Chapter 5: A griffin's wrath
"Lyanna, do it now!" My brother's frantic yelling echoed through my head. I was in the ruins of Crows Perch, the former home to the Blackwings. We were being attacked by sirens, scaled and winged demonic women that survived on human flesh alone.
They had tails with huge, spiky fins and pointy scales as a lower body and the upper half was completely human except for the wings that came out of their backs. They were made out of leather with claw-like talons coming out at each corner.
That night was a nightmare by itself. We had been there the whole day, fighting and battling to survive. A lot of good soldiers had died that day, many of which I tried to save. But it was hopeless, the sirens showed no mercy.
The screaming of my nightmare soon transformed into a single, manly scream that awoke me from my slumber. Groaning and struggling against my bounds, I sat up slowly while trying my hardest to open my eyes. My belly and back were hurting terribly due to the fact that those robes had been very tightly wrapped around me and the trunk.
"Fives?! What the hell are you doing?" One of the clone troopers asked. My vision was still blurry due to the sleep but I could make out their silhouettes. The two jedi had ignited their lightsabers while this so called Fives was running around and yelling loudly, making the other clones wake up too.
"Shoot, for republic's sake!" Fives yelled, pointing at the bushes. A lot of cracks and something that sounded like thunder came closer and closer. If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought that it was some kind of hurricane or maybe even a tsunami.
I was immediately completely awoken when the large beast busted through the bushes, letting out a blood piercing scream as it reared in the clearing. "Oh, shit." I cursed and started to pull on my bounds after I had recognized the dark blue feathers of the beast.
It had the head and chest of a raven, the forepaws of an eagle with nasty, sharp talons and the hind legs of a horse. The griffin was attacking the clones, galloping around the clearing and throwing the men over by using its enormous size and its wings.
"Open fire!" Anakin commanded, holding his lightsaber in his hand and attacking the beast.
"You won't beat her with blasters or your sabers! Her feathers are indestructible!" I tried to warn them after my failed attempt to escape but was completely ignored. They continued to fire at the animal but al it did was anger her even more.
She let out another loud screech and charged at the jedi, throwing Anakin away like he was some rag doll. He collided with a trunk of a tree which fell down right on him. She then tried to scratch him with her claws but was suddenly distracted by Obi-Wan who had jumped on her from behind.
"Bloody hell." I groaned, struggling even more in my bounds. Obi-Wan was dodging every swipe off the animal's claws or beak after being thrown off her back but he wouldn't be able to hold out forever.
After noticing that nobody was paying attention to me, I sighed deeply. "What the hell." I shrugged and closed my eyes. My body heated up to the point where any normal garment would've burned to a crisp. I could feel the power flowing through my veins, felt the satisfying crack of the robes. I made it look like it was done by a blaster, hoping that nobody had seen it happening. When I was loose I sprang up on my feet, ready to run right into the forest and leave my captors behind.
Only I hesitated after I saw how the griffin had Obi-Wan cornered. The others were all either knocked out or as Anakin, stuck beneath a broken tree. Anakin yelled and screamed hopelessly as he watched how the griffin reared right before Obi-wan.
He tried to shield himself from the beast's claws by holding up his arms but he knew he was lost. "Obi-Wan!!!" Anakin cried but with his hands trapped, he was unable to do anything. The griffin charged at Obi-Wan as he crawled against the tree, his eyes widening and then diverting themselves away from the beast. My conscience got the better of my instincts.
I stepped right before Obi-Wan's body, shielding him from the griffin's wrath as I yelled almost as loud as the animal did. It surely got her attention.
Her green, large eyes looked at me furiously as she screeched even louder back at me, stopping with her charge at Obi-Wan so she could challenge me. She scraped her claws over the ground as she set up her feathers and spread her wings, trying to show me how big she was.
"It's alright." With my hand right before me, I bowed my leg slightly to try and make myself smaller and laid my other arm on my back. It was evident that the clones had provoked her. I casted my eyes down to the floor and bowed down even more, showing her that I was no threat.
"Lyanna?" I heard Obi-Wan's soft voice behind me. He was probably wondering why the hell I saved him from this beast and didn't run away the moment I was freed from my bounds. To be honest, I was still wondering about the same thing.
"Don't look at her eyes." I ordered. The griffin's breathing had slowed down and she had flattened her feathers against her mince body. Her wings were slightly retracted as she stopped thumping with her hoofs and watched me curiously, tilting her head.
"No one's going to hurt you." I promised and took a step towards her carefully with my arm held out in front of me. The beast snorted and neighed softly. Freezing right in my spot, I took in a deep breath to calm my breathing. I knew that she could sense fear or hesitation and would act if she noticed my emotions.
"Just.. Calm down." With my head pointed the other way, I held my hand up in the air and slowly took a few steps towards the beast. When I could feel her body heat, I stopped and waited for her to make the first move. Seemingly satisfied, she bowed her eagle-like head, allowing me to touch her as she pushed her head against my hand.
"That's it." I smiled and straightened my back, softly stroking the soft feathers that covered her body. I looked down at her claws to see if there was any blood and then sighed in relief. She hadn't scratched any of the men.
"Hello there." I chuckled when she nudged me with her black beak, almost throwing me over. As I continued to stroke her feathers, I turned towards Obi-Wan who was now standing up and dusting off his tunic. "Are you all right?" I asked.
"Yes, thanks to you." He frowned at me and then glanced at the griffin. "It seems to like you."
