[64] Egyptian Reunion
Among all the hustle bustle of the preparations for the holiday trip, none of us realized how quickly time flew by and it was at last the day for us to begin the tour. We had to go to the station first to take the train which would drop us at the port and from there we had to board our cruise. Pretty exciting.
Visiting a Muggle station is very much like Kings Cross except the fact that we didn't run into barriers or something. Everything was proceeding rather normally. We got our luggage checked and were ushered towards our designated platform.
While at Kings Cross I had always been too excited to actually pay attention, this time I decided to clearly look at everything. The platform had a few couple of seats for those who had to wait for their trains, there were a few refreshment shops aligned in the corner and right ahead was the track on which the train would come and stop.
I noticed that it was slightly below ground level and if you really have to take a closer look you would have to bend down which I know is rather dangerous if the train comes whistling away on the track. There was a loud whoosh as one train whizzed past our platform, it did create a noise of whistling and I did have to cover my ears for a moment. Really fast, I must say. The noise gradually died away as it stopped on the other platform but...
Something felt odd again.
I was having the same wrenching feeling which used to indicate that something was wrong. Something had happened and that someone wanted me to know what it was. Not again. I really wish I didn't have the ability to see into such things. The train's whistle sounded again, only this time it was louder and dangerously close.
Everything around me was flickering and I had to struggle in keeping my eyes open. In a flash, I saw a tiny little girl on the track and the train really close by. The flickering of lights didn't stop making it harder for me to stand and look and it was almost as if I was getting rooted to the spot.
All of a sudden there was a loud screeching sound of brakes being pulled, someone screamed probably that little girl, a crash and then... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except the sound of a woman crying faintly in the distance.
The color red danced before my eyes creating the expression of blotches of blood. I covered my eyes and almost swayed as a horrible whizzing was going on in my head to the point of driving me insane.
Someone was shaking me, "Kat, you okay?"
I immediately opened my eyes to see that the flickering was gone, there wasn't any blood around and there was neither train nor girl on the track. All a vision. Definitely a vision. Nothing else. Nothing that had happened now. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Kat," Fred and George were both hovering over me.
"I'm fine," I spoke assuredly, "its okay."
They looked at me dubiously, "are you sure? Shall we tell Mum?"
"Absolutely not."
They shrugged in reply but thankfully the train came and that was enough for them to forget about what had happened with me just now.
"Come on kids," Mom called as she counted the heads of everyone present, "now our cabin number is JY-23, you will all take your seats in it. And no mischief."
Yup, the last sentence has been addressed to us three.
"Absolutely Mum, no mischief," however the twins had that spark in their eyes again showing that they didn't really mean what they just said.
The train took us to Southampton which (according to Perce) is located on the South coast of England in the county of Hampshire. From there we took the bus to Southampton port where our cruise was waiting.
Our cruise was the Azura from P&O Cruises and Passenger Liners. Our luggage was checked again and after that we were told to board the ship. The cruise was enormous and all of us had our separate rooms or rather cabins to be precise. They are much like hotel rooms only just a bit smaller. Though there are a lot of other facilities on board as well.
Anyhow it took us eight days to reach Egypt while we would have done so in much shorter time by Floo Powder. But well, Dad thought the cruise would be a new and worthy experience for us so yeah, no Floo powder this once.
And yes it was a fantastic experience no doubt only if you avoid the fact that we almost got sued when Fred and George crashed down one of their theater Broadway shows or the consequences which arose after that little incident on the Hot Tub (trust me you don't wanna hear about that, let's just say that my dear brothers almost incinerated the people inside).
On the port of Alexandria, Bill was waiting for us. It was quite easy to spot him in the crowd due to his red hair. All of us pushed past the swarm of people to reach him. Since Egypt is a desert country, the air itself is dry and sucks out the moisture from everything, so practically we were all thirsty and starving despite the fact that we had already dined on the cruise.
Ginny rushed forward and hugged Bill chattering excitedly about every tiny detail of the trip. He was listening attentively while ruffling her hair and it was really cute.
I stayed a bit behind as they had a family union, Mom was asking Bill how he had been and that he was taking his meals on time or not, Fred and George were pestering poor Perce again suggesting that he would look twice better in an Egyptian robe rather than the school robes, Dad was helping Bill to load the luggage into the car.
I noticed the letter G engraved on the hood of the car. G... G for Gringotts. That settles it. I did tell you that Bill works as a curse breaker for Gringotts, right? Yes, I did.
Looking over at Ginny, I saw she was as bubbly and happy as she had been the day when Mom Dad had told us of the trip. She was getting her family time and it made me really think how right she was on saying that I was kinda stealing her family away from her. Not that I want to. I just don't know, perhaps if I had been in her position I would have done the same.
But the main point was that I never really could be in her position. No matter how hard I try to believe that I'm a Weasley born and bred, the truth is that I'm not. I'm just a magic freak from a Russian Asylum or more confusing still; the abandoned child of a Pureblood Slytherin family.
