Chapter 38: Fate
The entire sky was clouded with hundreds of wings as all the people flew away to their families with my message. A message of hope, a promise of a better future. I could hear Aidan chuckle next to me as he too watched in amazement. Or, because he was just happy to be alive. I glanced aside and watched as his eyes glistened with joy. He felt my gaze and met my eyes soon after, his grin widening.
"Happy you didn't kill me?" He raised his eyebrow and patted my shoulder. He winced slightly with each movement, his other hand rising up to the burn marks on his arms.
"You have no idea." I only answered, stepping closer and patting his chest. Right now, I couldn't believe I even attacked him in the first place and felt a sting in my heart when I saw the red spots on his skin. He nodded and scoffed, looking to the ground for a moment. He was deep in thought, it seemed. "Something wrong, Aidan?"
He took in a deep breath and straightened his back, his hands going to his head to lift the crown off of it. He stared at in for a moment, twisting it around in his hands. "From the moment I got it I didn't understand why I ever would've wanted it." His thumb traced the golden patterns of the embroidered feathers. "Here, it's yours. You've earned it." His mind seemed to clear.
"Oh, no no no." I quickly pushed his hand back to his chest and patted it lightly. "That's yours." I pushed it away again for good measure. "I'm not a queen." Chuckling I shook my head, stepping back with my hands raised. "Nor do I want to be, ever."
"Lyanna." Aidan shook his head disapprovingly. "You've won the Mak'Gora." He looked back at the crown in his hand until an idea seemed to pop up in his head. He grasped it tight in his hands and then tried to break it.
"Aidan! What are you doing?!" I quickly grasped the crown in between his hands.
"You said we'd rule together so that's what we're going to do. Now, help me get this thing in two." He seemed stead-fast in his actions. I watched him in bewilderment but then scoffed and closed my eyes and concentrated. I could feel the gold melt beneath my fingers and then the crown slowly separating in two different pieces.
"Happy?" As the gold dried I put the half on my head, letting it rest on my red hair.
"Never better." Aidan followed my example and pressed it on his head, cautious not to burn himself. A smug grin appeared on his face as he bowed slightly before me in demonstration.
"You two look like you've settled your differences." Stefan made his way through the crowd towards us. A simple smile covered his face as he slightly bowed before us. "Your majesties." When he got up again his gaze fixed on me. "Even though I am happy to see you like this, there are urgent matters for us to turn to. Arthas Blackwing is preparing his army as we speak so so should we. But aside from that, Lyanna, I have something to show you."
'Will I like it?" I raised my eyebrow.
"You will, trust me." Stefan chuckled and then turned towards the exit, motioning for me to follow him.
"I will make sure we'll have room to harbour the incoming troops." When I glanced at him Aidan gave me a nod of reassurance. He himself turned towards his kingsguard, already setting things in motion.
"All right, but make sure that you see a doctor for those burn marks!" I yelled at his back and then turned back towards Stefan. "I still can't believe all of this just happened." I spoke softly as I caught up with Stefan's pace. As we made our way out of the arena, all surrounding people quickly parted for us and bowed their heads and put their hands to their chest. "It's all one big blur." As if to worsen it, the wings of everyone in the streets made it almost impossible to see where he was taking me.
"Well then we'll just make it simple." Stefan said as he walked up the stairs to the palace. "Arthas Blackwing is coming to destroy the city and the only ones who can stop it are you and Aidan."
"Phew." I blew out a huge breath through my lips. "Way to put pressure on us."
"I didn't become commander by playing nice." Stefan defended himself as he smiled at me. He opened the door of his chambers and let me enter first. "Now that you're officially the phoenix you'll have to appear as one too. Not this simple Val'Kyr attire that burns the moment you transform." he motioned towards the blue chestguard I was wearing. The rest of my armor had practically melted off, leaving my arms and legs practically bare.
"Stefan!" I scolded him, my eyes following him as he walked to the back of his room and raised his hand in surrender.
"Just stating facts, my queen." He chuckled as he came to a halt in front of his bookcase. His hand reached for one of them and pulled on it. A loud rumble soon followed, together with the shuffling of stone over stone.
"A secret passage." I pressed my lips together and nodded at him. "How very commander-y of you."