The griffin's head shot up and then screeched at him, narrowing its eyes slightly. She straightened her back and held her head high, looking down at him. "It's a she." I explained.
"A little help here." Anakin groaned from beneath the fallen tree. Obi-Wan lifted it off of him with ease using the force and lend him a hand to stand up.
"It seems one of your troopers was stupid enough to challenge a griffin." I looked up at them as she continued to nudge me with her head. She was almost twice as big as me and I was sure that when she spread her wings fully, she would be at least twelve times as big.
"And you were stupid enough to anger her even further with your swords and blasters." I huffed and watched how all the clones slowly got off the ground. The griffin straightened up beside me, watching them with stern eyes, almost daring them to do something again.
"Yes, well, we didn't really think off trying to pet her when she charged at us." Anakin smirked while trying to get the numerous leaves out of his hair. "Besides, she probably attacked us first, right Fives?"
"That's bullshit." I huffed and watched how the griffin thankfully looked at me for sticking up for her. She couldn't understand what we were saying, but she could sense my defensive attitude. "She's a female. Females only attack when provoked or threatened, it's the males that you should worry about."
"Yeah, right."
"Fives, what exactly happened?" Obi-Wan turned towards his trooper who looked to the ground in shame.
"I went out to piss and saw a nest... I thought that I'd make a nice omelet for all of us." He confessed.
Anakin snorted and then burst out laughing with the other troopers joining him soon, making the griffin beside me tense up. "Next time, make sure you don't piss off a bulletproof bird." He patted Fives on the shoulder.
"Umm... General." Cody alerted Obi-Wan as he pointed at my unbound hands. I shifted uncomfortably under their gazes as they all looked at me.
"It's all nice and heroic that you saved us, feathers-" Anakin smirked and started to circle around me and the griffin.
"It's your majesty for you."
"But how did you get out of these bounds?" He ignored my comment and raised one eyebrow at me. He had picked up the robes and was examining them, noticing the black threads on the ends.
"I... used a blaster." The griffin looked up at me, noticing that I lied and was feeling threatened. She turned towards Anakin and lowered her head slightly, scraping her claws over the ground.
"A blaster." Anakin scoffed and threw the robes towards Obi-Wan who then started to examine it. "Blaster or not, we'll need to bind you again. Because honestly, feathers, I don't trust you for one bit."
"The feeling is mutual."
"Anakin, get the troops ready to depart. I will take care of our prisoner." Obi-Wan ordered out of the blue with his gaze still fixed on the ends of the robes.
I turned back towards the griffin, stroking the feathers on her neck and examining her body. She had large scars on her forelegs and her tail was almost completely damaged.
"So you're an outcast too, huh?" I patted her on the neck as she answered with a soft neigh.
"I thought all the griffins in the galaxy had died out." I heard Obi-Wan coming near. I tried to warn him about approaching the griffin but when I looked up I saw how he bowed to it.
"You know how to-" I frowned as he repeated my actions, laying his arm on his back and casting his eyes to the ground until the griffin gave him permission to come nearer.
"I'm a fast learner." He smiled at me and then examined the animal with wide open eyes, his hands gliding over her feathers gently. "How did you know how to do it? Do your people use them as mounts or something?" He looked up at me curiously.
"More like pets." I smirked and saw how his eyes widened in surprise and looked down at the sharpness of her claws.
He then looked back up at me. "Why did you save us? Why didn't you run away?"
I sighed, too afraid or shy to look him in the eye. "I don't know." I replied honestly. "But I do know that I wasn't trying to save them," I nodded at the troopers and Anakin. "I was trying to save you."
Obi-Wan's frown deepened as he examined me carefully. He had almost completely lost interest in the griffin.
"You know, she's an outcast." I changed the subject. "Probably lives all by herself."
"How do you know?"
"There, her tail." I guided his hand towards it by grasping his wrist gently. "To griffins it represents their status or their honor, this one's been completely destroyed. Now, griffins are proud beasts, so it means a lot to their population."
I could feel his eyes that were glued to my face as I then guided his hand towards her forelegs. "Those scars, they've been inflicted by her own kind." I sighed and stroked the feathers on her head gently as she nudged me. "That's probably why she attacked that quickly."
I looked back up at Obi-Wan who was still looking at me intently. "She should go before anyone provokes her again." I softly pushed her away. After a few disappointed screeches and another few nudges of her head the griffin obliged, walking back into the woods.
"Go on, before your friend throws another fit." I held my hands up before him so he could put the shackles he had in his hands around them.
I could hear him sigh and watched how he awkwardly shifted his weight on his two feet. "Here, these will be more comfortable." He grasped the robes instead and bound them around my wrists. He held them for another few seconds as he looked up at me. "I will find out what is really going on, princess."
"I hope that you do."
"All right, we're ready to depart." Anakin came to stand beside his friend, placing his hands on his hips and watching the griffin disappear into the forest. "I hope we don't meet another one of those, they're completely unkillable."
I scoffed and looked at him as all the others started to walk in the direction of the city. "I killed one when I was 12." I raised my eyebrow at him as both jedi looked at me in bewilderment.
"What, you think I bought this tunic in some local shop?" I pointed at my feathery chestguard that was glowing a dark blue. I smirked at them and walked away, looking at Anakin over my shoulder. "Some of us have to earn their place, my darling."
I heard Obi-Wan chuckling softly and then heard his deep, musky voice whisper to Anakin. "I like her."
"Shut up, Obi-Wan."
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