Ch.2 Stuck
~Y/n pov~
Loki quickly looks up and rapidly wipes away his tears when the door opens.
"Loki? No where left to run." Mobius told him.
"I can't go back, can I?" Loki seemed as if he had finally accepted he was stuck here.
Just like me... I suppose I'm stuck here too.
"I don't enjoy hurting people." Loki sighed, a serious expression on his face, "I don't enjoy it. I do it because I.. have to, because I've had to."
"Okay, explain that to me." Mobius' voice was soft, as if he thought that Loki might break if he talked too loud.
"Because it's part of the illusion." Loki replied.
I was surprised he was being so open. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to open up easily.
"It's the cruel elaborate trick confided by the weak to inspire fear."
"A desperate play for control." Mobius concluded, "You do know yourself."
"A villain..."
"That's not how I see it." Mobius responded.
"Loki?" I asked.
He hummed in response to show he heard me.
"If I knew you.. that means I must be a variant." I bit my lip in frustration, "Can I get my memories back?"
He looked up at me and furrowed his brows, deep in thought.
"I can try." Loki got up and walked towards me.
He knelt down in front of me and reached his hands out towards me.
He hesitated for a second. I nodded telling him to continue.
Loki placed his hands lightly on my temple and then rested his forehead on mine, closing his eyes.
I closed my eyes too.
Suddenly, I was thrown into memories. But there was still something missing.
I got back all the memories. At least the ones shown on Loki's file.
I don't remember anything before New York. About my childhood.
I must've know Loki though. Because just before the New York incident I remember being in love with him.
We were together.
I can't remember everything before that.
Loki's hands moved away from my face as I opened my eyes.
He kept his forehead against mine, a look of shock on his face.
He had seen it... my nexus event.
After everything with Thanos. Five years later, the avenger fought off Thanos again.
Everyone came back from the snap. But Loki wasn't there.... Because he was killed.
I thought I'd never see him again.
It's like part of me was missing.
So I tried to go back in time and then I was here. They must've erased my memories.
"I can't remember my childhood memories... but I remember everything else." I let out a shaky breath.
Loki pulled me into a hug, pushing my head into his chest.
"It must've been hard for you." He stated, "It was hard enough seeing myself die but your emotions. When I saw your memories... I could feel them. I love you so much. I don't want to be separated again."
I sniffled slightly, trying not to cry. Then, I shuffled closer so I was sitting on his lap.
"I don't remember my childhood, but I know that I love you.. so very much. I don't want to see you die again. So... I'll help you in whatever scheme you're planning."
Loki pulled away from the hug and stared at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
I leant closer to him. His breath fanned over my lips.
And then, he closed the gap. Kissing me passionately.
I kiss back with a sense of longing. Just how long had we been apart?
Loki smirked down at me, "Just stick with my plan."
"And what is your plan?"
He froze for a second before replying, "Come back to me on that."
"Okay y'all, let's review what we've learned." Miss Minutes was talking to Loki but he was clearly not listening.
I sighed. Her voice was so annoying.
Glancing over at Loki, I noticed the magazine in this hands. Jet skis?
"What happens when a nexus event branches past the red line?" She asked.
"Very bad things." Loki replied, clearly not paying attention.
What was Mobius even doing? He just left me alone with Loki and didn't say anything.
If I'm a variant... are others here variants?
"Come on, Loki. What is it?" Miss Minutes looked annoyed at his lack of attention.
I was so tired but I knew I couldn't sleep. Not yet anyway.
I'm guessing it's going to be a while before I'm able to sleep.
Loki sighed before answering, "It's when the TVA can no longer reset a nexus event. Okay? Boring."
"Right. And what would lead to the destruction of the timeline." Her annoying voice continued.
I grabbed a piece of paper and scrunched it up, throwing it at her.
"Hey!" She exclaimed, jumping away.
Loki smirked and rolled up the magazine he was holding. Then, he smacked it down trying to hit her.
"Can you hear me? Are you recording or are you alive?" Loki asked.
"Uh.. sorta both." Miss Minutes replied before yelping and jumping away from the newspaper as Loki tried to whack her again.
"That is not nice. Jerk." Miss Minutes disappeared into the computer.
"Is that my jet ski magazine?" Mobius asked.
I jumped in surprise. I didn't even hear him coming.
"Put it down. There's been an attack." Mobius told us calmly before addressing us both, "Let's go."
Loki placed the magazine down and grabbed the jacket off Mobius.
"Put it on." Mobius stated.
I got up and started walking towards them.
I noticed the jacket had the words 'variant' on but I wasn't about to tell Loki that. He can figure it out on his own.
I didn't really listen to whatever the squad leader was saying. It wasn't a surprise they were ambushed again.
"We've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our Loki variant." She continued, "But which kind of Loki remains unknown."
"The lesser kind, to be clear." Loki spoke up.
I sent him a look.
He avoided eye contact.
Everyone was looking at him for a moment before looking back to the squad leader.
He sighed as leant against me, our arms pressed together.
"You okay?" I whispered in his ear.
He just nodded and continued to listen.
"Let me see the back of that jacket."
He leant off me and turned around. It took him a moment to realise what it said.
