[37] The Mystery Of The Tapestry
"It's Hogsmeade weekend!" Marlene came barging in the dorm and flopped down on my bed.
"Ouch," I gasped, "it hurts when people start jumping in on me."
She flashed me a bright smile, "sorry Honey but I was too excited. Still am."
Of course, I must always expect that of her.
"So Honey what are your plans for the weekend?" Sirius emerged adjusting his tie into a knot (and failing obviously because you can't adjust a tie into a knot, it has to be tied).
Marlene looked up at him, "well anything other than spending time with you."
He smirked, "I'm looking forward to it then."
I rolled my eyes, "do you guys have to do that all the time?"
Marlene asked, "do what? It's not like we're doing anything in the first place." Oh of course.
"Trying to show the other who's better at comebacks," I elaborated.
Padfoot glanced in the mirror then running a hand through his dark locks he turned to face us, "well everyone knows I'd win the game of comebacks. But she's a nice competition. Oh and by the way I'm starving. Wormy didn't leave anything for me to eat last night so I'd prefer if we head to breakfast first."
Marlene stood up and dragged me out of the blankets too, "you go down. We're coming."
After he was gone, I asked, "what are you up to, Marlene?" Because I honestly think she's up to something as she does a very bad job in hiding it.
"A lot of things apparently," she replied, "first of all I have some business to deal with at Dervish and Banges (you know the usual trade), my Granny sent me a Sneakoscope and I figured that it doesn't work at all because if it did then I would have known that Padfoot had slipped beetles in my soup. So yeah I have to trade it. Think I'd get a few sickles in exchange. Then there's Honeydukes and everyone knows how fond I am of their lollipops and then I'd get some Butterbeer..."
She went on and on and on like that for about five minutes at least.
"I was asking about the reason which brought you up here to this dorm," I finally spoke when she paused to take a breath.
"Oh-h-h, yeah I was definitely not intending to come up here but you know there are things that need some tending to."
For example what? "Care to elaborate?" I asked.
"Oh, you know, the usual. James says that you're coming with us to Hogsmeade," she finally let out what she was so dying to tell me.
"Alright," I replied.
"Alright? Just alright?" she was staring at me as if I was some kind of alien, "I was expecting more of a cheerful response from you. Ever since Sirius's birthday you're a lot silent. I mean that's not how you used to be with us."
I laughed, "oh come on Marlene. It has not even been a week since I met you guys. You can't deduce points about my personality that easily."
She nodded, "sure, sure. Anyhow get up and get ready. And yes I'm choosing an outfit for you and you're not supposed to argue with me about it."
Okay... "It's just a Hogsmeade Weekend, it's not a Prom event that you would be choosing a special outfit for me," I remarked.
"Go change," she ordered and handed me an all black pile of clothing.
I raised an eyebrow, "are we going to a funeral afterwards?"
She shook her head, "of course not. Its just that my closet is full of black stuff so yeah, you're wearing this."
Yeah I know it's not like she'll leave me another choice though. After I had dressed into her goth stuff (black leather jacket, black jeans and a black top with silver embroidery that read: "NOT A CARE IN THE WORLD", typical Marlene stuff), we went downstairs.
I figured that it was always easier going to the breakfast without James's cloak because there were such a lot of students that nobody really noticed an outcast. After breakfast (now that's when the cloak comes handy), students above 2nd Year were lined up in the school grounds and were waiting for the gates to open so they could head forward to Hogsmeade.
I was soon joined by the Marauders and Lily (who came a while later because she was too busy controlling the overly enthusiastic 3rd Years). I think Marlene needs some controlling too. Anyhow the gates opened and we were out.
"Once we're in Hogsmeade, you can take the cloak off," Marlene told me. Well yeah I will, don't worry.
"Firstly we're going to Zonko's," Padfoot announced.
Hogsmeade was just the same as ever I noticed and there seemed to be no possible difference in it. The same shops, the same salesmen (only a bit younger) and nearly the same items. If there was a place that wasn't affected in the whole tenure of fifteen years, it was this Wizarding Village. Winter break was coming so nearly everyone was busy buying presents.
