Chapter 35: Truth
Above an early concept from about 2 years back! When Lyanna still had silver hair and the underground chamber looked a lot different, but still awesome.
"Are you all right, princess?" As soon as the walls had closed I'd leaned my back against it and closed my eyes as I let out a deep breath. Arthas. We had just escaped Arthas Blackwing himself. Those red eyes were still printed inside my head, his furious voice still ringing through my ears. When I heard Obi-Wan's voice though he snapped me out of it. He came towards me, laying his hand in the crook of my neck and glancing at me worriedly.
"Lyanna?" He pressed on as his brows scrunched together.
"I'm fine." I smiled at him softly and then leaned my forehead against his, drawing in a deep breath to calm myself. "And you?" Opening my eyes again, I looked at his blue ones staring down at me. Obi-Wan only nodded and smiled back. "Good." I chuckled, balancing my weight on my toes as I tried to reach his lips. I had closed my eyes already and reached out to the side of his face tenderly when I heard a soft whisper in the distance.
"Oh, you're finally here." It seemed distant, soft. It was a feminine voice and it was filled with relief yet it was too vague to really make out. If anything, it had completely drawn me away from the temptation that was the jedi before me.
"What's wrong?" Obi-Wan tried to follow my gaze as I looked at the direction of the voice but found nothing. I slowly let go of him, taking steps in the direction of the voice while taking in my surroundings. While the other parts of the structure we had seen before were obviously made to honour the dead, this one was completely different.
There were bunkbeds placed against the walls, tables covered with notes in the midst of the chamber and some racks filled with old armor and weapons placed at the entrance. "I heard a voice." I stuttered while looking around. "Obi-Wan, I think we're in some kind of hide-out."
Something crunched beneath his feet when he took a step to follow me. "I'm afraid we're standing in the midst of a grave, princess." First I met his eyes but when they seemed sad, my own darted towards his feet. He'd stepped on an old bone and crunched it. I hadn't thought to look to the ground but now that I was I saw skeletons across the whole floor which was still covered with a dark layer of old blood.
"There must have been a massacre." Obi-Wan said as he examined the corpse. There was still a short sword stabbed between its ribs. He sighed as he looked at the other bodies. "The others are wearing different armor. Must have been a final attack to suppress some kind of rebellion."
"Why would they attack here? These people were defenceless" I frowned as I looked around. It was true, some were wearing different armor than the others. There were two different sides, I discovered, but the sigils on the armor of one was too damaged to make out. I walked to the one which wasn't and found the fiery heart of an all too familiar king. "Fireheart." I mumbled. He had suffered significant less losses and was wearing more and fancier armor than the other party. "He must've attacked here, but why?"
"You remember the shrine above? They had written 'tyrant' beneath his painting." Obi-Wan stroked his beard thoughtfully while looking at the corpse before him. "He must've tried to put an end to a rebellion. All I know is that this place it's... It's very strong with the dark side of the force." His eyes wandered through the chamber again, until they spotted a corpse holding a lightsaber and wearing what must've been the same tunic he was. "Jedi?" He immediately got up and ran to the body, grasping the lightsaber in his hand and inspecting it. "This is... it's real."
"A jedi, here?" I was utterly confused. Not only had Fireheart attacked a small rebellion that I didn't even know had existed, but there had been jedi here too. This whole place must have been built after the second war, which must have meant that all jedi were dead. I knew he had fought them for they had betrayed them, at least that's what they told me. At this point I was questioning everything I had heard before.
"Hurry, my dear child." I immediately jumped back on my feet and glanced in the same direction as before. There was a small ray of emerald light entering the chamber, the light we had seen before entering the chamber we were in now. Now it was there, almost beckoning me to come near. Before I knew it my feet had carried me in the direction of the whisper and left Obi-Wan behind without a second thought.
