Chapter 7: The prison
"Be careful!" I snapped in annoyance when the trooper behind me pushed me forward again. We were in the prisons which were located on the far side of the castle. It was completely underground, leaving little light in the cold, gloomy halls.
They pushed me inside one of the cells, almost making me fall down to the floor. I turned around after having regained balance and glared at them. One of the two unlocked the shackles around my wrist while the other kept his gun pointed at me.
"Have a nice stay, princess." One of them snickered after having closed the door and walked away.
"You will regret this!" I yelled after him. The only thing it did was making the two troopers standing guard before the cell chuckle to themselves.
"What are you laughing at?" I snapped as I plumbed down on the ground, folding my legs before me. I huffed, blowing a strand of my hair that had fallen before my face away.
"Val'kyr?" A voice called from the shadows. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to see through the darkness. It was a rather large cell, made for beasts and other large organisms. Most likely the other cells were either blown to pieces or they didn't know how to use the security system.
"Stefan?" My eyes widened as I stood up immediately after seeing his golden hair appear from the shadows. "Stefan!" I laughed in relief and ran up to him, almost taking his breath away by a bone crushing hug.
"Careful there, doc." He patted my shoulder as he chuckled.
"You look terrible." I stated as I scanned his body. His armor was either absent or completely penetrated and dented. There was dirt covering his skin and wounds, mostly on his arms.
"Not as bad as them." He nodded at something behind me, making me turn around.
"Bloody hell." I mumbled when around 6 people emerged from the shadows, eyeing me carefully. "What happened?" I turned towards Stefan after seeing their injured bodies.
"Well, we tried to hold the perimeter. Seems those jedi are a bit more persistent than we originally thought." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Val'kyr."
"It's not your fault, Stefan." I laid my hand on his arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm just happy to see you alive and well." My eyes wandered through the cell.
"Help me." A voice begged from the far corner. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw him. His whole chest was bandaged with dirty rags moist with blood, his face almost as pale as snow.
I immediately ran towards him and knelt down before him, laying my hand on top of his head to check his temperature. "What's your name, soldier?" I tried to keep him talking after noticing that his temperature was way too high. Knowing that that most likely meant that his wounds were infected, I unbound the bandages.
"Stefan!" I glanced at him as my hands fiddled with the cloths. "Get me some water, now!"
"It's... Eugene." He mustered out as he winced in pain. He pushed himself up the wall, closing his eyes in agony.
"Here." Stefan handed me a bucket of water, kneeling down on the other side of Eugene.
"What the hell happened?" I ripped a piece off of my trousers, dipping it in the ice cold water and then over Eugene's chest.
"It was an explosion." Stefan told me as he aided me with cleaning his wounds. "He got hit by the shrapnel." He clarified. "We tried to get as much of it out of him but we don't have much to work with."
"Well, his wounds are infected which either means that you didn't clean it well enough or that there's still a piece of shrapnel in there." I bit my lip after seeing almost 6 entry wounds in his chest, one dangerously close to his heart.
"Does anyone have their med-kit?" I looked at all of them. I was handed around 4 or 5, which was way too little to take care of all of them. Taking out morphine out of them, I injected one of them in Eugene who relaxed immediately.
"You're going to be fine, Eugene." I reassured him as I took out the alcohol I had hidden under my belt. The troopers had searched me for weapons and other stuff before taking me here. Luckily, they didn't take my sword which now looked like an innocent small pen and considered it unharmful.
"Uuhm, Val'kyr?" One of the other prisoners spoke up, making me turn around. My eyes then landed on the two guards who were walking towards us with their guns raised.
"Drop the needles!" They pointed their blasters at me.
"Can't you see I'm trying to help him?!" I exclaimed as I tried to stop the bleeding. "How is it you even let a wounded man in here, without medical treatment? What are you, savages?!"
"We don't do that sort of thing." The left one stated. Later I discovered that it was because they were used to droids who never needed treatment, so they didn't know how to act in such an occasion leading up to Eugene almost dying in the cell. But back then, I didn't know that so it left me furious.
"Now get away from him!" The other ordered.
"At least let me try to heal him." I put up my hands in surrender. "He's dying, you don't want that kind of blood on your hands."
They exchanged glances, shifting uncomfortably on their feet. "Get away from him, now." The other then urged.
"You'll have to kill me before I move." I narrowed my eyes in anger. From the corner of my eyes I could see Stefan going into a fighting pose while eyeing the troopers carefully.
"What's going on here?" An all too familiar voice spoke up. My eyes darted to the direction of his voice and then landed on him appearing from behind the two troopers.
"Kenobi, you just can't let me go, can you?" I rolled my eyes at him while my hands, which were covered in thick blood, were still in the air. I noticed his eyes darting back and forth between my hands and Eugene on the floor as his hand went up to his beard.
"What can I say, I'm attracted to danger." He shrugged with a smirk on his face and then turned towards one of the troopers. "Get the aid kit."
After Stefan was politely scolded away by him, Obi-Wan took his place on the other side of Eugene.
"How long has it been, an hour? Two?" After the other clone was pointing his blaster at the other prisoners, I lowered my hands and went back to work.
"Three, actually." Obi-Wan was staring at me with a slight frown on his face but then replaced it with a smirk. "How can I help?"