We roamed shop after shop until we reached the Shrieking Shack. I observed that it didn't look that roughed up as it did the last time I had seen it though there were prints of claws and the walls and doors were still boarded up. I noticed that crevice which I had used to peep in through earlier wasn't there yet.
Actually I had refused to come up here because my last experience wasn't that pleasant and I was in no mood to hear eccentric voices and visions today. I mean... It is kinda exhausting and makes me look like a freak. Well who am I kidding by the way: I might be a freak for all I know.
Anyhow all of them had persuaded me to just come and take a look at the scariest building in England and so I did. I mean what chance do I have against four (I mean three; Moony never argues with me on anything and he was the only one who had suggested to drop the case) 6th Years who are bound to do anything they please in any way they please.
Though I missed Fred and George more than ever when I reached there. Every single thing that has happened so far reminds me of the twins and there are times when I do wish Moony finds out about the tapestry soon.
"Hey look Prongs I think we're needed over there," Padfoot yelled and pointed over to a little group on the far side of the shack. Prongs went off with him and Wormtail followed leaving only me and Moony by the Shack.
"Where are they going?" I asked.
He shrugged, "probably going to sort over a fight or perhaps make it worse."
I noticed he too wasn't very comfortable in staying by the Shack so I offered that we could go and wait for them in the Three Broomsticks to which he agreed.
On the way to the Three Broomsticks he asked, "do you really believe in the rumors regarding the Shrieking Shack?"
Well to be honest I don't. "No," I replied, "but there is something in there. I mean not a ghoul not any supernatural being... Just... Just something."
He spoke, "you mean a creature?" Perhaps.
"Moony don't you think the scratches and those claw marks are real and... And fresh? I mean you know in my time the Shack is still said to be as haunted as ever but those prints of claws look old, right now they don't."
He might be thinking I have lost it. "I don't know," he mumbled but I could tell that there was something which was bothering him about this little chat we were having.
"Do you believe in werewolves?" I asked all of a sudden remembering that I once had a dream of a werewolf and the last time I had been to the Shrieking Shack, I had heard a wolf's howl.
His head jerked up immediately, "wh-what do you mean?"
We had reached the Three Broomsticks by now and had found a table in the corner.
"I know werewolves exist if that's what you're talking about," he elaborated, "but why did you ask that question all of a sudden? I mean I don't think it has anything to do with the Shack, right?"
He was being a bit weird but I didn't say that. "Look Moony I think I'm about to tell you something quite confidential," and yes it is kind of confidential because I'm not supposed to be telling them anything about me or the time I live in but I think this particular information can't do any possible harm. I mean perhaps he might be able to help me with it.
"Yeah," he straightened.
"I... I have this sort of ability to see some kind of visions," I began. He nodded encouraging me to continue even though his face had gone unnaturally pale. "You know, on the Deathday Party I did have a vision or a voice telling me to go back before anything happens. It... It's weird I mean I don't know why it happens to me but... The last time I went to shack with my brothers I looked inside it through a crevice which isn't present there yet and it felt as if I could actually see what would have happened in there. Believe it or not, I heard a wolf's howl. I think whatever is in there is a wolf or a werewolf, I don't know. I've been having dreams ever since I started Hogwarts about a werewolf and a black dog. My brother says that dog was an omen of death but... And one of my Professors told me that someone is trying to communicate to me through those dreams but I don't really know who is trying to do that."
I paused to take a breath. Moony appeared thoughtful, "are you sure?"
I nodded, "do you know why all that is happening to me?"
He looked up at me, "no."
I spoke, "but then why do you look like you know something? Or worse still that you're afraid of something?"
He shook his head, "look Kat I... I've no idea what you're talking about."
I eyed him closely and he suddenly dropped his gaze. "Moony," I spoke. He didn't look up. "Hey, Moony," I repeated.
Reluctantly he spoke, "yeah?"
I dropped my voice a little low, "look I'm not blaming you for anything. I just told you what I thought."
