[74] Spying At The Three Broomsticks
"Bodies everywhere. Muggles screaming. And Black standing there laughing with what was left of Pettigrew in front of him... A heap of blood stained robes and a few... A few fragments..."
Fudge's voice stopped abruptly and there was a sound of noses being blown. I decided it was time for me to deliver the envelope and get it all over with.
Professor McGonagall was seated with the Minister of Magic, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid and Madam Rosmerta.
When I had entered the inn they were already engrossed in conversation and I couldn't help but eavesdrop in on them since they were talking about Sirius.
Though I was shaken badly by all that I had heard. Sirius... James and Lily... The Dark Lord's spy... Peter's death. It was all too much to take in and digest.
Stepping out from behind the Christmas tree, I gave Professor McGonagall the envelope, "sorry for intruding, Professor, but the Headmaster sent a message."
All of them were staring at me as if they had seen a ghost.
"Has she been listening?" the Minister muttered in a whisper to Professor Flitwick.
"Of course not," McGonagall spoke as calm as ever, "I just saw her step in." Then turning to me, she spoke, "and Miss Weasley, you can tell the Headmaster that the Minister will be joining us for dinner."
I nodded, "sure, Professor." And with that I stepped out as quickly as I could while the last thing I heard was Madam Rosmerta asking Fudge if Sirius was mad.
Of course, McGonagall hadn't seen me step in. And I had no idea why Professor Dumbledore entrusted me with a message at that precise moment. It was almost as if he wanted me to find out all that whether I liked it or not.
Because he knew all about what weird business had occurred with my time travel incident and probably was trying to help me see sense since he also knew about... About Sirius and I.
He knew that Professor Lupin would never tell me the whole truth of what had happened so he took it on himself to let me find out. Oh, everything is making sense now.
Dumbledore had probably suspected that it was I who had let Sirius inside Hogwarts (same as what Moony had suspected earlier), he wasn't wrong to doubt me (any sane person in these circumstances would do so, indefinitely), he would obviously want me to know the truth about Black just so to ensure me staying away from all that was going on.
I went to him to tell him that I had done the task he had so cleverly entrusted me with and also to let him know that the Minister was joining them for dinner.
I was about to make my escape after that, when Dumbledore added, "oh and one last thing... Don't be harsh on Remus. I'd advise you to talk the matter over a cup of tea."
Incredible man, Dumbledore, sure no one can understand what brews on in his mind. However I stepped out with only giving him an acknowledging glance.
How can I be harsh on Remus? I know exactly how harsh could become merely an understatement. Moony is so in for a nice little chat by the fireplace over a cup of tea.
Though I do admit, I miss his cups of tea. It's been a long time... A long time indeed.
Remembering the first time I had barged in on him in his office, I made a mental note reminding myself to knock politely before entering.
"Come in," his voice came from inside.
I stepped in and saw he was rummaging for something in his cabinets. "I seemed to have really mislaid the essays this time," he mumbled, "pity I had to grade them as well."
"What were the essays about?" I asked.
"Grindylows," he replied, "I was teaching the 3rd Years about Hinkypunks and Red Caps and we had just covered the Grindylow. I did choose the most inconvenient time to misplace things."
I took a seat on one of the stools and picked up the scrolls of parchment scattered on his desk, "do you by any chance mean the water demon? Green creatures with scabby skin, preys on things that fall into ditches and the only way to overcome it is to break its grip blah blah blah?"
He turned around mildly surprised, "you do have a nice memory if you recall so much out of your 3rd year textbook."
I smiled and waved the parchment I was holding, "the essays are on your desk. Turns out that Hermione's Essay was on the top and you might have mistaken these to be a guide that came with the Grindylow delivery."
He took the parchments from me and breathed in relief, "ah, that's exactly what happened. Hermione surely deserves more than just a 10."
He began sorting out the essays for marking during which he looked up at me for a brief second, "for a second you had me impressed there."
I spoke, "all the credit goes to Miss Granger. As for me, I hadn't even read anything about Grindylows or Red Caps or those Hinkypinkies before."
He was shocked, "you weren't taught the basics?"
As expected.
"I didn't join school since 4th Year," I replied, "I was in an asylum before that. Why else do you think I kept asking you the dumbest of questions about spells and stuff people use on a daily basis?"
