[35] Independently Seventeen
For two whole days, I had to while away my time doing absolutely nothing and being terribly useless. I mean... What would I not give to teach Peeves a well deserved lesson! Wait till I'll be able to walk and then it's doomsday for that freaking poltergeist. Like literally. And I hate getting bored.
Even though Padfoot had ditched his classes the first day I literally threatened him that if he dare do that again he'll be responsible for his punishment. Well of course he didn't believe me, in fact he laughed at me and said he'd gladly accept the challenge.
But of course I'm Kat and no one (and I really mean no one) dares to object to something I suggest because normally I come up with brilliant excuses; thus enabling me to win the argument fair and square.
He finally agreed to attend his classes when I requested him to take the lesson and teach me afterwards. He's so fond of teaching (basically getting the opportunity to be treated as a boss is something he never declines) and I know I'll have to put up with it but, whatever, it's not like I'll get bored to death. So yeah.
But right now I really do feel that I'll die of boredom. That's why I was just ranting absolute nonsense since the past 20 minutes. But on the good side, it's 2nd of November and basically one day before Padfoot's birthday. Oh yes, I know. I happen to be best friends with a certain Marlene McKinnon and as I always put it; that alone is explanation enough. Being friends with her is like having an access to the Hogwarts Newsroom.
She knows literally everything from who is dating who, Quidditch timetables, scandals, bets among the students as well as the teachers, the most likely questions to ever come in an exam, the current Rock/Pop band in town and is basically a gossip magazine. If she were a Russian, she'd easily get a job at their BBC News Forum (entertainment news column actually).
Lily is nice too but I think she's just too good to be true. No offense meant but she's so polite, clever and soft that sometimes it gets too much to take in and to believe (oh please, I know that most of you won't agree with me but it's my opinion and I'm being totally honest).
Marlene on the other hand is sugar and spice alike. So what was I saying? Oh. Yeah. Padfoot's birthday. Now that is something I like to think about because it's the only task which has been my survival during my painful course of bed rest (I heartily miss the opportunity of not being treated by Madam Pomfrey) but anyways something is better than nothing.
However, me, the rest of the Marauders (except Padfoot), Lily and Marlene were planning to throw a surprise birthday party for him. All of us had sworn secrecy of not letting him guess anything before the party and had intended on making him believe that all of us forgot.
Prongs said that he had gotten all the Gryffindors on our side (because Padfoot is popular and someone or other would wish him and then our plan will get spoilt). Just in case, James asked all the house members not to wish him because it would keep up the element of surprise. It was quite hard really to hide it all from Padfoot.
We made Prongs swear that he won't let it slip because we all know how unbelievably talkative he is. I mean if he were a secret spy or something he'd spill all the secrets in less than an hour because he's James Chatterbox Potter who can't keep his mouth shut for even five minutes at least. Anyhow it was managed to keep Prongs under control.
At times I do wonder how opposite he is when compared to Harry, seems like Harry inherited looks from his Dad and nature from his Mom. It does feel odd though (being here I mean) and I don't know for how long I will have to stay. Now that is the biggest question mark of all; I don't even know whether I'll be able to go back or not. Oh God, my mind's actually doing flip flops today as I'm getting distracted way too often. I guess its the third time I deviated from the current situation.
"Kat!" I nearly jumped quite startled at the high pitched voice. But then of course I should get used to it because seriously Marlene can't ever avoid being loud. "Kat, you know what, the house elves have agreed to bake the cake!" she exclaimed, "just imagine how perfect it would be. The whole common room decorated with those ribbons, a perfectly delicious cake in the middle with 17 candles floating above it and all of us there to him a very Happy Birthday! How exactly wonderful."
I laughed seeing her enthusiasm on everything, "slow down Marlene, if you keep announcing it that loud I'm sure the Hufflepuffs will come up offering to help."
She flopped down on the bed beside me, "oh we don't mind the Hufflepuffs. If they do come to help, it will be a downright pleasure. But right now I need your advice on a very urgent crisis."
Uh oh, I think someone messed up her wardrobe because in her case there can't ever be a bigger problem than that, "okay. What kind of advice? Provided you know that I suck on advising people."
She frowned, "aw come on. I couldn't possibly ask Lils because some stuff does exist which she's unaware of." Now that's unexpected. "I want you to choose the music."
