Ch.7 The void
~Y/n pov~
I opened my eyes to see three people and an alligator staring down at me.
"What the fuck?" I asked, looking around.
This place looked like a mess. There was random shit everywhere.
Not really any signs of life. It looked abandoned.
I stood up and looked at them, "Who are you?"
The boy's eyes watered and he pulled me into a hug.
What is it with everyone hugging me lately?
I returned to hug, unsure of what to do.
A few seconds later, he pulled out of the hug and I noticed the horns on his head.
"Loki?" I asked.
They nodded.
"All of you?"
They nodded again.
"Even the alligator." I furrowed my brows.
"Yep." Kid Loki responded.
"Huh.. So where exactly are we?"
"This is the void." Classic Loki stated.
I heard a grunt, looking behind us I saw Loki.
My Loki.
He looked around in confusion.
We all stared down at him.
"Y/n, you're here. Thank God." Loki sighed and then turned to look at the other people, "And who are you guys? Where are we?"
"This is the Void. That's Alioth. And we're his lunch. Come on!" Classic Loki responded.
I followed after them as they started walking off.
Loki trailed behind us. I walked beside Kid Loki.
"I suggest we take a breather, so I can ask several thousand questions." Loki told them, panting slightly because of all the walking he is doing.
"Gotta keep moving so we don't die." Classic Loki responded.
He was leading the group.
Kid Loki sighed and looked up at me.
"What?" I whispered.
"Nothings.. it's just. I used to know a Y/n, but I was brought here and I haven't seen her since." There was a distant look in his eyes.
I wonder how long he's been here.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently.
He smiled and continued to walk beside me, holding my hand.
The alligator walked close to us.
"Okay, but what's the plan?"
"Don't die."
"Okay, but beyond that?"
"Don't die."
"Don't die isn't a plan! It's a general demand of living. If you're Loki's, you should always have a plan." Loki sighed.
No one listened to him and we all just kept walking.
I turned to look at him, "C'mon let's go."
"No." Loki shook his head, "What are you doing?"
"Following them to safety." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" Loki yelled in frustration.
We all stopped to look at him.
"Look, it's been a very, very, very trying past few days. Months? I don't even know how longs it's been since New York." Loki started rambling, "All I know is, I got pruned and I woke up here, and now I'm surrounded by variants of myself, plus an alligator, which I'm heartbroken to report I didn't find all that strange! And now we're running from God knows what to God knows where."
Kid Loki let go off my hand and started walking towards him.
"When what I need to be doing is trying to find a way back to the TVA."
Alioth growled loudly.
Kid Loki whipped his head to look at Alioth before turning his attention back to Loki.
He conjured a sword and pointed it at Loki's throat.
Loki fell back.
"Stop wailing or you will signal Alioth." Kid Loki whisper-yelled.
"You mean the monster in the sky?"
Kid Loki looked unamused but offered his hand to help Loki up.
Loki grabbed his hand and got up, "Thank you."
"This is the place where the TVA dumps its rubbish, everything they prune. And Alioth, he ensures none of it ever returns." Kid Loki explained.
"It's a living tempest that consumes matter and energy. They send entire branched realities here that are devoured in an instant." Boastful Loki added.
"We're in a shark tank." Classic Loki concluded, "Alioth is the shark."
The alligator let out a growl.
"Oh, there's no such thing as an alligator tank."
He can understand it?
"Besides, it's a better metaphor." Classic Loki continued, "He's overly sensitive like the rest of us."
"Hang on. You're telling me that thing's a Loki too?" Loki asked incredulously.
"Oh, yes."
Loki was taken back, "Okay, fine. Willing to accept that. Why are there so many of you?"
"Because Loki's survive. That's just what we do." Classic Loki laughed.
"Great. So how do we escape?"
"We don't. All of us were arrested by the TVA and pruned, just like you. And just like you're doing right now, we all stood around making bad plans that went nowhere."
"Yes, but have you thought of using a tempad?" Loki asked.
I raised my eyebrows, "If there was a tempad in here none of us would even be here."
"What about causing a nexus event?"
"The TVA doesn't care what happens here." Boastful Loki stated.
"Causing a nexus event only gets you pruned anyway." I stated.
"Surely there's something to do."
"Survive. That's all there is. All there ever was." Classic Loki stated.
"Are we going now or are we going to stand around waiting to die?" I asked.
They all nodded and started to lead us to wherever they were heading.
"Just do what you want, I guess." Kid Loki told Loki.
After a few seconds, Loki ran after us.
"Why so you wear the horns? You let a child command you." Loki sighed.
"You'll do well to respect the boy." Classic Loki replied, "This is his kingdom."
"Right. What was your nexus event, your majesty?"
"I killed Thor." Kid Loki spat.
I could tell he wasn't proud of what he had done.
Loki was silent and we continued to walk until we reached his underground bunker.
"So, why did you want to return to the TVA so badly, anyway?" Classic Loki asked us.
