Chapter 41: Last chance
Not really related to this story BUT CHECK OUT THIS DRAWING I MADE OF OBI. Okay yeah that's it. Enjoy it.
Hours passed as I lay there, softly cuddled against his warm body and listening to his steady heartbeat as my body slowly recovered. Our legs were intertwined, my head laying on his arm and my nose nuzzled against his chest, his other arm draped around my waist and holding me close. Obi-Wan was fast-asleep with a small smile playing around his lips and a look of serenity clear on his face, making me chuckle lightly each time I glanced up at his face. I wanted to lay there forever yet I knew I had limited time left in this universe.
My fingers gently traced the muscles on his chest as my mind went haywire with troubles clouding my thoughts, not wanting to wake him yet having too many issues to deal with myself. I had so much more I wanted to do, so much more I wanted to accomplish before my death yet fate seemed to have something else in mind.
Glancing up at his closed eyes I sighed deeply, enjoying his warm embrace but feeling like I should be doing more. Even though I was sleep-deprived and utterly exhausted, my entire body was on high alert and jumped at each odd sound or flicker. His presence soothed me but somehow it wasn't enough. Apart from that, sleeping would mean that tomorrow would come sooner and I wasn't ready to face it yet.
Groaning internally, I carefully unwrapped myself from his arms, trying not to wake him. I hated myself for this yet I wrapped myself in the blankets and reached for my armour, pulling it on as I cursed myself internally. When I was fully clothed I walked on my toes towards the door, glancing back at his sleeping figure before walking into the hallway, looking both ways before stalking further inside the castle.
Gods, I cursed the day I was born. My whole life I had been ready to sacrifice my life for others yet now that I truly had to, I was scared. I was reluctant to admit it, but the thought of dying tomorrow send a chill through my body that almost seemed to freeze me instantly and awakened an instinct to run. I couldn't even talk about it with anyone, with Obi-Wan especially, knowing he'd prevent it at all costs. I was alone in this fight and I was afraid I couldn't do it.
Before I knew it I had entered the hospital wing, my feet carrying me over to the desk where a lone nurse looked up from the monitors, her eyebrows furrowing when she saw my armoured figure appearing in the hall. "My queen?" She muttered, standing up from the stool she was occupying "What are you doing here? It's 3 am, your majesty."
"Yes, I know, I know." I sighed, picking up the manifest on the counter, reading all the patients that we had admitted today. "I just... wanted to finish some things before I went to sleep." I glanced up at her before looking back at the patients, seeing that with some the doctors didn't understand what was going on. "Why didn't they contact me about these?" I questioned, my eyes narrowing.
"Well, we..." The nurse shifted uncomfortably. "We weren't sure if you were still available for such small matters, seeing you're now the Phoenix and all."
I glanced up again, realization hitting me as she watched me with both fear and excitement. "Right, I understand." I thought about telling her to contact me in the future until I realised I had no future left, leaving me empty inside with the mere thought. Biting my lip, I suppressed the frustrated yell that had tried to escape. "Right." I sighed, gathering all the papers. "I'm going to take a look at these, you stay here and watch the other patients for me, will you?"
"Of course, your majesty." She nodded with a small smile, watching my retreating figure as I walked towards my own office. The next few hours I spent reading through the dossiers, correcting prescription errors and deciding on new treatments for some unsolved cases with one single lamp as the only light source. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier each second, yet I was determined to finish the work, not wanting to leave a single patient untreated before I well, died.
While I was emerged in yet another case, a knock on the door made me wake up from the slight slumber I had fallen in. "Come in!" I said after clearing my throat, wiping my eyes before glancing at the figure that had appeared in the doorway. I had to blink a few times to even see him clearly but when I did I wanted to hide in the corner. "Obi? What are you doing here?"
"Princess..." He sighed deeply, his hair still a bit tussled and messy and his eyes heavy with sleep. "I knew I'd find you here." Obi-Wan said as he made his way over to the desk, his eyes focusing on the pile of dossiers I had collected and then to the embarrassed smile I had mustered.
"You know me." I cleared my throat awkwardly, watching as he slowly sat down on the other side of the desk, his eyes never leaving mine as he studied me. "Did I wake you? It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry."
"No, my darling, it was your absence that woke me." Obi-Wan rubbed his eyes and yawned before sitting back in the chair, watching me with that scolding look, making me whimper softly and slouch back in my own seat. "Why now?" He gestured towards the dossiers as he frowned. He seemed genuinely worried.
