[73] A Girly Weekend
Christmas was edging near. The weather grew cold and we should have minimized our Quidditch practices as well, but Oliver wasn't having any of it. Besides the spectacular defeat we had to face a few days ago was enough to make Oliver go into fast bulldozer mode.
Oh yeah, we got defeated by Hufflepuff. And all due to those ghastly Dementors.
The weather was so bad and we were already having a tough time to score when the Dementors decided to show up for an after-party. And what do you expect? They attacked our seeker, he fell off his broom from a great many feet (thank Merlin, Dumbledore was there to slow down the fall or else Harry would broken all his bones instead of just the arm like last year), and to top it all of Harry's broom was devoured by the Whomping Willow.
Could that day possibly get any worse?
First Snape with the awful DADA class and then the defeat, ugh!
That day, Oliver was in his worst moods. Of course he didn't blame Harry for the defeat but he was still real down. And on this Hogsmeade weekend I was doing my best to avoid the Quidditch Team gathering.
Which thankfully was cancelled.
I do care for Oliver though and I know it isn't good for him to stress himself that much. But when defeats like this occur, he tends to get a lot more scary. So avoiding is the best option.
Today though I had ditched the twins for a girl's trip with Angelina and Katie. Besides both my brothers would be more than just pleased to get rid of me and go off to plan insane pranks with Lee Jordan and buy unbelievable prank stuff which they normally can't when I'm around to keep an eye on them.
But then lately I hadn't been able to hang out with my other friends so this once, I decided to get that problem solved as well.
Angelina, Katie and me had planned a rather fun weekend ahead of us since the three of us really needed a break from all the Quidditch tension.
I met up with the girls at the gates out to Hogsmeade and it was more than just visible how hyped we were for the weekend. Our key to finally let go of all the stress building up inside us. And of course, who wouldn't look forward to that?
"Finally... We are out for some fun!" Angelina remarked joyously soon as we entered the village. Everyone was about as happy as she was.
"And don't forget, we have to get the Christmas presents today as well," I reminded them both. Obviously, this was the only chance we would get to shop for presents.
Last Christmas I hadn't given anything to anyone. But I guess the situation wasn't in my favor back then. And I felt really bad about that. Except Harry, though, I did give him a photograph of his parents and their friends as a present.
Thinking of which...
"Magnificent," Katie breathed as we walked past the snow covered shops. I quickly shook my thoughts away and took in the surroundings. True, it looked magnificent.
Hogsmeade looked like a Christmas card. The little thatched cottages and shops were all covered in a layer of crisp snow. There were holly wreaths on the doors and strings of enchanted candles hanging in the trees.
It was all so beautiful.
We headed to Honeydukes first. Ever since I had first visited Hogsmeade, this was my favorite spot. The girls and I were more than just glad to get our hands on the delicious sweets. Especially the chocolate nougats. It is their specialty nowadays.
And yes, a few candy canes could be seen in the display as well. Seasonal sweets.
After Honeydukes, we decided to check the village around so we could buy the presents.
I was thinking of checking out Zonkos for Fred and George's present. I'm sure they would love to get their hands on Zonko's new explosives supply.
Oh, don't worry, those supplies aren't really explosive and they are not inflammable. But the point is that when they do explode, they are bound to give you a great surprise.
And by surprise, I meant a shocking surprise, indefinitely.
We were lucky since all of us got the really perfect presents and after the tiring search out, we decided to go to the Three Broomsticks.
"But the thing about being the only girl in the family can get pretty annoying," Katie sighed as we sat down, she had been entertaining us with how her younger brothers loved being the bosses of the house despite her being the elder one, "last year Tommy told me that I shouldn't play Quidditch. Why, you know? Because he thinks it's a man's sport."
"And what reply did you give him then?" Angelina asked rather amused, placing our Butterbeers at the table.
"Oh, I told him to stop prowling in the kitchen for food because that too isn't a man's sport."
"And what do they have to say about Cedric Diggory?" I asked while giving her a meaningful look which was soon exchanged by Angelina as well.
"Speaking of Cedric, I heard Snape paired you with him in Potions," Katie spoke trying to change the topic, "and also that you two had been on quite friendly terms since then?"
"While I had been the eye witness of that," Angelina joined in with a playful glint in her eyes.
Ah, I see, so they are turning the tables over to me... Well, no worries, I can handle that.
"Like you said, me and Diggory are just on friendly terms, nothing else. And that too because he had to serve detention and get a hundred points docked off his house all due to me forgetting to add the porcupine quills in our potion. So I kinda figured out a compensation."
