[72] A Lesson From Hell
For the next few days on an end, the students talked of nothing but Sirius Black. The theories of his break in were getting wilder and wilder by every passing day, each student giving a thouroughly ridiculous account on the whole topic.
Davies believed Black could turn into a creepy shadow (given his name) and thus sneak inside the castle. He spent the whole Charms class giving his stupid theories on making Hogwarts safe from intruders and blah blah blah because unfortunately I was paired with him.
And at that when he started giving justifications to his shadow transformation excuse, I politely asked him to Sod Off.
Yeah indeed, very politely.
I just hope his nose didn't break.
But honestly, Davies is the least of my worries at the moment. For the time being, our dear Captain Oliver is being a continuous peril on us, training us fervently even when there's a storm. It's a miracle we haven't got flu yet from training out in the cold.
Yup, the weather's no good here and I hardly doubt it would be a clear day on the match. While Oliver thinks the weather is the least of our worries since he's dead anxious about Diggory being the opponent Seeker.
Yes, Diggory, the Hufflepuff dude from potions who lost his house a hundred points all because I forgot to add the porcupine quills at the end of the potion we were brewing. Poor him.
On the other hand, Harry was informed today that we were playing Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin. And, well, he didn't take that very nicely.
"There's nothing wrong with Malfoy's arm!" he spoke furiously, "he's faking it."
"We know he's a Drama Queen, Harry," I mumbled.
"Exactly. I know that he's faking it, but we can't prove it," Wood said bitterly, "and we've been practicing all those moves assuming we're playing Slytherin, and instead it's Hufflepuff, and there style's quite different. They've got a new Captain and Seeker, Cedric Diggory - "
At that, Angelina and Katie suddenly giggled. Oh no, not again. I kinda know they have this crush on him because he seems attractive. Alright, who am I kidding? He is attractive.
"He's that tall, good looking one, isn't he?" Angelina remarked.
"Strong and silent," Katie added and then both started to giggle again.
Yup, both of them have been fantasizing about him since the day he rejoined school. I don't even know where was he studying before? Home schooled, probably? But both my dorm mates pretty much know all about him.
While I could hardly care less.
George gave me a pointed look as if requesting an explanation to that and I simply rolled my eyes then mouthed, "girls' got a crush." And he stifled a laugh at that.
"He's only silent because he's too thick to string two words together," Fred said impatiently, "I don't know why you're worried, Oliver, Hufflepuff are a pushover."
Oliver shouted, his eyes bulging out of his sockets, "Diggory's put a new side altogether. He's an excellent Seeker. I was afraid you'd take it like this! We mustn't relax! We must keep our focus! Slytherin is trying to wrong-foot us! We must win!"
"Oliver, calm down!" that outburst took Fred by alarm, "we're taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously."
The day before the match, the winds were howling down at us worse than Aunt Muriel ever did and the rain was a continuous heavy downpour. But all that howling was nothing when compared to the torture we were about to face eventually.
The three of us skipped to the DADA classroom in much high spirits since this was the one class which we absolutely enjoyed in. Moony is an excellent teacher and everyone prefers his hands on style in the classroom.
Today's lesson was Animagus Transformations.
I had already prepared half of my notes on that and lined up a few questions that I had to ask. Oh yes, I do study. What did you think? That I spent all my time hanging out with the twins and playing Quidditch?
No, I don't. I fortunately have an idea how tough OWLs are and thus, I pay enough time to studies as well. Though it becomes hard to manage most of the times.
As we entered the classroom, we were met by a truly horrifying sight. Me and the twins simply gaped ahead of us not wanting to believe the display before us.
Professor Severus Snape was standing at the head of the class in his signature slimy demeanor glaring at us as if we had broken a strict code of conduct.
"If you three are done deciding whether you should take the class or not, I would like you to step inside and take your seats," he sneered, "oh and, thirty points from Gryffindor."
Honestly? Like, has he sworn to deduct points every single hour from houses other than Slytherin?
Talk about being prejudiced.
I got a seat with a Ravenclaw so I guess that wasn't too bad. If it had been Slytherin studying with us, then Snape would have gone to pair me off with Warrington. And trust me, he's a total pain in the a**.
Wonder where Moony is though.
"Sir, are you sure you're in the right classroom?" Fred piped up from the end of the classroom.
"We mean that it would look odd if Professor Lupin turned up any second," George added.
Snape glared at them threateningly, "it would be appreciated if you pay your attention to your own work instead of mine. As for your Professor Lupin, he can't take the class today. So I am covering the lessons. If that much explanation was distinct enough, I want you to turn to page number two hundred and fifty six without any further ado."
Its not like we want to listen to him talk all day. Once in potions is torture enough. He literally behaves like he's the Devil's advocate himself.
Bet the Devil too would get scared of him if he really was his advocate.
However, I am slightly anxious to why Professor Lupin is not taking classes. I might have lost track of days but, yes, last night was a full moon.
And I really hope he didn't get hurt that bad.
I might check in the Hospital Wing for later, though its unlikely they would let him go there, or rather I'll visit his office in the evening.
"Today, the topic for study is Animagus Transformations," Snape began in that same frightening manner with which he plagued us constantly during potions, "does anyone know what an Animagus is?"
Davies raised up his hand. Quite expected. In our year, he's quite the class nerd when it comes to studies. But then nearly all Ravenclaws are that studious.
