[49] Putting On A Scene... Publicly
Time flew by so fast. It seemed like just yesterday when I had found myself in the Whomping Willow about 15 years back from my own time. And now it was time for me to leave. 27th of March.
It was the last day of Hogwarts too and the Great Hall was set for the last feast of the year. There was a sort of Graduation Ceremony as well to be held after the feast as well as the announcing of the House Cup Winner.
Lily and the Marauders had dragged me out and now I was sitting at the Gryffindor table among them with Moony's specs covering half my face.
I still remember how Sirius had burst out laughing when he had first seen me in those horn-rimmed specs and had warned me that I looked a lot like a nerdy geek.
We were talking among ourselves but grew silent when Dumbledore stood up to give the End Of Term speech, "I have a few things to say to you all and I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..."
Wormy stuck his hand back in his robes which was no doubt reaching out towards the Yorkshire pudding.
The Headmaster cleared his throat and continued. It was quite a long speech in which he congratulated all who had passed their NEWTs and announced the names of outstanding students. Then came the turn for House points.
"So Moony what do you think," I turned to my left where Moony was seated (on my right was Sirius) and asked, "is there a chance for us winning the House Cup?"
He looked thoughtful, "I'm not a Seer still I might say yes. But the Slytherins are being a bit too competent these years. Its almost a fifty-fifty."
Sirius drawled in his smooth voice, "of course we'd win. You just wait and see."
Dumbledore began announcing the result. On the fourth was Ravenclaw, the third was Hufflepuff. And now there were only two houses left.
I noticed a boy on the Slytherin table gave Sirius a thumbs up which he returned with a smirk. Oh wait, he's that Slytherin Seeker who I knocked down with my aim of enchanted acorns.
"That's Regulus," Padfoot told me noticing my gaze, "we're brothers though it may seem a bit hard to believe, Reg always being a better son than I was."
I knew just a tiny bit about his condition at home; he had told me once how his family had disowned him due to their pure-blood obsession freak mania. I mumbled, "some day your family will realize that they were wrong to lose an asset in your form."
He laughed but it was bitter, "oh they won't. I don't feel bad about it anymore, Kat. I have accepted it. And its a relief to be away from them."
I kept silent not wanting to say anything else about that topic.
"Now we have Gryffindor and Slytherin which are both tied for 1360 points," Dumbledore's voice boomed in the Great Hall, "but its time for some last minute announcements that will finally decide the House Cup winner."
Now every ear was focused on whatever he had to announce. "First of all, the Quidditch cup goes to Gryffindor!" Our table erupted with cheers and whistles. "And now is some crucial distribution of points. 50 points to James Potter for the best unbeatable Quidditch captaincy throughout the Quidditch season."
Our table erupted again and everyone one was patting James's back feeling proud of their Quidditch star.
"And 50 points to Severus Snape for attaining the highest score on Potions." Now the Slytherin table erupted. It's a tie again.
"Oh the list will go on like this for a while," Sirius told me, "but I bet my name would never be called up among these people. After all I'm a detention-lover rule breaker who can only lose points."
Next Lily was awarded points for her noticeable effort in charms, then Douglas Flint for DADA and yes Sirius was right the list continued making us more and more impatient for the result.
At last it was a tie still when Dumbledore spoke, "and now for the last name. And then the House Cup will be awarded."
Now this was a critical situation. Everyone wanted to see which house would be lucky enough to have that last name.
"From the past few months a typical tradition has been broken by a certain student. And for that act we have decided to award a hundred points to the deserving student. Well not exactly the whole of the 100, 50 out of that hundred is due to the valiant spirit and clever use of spells when Hogwarts was under attack. Ah well it must be a pain to keep delaying you..."
Silence spread in the hall.
"And the 100 points go to Sirius Black for not attaining a single detention for a whole three months."
The Gryffindor table roared with applause. None of us had been expecting that. All the Gryffindors were getting wild as they surrounded Sirius who looked shocked beyond limits. He looked exactly like a fish with wide shocked eyes and mouth dropped open in a tiny o shape.
"Well done, Padfoot," I congratulated him.
His eyes turned towards me immediately, "but how's that even possible? Minnie must have given me a detention, any other Professor must have done that. I simply can't go on for 3 long months without scoring a single detention! It's impossible, they must have been mistaken."
I shrugged, "well, like Professor Dumbledore said; you broke the tradition. And since you have finally broken this typical tradition of yours, I see no harm in breaking mine."
He was confused, of course. I expected him to be.
"What do you me-"
But I silenced him with a kiss. I stood on my tiptoes because he's taller and captured his lips with mine. He must have been totally speechless by the way he was staring as if his eyes would pop out. But quite soon he reacted wrapping his arms gently round my waist.
They say when you have your first kiss, you can feel sparks fly everywhere. But trust me in our case there weren't any sparks. There were fireworks. As if someone had reacted potassium with cold water and created an explosion.
A great fuss was being created in the Hall but honestly I didn't care at all. I could only focus on him. It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, intoxicating and overwhelming and both of us didn't want to break the moment.
All I can say about it is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever. When we finally pulled apart all the Gryffindors were cheering and throwing their hats in the air. Oh well that means we had won the House Cup. Definitely.
However they had surrounded us and were still cheering. That was when I realized that they were not cheering about the House Cup. Instead they were cheering about the scene me and Sirius had created in the middle of the Great Hall in front of all the students and teachers present.
I felt the color rise to my cheeks. All the other houses were raising goblets to us (except Slytherins of course). But I swear, for a moment I even saw Professor Dumbledore raise his goblet in our direction and wink at us as if he had known all along.
"Well, not having a detention for months was certainly worth it, right?" Sirius whispered in my ear, his eyes sparkling with happiness and mischief at the same time, "I must say I quite liked this reward much more than the hundred points."