It was mesmerizing, almost as if like from a dream. The same feminine voice was still whispering but I couldn't make out the words. It was soothing yet still oddly terrifying, as if she was dying. When I entered the enormous space, a soft wind went through my hair and leaves blew by, colliding with my cheek only to wave away with the soft caress again. At first I saw all the statues alongside the edges of the round chamber, glancing down at me while holding swords and other weapons protectively as if they were guarding something.
I was completely hypnotized, I had completely forgotten about the death behind me, about Arthas Blackwing who was still waiting for us on the other side of the walls. All I could think about was what was before me. There was a gigantic tree resting on a small platform that had but one path leading to it from where I was standing. Around it was nothing but an abyss that let to nothing but darkness far below. There were small streams coming from that same tree, falling down softly and creating a calming sound that echoed through the cave.
But it wasn't just a tree. It grew small buds, blossomed with beautiful white flowers only to fall out and create large green leaves that stood proudly only to darken, crumble and fall again seconds later. Just a few seconds later the branches were covered in a small layer of snow that thawed almost immediately. It was like the seasons were sped up to the point that they lasted only a couple seconds. The tree, it glowed, some kind of magic was woven through every leave, every branch and every root. It resonated with a humming sound, which seemed to originate from the midst of the trunk. There was a small orb there, in a tiny spice that was carved out in the tree itself. It was different from all the others above but it glowed with the same magic.
A smile grew on my face as I stepped closer. It was calling to me. I hoped, no I knew, that that was it. It was my echo. It was calling to me, beckoning me to come closer and take its power as my own. As I walked closer the power became more intense and seemed to almost swallow me. It surrounded me as the petals of the blossoms fell down in my hair and softly stroked the bare skin of my hand when I reached out for the orb. It felt reassuring and warm, welcoming, yet the power I felt was so intense that I knew nothing could ever defeat it.
"Lyanna, wait!" Obi-Wan's voice shook my core and awoke me from what seemed like a trance. I turned around slowly, somehow feeling angry that he'd awoken me from this beautiful dream. Obi-Wan raised his arm worriedly and motioned for me to stop. "You can't be sure it's yours, Lyanna."
"I am."
"How? How do you know?" He looked around and seemed as mesmerized as I was, until his eyes spotted the two corpses that were lying just before the tree. "Look at them!" He began to realise the danger of the situation. "You'll end up like them if you're not careful enough."
I frowned while looking at them, seeing the armor the man was wearing. Somehow these bodies had decompensated less and were almost recognizable, were it not for the black dried up skin. The man was wearing silver armor adorned with golden decorations that resembled a thousand feathers and was wearing a large, red cape. He was important, that much was clear. The woman though, not so much. She was wearing a simple green dress.
"Look, Obi-Wan." I shook my head, trying to get the images out of my head of how I would look like. "We don't have a choice. We need more power to defeat Arthas and if that means risking my life for this, I will do it in a heartbeat."
"No, we need you." Obi-Wan stepped closer. He sighed deeply, clearly frustrated as he waved his hands towards the corpses behind him. "Can't you see what happened here? These people must have come here for the power that stands before you and killed for it." When I only huffed in response he let out another frustrated huff and raised his voice. "Power isn't the only answer, Lyanna. Not if it comes with risks, not ever. I've seen people kill for power, risk everything to gain even a little bit and it always ends badly."
Crossing my arms, I looked to the ground, knowing he was right yet somehow disagreeing with every word he said. "We don't have a choice, Obi." I concluded. "Arthas, we can't defeat him. You saw how defenceless we were just now. We need this."
"Power isn't the only way to defeat him." Obi-Wan countered. He came closer slowly, trying to reason with me. It seemed as though no words actually reached me, for all I could think about was grasping the echo. "Lyanna, please. We can do this together." He reached out, holding his hand out for me to take. "I can't lose you." Our eyes met and he seemed to practically beg me to stop. I had never before seen this much desperation in them.
