[39] Classical Percy-ish Behavior
Like I said, I did visit Moony but at that time he was asleep. He was wound up in bandages though and that seemed really weird and his scars seemed a lot more cut open. Don't know what's wrong with him possibly. There can be only two possible assumptions; either Moony got attacked by a werewolf that night or that he himself is the werewolf.
But of course there was no use in me pushing the matter further because it seemed as if all the Marauders had sealed their lips and sworn among themselves not to let a word slip about it. In fact they told me that Moony got into a fight with a bowtruckle and the funny thing was that they even expected that I would believe it.
A few days passed though. Nothing much happened due to the fact that James and Sirius were too busy in Quidditch Practices and had no time left for pranking. Moony was out of the infirmary by now and was going about his daily routine as usual.
Marlene had kept bugging me about the upcoming Annual Spring Dance (even though I said upcoming it doesn't mean it's anywhere near because its somewhere in February but knowing Marlene; she has started deciding dresses and stuff just from now).
Lily is nearly always studying which strongly reminds me of Hermione and just yesterday she gave all the Gryffindors a good long lecture on NEWTS (despite the fact that the NEWTS exams would be held in Year 7th and there is still an year worth of academics left for them to go through).
Right now I was lying awake in the dorm staring up at the ceiling aimlessly counting days in my head. It was well past midnight and I couldn't sleep as usual. No big deal. I must have gotten used to it by now. I peeked through the curtains and saw Sirius fast asleep. Oh well I'll have to deal with my terribly usual sleeplessness all alone.
I sat in silence for a while but getting bored of it all I made up my mind and crept out of the dorm. The fire was lit in the common room and that meant someone else beside me was also awake. Great. I couldn't resist the comfortable warmth so I walked towards the fireplace. On the couch in front of it was Moony.
He was reading a book completely lost in it. Seems familiar; I remember how something quite similar to this had happened at the Burrow with Perce. Seeing me, he straightened and shifted over to make room for me on the couch. Courteous as always.
I quite liked Moony. He was studious and extremely decent despite the fact that he was the mastermind behind nearly all of the Marauder's massive blowouts. I sat down beside him, "what are you reading?"
He showed me the book; The Mill On The Floss by Thomas Hardy.
"Is it a nice story?" I asked.
He nodded, "yeah, I think so. It's about a girl named Maggie and her brother. A bit complicated but nice over all."
It was a literary classic. Miss Akulya had one copy of it in her office library and from what I had heard; it was one of the most celebrated books which Hardy ever wrote. Moony had rather an impressive taste in books but he always kept a lot to himself so one could never guess what kind of a person he really was deep inside. And this was one aspect he shared with Percy. He might be a genius but as I said before, one can never be so sure.
He closed the book, "well I don't think you'd like to hear me talking about a book, right? There are a lot of other things which can be discussed that is if you want to, of course."
I asked, "why do they call you Moony?"
He smiled, "well its not my real name if that's what you're wondering. We have our own nicknames for each other that's why they call me Moony."
I was still not convinced. I mean there must be some reason behind it but then of course what reason can you find between Prongs and James Potter? Or Padfoot and Sirius Black for that instance, "and what's your real name?"
His eyes sparked with humor, "I don't know yours so you won't know mine."
Fair point, I guess.
"So Moony, do you like the moon?" I tried to guess.
His eyes shifted uncomfortably, "no, I mean I don't really like it because... You could say that I'm a bit obsessed but of course not quite... Or in the sense that I'm freaked out of the moon at times. Uh, forget it."
Weird? Obsessed with the moon? And freaked out at the same time? Honestly? I don't know what's up with these guys. There was one time I heard Sirius mentioning something about the moon being beautiful but unreachable and now there's this Moony. But yeah they are the Marauders; they're supposed to be this weird.
"What are you thinking?" he asked all of a sudden.
"Forget talking about other things," I spoke, "I want to hear what happens in this book." He nodded and opened the book again.
I liked the way he told the story full with details and it felt as if we were transported to where the scenes were taking place. Its quite an art really; painting a picture with words alone. A while passed quite quickly and I felt my eyes drooping heavy with sleep.I was so tired that I didn't want to get up and go back to the dorm. Rather usual.
The thing about me is that if I feel sleepy which doesn't happen often I would rather sleep at the very place where I'm present because if I get up and walk back to bed all the sleepiness would fly away. Just like that. So I rested my head on Moony's shoulder and closed my eyes.
I felt him stiffen, "Kat, if you're sleepy..."
But I interrupted him, "no, I'm listening. You carry on with the story." Yeah I know what's happening in the book and I'm listening; I know the last thing he told me was Maggie running off to a gypsy caravan.
He spoke, "but you must not be comfortable, I mean."
Stop being kind and caring for once, Moony. "I'm quite comfortable don't worry. besides your arm's as good as a pillow."
He might have been laughing by now. But he didn't carry on with the story for a while so I mumbled, "I'm used to it. Sleeping on people's shoulders I mean. I used to do that with my elder brother Perce anytime I found the chance. He hated it and never read me a story like that, you know. But I'm very stubborn."
He spoke, "I can see that. Quite stubborn."
I do miss Percy though but don't get me started on that or else I'll end up crying my eyes out and I don't think it'd be a scene worth watching. I mean I can sleep on a few special people's shoulders but honestly I'm not used to crying like that. I was only half listening the story by now as the drowsiness was clouding my senses.
"Good night, Moony," I mumbled. He said something in reply but I was too sleepy to notice and then I let the sleep take over and drifted over into the realms of darkness.
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