"I wanted to finish them before, well..." The gears in my head tossed and turned but I couldn't think of a viable explanation aside from the truth. When my gaze connected with his again I knew I couldn't tell him, afraid to see the pain cross through his eyes. "I just needed to finish up on my work, all this planning for tomorrow prevented me from doing so during the day and I couldn't sleep knowing they still needed to be done."
"It's 4 am." Obi-Wan cocked his eyebrow.
"Doctor's hours." I shrugged, smiling awkwardly. Obi-Wan didn't say anything, he didn't really need to, his disappointed and concerned gaze said everything he needed them to. He continued to stare for what felt like hours but were merely seconds. "I'll just finish these last two and I'll join you, all right?"
"Lyanna." He leaned forward over the desk, staring right into my eyes as if he was trying to see through them. His hand reached out for mine, enveloping it in his softly. "Talk to me." He pressed on, not ready to let go or give up.
Neither was I. I glanced away, retracting my hand from his hold and returning them to the dossiers. "I'll be right there with you, Obi-Wan. Just give me another few hours." Keeping my gaze away from his eyes it took all of my will power to suppress the tears that started to form. I heard his sigh of defeat and shuffling of his feet as he got up but when I felt his hand on the side of my face my eyes shot up to meet his.
"I'll give you half an hour before I drag you out of here." He smiled softly but the concerned look remained. Obi-Wan then bend down slightly, placing a kiss on the top of my head before striding towards the door. As his hand reached for the doorknob I heard a protesting sound at the back of my head, telling me to make him stay, telling me to run towards him and not let him go.
"Obi, wait!" I called before I could stop myself, standing up from the chair abruptly, making a few dossiers fall to the ground. "Bloody hell." I muttered, bending down to collect them from the floor and hearing his footsteps drawing near. His hands appeared in my vision, collecting the few others that were sent his way. When I stood up he walked closer, handing the dossiers over to me and watching how my arms trembled and shook as I took them from him.
"Never mind, I'm giving you 15 minutes. You're shaking, my darling." He quickly took the pile of papers from my arms, placing them on the desk before taking my hands in his, his eyebrows furrowing as he felt the tremors going through.
"That's only because of you." A devilish smile appeared on my lips, still feeling the slight ache between my legs and the tiredness of the muscles. Obi-Wan's eyes widened momentarily before narrowing, glaring down at me while strengthening his hold on my hands. "But I'll have to insist on 30 minutes." Straightening my back, I looked up at him defiantly.
"Princess." He narrowed his eyes further but I wasn't giving in so easily. I only cocked my head to the side in response, not giving him even an inch. "All right, but I'm staying here." He decided, his hand already grasping the other chair in front of my desk.
"Deal." The last few dossiers didn't seem so difficult anymore with the prospect of him staying here. My heart warmed and I stood on my tiptoes, giving him a quick kiss. Obi-Wan wasn't letting me pull back so swiftly though, his hand immediately grasping the back of my neck and keeping me close as he kissed me. When he was content, his hands descended down my back, keeping his kiss demanding as his hands suddenly teased the spot he knew to be extremely ticklish.
"Obi!" I let out a surprised gasp and carefully pushed against his chest, glancing up at him in bewilderment. He only raised one of his eyebrows is response as a smirk played on his lips, chuckling when he saw the redness appear on my cheeks. Just in a matter of seconds he'd reclaimed his dominance easily but I wasn't complaining in the slightest. This side of him seemed playful and open and I was enjoying each second he showed it.
"My most sincere apologies, your majesty." He put up his hands in surrender, sitting down on the chair and crossing his legs elegantly, a devilish smile remaining on his lips. "I didn't know what came over me."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi." I scoffed, walking around the desk while shaking my head no, carefully sitting down and opening the dossiers. "Jedi master." Feeling his playful eyes on my face I glanced up again. When I saw the joy in his eyes my heart sunk, knowing I'd rob him of that feeling soon. I swallowed almost audibly and sighed deeply. "What have I done to you."
"Nothing I haven't done myself." He leaned forward, looking me in the eyes for a few moments before leaning back again and folding his legs, placing him arms on them and closing his eyes while inhaling deeply. "Pull me out in 30 minutes, will you, my darling?" He mumbled as I could already feel the force settling down in him.
"Of course." I softly whispered, watching as his face relaxed and his breathing evened. In a matter of seconds he'd fallen in deep concentration, unmoving. I returned to my paperwork after I glanced at the clock, continuing my work quickly. I'd fallen into a similar trance as him, my mind numb as I sped through the papers and stories. A daily routine, coming as easy to me as breathing.
