[13] Gryffinclaws And Slytherpuffs
After a whole long ride of me worrying about Harry and Ron, Ginny mumbling about how every bad thing had to happen in her first year, Hermione constantly lecturing about the possibilities that could get us expelled, Luna pointing over to inanimate or nonexistent objects and the twins laughing about placing dungbombs in Malfoy's cabin...
Finally we reached what they had called the Hogsmeade station.
The train stopped with a loud chugging noise. I could faintly hear the voice of the trolley woman, "pumpkin pasty? Chocolate frogs? Cauldron Cupcakes? A sweet before you get off the train?"
The sweets might taste delicious but after witnessing Ron in the flying car screaming his head off, I think I lost my appetite.
"Chill Kat, they're going to be safe," Fred thumped me on the back.
"Absolutely. Ronniekins knows how to drive or fly in this case. They will probably reach a few minutes after us. No need to worry," George remarked.
I hope so. Ron is nothing but a kid. Even though he knows magic, still he's just a boy. He could get hurt. Harry could get hurt. It's surprising how in such a short time I had begun to care for them and love them as a sister. We climbed off the scarlet express.
"All yeh firs' years follow me," I saw Hagrid standing with a lantern glowing in his hand.
"Where will we go?" I asked the twins.
"Easy, sis, all in good time," he replied.
But then Hagrid approached us, "Katerina Weasley, eh? McGonagall said yeh 'ad ter go with Firs' years."
The twins gave me a thumbs up and I followed Hagrid to the boats where the rest of the first years were waiting.
"Four i' one boat," he instructed and all of us got in one by one. The boats started to move as if directed by Hagrid who was in front of all the boats leading the way. The lake was dark but soon lights came into view.
And then to my sight came a beautiful scene. An enormous castle was emerging like a butterfly from a chrysalis, it's tall towers sprouting magnificently from the land as if reaching the sky. It was a sight to remember, a sight to cherish for ever so long.
I could only gasp at the beauty of the moment. I can't believe this is finally happening. This is Hogwarts and this is me. I'm finally going to the most wonderful school in the world and I can't wish for anything better.
The boats stopped and Hagrid told us to get off. We followed him as he led is inside the castle. It was enormous with lots of awe inspiring decorations. There were many portraits along the way and they talked like normal human beings. Every passing second was mesmerizing me deeply. We stopped at the entrance of what seemed like a Great Hall.
The doors were locked and in front of them stood a graceful old lady facing us dressed in emerald green robes and matching pointy hat.
"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she spoke, "I'm Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress and Head of Gryffindor house. You all will be led into the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony in due time. I request all of you to behave and prove that you belong to respectable families."
The Deputy Headmistress. So she's the person to whom Percy sent off his owl. That means she probably knows about what Ron and Harry did. But I was spared the time to think further as the huge doors opened and she led us inside.
It was surely a Great Hall. There were four tables aligned with different colored banners and one Grand Table was in the center as if propelled from the floor. On the Grand Table all the elderly people were seated. They were teachers. Professors probably.
Above us there was no ceiling in fact it seemed as if the castle had opened up to the sky itself. A brilliant shade of royal blue seemed to be splattered onto the sky (or ceiling, I don't know what, to be sure) and it was dotted with silvery glittering stars.
Everything was... Perfect. Yes indeed, perfect is the right word.
Professor McGonagall led us upfront where a stool was placed. On the stool sat a pointed centuries old hat. To my utter amazement, the flap of the hat opened and it started to sing:
I have come from far away
To perform a special task
It is to sort you in these houses
Just before you ask
Centuries have passed away
Since Hogwarts School began
All of the four founders
Did hatch this daring plan
Brave and fearless Gryffindor
Ravenclaw who loved learning
Sweet and patient Hufflepuff
Slytherin with all his cunning
They formed different houses and
Divided the young sorcerers
Stronger only when united
Or division's treacherous
The only message they did leave
Was to stay united
Even though there are different houses
But never be divided
You are sorted in a house
According to your virtues
Yet you have a certain right
To be able to choose
For Gryffindor the courageous
Would always be notable
And Hufflepuff loved only
The patient and capable
Clever and intelligent were
Most worthy for Ravenclaw
And shrewd qualities were noticed
By Slytherin as soon as he saw
Whatever the demands must be
It all depends on me
For I shall look inside your mind
And tell where you ought to be
So come and squash me on your head
And stop all this hesitation
For you shall be sorted fairly
Lo and behold, celebration!
That Hat talked. It was surely alive and had brains but of course by now I have seen such bizarre things that I'm amazed at the Hat but not baffled in the least. All this notion of magical existence has kindled a hope in me that nearly everything is possible.
