[56] Snape's Best Moment
Over the next week, the main topic for discussion was the Chamber of Secrets. The petrification of Colin Creevey had come out as a great shock and the teachers who were always convincing us that the legend was just a rumor were also forced into believing that such a Chamber existed at Hogwarts.
There were many theories on the legend associated with the Chamber and Salazar Slytherin's Heir and more than half of them were pure gossip. Some said that Slytherin had built a chamber to guard some sort of treasure not a monster and then there were the ridiculous assumptions on what the monster really was.
Most said it was a dragon that breathed fire, some assumed it was a Blast-Ended Skrewt (no idea what that thing is but I do believe they are included in our course this year), then there were theories on it being an Acromantula (no idea again), a Chimaera (now that is something I have read about in myths) and all sort of weird stuff.
But if Slytherin had really built a chamber and kept a monster inside, it would definitely be a serpent. Hence the house symbol. And well the twins agreed with that. Though the fanged mouth was still sufficient to send a chill down my spine and make me shiver worse than the cold weather ever did.
We were passing the notice board in the Hall when George told us to stop, "look, they have set up a notice." We saw a large poster displayed which read that the school was hosting a Duelling Club to teach students defense.
Now that is something really clever on behalf of the school in circumstances such as these when the whole student body is brimming with fear and anxiety. The first meeting was to be held in the Great Hall on 17th of December.
We noted down the time of meeting and thankfully it happened to be a free period (eight o'clock to be precise), and decided to turn up and see what this club has to offer. Hexes, jinxes, counter curses, shield charms, that's what I expect. Students all around us were getting excited and were deciding to sign up for the club.
I noticed Neville looking up at the notice with hopeful eyes. Seeing me there he spoke, "you think I'd be better at defending myself if I came to this club?"
I nodded, "sure you will."
That kid has something about him which is quite adorable. Maybe its the always-in-trouble look or the fact that he loses or misplaces things everywhere.
"Gran's worried alright about me," he spoke shaking his head and as we were going to the common room (and it was most likely that he had forgotten the password), so he joined us as well, "I mean I'm this close to being a Squibb almost and that monster whatever it is targets people who are a disgrace to Wizardry."
Ah, poor him. "You're not a disgrace, Neville," I told him kindly.
"Yeah," the twins backed me up, "you're amazing despite the fact that things don't always work right for you. It happens to all of us, mate. You don't have anything to worry about."
On a happier note, I added, "how about you come to the Dueling club with us? It would be nice company for all of us, don't you think?"
Fred spoke, "sure, why not?"
He looked really pleased, "thanks. I will."
George gave the password, "Golden Snidget."
The Fat Lady swung aside (for the first time not bothering us with her ballads as the current state of affairs had had quite an effect on her) and we stepped inside the common room.
By the given time, me, the twins, Neville and his friend from Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood (yeah the very same weird girl I had encountered on the Hogwarts Express, this time she was wearing weird rainbow colored specs) went to the Great Hall for the Duelling club together.
A lot of students were already assembled there. The Hall was rearranged with a long stage like platform in the middle which was surrounded by the students.
Just as the clock struck eight, there were squeals and cheers from one side of that platform and to my utter disappointment, Gilderoy Lockhart stepped on to the stage and bowed elaborately in what he thought to be as a posh greeting.
Well, on me the impression of his posh greeting was absolutely ludicrous. He was wearing dress robes with an unnecessarily hideous cloak. His robes had golden embroidery on them which matched the shade of his hair and trust me the overall effect was strikingly horrible.
After his somewhat posh greeting he took off his cloak and threw it to the crowd as if he was some great celebrity or performer (now that action might have looked appropriate on someone like Michael Jackson or Brad Pitt but Gilderoy Lockhart seriously???), some girls at the back caught it and honestly if I hear one more delightful squeal there will be deliberate murder before the meeting even starts.
"How exhilarating to see that such a large number of you are here today. And now to the real reason for which you are here: Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little duelling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions; for full details, see my published works," Lockhart spoke.
Blah blah blah, the usual introductory speech went on for some minutes in which we were thoroughly bored. In fact I was even considering sneaking back to the common room and same goes for the twins as they were pulling weird faces at every sentence he spoke. "
And Professor Snape has kindly accepted to assist me with the Club," he finally finished. No, wait... Did he just say Snape...? Perhaps I should stay. Assistance from Snape, not happening. At least it would definitely furnish a good opportunity for a serious scene in the Hall. "
Now, students, we will demonstrate a duel to you. If you please, Professor," he gestured to Snape who nodded a little and both of them took their positions. Snape's face was blank as always but sort of determined as well. Mind you, poor Lockhart is definitely in for a trip to St Mungo's.
Fred and George both had a mischievous glint in their eyes, "naw, is he really going to duel with Snape?"
I too was imagining the consequences Lockhart might have to suffer, "bet you it would be very pleasant."
They smirked in agreement, "indeed."
