with the cup as the team had hoisted him on their shoulders.
The writings in the captions varied though. Some were written by Remus, some by Sirius, some by Peter, rest by James and sometimes even Lily.
...Evans proposed Prongs, wonder if she was in her right mind...
Definitely Sirius.
...The time these three didn't let me prepare for a test...
Below was a picture of Remus holding an assignment with a 7 out of 10.
The photographs made me smile but also feel sad inside. These were the happy times the four friends had had together and now they were all separated.
I kinda understand why Remus gave me their photo album. He would have felt really bad whenever he took a look at these pictures. It would have been painful for him to recall it all.
And yet he passed this on to me as a remembrance... I will see him after the feast though. He must be feeling rather lonely since he is again at Hogwarts but his friends aren't with him.
Angelina entered and I quickly hid the album under my pillow.
"Kat, aren't you getting late for breakfast?" she asked and I could tell she had seen me put away the album.
"I'll be down in a second," I told her and slipping on the Weasley sweater and my shoes, I accompanied her downstairs.
As expected, all the Weasleys were wearing the sweaters we got today, all with their initials on them. Fred and George must have exchanged theirs for all I know (sometimes it gets hard telling who is who exactly).
After breakfast, we had a little time before Oliver would call us down for practice again. Me and the twins decided on taking a walk through the school grounds and probably even see Hagrid in that short free time we had.
Oh yes, Oliver made the whole team stay at Hogwarts for the holidays just so we could practice more.
And as a bonus point, the Slytherin team wouldn't be around to poke their noses in on us either. So I guess practice wouldn't be so bad if you just overlook the cold.
We took the path down the woods over to Hagrid's cottage. Reaching there, I knocked politely. The door opened and a rather enthusiastic creature leaped up on me. Oh. Fang.
I stroked the dog in between its ears and went inside the cottage. Hagrid was making tea.
"Eh, Weasleys?" he turned to see me, "will ye' have some tea?"
"It's okay Hagrid, we've just had breakfast," Fred replied and we all took our seats seat on the tree trunk cut stools in the corner.
I noticed that Hagrid was not his usual self. His face looked puffy and his eyes were red as if he had been crying. Wonder why, though.
"Hagrid, is everything alright?" I asked.
He glanced out to the Pumpkin Patch where a Hippogriff was tied, "alrigh'? The Ministry sent an order. They want Beaky executed. And all fer Malfoy. Beaky ain't done no wrong. They will execute 'im even when 'tis not 'is fault."
Oh... So that's the reason why he's so worried.
Poor Buckbeak.
And all due to the stupid stunt Malfoy pulled off. It really is not fair considering that Lucius Malfoy isn't one of the Governors at Hogwarts anymore yet still he gets to exercise his power over the school.
We tried our best to console Hagrid, but of course he was a bit too depressed to get cheered up easily. He spoke, "will ye' like to meet 'im?"
We followed him to the Pumpkin patch. The hippogriff, Buckbeak, squawked as it sat us.
"Stand back, all of ye'. Beaky likes ter be introduced firs'."
We stepped back and then Hagrid gestured to Fred to come up first.
As instructed, he walked up to the Hippogriff slowly and bowed. "Tha's righ'," Hagrid nodded, "if Beaky bows too, 'tis safe for ye' ter pat 'im."
A while later Buckbeak lowered its head elegantly and of course, Fred went up to pat the Hippogriff who gladly accepted the gesture, nuzzling against his hand.
Hagrid's right; Buckbeak isn't that dangerous as the Ministry is making it out to be and would never have attacked if not provoked.
But of course, it's Malfoy we're talking about and his incessant ability to make a scene out of nothing.
"Hey guys, I think it's Oliver. He has led the team out to the grounds," George exclaimed and we turned to see Oliver, sure enough, beckoning us to come down and join the rest.
Now for Quidditch Practice.
"We've got to go," Fred spoke, gently stroking the Hippogriff's head for one last time, "we'll come see this fellow later on, Hagrid."
"Alrigh' then. Ye' go fer practice and win the Quidditch Cup."
We went to the school first to change into our Quidditch gear then rushed out to meet up others in the school rounds.
After a stressing full day practice, when we all retreated we were no doubt tired and completely exhausted. Yet there was one thing to keep our spirits up high. The Christmas Feast.
There were Christmas trees everywhere and the whole of the Great Hall looked a wonderful sight as we entered. Since there weren't many people staying for the Holidays, two large tables had been arranged where the teachers and the students sat down together.
I do like this set up. There surely was quite a lot of peace around now that more than three quarters of the school population wasn't here plus there wasn't much chance of any Slytherins coming to create a scene.
Though of course I haven't forgotten yet about Fred and George's ability of executing pranks at most of the events including Halloween and Christmas. And by the innocent looks on their faces, I'm pretty sure they have something big up their sleeve.
We were about to dig in the feast when the doors to the Great Hall opened and in came a rather flustered looking Professor Trelawney. It is an oddity to see her here because she never ever comes down from the Divination tower.
But well, maybe it's the Christmas spirit having its full effect on everyone.
"Ah Sybil... What a pleasant surprise," Professor Dumbledore remarked, "come and join us. We were just about to get the feast started."
Professor Trelawney moved forward to take the empty chair but soon her face went quite pale as her wide eyes scanned the people sitting there, "I can't. I should just go back to the Tower."
Her voice was quivery as usual but it kinda reminded me of the time she had made a prophecy in my presence.
"But what's the matter? We would be pleased to have you dine with us," Professor Sprout spoke up.
"No, if I stay that will make us thirteen. And I can't do that. When thirteen dine together, the first to rise would be the first to fall."
"Technically we are about 28 people altogether," Angelina mumbled, "but just on different tables."
Professor Dumbledore hid a small smile but Professor McGonagall looked rather annoyed, "come on, Sybil, no one is going to die. You should stop giving your prophecies too much heed. Sit down and have your meal with us."
Well obviously she sat down because no one can disobey McGonagall, especially not when her tone gets a bit apprehensive. Though it was clear that she didn't want to, as she was slightly trembling at the prospect of having dinner with thirteen at a table.
However, the feast lapsed just as normal as possible though I do know the twins won't leave such an opportunity to pull off a prank. Just when all of us were almost finished, Harry and Ron got up to leave. Professor Trelawney looked at them both as if horrified, "which one of you got up first, dear?"
Both of them looked at each other in confusion and shrugged because obviously it can't be that easy to tell.
"Honestly, Sybil, I think you should let them be," McGonagall remarked and at her approval both Harry and Ron left the Hall.
Just as they stepped out the Hall, an explosion was heard and Professor Trelawney stood up in alarm, her thin hands clutching at her shawl, "Merlin! Somebody check to see if those two are okay... My dear God!"
Her face was extremely pale but just moments after Filch came into the Hall with his face red from anger, "Headmaster Dumbledore, someone has set exploding firecrackers in the corridors. The nasty things are exploding everywhere."
"Merry Christmas," both Fred and George winked at one another. Oh, I see, so that was all their doing. And to think that their exploding firecrackers could have been the end of Professor Trelawney, it truly was a relief that she recovered quickly from her shock.
"That was rude, Fred," I rebuked him as we were heading up the tower, "what if Professor Trelawney actually did get a heart attack?"
"That wasn't rude, it was downright wicked. And she wouldn't have gotten a heart attack, she would have been real pleased to announce that a prophecy of hers came true at last," he replied back.
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