"You want to help now? It's a bit too late for that." I tried to see if there was still shrapnel inside his chest but I couldn't see a damn thing. The wound was bleeding too badly. I looked back up at Obi-Wan and saw how his eyes filled with guilt. Deciding that I couldn't bear to see him like that, I sighed.
"Keep pressure right there so that I can stitch him up here." I put his hand on the top of his chest as I worked on another entry wound near his abdomen. The wound was shallow so that I was sure that there was nothing left in it.
"You have serious rearranging to do when it comes to your prisoner treatment." I told him.
"To be fair, we aren't used to having this many prisoners." He seemed uncomfortable with the blood seeping through his hands. Other than that, he was more relaxed than anyone I ever knew in this kind of situation, leaving me wondering why he was able to keep himself so composed.
"What, you always kill them?"
"We're usually fighting droids." Our eyes connected over Eugene's body.
"Right." I quickly diverted my eyes away from him after noticing that I got distracted. "So.. I don't think you came here to help me heal this man."
Obi-Wan nodded as he smiled slightly. "What, you think I don't enjoy helping you?"
"You didn't really give me the impression that you liked me, Kenobi." After having stitched up the wound on his abdomen, I lifted his hand from Eugene's chest to examine the rather large one. "Now honestly, what do you want?"
Obi-Wan sat back after noticing that he only got in my way. His eyes examined me carefully as he folded his arm before his chest. "Have you ever heard of a man named Lecki?"
I frowned and looked up at him. "Don't recall anyone, why?"
"He was our informant." Obi-Wan told me as he leaned his arms on his folded legs. "He was the one who told us about the weapon."
"Why are you telling me this?" I got distracted again as I dedicated my full attention to Obi-Wan.
"I told you, princess, I'm trying to figure this out. I'm called the negotiator for a reason." He said as he raised one of his eyebrows. "So you're sure you don't know him?"
"Positive." My attention was then turned towards the trooper who arrived with a rather large box. Taking it from his hands immediately and setting it down, I grasped something that looked like a flashlight and a small scalpel.
"Here, hold this." I gave Obi-Wan the flashlight. When he didn't take it from
Me, I looked up at his eyes with a frown. "What?"
I discovered that everyone was looking at the knife that was now in my hand. The trooper had raised his gun again while the other prisoners looked at me hopefully. "I'm trying to save this man's life here, calm down."
Everyone relaxed immediately and Obi-Wan took the flashlight from my hand and shone it at Eugene's chest.
"Right, Eugene?"
"Yes, Val'kyr?" He mustered out while breathing heavily.
"Only nod to my questions, I don't want you talking too much." I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Now, when you breathe, does it feel like something's moving or in the way?"
He nodded, pointing at the right side of his chest while breathing heavily. "Drowning." He stuttered as he tried to breathe.
"Damn." I cursed, pulling surgeon gloves over my hands and taking the scalpel. It took a while but after some careful cuts, a few painful shouts and another few of Obi-Wan's sarcastic comments, a piece of metal was pulled from his chest.
Only it didn't have the effect I wanted. It had perforated his lung, therefore now that it was gone his lung collapsed and he couldn't breathe anymore. His body shook violently as Eugene tried to scream in pain.
"Oh, dear." Obi-Wan's eyes widened.
"Stefan! See if there's any tape in the coffin, now!" I yelled while covering the wound, trying to close it to make sure he could breathe somewhat.
Stefan found it in a matter of seconds and handed it over to me. I put it over the wound, making sure that there was no hole left. When it was closed fully, it took Eugene a while to breathe normally but then you had the problem of the blood pouring into the lung.
"Now hand me that needle!" I ordered Stefan as Obi-Wan helped me keep Eugene down.
Stefan gave me the large needle. I immediately stuck it in Eugene's chest, literally stabbing him with the thing. After a few seconds blood came seeping out of the needle, blood that was previously in his lungs.
When Eugene's breath relaxed and he could breathe normally, I sat back in relief and took a deep breath myself. "You're going to be fine." I reassured him once again, this time without having to lie.
"I'm going to be honest with you, princess." I looked up at Obi-Wan who was staring right back at me. "That was impressive."
His blue eyes looked at me as if I was a wonder, something special. He had a small smile on his lips as he examined me like it was the first time he ever saw me. "Don't look at me like that." I diverted my eyes away from him as I felt a blush appear on my cheeks.
"Why not?" He chuckled lightly.
I looked back at him and knotted my eyebrows together slightly. "Because I'm trying to hate you."
Obi-Wan sighed deeply. His eyes went back up to mine as he laid one of his bloodied hands on my shoulder. "I'm trying to help you, Lyanna."
My heart skipped a beat after he said my name, my eyes widening slightly as they looked right into his. Get yourself together, Lyanna. I told myself. "If you want to help me, help them. Let us go. We don't have anything of use to you."
Obi-Wan dropped his hand down, leaving my shoulder cold and yearning for his warmth again. "I can't do that." He sighed as his hand went up to his beard.
"Then, as your prisoner, you can do nothing to help me." I bit and stood up abruptly, turning my back towards him as I crossed my arms before my chest. I heard the shuffling of his feet as he stood up and then the light steps as he walked towards the cell door, followed by his men.
I heard the footsteps coming to a halt and then a silence. "I'm sorry, princess." I heard his velvet voice say. After that, I only hear their footsteps retreating.
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