Wait, what? Music? Me? To get this straight I have never really bothered about music because I never had any opportunity to listen to it in the first place. The only music I remember was the choir song when us Asylum kids were taken to church for Sunday School.
Anyhow after a whole long discussion in which she told me all she knew about Muggle bands (her resources being Wormtail since he was half-blood) as well as those in the Wizarding World (quite few, really). And then she decided on some Puffskein Doxy band (weird I know because Mom says Doxys and Puffskeins inhabit dark and uninhabited places and are really annoying when it comes to cleaning them).
Well anyways she said it was quite close to a Muggle Rock band if you practically avoid the constant heavy metal touches (honestly I don't even care that much since I don't have any knowledge whatsoever about music). She said she liked the Beatles though and you can totally see that from her rather hipster appearance. She's a great big fangirl, mind you.
"So did you decide on the present?" she asked all of a sudden. Uh, now that's a bit of a dilemma since I don't really know. I mean I do have an idea on what he'd like but... "Oh I know what you're thinking," she remarked with a mischievous spark in her eyes, "Padfoot loves motorcycles."
Motorcycles? How on Earth am I going to get him a motorcycle? I just think I'll have to stick on to my idea. Marlene left soon after claiming that she had other stuff to attend to.
By the next morning I was feeling loads better. With a little help from Padfoot I even got up to my feet and trust me it felt so good to be able to stand all on my own again. Believe me, we learn the value of God's blessings when we are deprived of it and this saying is hundred percent true.
He was in a very bright and happy mood today as he chattered around quite a lot (of course he would be happy, its his birthday after all). But it would be fun to see his reactions by the end of the day.
And sure enough it was.
I had just tied up the little present I had spent days (and sometimes even nights) on and was knotting the ribbon when the door opened and Padfoot entered. I quickly hid it under my pillow, "hey Padfoot." I greeted him quite merrily but seeing his sullen expression I realized that all the Gryffindors were quite good on hiding it from him.
He scowled and dropped down on his bed taking out a book to read. "You're reading it upside down," I remarked as I tried to contain my laughter.
He looked up at me, "so what? I want to see how the words look upside down."
I laughed, "you're funny."
He frowned again, "what's the use of being funny when others don't even know what day it is."
I shrugged, "what do you mean? We know it's Wednesday today."
He raised his eyebrow suggestively, "and?"
I shrugged again, "3rd of November 1977."
The frown on his face was more evident than before, "oh of course. I forgot. You're from the future. How would you know... But it's pitiful that my friends forgot."
I spoke, "is today a special day?"
He mumbled, "not anymore." But then all of a sudden he straightened as if he remembered something, "I almost forgot, Minnie handed out the Quidditch time table today. Prongs went totally berserk. I mean he just went haywire. First match is Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. Won't be tough from all I gather."
I nodded. I watched him as he explained the time table to me, "and you're going out with us to the field. For nothing would I let you miss a game of Quidditch. Thinking of which, how are you feeling now?"
Better than loads, of course. "Great," I told him.
He smiled, "and I'm guessing Peeves will be paying the price soon."
I laughed, "as soon as I get out of the common room; sure he will."
"Happy Birthday!" A loud cheer echoed in the common room soon as Padfoot stepped out of the dormitory. Of course all of us were preparing for it. I came out grabbing the wall for support making sure to be cautious not to fall again.
The common room surely looked wonderful with all those hand made posters and decorative ribbons as well as all the Gryffindors crowded in. Padfoot looked around in surprise and happiness. Prongs had been right; the effect on him was priceless.
The credit went to his friends obviously who were standing in the middle of the group wide grins plastered on their faces. I stood in a corner watching them. They were all such good friends. Who could expect that I of all people would get the chance to see them young, carefree, happy and alive.
Thinking of what would happen to James and Lily made me shudder. They were so much in love that it was cute. And it seemed unfair for them to die so young. Without even seeing their wonderful child grow up.
And there was no knowing what happened to the rest of them; what became of Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Marlene after the Wizarding War. Surely Harry never knew them. He just couldn't. I briefly closed my eyes thinking about all that was bound to happen and would. Quite inevitable.
I was shaken out of my thoughts when a hand clasped mine. I immediately looked up to see Padfoot before me his dark eyes shining with happiness. "Hey," I smiled weakly because surely I don't want to spoil his special day. He might have noticed my expression because his eyes narrowed for a short while suspiciously but then he spoke, "come on, we're cutting the cake."