He was a bit confused however, "but you're a Weasley? A pureblood Weasley, I don't get..."
I interrupted him, "its a long story. I didn't always live with my family. Not quite the time to give you all the details."
He nodded, "well, thanks for finding the essays for me, Kat."
I shrugged, "no problem."
He spoke up, "last weekend Harry came to keep me company. We had tea together and honestly, I had a great time with him. Today I was wishing for him to come since all this time alone gets boring, and yet here you are."
I took a deep breath, "but with me it's a bit different, right? I always tend to get you worried after any of the times we spend together."
"Oh, not at all," he smiled politely, "I would appreciate if you stop for a cup of tea."
I agreed, "of course, that's what I came for in the first place."
His smile widened remarkably, "you always said that you liked my tea."
I nodded, "your tea as well as your chocolates. The Godiva bars were the end of me. Honestly."
He placed a chocolate bar in my hand, "I still keep these with me."
I laughed lightly, "oh and I know exactly where. In your trunk right underneath your stack of books. I still remember how James once deflated your chocolate pouch and..."
But I stopped myself in time. This was not the right thing to say. I had noticed how his eyes had shifted and his face depicted a sorrowful expression.
He stared out the window as if not wishing to look me in the eyes, "and the bars got squashed under the weight of my books. I didn't speak to him for a whole week afterwards."
His voice was muted to a whisper. Then immediately, he straightened, "I'm afraid I only use teabags. Fit for traveling and that happens a lot in my case."
"I don't mind teabags."
He nodded, "good. You still take two teaspoons of sugar, right? Or have your preferences changed over time?"
No, two spoonfuls still. "You remember," I mumbled.
He softly smiled,"I never forgot."
Adding the water to the teabags and powdered milk, he added, "I remember a lot more than though. You take two spoonfuls of sugar in your tea, never had coffee, prefer oatmeal for breakfast, favorite color comprises of fiery shades and despite the immeasurable passion for science you despise Electrochemistry."
Oh my... I am thoroughly astounded, "I'm impressed really. Memory still as functional as before."
He shook his head, a ghost of a smile visible on his face, "you weren't someone to be forgotten easily. After all, guests from the future don't visit often in a normal human lifetime."
It reminded me of something. A certain someone had also said the same to me once.
He handed me the cup and I mumbled a low thanks.
"Now what is it that you want to confront me about?" he asked as he took his seat in front of me.
I didn't feel like asking him anything. He had already told me a lot and doing so had pained him no doubt. So I made up my mind and spoke, "nothing at all. What makes you think that?"
He looked at me closely, "you're a terrible liar. You do know that, right?"
Some compliment.
"I decided not to ask you anyway," I replied.
He spoke, "its about Sirius, right?"
I sighed in defeat, "fine... At your own risk then."
I told him all about how I had found out everything and also that I would never again push him further. He could think whatever he liked about Sirius, I would definitely not pressurize him into believing anything.
He finished his tea in silence, listening attentively to all I had spoken. Then after a while, he spoke, "Dumbledore wants you to stay away from all this. He knows about you and Sirius."
"Yeah, I think so too."
"Kat, I do agree with him on this one. Even though we do not have completely reliable proof on Sirius's allegiance, still we can't take any risks."
I nodded, "I can understand."
"Good," he replied, "I trust that you will be on your own guard from now. Don't get too involved with this, please. If Professor Dumbledore has warned you thus, it means there is something more dangerous than just Sirius being on the loose."
He does have a point. Dumbledore was known for taking everything lightly yet this time he had taken further steps for ensuring that I stay away.
"I will be on my own guard, don't you worry," I smiled reassuringly, "and thanks for the tea, it was much needed at the moment."
He smiled in return, "you are welcome here anytime you want. I would gladly accept your company."
I nodded in acknowledgement and then stepped out of the office. True, I had a lot of thinking to do. And considering all that I had learnt today, I was looking ahead of me to a week or two's sleeplessness.
But I decided I would have to postpone all the worries for later since Oliver Wood was definitely going to be the greatest of them all. And the fact that we are up against Ravenclaw next... I would have to muster up all the energy I can to survive the tough training our captain would no doubt have lined up for us.
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