He nodded, "okay. But I also told you that I have no idea whatsoever regarding what you said earlier."
I don't know why he's lying because I can simply tell that he's not telling the truth. But anyways I don't think probing him further would help. "Fine," I spoke, "let's talk about anything else."
His tensed features relaxed a bit, "I found out about the tapestry though."
What, really? "And you kept quiet for this whole time? God, Moony you're unbelievable."
He smiled finally, "it's not my fault. I had to deal with a quarrel between Gryffindor and Slytherin at breakfast and then there was the Hogsmeade commotion. And last but not least you began to enlighten me with your deductions regarding the Shack."
Oh, right. "So what did you find out?" I asked.
He looked around, "look the others are coming, I'll tell you then."
Soon enough, the three of them took their seats. "We ordered Butterbeer," Wormtail spoke while chewing on a handful of chocolates.
"Spill the beans, Moony," I was getting impatient.
"What do you mean?" Prongs asked.
"He found out the mystery behind the tapestry," I knew I was being very cheerful now.
Padfoot frowned, "bad news."
I shoved him lightly on the shoulder, "look I don't have anything against you guys and everything here is real fun but I do miss my family. A lot."
He raised an eyebrow skeptically, "oh of course. Not all families are like mine."
Excuse me?
Moony spoke up in hopes of changing the topic, "that tapestry is a time portal." Big news, I know that already or else how would I be here. But I kept my thoughts to myself. "Not many people find it because it's hidden only when someone stumbles upon a particular shaft in the tunnel by the Library then the entrance to that part of the castle is opened."
Padfoot straightened, "that means we don't have it in our Map."
Moony nodded, "precisely. I had real trouble locating the books that held knowledge of it."
I spoke, "so how do I go back?"
He replied, "take it easy, Kat, I was just getting there. That tapestry as you had told me earlier depicts different places of Hogwarts and the interesting thing is that it also depicts different time periods. So when you reached out to touch it threw you in the picture which was being displayed." I see. He resumed, "and to go back in your time period you will have to wait for exact five months because then the tapestry will display the picture of your era."
Five months?
Padfoot spoke, "so you mean she's here with us since 27th of March, right?"
He nodded, "yes she is."
However there was a question prying on mind, "has anybody else other than me been using it?"
He shook his head, "not that I know of. There have been some mysterious disappearances at Hogwarts (mind you there were very few) and I think those disappearances were due to this tapestry."
I asked, "are you sure that I'll go back in my own time without getting hurt or something?"
He shrugged, "Kat, I am only telling you what the books told me. If you have to go back you'll have to take a little risk."
When we reached the school though all of them were quite excited to see that hidden tapestry. Moony declared that we'd go down there by curfew. And so we did. By the Library we found the very same tunnel I had stumbled upon that night when me and the twins were exploring. The same shaft gave way and we tumbled inside the lantern lit place.
It was the same as before; the lanterns kept lighting up all by themselves as we stepped forward. All the Marauders kept silent either from awe or curiosity. And sure enough at the end of the tunnel was the gleaming tapestry.
"Now keep one thing in mind; no one touches anything," Moony ordered, "especially you Padfoot. No touching."
Padfoot rolled his eyes, "aw come on Moony. We're not in one of those freaking Museums in which you took me last year."
He shook his head, "just think we're in the Museum right now, got it?"
Padfoot had to be refrained from trying out the portal since he's a bit too curious about everything.
"Are you sure it was this tapestry?" Prongs asked.
"Yes," I replied, "me and my brothers were exploring the castle. Actually we were finding ways to best explode Argus Filch's office, I got lost and turned up here. I was curious about the Tapestry and reached out to it but it sucked me in and here I am."
Padfoot drew in his breath like a short whistle, "cool."
I spoke, "it's not that cool, Padfoot. If Moony hadn't looked up on it I don't know what would have happened to me. Time travel isn't all fun."
He shrugged, "whatever. If I could time travel I wouldn't honestly bother about it. That is only if my friends accompanied me."
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