I mumbled, "shut it, Black."
Reward indeed.
"Now if you guys have done making out in front of the whole school, I think you should spare us the torture of watching and go pack the trunks," Moony mumbled.
Sirius whacked him on the shoulder playfully, "awww, are you jealous, Moony? Don't worry you'll always be my favorite girlfriend."
All of us laughed.
"I don't happen to be any of your girlfriends, Padfoot," he snapped, "thank Merlin for that. But I think the scene which just happened knocked you out of your senses completely so that now you are confusing genders."
Sirius glanced at me briefly as a grin tugged its way up on his face, "well, yeah you're right. I'm completely knocked out of my senses."
And there goes the first kiss of my life. The first and most perfect kiss I could ever have, perfect with all the flaws of it being public, totally unthought out and well highly surprising on Padfoot's behalf.
"So you finally gave the poor bloke a break and put him out of his misery," Lily remarked as were heading to the common room.
"What misery?" I asked because I knew there was definitely no such cliché waiting desperately for years for the right time scene. Or perhaps... Yeah you got me there. But it was purely coincidental that we never really got to... Y'know... Finish the unfinished business. Well before today, that is.
"Can't you see?" Marlene spoke up rather dramatically, "if you hadn't done so and simply left, the desperate bloke would have bored us for eternity by composing sonnets in the honor of everyone's truly Kat NoLastName."
I laughed, "well no, that's not quite the case."
Rather soon a familiar laugh was heard as Sirius's arm coiled round my waist (and well I didn't tell him off for it), "definitely not the case at all."
Marlene got the hint and raised an eyebrow suggestively, "ah, so are we missing out on something now?"
He smirked, "yup. Big thing you're missing out on."
Wonder what he's up to now. I do know that something's brewing off (or rather frothing off) in that infamously notorious mind he has by that glowing spark in his gray eyes.
"Wanna know a secret, Kitten," he whispered.
Uh... Depends. "Is it related to me?"
He nodded, "pretty much. In fact it's completely related to you. And well... To me as well."
"I so love it when he calls her Kitten, it's just so adorable and cute!" I could hear Marlene squealing from excitement in the background and Lily replying as animatedly, "yeah me too. Ship Sailed! Karius for life."
These two could be given the title of being the biggest fangirls at Hogwarts basically because of the way they shipped people and put bets on it frequently. And who would have thought that Lily too could be like that?
She gave me a slight encouraging nod (dunno what was that for) and went off with Marlene telling her that she had just spotted this real cute lonely guy who could do with a goodbye kiss from Marlo.
Me and Sirius were alone again. "About that secret thingy you were getting on earlier..." I tried to manage a conversation but simply look at how rusted my skills are at it. Well, the one thing I completely get by now is that the first few hours after having said moment are unnecessarily awkward.
"Yeah I was just going to tell you that," he paused however, quite unlike the smooth talker he usually is, and scratched the back of his neck, "um... Well... It was not our first."
I didn't get what he had just said. What was not our first exactly? "Care to elaborate?" I asked.
He let out a low whistle, "the kiss, I mean. It was not our first."
Oh and here I was thinking he was gonna say something really... Wait, what? I simply stared at him waiting for him to continue.
"I mean... Well, I know you're leaving and all... And... You should know," he twisted his face into a rather hilarious scowl and I was honestly tempted to laugh but didn't for his sake, "that night when both of us were drunk, y'know after the Quidditch Cup celebration and all... Well I... I wasn't quite telling the truth when I said I didn't recall anything. Um... Are you going to use the Bat Bogey hex now or are you reserving it for later?"
I couldn't honestly stop the smile that crept up to my face, "to be fair, Mr Black, it all depends on the piece of information you're planning on sharing."
We were almost by the Fat Lady's portrait by now.
"All of us had retreated to Moony and Wormy's dorm for an after party after Minnie had shooed us off. And then we... I mean you and I... We kissed and made out in the dorm and... And... Moony was sort of... He had no other option and... Well he complained for weeks afterwards how his eyes still hurt."
I shoved him slightly harder than the usual playful nudge, "you do know you're a sort of a dork at times."
His slight smile turned into a smirk, "yeah, but I'm your dork."
I laughed, "is there a book on pickup lines which you have and I don't know about?"
Poor Moony though.
He winked in that characteristic mischievous way, "I'm writing one, to be honest. Hitting all bookstores in London hopefully by the next Valentine's Day."
The Fat Lady was looking at us with that look which meant: "I have been patient enough seeing you two kids for a whole five minutes, now would you be so kind as to let me have the Password?"
Sirius's eyes lit up instantly as if some idea had struck him all of a sudden. He turned to the portrait and asked, "well Ma'am, what would you advise if I told you that I kissed this awesome girl down in the Hall at the feast and was totally blown away by that?"
My face started heating up again and trust me it's not very comfortable.
She sighed wearily, "the only advice I would ever have for you, Black, is that please refrain from doing that in front of me."
His smirk widened, and it officially means that this is getting dangerous now and well... Slightly fun as well. "Thanks for the permission!"
His hand was already locked on to my waist as he gently spun me to face him. His stormy gray eyes were piercing right into mine and I could feel myself getting lost in them.
The thing about Sirius was that... He was just so intoxicating. And hard to resist.
Centimeters. Millimeters. And then finally he brought his face down to meet mine.
The Fat Lady's dramatic noooooo was heard but it seemed quite distant and so did the shattering glass sound with which she had tried to break us apart.
But there was only one thing that I could and would focus on right now...
Sirius Orion Black, what are you doing to me? For the first time ever, head over heels seemed merely an understatement for the both of us.
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