"I want to destroy it. Whoever leads it is a sick bastard. He erases their memories and makes them think they've been there their whole life. He makes it seem like this is what they're meant to do. Just like what happened to me." I responded.
Loki nodded, "Yeah, that."
I turned to look at out surroundings.
We were in a bowling alley. There was junk everywhere.
They probably scavenged all of this. They've done a good job surviving.
It looks like they've been here a while.
I sat on a sofa beside Loki.
Kid Loki was sat on a throne and the other two Loki's on a sofa adjacent to the one I was on.
The Alligator Loki had his own bath that he was sat in.
"So, after I vanquished Captain America and Ironman. I claimed my prize, all six infinity stones." Boastful Loki boasted.
We all stared at him unamused, not believing a word he said.
The alligator growled.
"That's alligator for growling and saying 'liar' at the same time." Classic Loki translated.
"At least my nexus event wasn't eating the wrong neighbour's cat." Boastful Loki quipped.
Alligator Loki growled and leapt at him, trying to bite his hand off.
Loki and Classic Loki both stood up and tried to pry the alligator off him.
Kid Loki and I just watched the whole thing play out.
They threw the alligator back into his bath and then sat back down.
"Tell us about your story, Loki." Kid Loki demanded.
"Me?" Classic Loki sighed, "Nobody wants to here about that."
"Actually, I would." Loki sat forward on his chair, "It's just.. I've been wondering because I'm.. Well, we're supposed to die, right? Thanos kills us after Ragnarok."
I bit my lip, trying not to relive the memory.
"Thanos?" Classic Loki sat forward and began to tell us his story, "In my timeline, everything proceeded correctly, my entire life, until Thanos attacked our ship."
"So, you didn't try to stab him?"
"Certainly not. Take no offence, my friends, but blades are worthless in the face of a Loki sorcery. They stunt our magical potential."
"But they look awesome." Boastful Loki responded.
"Oh yes. Especially when they clatter to the ground just before your neck is snapped." Classic Loki stated sarcastically, "I cast a projection of myself so real, even the Mad Titan believed it."
Classic Loki looked down and was quiet for a few moments.
"Because I did something I wasn't meant to do... Y/n ended up dying too. Thanos killed her." He glanced at me for a second before continuing, "I escaped. Went someone far away where no one would find me."
"So, how did the TVA find you?" I asked.
Classic Loki smiled, "I got lonely, living all my days in solitude. And I felt guilty. The guilt never left. It tore away at me day after day. And to be honest, I missed my brother. It occurred to me, everywhere I went, only pain followed."
He really went through a lot. I'm surprised the TVA couldn't find him.
"Eventually, the loneliness got to much. So I left. As soon as I took my first steps to getting off the planet, the TVA found me. Because we, my friends, have but one part to play, the God of Outcasts. Nothing more."
He took a sip of wine and then raised his cup.
"The God of Outcasts."
The other raised their glasses and then drunk.
Well, except Kid Loki, he had juice.
Loki shook his head, "Let's go."
"Go where?" I asked.
"Out of this place, out of the void, back to the TVA." Loki responded.
"With what plan?"
How was he going to get anywhere without a plan.
"Well I haven't thought of that yet." Loki responded.
I stood up, "Has anyone actually tried to beat Alioth?"
Kid Loki nodded, "Quite a few people actually. They all died."
"Right, so if we want to stand any chance against him we at least need a good plan." I told Loki. I knew I was right.
"You'll die." Classic Loki added.
"That was my destiny to begin with." Loki started to walk off.
"You're different." Kid Loki commented, "Why?"
"No, I'm not. I'm the same, really. The same as all of you. Have any of you met a woman variant of us?"
Classic Loki shook his head, "Sounds terrifying."
"Do you think she followed us here?" I asked Loki, "If she did then we have to find her."
Loki nodded, "Right, she needs us."
"Correction, she needs me and she only tolerates you." I corrected.
Loki scoffed, "Yeah well, she's not trying to take over the TVA, she's trying to take it down. You said Alioth is what keeps us here."
Kid Loki nodded.
"You said it's a living thing." Loki pointed at who said what, "You said it's a shark. Well, if it lives, it dies."
This wasn't going to end well.
"So, I'm gonna kill the shark. I'm gonna kill Alioth, and I could use all the help I can get."
It was silent for a few seconds before they all broke into laughter.
They were laughing at him. Can't say I was surprised.
They've been here way longer. I'm sure they've all tried to get out of here.
And when nothing worked, they gave in.
Loki rolled his eyes and walks off.
"Well, I think the plan is shit but I want to at least try and find Sylvie. She definitely followed us after getting as much information as she can." I stated and followed after him.
"It's is not a shit plan." Loki responded.
I gave him a look and he sighed, looking away from him.
I stood at the bottom of the ladder as Loki climbed it and opened the hatch at the top.
Looking up, I noticed a bunch of Loki's looking down.
"Hello. Now, which one of us are you?"
"This is a nightmare." Loki muttered in response.
This really was a nightmare.
1991 words
A/n Boastful Loki is so annoying.
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