[47] Sirius Side Effects
My head was hurting like hell. It seemed as if someone had struck me hard with hammers more than just once. Ugh, I don't even wanna wake up. I turned over not wishing to open my eyes yet. I felt something beside me.
Oh good, Lily finally took my protest into account and arranged for me to have another pillow. Great. I have this weird habit of sleeping with my pillow curled up next to me. Even though it's just a pillow it kind of makes me have a sense of protection. Don't know why exactly.
When I was little I used to sleep with my teddy curled up next to me and in my own time I used to sleep with my cat Priscilla. However this pillow seems quite harder than what I might have preferred.
I peeled open my eyes to see what was wrong with it but what I saw made me scream. It was not a freaking pillow beside me!
It was...
It was... Damn it, it was Sirius Black.
What the hell?
I realized that I had screamed earlier instead of just thinking about screaming. But that was still very considerate because knowing myself I would have thrown him off without even a second's thought.
He stirred and his eyes fluttered open. "What's wrong, Kitten?" His voice was lazy and he still seemed to be half asleep.
I shook him, "hey you, get up."
He rubbed his eyes and sat up brushing his hair back from his face, "fine. Got up. Now what?"
Seriously? This person... "What the hell has just happened?" I asked.
This time he opened his eyes and surprise took over his face. He looked at me then himself and then at our current position, "uh... I have no idea?"
I can't effing believe it.
"How are we... I mean... How much did we have to drink last night?" This was the only explanation that could pop up into my head at the moment. I mean, I just couldn't... And the freaky thing was that I don't remember a single thing.
Or perhaps it's for the best that I don't. Get a grip, Katerina, you're definitely losing your sanity.
"I don't know," his brow furrowed in a thoughtful expression, "a couple bottles of Firewhiskey, I think. We won the Quidditch Cup... We were celebrating...? Probably had more than a dozen."
And how in the world can you say that so easily??? In all seriousness I couldn't just piss myself off that bad. And certainly not to the extent of this... However one thing was preying on my mind and I didn't actually want to voice it out to Sirius.
"We... We didn't do anything, right?" I stuttered.
He laughed. Like literally. I want to actually kill him right now and he's laughing? Not very funny. "Of course we didn't," he replied. And how can he be so sure? I was internally dreading nearly everything. "Look don't be scared. Nothing happened," he was trying to assure me but I don't think it's gonna work.
"And how can you be so sure?" I asked.
"Well because normally I'm very good at holding my alcohol to a manageable extent. And secondly... No you wouldn't want me to explain that. I don't think I would like to have my partner-in-crime scarred for life."
Oh really? I spoke, "you're talking as if you know quite a lot about that... That stuff."
He laughed (again! Now this is making me humiliated), "well of course I know what stuff you're talking about. Have had quite a lot of first hand experience."
What the...?
He must have noticed the look on my face as he spoke, "well... I lost the V card at thirteen so..."
Thirteen? What the hell! "Effing shit, Sirius!" I cursed under my breath.
"You look so cute when you curse," he remarked, "even though what you said about now was quite harmless."
I could totally feel my cheeks turning crimson, "stop it. Another pickup line at me and I'll hex you to oblivion."
He winked, "won't be too bad if you accompanied me."
Yeah really, in your dreams, Padfoot. I decided to get up and gathered my hair trying to pull them up in a bun but he grabbed my arm and stopped me, "wait a moment."
Now what? He was looking at something on my neck. Uh wait, he's not a vampire so I guess he shouldn't bother much... Or maybe it's just that weird mark which I've had since I was little (some sort of a birth mark or something).
"No... You were right. Effing shit. Something did happen. I think I really had more than two dozen bottles of Firewhiskey last night or I should absolutely have known about this."
About what exactly?
As if answering my question he spoke, "go look in the mirror."
Okay... I hope I was not facially deformed in my sleep. Despite the smeared eyeliner and tangled up hair which depicted my rough awakening I saw something that shouldn't have been there. A hickey. Like a mark that depicts aggressive... No, don't get me started on that honestly. I'm going to regret the absolutely gross assumptions my brain was hurling at me now.
No one knows better than me how exactly painful it is to be imaginative. Ew, gross, as if... I turned to Sirius with a murderous glare, "how... How dare you!"
Now what was that hex Moony was talking about yesterday? Bat-bogey hex... Guess it would do just fine, more than fine, if I decided to get some practice here at this instant.
He backed off and held his hands up in surrender, "I told you, I don't remember a single thing. All I recall is that we won the Quidditch Cup so Minnie allowed us to celebrate. And the house elves paid us too much courtesy by delivering a stack of Firewhiskey. That's all."
A stack of Firewhiskey... Screw it.
"Honestly Black I don't believe a single word you say." Yeah so there. And I always thought that he was such a gentleman. (Note the sarcasm).
"It was not on purpose," he protested, "fine I admit. You drive me crazy at times despite all that nonsense of both of us not being meant for each other, I can't honestly keep a clear head around you, you're definitely messing with my brain and sending me spiraling down staircases that I would rather stay away form and... Could have added something more literary... Anyhow the point is that even though I might be head over heels just this once, but still I am not that rash or whatever... Katerina I did not do anything. That is I didn't do anything that I know of. And honestly... I don't even know why I'm justifying myself for something that is quite unregrettable and so..."
But his voice trailed off seeing my expression, "something that is so what? Finish the sentence."
A slight smirk became visible on his face, "I told you that you wouldn't want to know that but still. If you insist. So common Saturday night routine. For me, that is."
I was speechless. I had never... Well who am I kidding exactly? He's the Sirius Black; the famous guy who every girl dies for. The only exception being me. Ah well fine. But at least I don't show it! Honestly I'm losing my mind.