"Well if you're going to serve a kingdom that is known to have multiple coups, you can't be too careful." He laughed as he stepped inside the passage. There was a small staircase leading down to an old chamber filled with musky air. "I've had this for as long as I've known. I just wasn't sure if I would ever see the day that the true queen of Valeria would wear it."
"I'm not a queen, Stefan." I reminded him. I could only see his back before me as we descended, but when we entered the chamber he quickly stepped aside to show what he had been hiding. My breath was taken away as my eyes focused on the black and red armor in front of me. It was made out of more than a thousand tiny feather-like dragon scales covering the arms and legs and parts of the chest that wasn't covered with deep black plates. Its shoulders guards were adorned with beautiful golden phoenixes resting on it with their wings spread. From under it a bright red cape descended till around the waist were it almost glowed like fire.
"It's..." I barely got the words out of my mouth as I stared at it in awe. My eyes soon focused on the greatsword that was stationed right next to it. The hilt too had a phoenix resting on it, its golden eyes shining brightly as if it were alive. I tried to compose myself and turn towards Stefan who just stood there, proudly watching.
"It's yours, Lyanna." He nodded in encouragement. "It was since the day you returned."
I let out a deep breath as I walked towards the armour, my fingers delicately tracing the patterns. "You knew all this time, didn't you?" I glanced back at Stefan and watched how he nodded. "How?"
"I was the one that found you the day you returned to the caves." Stefan told me as he recalled the memories. "King Eric had given me guard duty that day, just like every day at that time. We had been waiting for years for the day that you would appear. Your mother send you forward in time, but Eric didn't know when. And then you were there. Alone, frightened."
He looked at the ground as he shuffled slightly. "At first I wanted to follow the orders I was given; To kill you." He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "But I couldn't. You were still so small and the moment you appeared you were reaching out to me. So, I lied, got you out of there, and took every guard duty in the caves till Eric promoted me."
"You were the one who brought me to the orphanage." Wonder was laced through my voice as I walked towards Stefan, only then realizing how much he had done for me. He had always been special for me, for he was the best friend I had ever known but now that I knew this he was more than that. I smiled gratefully at him as I placed my hand on his cheem and whispered. "Thank you, Stefan. For everything."
He closed his eyes and nodded, sighing deeply. "I didn't tell you because I wanted you to find out yourself. I knew it was your fate and I didn't want to come in between." His eyes opened again and looked me straight in the eyes as his hand removed mine from his face. "And I can't come in between now. We need to hurry, Lyanna. Prepare our defences."
"Go, commander." I took a step back. "Do your duty."
He chuckled and bowed again. "Right away, my queen."
My steps echoed through the empty hall as I walked on the cold, stone floor. My eyes were fixated on the throne at the other end. It was an old, black one made by the fire of the phoenix, consisting out of the remains of the last dragon. Behind it multiple wings unfolded, giving the one seated an image like he had a hundred wings. It was an impressive throne, specifically designed to inspire both fear and wonder in the people.
My hands glided along the arm rests as I was stuck in my thoughts, thinking about how many people had sat there, reining over our vast kingdom. Thinking about how Eric, my former father, had been seated there. His actions puzzled me more now that some of my anger had ebbed away. He'd known who I was, he'd had tried to kill me before but when he saw me in the orphanage he decided to take me in. Why, I still wasn't sure, for for the first time in my life I didn't understand his intentions.
Another set of footsteps ripped me from my thoughts. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was that was approaching, for the careful and delicate rhythm made it all too clear. A smile appeared on my face as I took in a deep breath and looked at the wings, my voice sounding odd in my ears when I spoke up. "I never wanted it. The throne, the crown." My hands grasped the arm rest tightly. "I was happy helping people as a doctor. The amount of power that a king has always frightened me. The sacrifices that you'll have to make, the choices and their horrific consequences. I never wanted any of it. Seems though that fate has something else in mind."
I chuckled nervously and turned around, too afraid to meet his eyes so instead focusing them on the steps as I slowly descended. My legs trembled slightly. If it was because of the lack of sleep or because of his presence, I wasn't sure.
He remained silent and still, waiting for me to say something else. "You were right, Obi-Wan." I finally found the courage to meet his gaze as I stalled my movements. He stared back, no emotions betraying him as he clasped his hands behind his back and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Finding out the truth, finding that power,-" I looked down at my hands and watched as flames danced around them. "It didn't have to change me. "The flames doused as I bit my lip.
