"Ferris this isn't what the town wants," you say with a firm tone accented by your balled fists. "Why do you think your coven is so small? The people here want to live by a vampire's side. There's promise of something greater than this town, a world of opportunity and surprise."
You wonder what new life you'll have if Ell chooses you. Maybe they live in an old castle in the mountains, sitting just on the edge of cliff overlooking a lush valley. Maybe you'll spend your nights aboard a fine yacht with a glass of sparkling blood in hand as the moon lights the subtle waves. Maybe you'll travel from town to town, enjoying luxurious resorts and experiencing a vast array of cultures. You don't know what to expect with Ell, but you know exactly what to expect with Ferris. Farming and quiet.
"Is it opportunity if the vamps force you into it?" asks Ferris with a pleading shake of his head.
"If it isn't what you want, leave the town. Others have before. They don't care if there's a handful less mouths to feed if it means there isn't unrest."
"The town needs to see. They need to know what life could be." Ferris tries to stick his hands through the grates in order to sell his point and beg your cooperation, but only his fingers make it through.
"No, Ferris, you're alone in this. So you should probably leave now."
"Help!" you yell, turning towards the door. "I think someone is trying to sneak in!" You turn back around to see Ferris give you one last disappointed look before chasing after the others who may have long since fled when it was obvious you wouldn't be joining them. Just as you see the hem of Ferris's robe disappear from view, Ell and a pack of drones burst through the door. Ell looks right to the fireplace grate, as if they already knew where the intruder may be coming from. As they inspect the ground, you take notice of what's in their hand. It's a mask matching theirs. A counterpart meant to designate a claim over a human, guaranteeing that human a life as a feeder and maybe one day, a vampire in their own right.
"They seem to have fled," says Ell, though they don't sound too disturbed by it. They smile at you, a look of smug pride on their face as you stand with complete confidence over your decision. They then turn to the drones. "Go back to your posts, I doubt the rats will be returning." The drones leave without a word.
"Well," continues Ell, who faces you again, "this I had not expected. Quite a thrill."
"I'm only glad I could save you the trouble of having to deal with a disturbance on this magnificent night." You give them a courtly smile, but you fail to keep your eyes from traveling back down to the hand holding the elegant mask.
"This," they say, raising up the object of interest, "is my mask. I would be most gracious if you'd agree to wear it."
You want to jump and shout "yes" at the top of your lungs, but you know that until that mask is on your face, the contract is not sealed and you wish to give them no reason to retract the offer.
"I'd be happy to accept," you say with a slight bow, which hides the blush of excitement on your cheeks.
"You do know what this contract means?" they ask, though they hand you the mask before waiting for an answer. "You shall accompany me home and become a prized feeder in my court. It does not guarantee immortality."
"I understand," you say as you slip on the mask.
"Excellent." They smile and then offer their arm. "Shall I go show you off now?"
"Absolutely!" You brim with excitement and your enthusiasm is well received in the bright, warm smile of your vampire.
The two of you walk out to the hall arm-in-arm and find a horde of vamps and humans waiting to hear word of what happened. The drones in the room belonged to Ell and are thus incapable of following anyone else's orders. Which meant they could not be provoked into sharing the gossip about the shout for help in the lounge. However, now that the two of you are out in the ballroom, Ell is happy to extoll the bravery and loyalty of his claim, Micah Dupree. He proclaims that the "rats" have scurried and that everyone should return back to the ball.
Many in the crowd speak in hushed whispers as they eye you, though one member of the audience simply watches in delighted awe. Ailisa stands in the front of the pack, wearing a mask composed of twisting golden vines, blood red velvet, and diamond raindrops. You don't need to see who stands beside her to know what vamp she now belongs to. The motifs were that of your town's owner. The vamp commonly known as the Farmer, but officially known as Duke Gagnier. Your little town is the finest human farm in the world and as such, only the most noble of vamps would be given such ownership. You aren't surprised Ailisa landed herself a big fish. You return her large grin and the two of you bond in your success.
"Well done, Marquis Ellimond," says the duke with a slow clap of his large hands as the others return to their merry revelry. "Glad to see you are capable of dealing with such a large threat as a handful of rats."
"Of course, good sir, it is an honor to attend to problems that you can't handle. I know you are a very busy man." Ell gives the duke a lofty bow, but you can't help but feel the mocking gesture in it. You look to Ailisa, who shifts her weight and darts her eyes from Gagnier to Ell, before turning to you with apprehension. You both know well enough what vampiric society is like. The only real threats vampires face are their mortal enemies, werewolves, and then themselves. Most die at the hands of in-fighting and from the looks of it, you and Ailisa are currently sitting on opposing teams.
"Well, it seems it was really that fine human you have by your side that handled things," says the duke with a laugh as Ell straightens up. "It did come from my farm after all."