Professor McGonagall then unrolled a scroll of parchment. She began calling the names of the First years as they went towards the stool one by one and placed the hat on their heads which declared which house they belong to. I figured she'd call my name in the last as technically I'm not a first year, so I stood behind in the line waiting for my turn. I was curious though, very very curious. In fact I was practically jumping from excitement.
Luna Lovegood got sorted in Ravenclaw and Ginny turned up in Gryffindor. As expected. But there was one thing dreading me; what if the Hat declared that I wasn't capable of going there? And what if I was put into Slytherin?
Fred and George had given me numerous reasons as to why I should be a Gryffindor. But now honestly I'm not so sure of ending up in Hufflepuff either. Finally all the first years' sorting ended. Guess it's gonna be my turn now.
"This year there has been an exception," McGonagall folded back the parchment and addressed the students, "Miss Katerina Weasley will be joining our school in Year 4th. Please welcome her."
A round of applause went through the audience except the green and silver table whose occupants were discussing something in hushed voices. Though I could see Fred and George nearly whistling among all the clapping and Percy threateningly glaring at them but to no avail.
"Miss Weasley you may come forward and wear the Sorting Hat," I followed McGonagall's orders and went up to the stool.
My legs were getting wobbly like jelly and my stomach was twisting into knots. I placed the Hat on my head and it fell right above my eyes.
"Ah Katerina," it began to talk to me, "we've been waiting for you for much too long, eh?" Waiting for me, why? The Hat replied as if answering my question, "yes yes, you should have joined way earlier but well one can't fight off the consequences of fate. Let's get in with the sorting though. Now let me see where shall I put you?"
Anywhere as long as you people don't kick me out.
"Ha, of course not. Kick a student out, indeed! No no you shouldn't worry about that. You have great potential my child and I can see you doing quite well here."
So... As long as I have potential, I can fit in any of the houses?
The Hat laughed, "aha no. Our abilities specify where we belong but more so it's our choices that define who we are."
Choices? Excellent! Can I make a choice for Gryffindor then?
"Of course, you can. Good choice. But then I expect that you live with the Weasleys and all of them have been in Gryffindor. It's no surprise if you've heard a lot about this house from them. The others are just as good. You might do well in Ravenclaw with that mind of yours. Works at a tremendous speed even in the direst of conditions. But the pranks in your head, Merlin's beard! No not Ravenclaw then. I see a kind soul akin to Hufflepuff but I suppose we can rule that out. You would do exceptionally well in Slytherin though."
Slytherin? Really? You think I'm like Malfoy and his dumb gang of minions?
"Very well in Slytherin. I see determination and passion. I see a thirst to prove yourself. Quite the traits of Slytherin. And then as a plus point your ancestors had been in Slytherin for centuries."
Ancestors? I had magical ancestors?
"Trust me, you know very little child. I can read you inside out better than you know yourself."
But please, not Slytherin.
The Hat asked, "why not Slytherin?"
Because I'm not proud and arrogant and an annoying little slime ball like Malfoy.
"Unbreakable will and quite resolved you are. Basic Slytherin traits."
Did I not make myself clear before? Any house but not Slytherin. "Ah well then. We almost forgot Gryffindor now, didn't we? You have a brave heart, an adventurous spirit and a knack of getting into unwanted trouble. And a prankster indeed! All the pranksters somehow end up in Gryffindor. Wish you luck though I still think you would have done brilliantly in Slytherin. But well... Better be GRYFFINDOR!" The Hat shouted.
The Scarlet and Gold table erupted in cheers and applause. I happily skipped over to join my brothers on the Gryffindor table.
Percy greeted me quite pompously, "I'm glad you could make it to Gryffindor."
The twins imitated him, "splendid it is, Katerina. Absolutely spiffing. An honor to see you in good ol' Gryffindor."
He glared at them, "oh shut up."
"Two minutes," Fred spoke, "you wore the Hat for a good long two minutes. We were counting."
George piped up, "we didn't last more than five seconds. The Hat had placed us in Gryffindor soon as it touched our heads."
Lucky you then, "I had quite a conversation with it though." A girl with long blonde hair and a Prefect badge sitting in the row behind us (probably a seventh year) asked, "what did it say?"
I shook my head, "said I'd do better in Slytherin."
She smiled, "I can understand. Same thing happened to me until it took my choice in to account. I mean, come on, I might be nasty at times but still I don't think I'd like all the Slytherin flavor in my personality."
Well then it feels better I'm not the only one. However I'm quite excited about all that awaits ahead.
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