Yet when the lights flickered and the lightbulb went out in a flash Obi-Wan didn't flinch but I got startled, my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. "What in Valhalla..." I mumbled, flicking the switch of the single lamp but not accomplishing anything. "Hey Obi, -" Glancing towards him I realized he remained in his trance and when I saw the content smile I was reluctant to wake him for this. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I mumbled, standing up and walking past him to the door.
"Hello, nurse?" I called out as I walked through the dark halls, glancing inside the patients' chambers and seeing their monitors still beeping. "At least the emergency generator is working." Mumbling I made my way further, my eyes falling on the spot the nurse was previously occupying and finding only a single trace of blood.
"Bloody hell." Frightened, I turned around swiftly, trying to find the nurse or something else that'd show me what happened. When the halls remained silent and empty I walked behind her desk and noticed the light switch that'd be turned off. Just before I could flick it back on, I heard a soft groan coming from down the hall.
"Nurse?!" I immediately called but got no response. "Figures." I groaned and sped in the direction of the sound, hearing another groan soon following and realizing it came from the storage room. Chills started running up my spine and I tried to walk as silent as possible but the multiple beeps coming from the monitors inside the chambers didn't ease my fear. My hand reached for the doorknob of where I thought I'd heard the noise, taking in a deep breath before opening it slowly.
"By the gods!" I exclaimed, seeing her body lying on the floor, slumped against the cabinet with blood trickling down from her nose. "Hey, can you hear me?" I ran towards her side, my fingers searching for a pulse after I'd seen her chest rise and fall. When I heard the door crash closed behind me I immediately jumped up, flames licking the palm of my hand and illuminating the storage room as my eyes narrowed, searching for the culprit.
"You don't know who you're messing with." Snarling, I readied myself, looking around for any sign of an intruder. The flame did little when it came to illuminating the room, which made me realize that there must've been some kind of spell to douse it. "Arthas? Is that you?" I called, recognizing the dark magic.
A chuckle came from the corner, making me turn around immediately and squint my eyes. I saw his silhouette as he appeared but it wasn't the man I thought it'd be. "Close, but not quite." Derik chuckled, holding a dagger coated with some kind of poison in his hand. "If you come quietly nobody else gets hurt." He raised the dagger as he stalked closer.
"Arthas send you, didn't he?" I groaned as I backed away, soon enough hitting one of the closets behind me. Reaching with my hand, feeling if there's anything I could use, I only found a few syringes which I quickly put into my back pocket. "What, couldn't he do his own dirty jobs?" I bit as I watched him come closer menacingly.
"I volunteered." Derik smiled and suddenly jumped forward. I ducked and missed the dagger by just a few inches, grasping the closet and pulling it down on him as I jumped aside. It collided with him, sending him down to the ground with all the supplies scattering around him. "Lyanna, come back here!" He yelled in fury when he saw me dart for the door, throwing his knife while his body was still trapped. I felt the sharp metal plunging itself into the back of my leg, a warm liquid soon flowing down my skin.
"Ah!" I screamed out in pain, falling to my knees as I burst through the door. "No, no, no." I turned around, pulling the dagger out of my leg and watched as Derik lifted the closet off of him, his gaze soon focusing on me. I flicked my wrist, trying to summon the fire as I normally would but I only managed to conjure a few sparks. When I felt a numb feeling spreading from my leg fear started to take hold of me, realizing that he must've used some kind of sedative on the dagger.
"Obi!" Calling for help, I tried to get up but the numb feeling spread through the muscles quickly, making them feel like they were being dragged down by stones. I fell face first after the attempt, groaning as I tried my best to crawl further. The feeling crept further up, my arms feeling like jelly. "Obi-Wan!" I cried when I felt his hands grasp mine from behind, binding them together using some kind of rope.
"Your jedi won't save you this time." Derik snarled from behind me, grasping my shoulders and turning me around roughly. He stood over me proudly, a satisfied smile plastered on his face as I kicked and thrashed to no avail. He grasped the metal of the dagger himself, looking at the hilt before glancing back at me. "Goodnight, princess."
"No, Derik!" I screamed but it was too late, he slammed the hilt against the side of my head and before I knew it, everything went black.
Hey guys!
Just a quick update from me. Sadly I'm still sick after two weeks and it's only getting worse. Luckily the breathing problems have stopped, but I fear my body is exhausted and has difficulty recovering. My roommate returned though so I'll have someone looking out for me now!
I hope you're all doing well, please be careful and mindful of the situation. I am 21 years old and I'm still suffering badly from corona, so don't think it won't hurt you just because you're young. Stay safe my darlings!
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