The family of which I know absolutely nothing, except the tiny little flashbacks which rise momentarily from time to time, and well those flashbacks aren't something I enjoy. Not at all. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Bill.
"Hi," I greeted.
"Welcome to the Arab Republic of Egypt," he replied. He's nice, really, even though he might look a tiny bit intimidating with a fang earring and the long hair which he keeps tied in a ponytail. But then obviously, it's the inside that counts. Not that the outside's ugly, not at all; I have heard a lot of stories from Mom and the twins on how Bill was the heartthrob of Gryffindor back in his Hogwarts days.
"How was school?" Bill asked.
"Eventful," and yes that's true; merely eventful would be underestimating it.
"Tell me all about it when we reach home. Now get in the car, everyone's waiting."
Oh... What had I been thinking that I totally forgot about that?
Anyhow we squeezed in and Bill started up the engine. Dad was examining the interior and remarking on it as we set off to wherever Bill's apartment was located.
"What happened to your hair?" Bill asked out of the blue and silence fell over all of us. It was then I realized that the question was addressed to me. Oh right, the last time he visited us, I had blonde hair.
"I dyed them," I replied, "it looked kinda awkward being the only blonde in a family of redheads."
He nodded, "that figures. Suits you, by the way."
Bill's apartment was rather plain and furnished only conveniently enough for a single person. Now I do think there would be some trouble in accommodating all of us in here.
The wallpaper was apple blossom (which happens to be my favorite), there was a couch and a coffee table in the living room, the bedroom could be seen on the other end though I could easily guess that it was as scarcely furnished as the rest of the things I have seen, kitchen looks nice though (remarkably clean) and there was a painting of a fruit basket hanging on the mantel. Very simple and basic.
"We'd be having dinner in the backyard," Bill announced after we had unpacked conveniently enough.
Mom was in the kitchen fixing supper while Bill, Dad, Percy and the twins had gone to set up the tables in the yard. Having dinner in open air surely felt amazing. And with Mom's cooking to top it all off, you can clearly expect how amazing it could get.
After the delicious feast, we all headed to sleep. Most of us were in the living room and me and Gin had to share a mattress. I knew she wouldn't be too glad about it but well, it's not like I had any other choice. So there.
I took my pillow making sure to get on the farthest side (even though it was slightly uncomfortable) and closed my eyes forcing myself to sleep.
After the time travel, nights for me were comparatively harder to while away. I couldn't usually sleep due to the insomnia and the fact that my mind would keep wandering here and there thinking about what could possibly have happened to the rest of the Marauders after James and Lily's murder. I shuddered at that, as always.
Glancing at my pillow I couldn't help but recall that morning when I had woken up next to Sirius and freaked out completely. Despite myself, a smile crept up to my face. Where could Sirius be now? Married? Not likely. Working as an Auror? Dunno. Or... Roaming the world in search of Voldemort to take revenge of his best friend's murder...?
Perhaps... Perhaps, really he was. Most definitely. Knowing him he'd already be out tracking Voldemort down. I tried to force the thoughts away but they cluttered up my mind nevertheless. Was Sirius really out for revenge?
And Moony, what about poor Moony? And Peter... That boy worshiped James and I can't imagine how devastated he would have been after the murder of the Potters. But then flashes of seeing Sirius in Azkaban threatened to peek through. And no I definitely don't want to go through that torture again.
"Stop it," my voice came out in a choked whisper.
"What? I ain't doing nothing," Ginny whispered.
"Sorry, I was mumbling in my sleep," I replied and was rather ticked off.
"Well, I get it, you weren't asleep."
Ah come on Gin. "Yeah I wasn't, but I guess I am feeling sleepy now. Good night."
That only got a grunt in reply. Well whatever.
Early next morning, I was woken up by the smell of freshly made breakfast. Ginny was still sleeping. Guess I should wake her up too. But instead I only set the alarm clock on fifteen minutes later and placed it beside her. She'll be up by herself alright.
When I came out to the kitchen, Mom was cooking eggs on the stove and the counter was occupied by the twins and another red head boy which I had only seen in pictures before.
His hair weren't long like Bill but were cropped short like a pixie and his arms were covered in scars and burns. Quite usual for someone who works with Dragons. He looked up at me and I was met with a warm friendly smile, "hey."
I smiled back, "morning."
"Charlie Weasley," he held out his hand which I shook.
"Katerina," I replied but well it felt a bit incomplete and yeah you got the point, right, "but you can call me Kat."
"So you're our new sister," he remarked picking up a piece of hot buttered toast, "feels good to finally meet you. These two told me a lot about the havoc you've been creating at School."
Ah that, our reputation always precedes us. Me and the twins, that is. I took a seat and Mom filled up my plate with buttered toast and omelette as well. Like I had assumed Ginny came down soon as the alarm went off and was equally overjoyed to see Charlie.
"Where's Percy?" I asked the twins.
"Out on his morning walk with his school books," Fred replied.