I was almost convinced until I heard her voice again. "We don't have much time, Lyanna." That voice, it seemed so familiar. I knew I knew her, yet I couldn't remember her. Only by speaking my name had she persuaded me to grasp the echo. Turning around swiftly before Obi-Wan could stop me, which he definitely would try, my hand reached out for the orb.
When I touched it, it felt like it pulled back for a moment as if it were scared, as if it was trying to find out who had come to claim it. Yet slowly it seemed to explore, until I was pulled in all at once. A powerful surge went through my entire body, making my eyes go open wide and all the muscles contract almost painfully. Then, with enough force to break down walls, it pushed me back until I fell down on the ground and an enormous force pushed me down.
I was blinded by the same emerald light and felt the wind pick up around me as I tried to shield myself from the twigs and leaves flying around. I should've been scared yet all I felt was determination. When I opened my eyes the orb was glowing brilliantly, the same magic flowing around it with an intensity that should've driven me away. Yet, with all the power left in me, I pushed against its force and closed my hands around it again.
Another flash of light erupted and I felt it giving in. While the wind started to pick up even more I somehow took control of the power and made it my own. It was mind-blowing and terrifying, for I felt like I could take on the whole world. Smiling, I breathed in deeply. When I opened my eyes though Obi-Wan wasn't there anymore. The tree, it seemed different. The whole place seemed... younger.
"You need to hurry, my love." Suddenly a brown hair woman walked right past me as if I wasn't there. I followed her while frowning until I saw the man she was talking to.
"Arthas?" I mumbled and saw the same man that had chased me welcome the woman in his arms. His eyes looked different, less angry and more determined and his armor was less damaged and bloodied. He didn't seem to spot me as he took the woman's face in his hands.
"Don't kill him, please." The woman begged as she looked up to him. "He knows you. He just lost his way, you know this." When Arthas seemed unconvinced, she continued. "He's not evil."
"He might not give me a choice, Grace." Arthas said. His voice was oddly warm but there was also a hint of the same anger I had heard in it before. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and then knelt down. For a moment it seemed like he was looking at me, beckoning me to come closer with a slight wave of his hand. That until something seemed to walk right through me. That something being a small child, maybe a little bit less older than 3, with reddish hair and the same piercing green eyes the woman had.
Arthas smiled and patted her head after she had run towards him. "Take care of your mother, little dragon."
"Little dragon?" I mumbled, feeling an odd tuck at my heart. Something seemed to crash down on me and I didn't know if I wanted it to. "No, no, no." I looked at the child as she smiled, hugging Arthas before he walked away. "No, it can't be." The same feeling intensified until the desperation almost seemed to overwhelm me. Was that me? Was I Arthas's daughter? Was that why Aidan always despised me before, why my father kept me prisoner? "No, no no." As if on cue, the wind picked up again, blowing everything away so that I had to shield myself again.
I fell on my knees before it had died down again, gasping for air while my heart raced. "Lyanna, hurry." The same woman ran by me, this time dressed in a different dress. The one she had on when I found her corpse. She fiercely grasped younger me by the shoulder, placing her in front of the tree. "Now, I know you're scared but you need to be strong."
"I want Arthas!" The child cried, trying to loosen the grip the woman had on her shoulders. Her pearly white skin was covered with tears and dirt.
"I know, I know. But you have an important job laid out before you, okay?" The woman tried to calm her, petting her head and speaking soothingly. She sighed deeply as she swallowed the tears. "I know you don't like this and I don't either, but we don't have a choice dear one." She closed her eyes for a few seconds, calming down. "Now listen closely. I'm going to send you somewhere where everything is different, where you know nobody. I know this may seem scary but you will make it. Just follow the same route out of the caves as we've practised and find the closest settlement, okay? Don't tell anyone who you are until the time is right."
The child continued to cry and I felt a lump growing in my throat. I knew she was my mother. I couldn't remember anything from this moment, yet somehow I did. It was the first time I remembered her caress, the safeness of her arms and the loving embrace. "I want to stay with you." Younger me cried and I felt with her.