"For a moment it did, I'm sorry." My eyes fixated on the light bruises on his neck. I felt a lump growing in my throat when I remembered how my own hands had tried to strangle him. I took in a shaky breath and casted my eyes down to the floor. "I understand if you don't want to help me anymore, or even see me anymore. I get it if you hate me. I know I've disappointed you, and I'm-"
Suddenly Obi-Wan walked towards me swiftly, his hand grasping my shoulder. "Look at me." He demanded and narrowed his eyes.
"I'm sorry for hurting you Obi-Wan. It was the last thing I wanted to do." My eyes were clued to the floor.
"Lyanna." He said carefully as his other hand rose to my other shoulder, trying to hold me steady. "Stop apologizing."
"But Obi-Wan, I did-"
"Show me your eyes." Even though it was a demand, his voice was soft and gentle. Still, a shot of fear ran through my body as I froze. Slowly but surely I raised my head and looked at him, seeing a concerned look in his eyes as his hand rose from my shoulder to my cheek, his thumb tracing circles on my cheek. His eyes caught mine in their gaze as if he was staring right through me.
Fear had frozen my bones until a slight smile appeared on his lips and his eyes lightened, almost immediately thawing me. "I'm not disappointed in you, Princess." He softly whispered as his thumb continued to caress my cheek. "You have done what most jedi masters deem to be impossible. You returned from the dark and quite swiftly, might I add." A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he looked at me in adoration and I swear I fell for him all over again in an instant.
"You managed to prove me wrong, again." He drew his eyebrows together as his other hand cupped the other cheek and drew me closer. "And then you did what I had presumed to be impossible, again."
I leaned into his touch and relaxed remarkably. "So, you're not angry that I tried to choke you to death?" I tried to lighten the mood as a nervous smile appeared on my face.
Obi-Wan chuckled in response, slightly dropping his head before meeting my gaze again. "I almost attacked you with my lightsaber." His eyes turned sad slowly. "So, I'm afraid I wasn't much better."
"Obi..." I slowly sighed, standing up on my toes so I could press our foreheads together. My hand went from his upper arm to the back of his neck, pulling him down closer. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, savouring the feeling of the warmth of his body, feeling his breath fan out on my cheeks. I had to do my utter best to restrain myself from kissing him right then for I knew there was something far more important.
"You were right to do so." I felt his muscle contract almost instantly when he heard me, his whole body freezing in place. His eyes opened as he watched me in confusion. "I know what Eric told you. I know what you promised him and I need you to promise me too."
"No, Lyanna-" He started to protest instantly, his hands falling from my cheeks.
"No, now you listen." I interrupted him and caught his hands in the air, drawing them closer to my chest. "Eric was right. There was a sickness in Anduin, my father, that drove him mad, paranoid. There's a possibility that I inherited it too. I can't and I won't lose myself like he did." Obi-Wan slightly calmed down yet shook his head no, refusing to meet my gaze as he bit the insides of his cheeks.
I huffed in frustration and grasped his cheek tightly, forcing him to look at me. "We were lucky this time, Obi-Wan. But if it gets worse and I loose myself completely I need to know there's something that will stop me from hurting people." He ceased his protests and stared back at me, his lips pressed into a thin line. "I need you to make the same promise you did for my father. I need you to promise that when I loose control you'll stop me." I paused for a moment, watching the disobedient look in his eyes. "Promise me that when it comes to it, you'll kill me."
Obi-Wan simply shook his head. "Even if it comes to that, I won't." Now it was his turn to hold me in place as I protested. "No, Lyanna, I won't." He emphasized as his eyes bore into mine. "You'll just have to make sure it doesn't happen."
"Obi-Wan, as a jedi you have the obligation to protect the galaxy!" I grew frustrated and raised my voice, watching him as he scoffed and diverted his gaze. "This entire time you've been clinging onto those jedi ideals of yours, restraining yourself from doing anything you actually wanted to do, so you better not make an exception this once because I swear I will hate you for it."
"That's a risk I'm willing to take." Obi-Wan said sternly. When I looked him in the eye I knew he wouldn't budge and it frustrated me more than I dared to admit. I scoffed and turned around with a huff and walked away, crossing my arms before my chest.