"He's already started studying for the NEWTs. Poor bloke, can't even enjoy a vacation," George added.
Typical Percy.
Soon all the others were awake as well and after breakfast Bill told us that we'd go touring. We had to catch a bus to Cairo from where it would take us to the Pyramids and the Museum. One of the Seven Wonders of the world here at Giza.
The pyramids were absolutely wonderful with all those mazes inside and the legends associated with them. Bill, being a curse breaker, knew exactly what curses had been put on them for protection. He happens to be an excellent guide though.
One of the pyramids almost got Percy as a permanent resident had Mom not spotted the twins shutting him up inside. And throughout the trip they kept insisting on how fun it could have been to get rid of Perce while poor Percy was fuming away in anger.
The last two of the pyramids were kinda scary with mutant skeletons of Muggles growing extra heads and stuff on trying to steal the treasure. Gross. It was surely a long and tiring day and we postponed the trip to the Museum on the next day.
All of us were tired when we came back. Fred and George had snapped a lot of photos at the Pyramids and they were quite enthusiastic to get them developed soon. I had been feeling slightly off my usual jokester mood throughout the day as disturbing images of Sirius wounding up in a duel with Voldemort came popping up in my head frequently. And that was not something I preferred to see or think about.
We had had dinner but I didn't feel like going inside. The sky was really vast and beautifully dotted with stars so I stayed to watch the beauty of the dark enfolding. The perfectly round moon was visible clear as crystal. Full moon. My mind drifted off on a different train of thoughts. Wondering whether Moony was safe or not, if he was alone or if he was in pain.
"Katerina," I turned around slightly alarmed and saw both Bill and Charlie standing behind me.
"Oh, I was just coming inside," I don't know why but my voice seemed really distant like I myself was there but was mentally miles away.
"Can we have a word?" Charlie asked, "not inside though. Here, right now."
Okay... I nodded in affirmation. A few seats were still left outside and they sat down and gestured me to do the same.
"You know that you're part of the family too, right?" Bill began the conversation, "and that we are your older brothers as well."
"And you can share anything with us without worrying about Mum or Dad finding out," Charlie added.
Well... Yeah I do know that. But I still don't see the point of all this.
"Can we know why you were so upset ever since you've been here?" Bill asked.
"I haven't been upset," I replied almost immediately.
"But you've been deliberately staying behind like practically staying away from us for goodness knows what stupid reason. And if it's about Gin..."
"Oh come on, Charlie, how does Ginny come in all this? It's nothing to do with her. Absolutely nothing."
Bill remarked, "we know you two don't get along. It's so obvious."
Really? Obvious...? "No it isn't. Me and Ginny are very fond of each other. We're like friends. Best friends."
Now that's a great lie, I just hope they take my word it and stop investigating any further.
"And why should we believe that?"
"Uh... Well... Last night we didn't sleep much because we were talking. She was telling me about her favorite Quidditch team." Merlin, I'm done for.
"And what's her favorite Quidditch team?" Charlie asked.
Exactly. I'll have to take a wild guess, "Chudley Cannons."
"And what's the color of the Chudley Cannons? She must have told you that, right?"
Uh... "Yeah she did tell. Green, I suppose?"
Charlie sighed wearily and looked at Bill, "you give the verdict."
He nodded, "from the interrogation we've come to the conclusion that we were absolutely correct in suspecting that there's evidently something wrong with you."
"Well firstly, Ginny hates the Chudley Cannons," Charlie began counting off the points on his fingers, "her favorite team is the Holyhead Harpies. And secondly, the color of the Chudley Cannons is Orange not Green. And this signifies that you've been lying to us all along."
Bill spoke up, "even if you had succeeded in your attempt to fool us at the questioning, still we would know because the twins already told us about the verbal outburst that took place in the dorm last year."
Yeah next thing I know, Fred and George would be broadcasting this all over Hogwarts. Can't keep a secret, those two.
"It was nothing," I sighed wearily and dropped my head to my hands. Like I don't really feel up to facing such a confrontation, no thanks.
"We know you feel guilty for something you're not even responsible for. You're deliberately pushing yourself away just so she can stop visualizing you as a threat."
"And that's not gonna help. Trust us, she might be a bit insecure now, but she'll get better in a short while. It was just that diary messing with her thoughts and emotions or else she would never have said anything of that sort to you. Gin's a sensible girl and she'll get alright with you soon. She just needs some time to adjust."
"Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself," Charlie remarked.
I nodded, "I know that. I'm giving her all the time she may need."
Bill ruffled my hair gently just like he used to do with Ginny, "but don't stress yourself out, okay? You'll be needing all the energy you can save because if you hadn't realized yet; this year will be OWLs year for you."
Ugh yes, I completely forgot, "thanks for reminding. Now there's one more thing for me to worry about."
Charlie laughed, "yeah that it is. But you'll get through the OWLs fine, y'know. Just don't forget to increase your study hours."
I nodded, "yes Sir but definitely after the holidays."
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