"Oh, very subtle." He said sarcastically.
"I don't want anybody out there to forget what you are." She stated, "A cosmic mistake."
I bit my lip to stop myself from saying anything I would regret.
I can't blow our cover.
"That's enough." Mobius told her.
"Lovely." Loki replied.
"Here's the deal. When we get out on the branch, we're not just looking for a Time criminal. We're looking for a Loki." Mobius told us, "A variation of this guy. A type we should all be familiar with because the TVA has pruner a lotta these guys... almost more than any other variant."
A small project appeared in front of us showing different Loki variants.
I tried not to laugh when I saw the surfer Loki and then the really buff one.
Loki raised his eyebrow as he looked at them.
"No two are alike." Mobius continued, "Slight differences in appearance or not so slight. Different powers, although, powers generally include : shape-shifting, illusion- projection and my favourite.."
Loki cut Mobius off, "Dupliation-casting."
Mobius stared at him for a few seconds before correcting him, "Illusion-projection."
"No, they're two completely different powers actually." Loki explained, "Illusion-projection involves depicting a detailed image from outside oneself, which is perceptible in the external world. Whereas, duplication-casting entails recreating an exact facsimile of one's own body in it's present circumstance, which acts as a true holographic mirror of its molecular structure."
"Okay, smartass." I muttered under my breath.
Loki playfully glared at me. So he heard it..
"Okay, take a breath. Noted." Mobius was clearly done with all this, "We're gonna break into two teams."
"Do I get a weapon?" Loki asked.
"You wish." I scoffed.
"Yeah actually, I do." Loki replied.
"You can't have a weapon." Mobius told him.
"Well then I'll have my magic back." Loki stated, "Is no one concerned about that?"
"Of what?"
"Me betraying you."
We all walked through the portals.
"Let me ask you this." Loki started talking again, "Why don't we just travel back to before the attack?"
"Oh wow. Wish I'd have thought of that." I told him sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes at me.
"Nexus events destabilise the time flow. This branch is still changing and growing, so you gotta show up in real time." Mobius explained, "Did you watch any of the training videos you were supposed to?"
"Well, as many as I could stand. Your TVA propaganda is exhausting." Loki responded.
"He's got a point." I told Mobius.
"And what do these do?" This dude from behind us asked.
Was he listening to our conversation? Rude ass bitch.
"Reset charges prune the affected radius of a branch timeline, allowing time to heal all its wounds. Which sounds like a nice way of saying disintegrate everything in it's vicinity."
Mobius nodded, "He's on it."
He stepped into the tent.
"I watched the videos." Loki stated as we both entered the tent after Mobius.
Mobius frowned, "The variant has never taken a hostage before."
"Maybe he's upping his game."
"Or he pruned her.."
"Loki couldn't have gotten the jump on C-20."
I sighed, we were going nowhere.
I bet the Loki variant is long gone by now anyway.
"Fan out and search for him." The squad leader commanded.
Everyone headed in a different direction.
"Wait.." Loki said making everyone freeze in their tracks, "If you leave this tent, you'll end up like them."
Just what was Loki doing? It was clear he was lying.
Though this might be a part of his plan so I won't interfere. I'll just stay quiet and listen.
"What do you see?" Mobius walked up to Loki and stopped next to him.
"I see a scheme, and in that scheme I see myself." Loki lied smoothly, "We have a saying in Asgard, 'Where there are wolf's ears, wolf's teeth are near.' It means to be aware of your surroundings."
"So you think this is a trap?" I asked. I'm pretty sure he was stalling for time.
So if the variant hadn't already escaped, he was giving them time to.
Is he planning to team up with himself?
"Yes, of course this is a trap." Loki responded, "The Time Variance Authority and the gods of Asgard add the same. Drunk with power and blinded to the truth. Those you underestimate with devour you. You underestimate me, just as you underestimate this lesser Loki."
He was really dragging this on.
"Which is why you walk into one wolf's mouth after another."
"He is wasting our time." The squad leader stated in annoyance.
"Come in, Loki, make a long story short." Mobius sighed.
"It's a trap. I told you. The variant wants you to search for C-20."
He had managed to stall for time long enough.
The variant was long gone.
The squad leader sighed and told them to reset everything.
Loki and I both looked up when Mobius exited the room.
"You're probably wondering what happens out on the mission." Loki started as he followed after Mobius.
I jumped up and followed behind quietly.
Watching as Loki just rambled on. I could tell he was getting on Mobius nerves.
"Shut up, please. What happened to the guy on the elevator? The one who didn't like to talk. Remember him?" Mobius huffed in frustration.
Loki raised his eyebrow at him, "Isn't that why I'm here?"
"No. I don't care what makes you tick. You're here to help me catch the superior version of yourself."
"I'm not sure 'superior' is actually quite the right word."
I could tell an argument was about to start.
"Shut up, both of you." I finally spoke up.
They both turned to me, stunned.
Mobius knew I barely talked, so this probably surprised him.
Loki just looked surprised I had told him to shut up.
2084 words
A/n my mum is suddenly forcing me to do housework and shit even though it's the holidays for me finally. Also I have a shit ton of revision I don't want to do other work too.
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