"I-don't-bloody-care-what-goes-on-in-your-life-as-long-as-you-keep-to-your-own-premises," I managed to get the words out.
He raised an eyebrow, "well... Fine, accepted. What's the time though?"
I glanced at the watch, "Its 9 in the morning. We missed breakfast."
Suddenly the door flew open and I backed off immediately. Outside was the whole gang consisting of Moony, Prongs, Wormtail and yes Lily and Marlene as well.
"Why are you guys arguing like an old couple?" Marlene asked but I swear something fishy was going on because her eyes were full of that mischievous glint which I so often found in Sirius's.
"Did something happen that we don't know about?" Merlin, Prongs I'm going to actually throw you down a staircase when I get the chance.
"Oh nothing at all. Though you should have knocked before nearly throwing the door off it's hinges," Sirius remarked calmly.
"Well we had no reason to. It was not like you two would be... Oh no, I should have known better."
I cut him off, "shut up, Moony, or else you're definitely going down the rubbish chute."
His eyes widened, "okay. I'm shutting up. But I still don't get what's wrong with you both like you guys are acting quite strange and we just thought... Whatever. I have shut up."
Good for you.
"Well if you really want to know, I think someone won the fifty galleons I heard you guys talking about," Sirius spoke up.
Honestly, Black? Have these guys been betting about... About the... Absolute crappy situation that I woke up in this unfortunate morning? Shut the hell up, Katerina!
Lily looked at Wormtail, "don't tell me... You kissed Mary, did you?"
He was flabbergasted, "no... I... I honestly... I didn't."
James shook his head, "wish you had. Then I would have gotten fifty galleons out of Marlene by now."
Wait... They bet like that on a regular basis? Fifty galleons? Unbelievable.
"Or rather I think you owe me fifty galleons, Prongs," Moony spoke.
At that all of them looked at us then at Moony and then burst out laughing. "What's all that about?" I asked.
"Sorry but you told me to shut up so yeah... And I'm better off not going down a rubbish chute."
Sirius got off the bed, "fine guys go sort your problems somewhere else. We're getting late for breakfast. No wait, it will be lunch time almost soon."
Finally the gang left still laughing hysterically. I don't know what's up with them.
Moony however came towards me and spoke, "and Kat make sure you make a side braid. Or else you'll not hear the end of it from the others."
Oh... I... That freaking... Forget it.
"You don't know how much I want to kill Sirius for that," I mumbled.
He laughed, "friendly reminder: knowing Sirius, he won't regret whatever happened last night. And I do have a feeling that he remembers quite clearly but isn't saying so just to save you the trouble of murdering him."
"What the hell do you mean? Hey Moony you get yourself back here right now!" I yelled but he had disappeared outside.
A short while later Sirius came out dressed in his uniform robes, "well it's better if you just try to forget about these antics. Though I'm sure Lily and Marlene are not letting you off that easy."
I spoke, "since how long have they been setting these ridiculous bets?"
He shrugged, "ever since the day I told them about you and said that we were sharing a dorm. To be honest, I don't blame them."
That far back...?
"Oh come on it's not a big deal, seriously," he spoke, "you coming for breakfast or not?"
I sighed in defeat, "fine. Give me five minutes."
At breakfast (or lunch whatever) I sat down in between Marlene and Lily. I kind of had to because there was no other option left. Though these two girls might seem the sweetest angels you've ever met, don't fall on their appearances. They can be great big drama queens when the need arises.
My head was still hammering furiously so I asked Lily, "hey Lils, do you have an aspirin or something?"
Marlene spoke, "awww, Kat, was it that bad?"
What bad? What is she talking about? I raised an eyebrow, "care to elaborate?"
She shook her head, "the night, you know. Must have been quite rough on you."
I get her meaning. Honesty I do but I'm not answering it the way she expects me to. "Well yeah. I don't think I'll ever try having more than three bottles of Firewhiskey in one go. And at fifteen, it's quite bad with serious side effects."
She laughed, "oh you mean Sirius side effects." I shot her a glare.
Did she have to make a name pun just about now of all times? She laughed it off.
Lily asked, "wait, you're just fifteen...?"
Um... Yeah. I nodded, "I know right. I look old for someone my age."
However Marlene fished out the aspirin from her bag, "there. Luckily enough I seem to have it."
I had definitely not expected her to even know what an aspirin is. Because literally... She's a pureblood. And that alone is the explanation for a lot of matters.
She must have read the look on my face because she spoke, "oh I know about these. Magical pills. I always keep them with me, you know. Comes in handy after rough nights. Me and Sirius are great big Firewhiskey lovers. We get high more than it's necessary often. Though he has a knack of holding it in to an almost unnoticeable extent while I... I suck at it. I'm the kind of person who gets drunk easily on five Butterbeers."
Uh... Okay, I guess?
"It's alright," Lily added kindly after Marlene had busied herself in loading her bowl full of soup, "accidents such as these are quite common here. But it would have been hilarious to tease you guys more about that though."
Seeing the look on my face, she laughed, "you don't happen to remember anything about what happened, do you?"
Oh God, please make her stop from voicing out any suggestions. "Lily... You too?" I got the words out.
She was still laughing, "its a good thing you don't. One such accident happened with me and James. Only the difference was that I recalled everything and back in those days I wasn't that friendly towards him either so... It was horrible. James got punched on the nose fair and square."
I don't even want to imagine that, even though I know what his reaction would have been: Evans punched me on the face, it was awesome.
Thankfully the bell sounded. Potions class for them.
While I headed towards the Library in order to distract myself from the Sirius situation that happened in the morning.
Freaking unbelievable.
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