[53] Enemies Of The Heir
Well, the twins were way more interested in learning science than I had expected. Not long after I found myself teaching them the basics of science when we were in the common room.
"So, what you mean to say is that this Science thingy is like the Muggle's alternative for magic?" Fred asked.
"Yes, you could say that," I replied (it had actually been fifteen minutes and I was explaining them the easy stuff like rest and motion and as such), "you know why Muggles don't believe in magic? Because they believe in Science. Facts. To them magic is illogical."
"But it's not illogical!" Both of them protested.
"Of course I know that. Just think from a wider perspective, okay? They think that nothing can happen on its own. They think we can not move things by a wand only. And in their science for moving things and all such stuff they use something which is called force."
"Its just a name. Like when you push this box you are applying force on it due to which the box is displaced from its original position."
George rolled his eyes, "you might be better than the Muggle Studies teacher, but this stuff is way harder than we thought." Ah really? I wonder what is going to happen when I'll teach them about torque and momentum.
After the first hour they were banging their heads on the table, "Kat, stop, we beg you!"
"But we were just coming to the good stuff," I protested (believe me, my state was worse than theirs having to explain everything more than thrice).
"Damn the good stuff, we're hungry. And all that force and velocity is not equal to a good night's feast."
"But I was going to compare science with magic now."
They looked at each other as if considering then gave the verdict, "fine but not more than ten minutes."
Oh good that will do, "there are many ways in which we can make things better here by using science." It took me a few minutes to explain them about how distances and pure guess work could sometimes reveal the accurate time intervals between one task and the other. Just like I had done in Filch's office earlier yesterday. "And for our major Halloween prank, we'd be using those laws I explained to you first."
"Yeah some Newton and his laws..."
"It would be invincible, Fred George, don't you see?"
They nodded, "yeah but we're too starving to actually see at the moment." I agreed at that and we packed the notebooks and headed down to the Great Hall.
Dinner helped a lot though. The twins have excellent memories even though I was more of expecting them to forget everything I had told them after laying eyes on the feast. But no that wasn't the case.
Fred pushed the bowl of currant pudding towards Percy's plate, "so if I push this bowl to Percy's plate, I'm applying force on it. And due to that force the bowl will topple on Percy's food. Like this. And what just happened is known as work."
Percy jumped up, "what the hell is wrong with you?"
The twins spoke innocently, "we just accomplished a scientific experiment."
He was confused at that, "what experiment?"
George elaborated, "we were verifying Newton's First Law of Motion: force is required to set objects in motion and also to bring them back to rest."
Oh God, this is impressive; they actually remembered the statement! Thumbs up, Katerina, at that rate it won't be much problem teaching them stuff.
For the first time in his life, Percy was looking at them with a thoughtful expression on his face, "so you were actually studying..."
The way he stared at them all gobsmacked was ridiculous.
"Yeah, Perce, we figured some things are interesting to study."
He nodded very slowly, then looking at me he spoke, "teach me how you made them sit still and study and actually remember something. I was never able to do that since the whole of my life."
The twins sniggered in the background. Anyhow after dinner we were about to make our way to the common room when there was a large upheaval by the fifth corridor on the second floor. Hey, that's where Moaning Myrtle's bathroom is.
"Let's go and check," the twins suggested and by now everyone had begun to follow the noise over to the second floor. And well we never got to play the Halloween prank. It shall have to be reserved for next year then.
When we reached the second floor, there was a huge crowd already assembled there. Myrtle had flooded the bathroom but of course that wasn't the cause of all that commotion. We pushed past the hoards of students and saw the actual reason for all the mayhem; Mrs Norris was hanging upside down from a torch bracket and was completely still and lifeless.
Under that torch bracket a message was written on the wall in blood red letters, reading:
Filch was screaming blue murder at Harry, Ron and Hermione while all the teachers had grave expressions on their faces. Including Professor Dumbledore.
Not long after, a voice from the crowd yelled, "Enemies of the Heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!"
Well, who do you expect? Bloody Malfoy, of course. Hardcore Slytherin. Naturally born bully etc. I bet he's glad about this whole blood writing on the wall and some terrorist attacks inside Hogwarts right under Dumbledore's nose.
As expected Filch and Snape tried their level best to get Harry in trouble for what happened (probably wanted him executed or sent to lifelong prison), but Dumbledore said that it was powerful dark magic that no second year student could perform.
He said something about the cat being petrified and using mandrakes to revive it but it was hard to get the meaning of it all among the increasing noise.
"Students, proceed to your dormitories immediately," the Headmaster ordered and we all turned to go. "Except you three," oh looks like dear Ronniekins along with his friends is in for trouble tonight. God bless the poor children. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Gryffindors! This way please," Percy took command and led us to the Fat Lady's portrait though I was damn sure he was muttering ways to hex Ron under his breath. Poor Ronald, all the same.
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