[03] A Blonde Among The Weasleys
I followed Arthur and Molly inside their house. It was so fascinating, no doubt. They led me to what seemed like a dining room. There was a huge wooden table in the middle with stools all around for people where a bunch of redheads were already seated.
They were of different ages ranging from 11 years old to 17. The faces were different though but a few characteristics were common such as red hair and freckles. They must be Arthur and Molly's kids.
Molly began the introductions, "kids, meet Katerina, and honey these are my children; Perseus, Ronald, Ginnevra, and... Where are Fred and George?"
Soon enough a pair of exactly identical boys of about my own age came out of the kitchen holding a bowl of soup, "we're here, Mum. We cooked today."
The kid named Ronald mumbled, "heaven forbid."
The twins placed the soup on the table and faced me.
"Hi," one of them spoke, "we're sorry we couldn't be present at the outrageous introductions Mom gave."
Molly looked a bit flustered. She pointed to them while telling me who was who exactly, "this is Fred and this is George."
It's a wonder she can tell them apart because honestly, I can't.
"We're not Fred and George," the other one of them spoke, "allow me to introduce our humble selves to you, Miss Katerina. I'm Gred. And this is Forge." I laughed, they were funny.
Molly urged us towards their table, "I know very well that whatever you might have cooked will surely be inedible. Take a seat, Katerina. I'll just be back in five minutes with our supper."
I got a seat with the twins. "Who would have thought to have a blonde Weasley in our family?" Fred whispered over to George pretending as if I wasn't even present there.
"I didn't and that's a fact," he replied.
I cleared my throat to gain their attention, "is it odd for a Weasley to be blonde?"
They smirked, "oh yes. Consider this; since the past many centuries, the Weasleys have been characterized by red hair. It's a basic trait."
I nodded, "so that means we'll have to do something about it."
Fred suggested, "dye your hair for instance?"
George added, "yup permanently. I bet we could design an invention for that. Right, Freddy?"
They seemed quite fond of inventing things and now I was perfectly sure that I won't ever get bored here.
Molly came and placed the dishes on the table, "enough of the chitter chatter. Say your prayers and then we shall eat."
It felt so nice. Sitting among such a lot of people on a dining table was surely a new experience for me. Even with Mum and Dad, I had never had the privilege of a family dinner.
I thoroughly enjoyed the home-cooked meal and the antics that followed at dinner. It was so much like I had finally found a family that I could call my own. As if one of my greatest wishes was coming true.
After dinner, Arthur handed me a sealed envelope. I tore it open and unfolded the parchment. I read it out loud. It was written that I was enrolled in Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I would begin my studies from the 1st of September. Inside was a list attached of the items I would need including a wand, uniform robes, a cauldron, and so many other fascinating objects. And of course the books. Magic books. Wow. That's all I could say.
Today has been so much eventful for me that it was almost hard to believe. I feared I would wake up and find out that it was all a dream; nothing more nothing less. I was shaken out of my reverie when I felt someone grab me by the shoulder gently. Turning around I saw Molly.
She was smiling but soon her expression turned into that of concern, "Katerina dear, what happened? Why are you crying?"
I realized that a few tears had escaped my eyes. I wiped them away, "I... I fear what would happen if it all turns into a dream. If I wake up and find out that I am still in the asylum and my life will never change. That I will never be free."
She hugged me tenderly; just like a mother, "it is not a dream. All of us are as real as can be. You should not worry at all. After a week or two all of us will go to Diagon Alley to buy the school supplies. I'm sure you will enjoy it. And by then you'll be certain that it's not a dream." I hope so.
When it was time to clean up the dishes I offered to help and Molly seemed quite pleased with that. In the kitchen, she spoke, "honey, now that everything is settled I want to ask you one thing."
I was a bit surprised, "yes?"
She resumed, "you are going to live with us as our daughter. As part of our family, I wanted to know whether you'd have any problem accepting us as one or not. I mean, if you would call me Mum I would be very happy."
I felt as if I would start crying at that moment. My eyes seemed to well up with tears. I managed to nod, "of course, I will... Tell you what, you're the best mother in the world. My own Mum never... She was never like you. I love your family. I think I'm so lucky to be with you guys at this instant."
She smiled, "we are glad to have you too, sweetheart."
At that instant, I felt that I was the luckiest and happiest girl alive. A few days before I could never even imagine all this that is happening right now. And trust me when I say today I realized God truly listens to our prayers because this is what I have been praying for for so many years.
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