"I know, I know." My mother hugged me tightly and pressed her eyes shut. I knelt down before the two, reaching out. My hand went right through them as if they weren't standing right before me. "You are our last hope, Lyanna. Safe your father, safe Valeria." She hugged me tightly a few seconds more until suddenly a light appeared around her hands and young me slowly seemed to disappear. I struggled and battled against her, but I continued to fade away. When I was almost gone my mother held me at arm's length, smiling reassuringly.
"I love you." She smiled but when I was gone entirely, she seemed to break down. She hugged her knees to her chest and cried, screamed and begged me to come back. Minutes seemed to pass, minutes in where I tried to comfort her, reach out to her in any way. With each sob that went through her body it seemed like I was stabbed a million times over. I tried calling her name but it was of no use. She was some place different, some time different.
"What have you done?" Other figures entered our vision. Standing up, I recognized one of their faces from all the statues and paintings I had seen through my entire life. Yet like this, up close, he looked like more than I had ever dreamed of. Anduin. It was only until I stepped closer that I realized he was covered in blood and dirt. His eyes were crazed, angry and lost as they looked at my mother.
Standing behind him was no one other than my father. He seemed so much younger. Instead of a beard his jaw hadn't even grown its first hairs yet. His hair was more healthy and almost glowing while his eyes held even more life in them than I had ever seen. Yet also he was covered in blood. Eric looked at the king before him worriedly, shuffling on his feet.
Anduin scrunched his nose when Grace continued to cry, walking around her and trying to find me. "Where is she?!" He yelled suddenly, throwing his shield to the ground and grasping the front of her dress into his balled fist.
"Somewhere you can't reach her." Grace spoke through gritted teeth.
"No!" Anduin threw her back on the ground again before him while yelling, glaring down at her as she cried at his feet. "You betrayed me, you betrayed Valeria just like Arthas did." He growled and pointed at her furiously. "You sided with the jedi and somehow persuaded Arthas too. You set up my own people against me when I needed you the most and then,-" He knelt down before her, grasping a handful of her hair and yanking her head back so he could look her in the eye. "you had the nerve to bind him to her?!"
The tears seemed to dry as Grace calmed down. "I didn't betray you. You did that yourself." She said softly yet determined. Anduin yelled in anger, throwing her back to the ground and towering over her as he stood up.
"I loved you!" He shouted at her. "I gave you everything and then you went to him! Now, you dare to tell me that I am the one that betrayed you?"
Grace got back on her knees, staring up at him numbly. "I couldn't watch you destroy yourself, Anduin." She then looked at him with pity. "I loved you too. But you changed after the war. You became merciless. The jedi, they weren't our enemies. Yet you killed them."
"They were trying to take our planet!" Anduin yelled. He seemed to collect himself. "But that doesn't matter. All that matters now is Arthas, and defeating him." He knelt down before her again, narrowing his eyes and looking straight into hers. "We have him locked in time, you know this, but I need to end him permanently. Tell me how, now."
Grace suddenly chuckled as she stared straight back at him. "You can't. He's linked to our family. If you want him to die, you'll have to kill us."
Anduin continued to stare at her. If it was because he didn't understand, or because he did, I wasn't sure. He sighed deeply and dropped his head, slumping his shoulders. "I never wanted it to come to this." His voice was soft, broken. The same pain I felt while watching Grace I felt for him.
"I know, Anduin." Grace seemed to feel the same as she grasped both sides of his face. She looked at him almost lovingly as her thumb softly traced patterns on his cheeks. "I know. But you have to stop this mad crusade. Please, I beg you. You're a good king, I know it, I've seen it all these years. Don't push everyone away just because you're scared to be betrayed again." She softly shook his head and forced him to look at her. "Anduin, please. Do it for us."
Anduin closed his eyes and leaned into her hands. He took in a deep breath and enjoyed her embrace. I, myself, felt so relieved. He was a broken man, I saw that. Yet I could see the goodness within him. What ever had happened to drive him to this point I didn't know, all I knew was that I wanted to help him. But I couldn't, for this was happening more than 200 years ago.