The the duke and Ailisa join you as you head deeper into the hall. Ell and Gagnier continue to throw spiteful barbs at each other while still wearing hardy smiles. You wonder a little if it is all some playful fun, but Ailisa, who is far more in tune with these things looks uneasy and you doubt such luck.
"Well, enjoy the rest of the night," says the duke with a wave as he and Ailisa head to the dance floor. "It is my party after all and I must get back to hosting. I do have the finest humans to dine on tonight. Perhaps I'll see to it that you get something good from my stock so you have at least one healthy drone in your entourage."
"Such kindness, my duke. How can I ever express my gratitude?" Again Ell gives him a lofty bow before the duke and Ailisa disappear.
You wonder if you should say something, but Ailisa would slap you across the cheek for such a thought. To comment on vampire matters is not your place unless directly asked and since Ell pops back up with a laid back look and a playful smile on their face, you know it is best not to pursue the matter.
"Ah, a waiter," they say with a raise of their hand. "You should eat, I've kept you busy so far and our savior of the night deserves the finest."
A drone waiter, one of the duke's as he too sports an outfit of blood red with golden vine embroidery, comes over with a tray of assorted foods.
"We'll be dining soon and depending on your stomach, you may lose some of your appetite after the feast." He gestures towards the tray, which includes a parfait in a fine crystal glass, a strip of chicken on a silver skewer, and a delicate porcelain plate with cheeses and grapes.
You offer Ell a grateful smile before grabbing the large crystal cup and the decadent parfait that fills it.
"Welcome, welcome everyone to another All Hallow's Eve Ball."
Duke Gagnier stands in the middle of the ballroom with Ailisa beside him, a proud smile lighting her face. The crowd of vamps and humans begins to back away and towards the edges of the room so that a circle of eager faces forms around the host of the night.
"I'm thrilled to see so many of my fine humans wearing masks already. We still have much of the night ahead for those who don't and trust me, we vamps will get quite...enthusiastic after the feeding. So worry not, your moment is still at hand."
You look around and notice some of your classmates who have failed to grab attention. You take some comfort knowing that if they fail to find someone, they have a few more years before they are moved on to being breeders. Of course, as the duke said, and as Ailisa had informed you before, the prime time to land a vamp is after the feeding. Full of blood, the vamps tend to be more boisterous and tenacious, which often leads to spur of the moment decisions on who they'll take. In fact, many vamps won't make a decision until they have blood in them. They see it as a way to provoke something instinctual inside of them, that it will inform their decision far better than overthinking it will.
"Now, you have all seen my fine selection of feeders, but I've also got the best selection of drones. Hard workers who are ready to begin life serving the elite of our world." With that the duke gestures towards the hall door and a line of people you recognize as either shop attendants, farm hands, or breeders, file in with expectant looks on their faces. The vamps start to make a distinct perimeter so that a soon-to-be drone can easily pair off with their future master or mistress.
The duke also joins the line so that you and Ailisa stand near each other. You both share a hesitant smile between you. To be a drone is an honorable way to end your life, but to be made one is not the same as being a feeder. Feeders are bitten simply to tap a vein and a vamp feeds enough to get by. The feeder will get lightheaded, but other than that, there's no great trauma. A drone, however, will have all but the last drop of blood pulled from them. That drop will have enough vampire venom in it to make them immortal but not a vampire. It is a hard process.
The future drones fill out the circle and eventually the drone meant for Ell takes her place. You wonder who may be joining you, and you think through a few of the good folks you know were to join the herd tonight. Then, the drone steps forward and your breath catches.
She shouldn't be here. She was intended to be a breeder.
There with a complacent smile on her face and her eyes cemented on Ell so they do not meet your heated gaze, is Gianette. The same Gianette that you have grown up with as your sister. The Gianette that you know was meeting up with werewolves tonight.
You look over at Ailisa and you know she's thinking the same thing, though admittedly she can't know that Gianette may very well be here on the werewolves' commands. Which is why Ailisa may hesitate before telling the duke that trouble is about to start. You, however, know you need to act immediately.
You can subtly grab Ell's attention and whisper the truth to them so they can act and gain credit for averting trouble instead of their rival the duke. Though, they may have used up their mercy on Ferris. You can't guarantee they won't hurt Gianette if you rat her out too. You could instead attack her. That way, you can earn Ell credit for protecting the vamps, but also give your sister a chance to flee, which she wouldn't get if she were attacked by a vamp first. Or you could take a defensive route. The hall is decorated with jack-o-lanterns and other All Hallow's Eve decor. Ferris did teach you how to use hollowed gourds for wards and, if you word the spell right, you might be able to shoot the ward out so that it knocks those around you down, giving your sister a chance to flee in the ruckus.
What will you do?
- Warn Ell: ch 142
- Attack Gianette: ch 143
- Cast a Spell: ch 144
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