"I won't make a promise I know I can't keep, princess." He continued, his voice gentler. "When I promised your father I had my doubts but now I know for sure." He paused, rethinking what he was going to say. The grip I had on my own arms loosened as I could almost feel him hesitating. Obi-Wan sighed deeply, deciding against his own better judgement, admitting what he knew all this time. "I care about you, Lyanna."
A deadly silence fell over us as we both processed what he said. A part of me didn't want to accept it for I didn't believe I deserved him after all I had done. The other part was telling me to forget all that and run towards him and never let him go. As my thoughts raced Obi-Wan shuffled impatiently, his eyes glued on my back as he awaited a response, any response, that would reassure him.
Slowly I turned around to face him. When our eyes met again Obi-Wan tried his best to stay composed, straightening his back and glasping his arms behind his back. He cleared his throat as the silence stretched on. "I'm sorry if I overstepped, prin-"
A huge smile appeared on my lips as I decided to end his suffering, sprinting towards him and jumping right on him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. Just in time did he catch me as I muffled his squeal with my lips, completely startling him. He had to take a few steps back to regain his balance but as he managed to, his hands grasped my thighs to steady me, kissing me back with a passion I had never felt from him before.
One of his hands raised up my back to the back of my head, entangling itself in my hair whilst the other squeezed my thigh and pulled me closer. A soft moan escaped my lips and I had to break away from his, leaving a trail of kisses down to his neck where they softly connected with his bruised flesh. His hold on me softened and he let out a deep sigh, carefully pulling on my hair to draw my head back.
He looked at me for a moment again, a thousand emotions swirling around in his eyes as his eyebrows knotted together but soon he kissed me again. This time, there was no neediness, no greed for more. It was just that, a soft kiss to tell me what he felt, to show me how much he cared for me. It left me trembling in his arms when I realized that he had truly meant what he said, making my heart warm instantly.
When he drew back a few inches his eyes stayed clued to my lips. "Princess,-"
"Actually, it's queen now." I interrupted as a smile played around my lips, resting my arms on his shoulders. A playful glint appeared in his eyes as he chuckled, placing his hands on my waist. "So I'd be careful with any further disobedience." I narrowed my eyes at him and tightened the grip around his hips with my legs.
Obi-Wan had to suppress the groan that had tried to escape his lips but I could feel the hold of his hands tighten remarkably. "All right, my queen-" He emphasized the word, scoffing at himself afterwards. "Your brother, the king, send me to fetch you for a war meeting."
"Oh." I raised one brow as I looked down on him, my hand placing a strand of hair away from his face. Clearly reluctant with going, a grin appeared on my face again as I lowered myself to him, softly kissing his lips and savouring the taste of them. "Did he also tell you to do all that?" I whispered against him.
"If I remember correctly, I could be hanged for all that. Forgive me if I seem reluctant to tell your brother." He stared back daringly. He closed his eyes and kissed me again, almost taking away all my breath. He himself had to pull back to regain his own. "If only we had managed to keep it secret from Anakin, too."
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and dropped me, holding me steady as my feet connected with the ground again. He straightened his clothes and drew his hand through his hair to neaten the mess I had made. I smiled softly at him when he looked at me for a moment, his actions halting. "Please don't make me regret this." He smiled back, taking my hand and placing a kiss on it while his blue eyes stayed glued on mine.
"I would never, master jedi." I let him place my hand on his arm and lead me to the exit of the throne room. "Quite the contrary, I'm going to make sure you regret ever having doubted it."
yeaaaaah late update because I'm a shitbag that couldn't find any motivation
I'm so sorry. Hope I made it up to you guys with all the love in this chapter. Which brings me to some good news, at least I hope, I don't know if you guys like smut or anything like that but it's bound to happen in the next few chapters. Like, the hormones in these two are spiralling out of control right now. Let me know if you feel uncomfortable about that and I'd be sure to let you know which part to skip. For those of you who are more than excited: YEAH I KNOW IT'S ABOUT TIME TRY TO CALM YOUR OVARIES
So yeah. I will try to update sooner but right now it seems as though I have covid myself. I'll be getting a test tomorrow; thanks to the hospital I work in it will all go more swiftly that with most people so we'll see what happens.
Let me know how you're doing and please do spam me with comments. I sure do love those.
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