He dragged me into the center as well despite my refusals. By now I realized that the Gryffindors knew about me by the way they smiled and waved. "Trust me Kitten you won't get found out," he whispered and it made me smile.
I don't know why that even though I hated it when I was called Kitten (I clearly remember how I had made Fred and George swear not to dare call me Kitten again), but whenever he did that it felt different.
The cake was cut, the presents opened and he was glad beyond limits. I remembered that I had forgotten the present under my pillow. How very stupid of me. "Thank you guys," Padfoot spoke, "this was absolutely fantastic!" Sure was. Thanks to the extra enthusiasm of Marlene and the undeniable hard work of the Marauders.
After the cake cutting, there were games to play and fun activities. Lily and James seemed to have put a bet on something and they were arguing in a very funny manner, Marlene was snogging someone (typical Marlene habit however disgusting it may sound but it seems like a 24/7 occupation for her, no offense meant though), Wormy was snacking up on the cake (note I said snacking; the cake wasn't big enough to serve a whole Wormtail sized meal), Moony was clearing up the mess, the rest of the Gryffindors were playing truth or dare while I was still standing in that corner thinking about all that I had been wondering about earlier.
Soon enough Padfoot joined me, "what you doin'?"
I smiled, "nothing. Just pondering on how lucky people are to have legs that function properly. Truly a blessing."
He laughed, "oh come on, I know you're not just pondering on that. There's something else."
I raised an eyebrow skeptically, "for example what?"
After a short while he remarked, "something that's troubling you."
I shrugged, "well I forgot your present in the dorm, maybe that's what's troubling me."
He shook his head, "that's not a problem at all. You and I both know that you can give it to me later."
Padfoot, I just can't tell you what's bothering me because if I did, I'd be disrupting the balances again and I can't risk it. I mean I had been reading on time travel (Moony wasn't the only one searching about the tapestry) and I had found out about Eloise Mintibule; an Unspeakable (those who work in secret for the Ministry kinda like research and things), she traveled in time and disrupted the balances so badly that she was wounded beyond repair and half of her ancestors had vanished. I surely don't want any of that.
"So, you're seventeen now," I spoke trying to change the subject knowing that he was eyeing me as if something was seriously wrong.
"Yeah. Independently seventeen. Coming of age does have its advantages." Oh of course, seventeen years olds are allowed to practice magic out of school. How wonderful.
"And what are your plans for the future?" I asked intending to keep up a conversation because I knew something was getting slightly awkward by now.
"Oh, you mean after Hogwarts. I don't really know. An Auror perhaps. With the Dark Lord gaining power," his voice dropped low to a whisper, "its quite soon that a war might rage between the good and the evil. Anyways I'm just boring you, right? Of course you'd know all about it being from the future and all."
The Dark Lord gaining power... I shuddered slightly. Even though I had never known about the Dark Lord at all but still I knew that when he was powerful the world was in crumbles. Maybe my face had been showing the feelings I felt because he suddenly changed the topic, "know what when I was in my fifth year, Minnie asked me the same question."
What question?
"About what I meant to do with my future," he elaborated, "and know what I said?" Of course I'm curious; his replies are usually amusing. "I told her that: at Christmas when I was eating my all time favorite vanilla ice cream (at the Potters of course) and I stared at my reflection in the spoon. And I thought oh wow you're really good looking. Why not do that for a profession."
I was confused, "excuse me?"
He replied laughing silently, "I mean why not choose that as a profession. Being professionally good looking?"
Oh God. I laughed of course. "You're the limit, Padfoot," I managed to speak amid my laughter.
He had grown silent all of a sudden but then a smirk slowly spread on his face, "we aim to please, my lady." He bowed a little and that made me laugh even more.
"Quit the act," if I don't stop laughing I'm pretty sure I'd die of a heart failure due to excessive laughter.
"Oh I would, only if you stop being worried about things that shouldn't probably matter," he spoke. Then after a short pause he added, "keep laughing, it suits you." My cheeks reddened slightly at that remark.
"Hey guys come on," Prongs shouted, "we're going to play a game of chess!"
About time.
Padfoot replied, "coming mate." Then turning to me, he spoke, "after you."
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