"A benefiting compensation," they remarked.
Oh come on... But frankly, that's the thing about girl talk. It somehow always comes up to the topic of guys. Guys that are legible to date or be a crush. Or in simple words, the Attractive guys.
"Might be benefiting for him, I dunno. Besides he's not my type," and yes I am being honest. Cedric is one really nice guy but like I said, he's not my type.
"And what about Roger Davies?" Angelina asked.
Wonder why both of them are so interested in my love life.
I rolled my eyes, "at times I can't tolerate him."
"Poor him," Katie added, "and it's so obvious that the bloke has a desperate crush on you."
"Crush or not, I will keep making sure that he realizes he doesn't stand a chance."
"Ooooh, that's mean," Angelina shook her head smiling to herself, "especially the way you responded to his Valentine. Even though it was fun to watch, still it would have broken his heart into a million little pieces."
"Should as well be. Besides I didn't want him to send me a Valentine. Frankly, he was asking for it; all that scene that happened afterwards."
"But Kat, if neither Cedric nor Roger is your type, then what exactly is your type of a guy?" Katie asked.
Well... Now that is a question I would rather refrain from answering.
"Come on, tell us, what kind of guys are your type?"
"Ah, now that you're being so persistent..." I left the sentence deliberately incomplete and both of them edged their chairs closer to listen.
"I think... If you really are asking about what kind of guys attract me, then they have to be the daredevil ones. Y'know, the kind who have a rebellious vibe to them?" Throughout the explanation, I couldn't help but think of Sirius. How he used to be so carefree and joyous in those days and how, in the current circumstances, he was in such a miserable state.
"Hey, Kat, we lost you for a whole minute there," I was roused by Katie's voice.
"Oh, I... No, it's nothing."
"Did you really know someone who fit your type of guy before? And had a crush on him perhaps?" Angelina asked and I could tell she was being careful with her words. But then obviously these two are my friends. And friends share everything between themselves.
"Well... Yeah," I replied vaguely, "it was more than just a crush really. We were friends."
"Is he in Hogwarts?"
"No, not now."
"What? So, he's a graduate?" Katie remarked with her eyes wide.
Of course that is the kind of reaction to be expected from them.
But I was spared the trouble of answering when an owl swooped in through the window and landed on our table.
It was a School Owl, that much was certain and a letter was tied to its leg. And all three of us were surprised at the arrival of the unexpected mail.
It extended its leg towards me and I untied the letter. Sure enough, the envelope was addressed to me. Wonder what's in it though.
Actually there were two envelopes, one was addressed to me and the other was blank.
"Isn't it kinda surprising?" Angelina remarked.
"Yeah, I think so too," I replied while tearing open the envelope which had my name, "it's from the Headmaster."
They were just as surprised as I was. But assuming it was some sort of Prefects notice, they didn't ask much.
"Well, Kat, the weekend's just about to get over so we'll meet you at the gates," Angelina spoke as she and Katie stood up, "you can come and join us after you have read whatever is in the letter and performed whatever Prefect duty has been assigned to you."
Well, maybe it is a Prefect duty after all.
"Okay, I'll meet you at the gates, and if I don't then you can safely assume that the task was much longer than expected. And I really had a great time with you both. We should hang out often."
"Of course," they replied in unison smiling at me.
These girls were great friends and I sure was lucky to have them, "Bye."
After they had left, I read the letter.
<<Dear Miss Weasley,
I am entrusting you with the task to deliver the other envelope to Professor McGonagall. You have to wait till the time for the weekend ends and all the students have gone back. Professor McGonagall will be at the Three Broomsticks along with a few other teachers. I entreat you to give the envelope to her and then meet me in my office.
Albus Dumbledore.>>
Now that's weird. Why would Dumbledore ask me to deliver the envelope when he could just have used any of the school owls or any of the ghosts?
However, I decided to while away the time left by taking one last walk through Hogsmeade so that I will be able to return to the the Three Broomsticks at precisely the time which the Headmaster wanted me to.
Maybe it is a very confidential sort of letter in the envelope. But still, why me?
Knowing that I couldn't possibly do anything about it, I paid for my Butterbeer then walked out of the inn.
I just hope that whatever purpose the Headmaster has in mind, it doesn't land me into any trouble. Because if Professor McGonagall gets angry, she can turn out to be really scary. And God knows I have had enough of scary Oliver today so I am not quite in the mood to be in for a scary Professor McGonagall episode as well.
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