Both the men bowed (Snape's bow was crude and short as if he was getting insulted by bowing his head to Lockhart), shook hands then raised their wands right in line of their noses and dropped them swiftly. With that both turned and walked in the opposite directions until they were a considerable distance apart at both ends of the platform.
Lockhart hadn't even shot a spell (as he was too busy with getting his posture right for the supposed cameras) when Snape raised his wand with agility and yelled, "Expelliarmus!"
The spell was so strong that Lockhart was blown backwards by the sheer force of it. He hit the end of the platform and for a second looked as of knocked out quite finely. Now I really do wish there were cameras around to film it all.
Woah, Professor Snape, I might hate you but this one time you have proved yourself worthy of some respect from me. Oh come on, who am I kidding? Snape night be an expert at magical spells and curses because the twins told me how he's been after the Defence teacher's post. So I guess this knockout blow to Lockhart was more than just a demonstration.
However Lockhart regained his composure and stood up immediately, "ah that was much expected now, wasn't it?"
Yeah, much expected, I think he's finally speaking the truth for the first time in his life. "I had known you would do that. Disarm me, that is. Quite predictable. And I could have blocked you in a minute but I thought we might as well let the students watch how Disarming is done." Oh boy there he goes again. This man is never going to improve his ways. Never ever in the whole eternity of this universe.
"Professor, I think teaching students how to block unfriendly curses first would be most prudent," Snape suggested.
"Of course, yes, just what I was going to say," he turned to face us, "how about we make students work in pairs? Harry Potter, come up here, boy."
Ah poor Harry, I do feel sorry for him now, what Lockhart had done to his arm was enough to assume all the possible incidents that could happen to dear Harry now. "How about we pair you with Ronald Weasley. Yes, up here boy."
But Snape spoke up, "I would suggest pairing Mr Potter here with a competitive candidate. Mr Malfoy, please join us on stage."
In that way Snape began pairing students. Fred was paired with Marcus Flint (who was eyeing Fred like he was some sort of pillow to be squashed and was more agitated when dear Freddie shot him an annoyingly cheeky grin), George was paired with some other Slytherin, Hermione with Millicent Bulstrode (read Bull-strode and I think that much explanation is enough), Luna with Pug-faced Parkinson (I never bother to remember her name, its either Pug-faced Parkinson or Drakiepie's girlfriend in my dictionary) Ron with Seamus and Neville with a Hufflepuff Justin Finch-Flechley (I think that was his name but I could have got it wrong).
And well yeah you must be wondering who I was paired up with? Roger Davies. I do want to kill Snape now since the new-found respect evaporated right after he paired me with this Ravenclaw who has a more than just evident crush on me.
Now don't ask me how that happened, I mean its not my fault if I was born this awesome person that I am (well actually getting the biggest player in Hogwarts' history to fall in love with me without any effort is more than just a proof, don't you think so too? But no one knows that story except me since I hadn't even told the twins about my time travel incident. So yeah me being effortlessly awesome is a fact now, not just a self harped giant boast).
He was running his hand through his hair nervously with a slight smile on his face. Okay fine, Davies is not that bad when you really look at him (that is if you get to recognize him among the swarm of students) and he might look cute being nervous but sincere apologies: sorry honey my heart's unavailable. Got stolen 15 years ago (Merlin, now that makes me feel really old).
"Ready for the duel, Davies?" I asked.
I had noticed the twins wink at me from the corner of my eye. Ah Fred George, when will you stop teasing me about this.
"Yeah, of course," he smiled.
We'll see. When the signal was given to start the duel all of us bowed and did the rituals like Lockhart and Snape had shown earlier then aimed our wands at our partners. Then the room dissolved into utter chaos. I had allowed Davies to go first but he had refused in attempts of being gentlemanly. So be it.
"Levicorpus!" I casted the spell I had seen James cast on Sirius once just to tease him (Moony had told me that this spell had a certain history with them though and had been casted on a lot others).
And hey presto! Davies was hanging upside down from his ankle. "G-good one," he stuttered as he was completely caught off guard.
"Should have blocked it," I said sweetly and flicked my wand so he fell down flat on the ground. Oops. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Professor Snape behind me with a death stare plastered on his face. Now what the heck have I done? I don't remember committing any serious Azkaban worthy crime now, do I?
"Miss Weasley, I would like to see you in my office at..."
But before he could complete his sentence there was a great explosive noise. Oh good, because seriously I wouldn't have liked to turn up in Snape's office anytime throughout my years at Hogwarts and this was the best distraction I could ask for.
Sure enough Snape had to leave the matter at hand and turn his attention to the puffs of green smoke which were rising from the place where Neville and Justin were duelling. Close call.
Now all I have to do is to make sure not to turn up anywhere near Snape until he forgets the reason he was going to call me to his office. And even though he never forgets anything still I have been lucky so far so I might just count on my lucky stars on this.
Probably. Ah well let's go see what exploded exactly.
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