When Snape gave an affirmative nod, he stood up and began, "an Animagus is a person who can transform into a certain animal at will. The form of the animal is specific to individual Animagi and they can be differentiated from ordinary animals by their characteristic markings."
He gestured him to sit down, "it's a pity how you students know absolutely nothing. Reached your OWLs year and still not yet received a capable enough teacher to guide you in the right direction."
His voice was laced with hate and I knew exactly why. Dear ol' Snivelly rued the day he stepped into the Whomping Willow and since then holds Rem responsible for that little accident.
And by the way, Professor Lupin is more than just capable but I guess it's understandable why Snape can't accept it.
"If we know so little, sir, would you be so kind as to enlighten our minds with the precious knowledge we haven't yet been able to receive?" I remarked breezily though I have a fair idea it would have sparked him up.
"Fifty points from Gryffindor."
Yay! (Note the sarcasm).
"An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. Animagi can only take on the form of one specific animal. This animal form is not chosen by the wizard, but determined by their personality and inner traits. It may also be that the full-bodied Patronus may reveal what a witch or wizard would turn into if they were an Animagus. An Animagus in animal form is also not restrained by the lifespan limit of the creature that they otherwise transform into. The difference between Transfiguration and the Animagus transformation ability is that an Animagus can change into an animal whenever they want, without a wand or an incantation. Being an Animagus is an ability, and Transfiguring requires a spell. An Animagus still thinks as a human does when they are in their animal form."
Yeah, really, what's so new? It is simply a more detailed and enlarged version of what Davies told.
"You all must have started taking notes," he sneered and the whole class busied themselves with their quills. While I, being the absolute disrespectful little brat that I am, simply plunked my quill in the ink pot not even bothering to touch the parchment.
Because I took my notes.
Last night.
And... I don't want to study about Animagi as taught by Professor Severus Snape.
"Miss Weasley, it surprises me that you think you are proficient enough to pass the OWLs without paying attention in class."
I only scowled in reply. Trust me, I'm not in a good mood and I wasn't expecting this lesson to be absolute torture.
Somebody kill me now.
And relieve me from the stress of being here in this class taught by our extremely proficient potionsmaster.
"But then, of course, you would know a lot about Animagi," he sneered and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Snape definitely had a clear idea on what he was talking about and I'm pretty sure he said that fully aware of the effect it would have on me.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Sir," I replied trying not to lose my calm.
Of course he knew. The conniving look on his face is proof already. Or rather he is pretending to know just in order to trick me into accepting it. And that is something I won't do.
He resumed as if I had not said anything at all, "and then you would also know all about werewolves. And dementors. Despite the fact that you just joined Hogwarts an year ago. And you must also know that a Dementor's influence on an Animagus in its animal form is weaker than on its human form."
I... I do know where exactly he is getting at. The absolute nerve of him!
"Professor, is that the topic which we came here to study?" I asked rather politely though what I was feeling was the complete opposite.
The classroom though had started to buzz with hushed chatter among the students.
And then Davies decided it would be best of he enlightened us with his newly found theory.
"What if Sirius Black is an Animagus?" he spoke up and at that the whole class became silent. A few nods of approval could be seen and I virtually facepalmed myself.
Now this is exactly what Snape had wanted. I understood all the hidden purpose behind him taking over the Animagi lessons.
Holy Freaking Portkeys.
I glared at him and I'm pretty sure that he was definitely jumping from glee on the inside at having achieved his objective.
"Now that is probably the most convincing theory I have come across in the past few days," he turned to face Davies who appeared rather shocked that for once, Snape hadn't bellowed down on him giving wild ideas.
And well, why would he? He's rather pleased with the proceedings of this so called plan which he has embarked himself on to track out Sirius and hand him back to the Ministry.
Or so it seems.
"What are the other theories about Black, Professor?" Davies asked finally after recovering from the shock.
Screw you, Roger Alexander Davies, you don't have any idea what you're getting me into.
"Ah, numerous theories, each as wild as the next," he remarked (rather dramatic than usual). Then turning to face me, he resumed, "yet a few of them are not far from the truth. But whichever way Black used to enter the castle, one thing is fairly certain... It couldn't be managed without any inside help."
Throughout his speech, he kept looking rather pointedly at me. Hearing the words inside help, the students audibly gasped.
"Don't you agree with me, Miss Weasley?" His remark made me even more nervous than before. Of course he was suspecting that it was I who had let Sirius inside.
Stealing a glance over at the twins, I saw that they too were looking at me with surprise written clearly on their faces.
And then I did what no one was expecting from me in the least.
I stood up from my seat and spoke defiantly facing Snape, "if you want to deduct a hundred points from my house now, you can do that."
He looked at me skeptically, "and what for, may I ask?"
"Oh well you know, just like you deduct points all the time from Gryffindor without any possible reason," I snapped, "and by the way, I'm leaving and not coming back until Professor Lupin gets restored to health and resumes taking classes. Thank you for the oh so proficient lecture."
I almost threw my books and quills in the satchel and grabbing it, I made my way as quick as possible to the door.
Snape had tested enough of my patience.
Humiliating me like that in front of the whole class? What's new to expect from him.
"Fifty points from Gryffindor," he hissed.
"Thank you so much," I replied not pausing to look back. I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
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