"I'm sorry, Grace." As soon as he'd said it he had pulled a knife from his belt and stabbed her.
"NO!" I yelled, trying to reach out but again only fell through their bodies. I watched as Anduin held the knife in her heart, while the other tried to steady her and hold her against him. He cried as he watched her, stroking the hair away from her face and looking into her eyes.
"I'm so sorry." Anduin continued. "But you betrayed me. I can't... I can't forgive that."
I watched as the life faded from my mother's eyes minutes after she had sent me away. I watched as the man I had worshipped my entire life held her as she passed. I watched as the man I knew as my father, Eric, walked closer to his king and laid a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.
"My king." He spoke softly. Even in his younger years, I saw the wisdom in his eyes as he spoke. "We have to find her."
Anduin nodded, using his fingers to close Grace's eyes. He slowly stood up after laying her down carefully, supporting her head tenderly. "Tell the men to post guards at this exact location for each day the coming years until she comes. Then, she will be brought to me."
Eric shuffled on his feet and nodded. "And then what, what will you do to her?"
"If she's his, I will kill her and him along with it." Anduin pressed his mouth into a thin line. He frowned, tears forming in his eyes as he thought about the other option. He pressed them shut and let the water stream down his cheeks. It was obvious he had trouble about this decision. I wasn't sure why, until he continued. "If she's mine she..." The breath got stuck in my throat as I realized what had happened. All of this, it never made sense, until this moment.
Anduin let out a deep breath and shook his head. "I won't. I can't kill my own daughter. Not even if that means Arthas will live." Anduin continued to try and take steady breaths as he looked up. His clear blue eyes were filled with tears and his voice broke. "Not even if it means Valeria will fall. She means everything to me."
I smiled softly as my heart warmed. Before I had been afraid that he was evil, that he was wrong in everything. But he was just the same as everyone else. He made mistakes, he made wrong choices but that just makes him human. He did his best, I now saw clearly, the best he could do.
But I saw too late that Eric had grasped his own sword. Too late to see the moment in which he decided to betray his king, his friend, and stabbed him in the back. It was only until I saw the shocked and pained expression on his face and the point of his sword coming through his chest that I realized what had happened.
I let out a blood curling scream and watched as my father fell to his knees next to my mother, blood flowing through his mouth as his face contorted with pain. "No, father, please." I begged and knelt down right before him so that I could look in his eyes. "Hold on, c'mon." Crying and sobbing I tried to hold his face. His eyes were filled with betrayal as he looked into the distance. "I'm here, I'm right here." I couldn't help him just like I couldn't help my mother. I watched as life faded from him too and he fell down on the ground in a pool of his own blood.
I stared out numbly before me. My heart was broken. Not broken as most people have known, but completely destroyed. Everything I had ever known had been overthrown in a couple of minutes, by another image that was shattered only a few seconds later. I had watched my own parents I had never known die before my eyes, killed by people I had trusted.
When the pain was replaced by anger I looked up at the past image of Eric. He stood over the corpse of his king, watching the pool of blood as it grew bigger with each second passing. "I'm sorry, my friend." He managed to hold back his tears. His face remained as stern as I'd known it my entire life. "He killed my family." He sighed as he looked down at his sword. He bend down, ripping a piece of cloth from the red cape Anduin was wearing and used it to clean his weapon. "Arthas Blackwing has to die."
As the life faded from both my parents I felt their power being drawn into me and my vision blurring. It filled me as I closed my eyes, letting it wash over me. With each ounce that streamed into me I grew more angry and determined. When it felt like it would overflow me, I was pushed forward and felt the trunk of the tree against my outstretched hand. Opening my eyes I saw the place where the orb had been before.
"Lyanna?!" Obi-Wan's voice came from behind me. "Lyanna, are you all right?!"
As everything that had happened came crashing down on me I narrowed my eyes in determination and growled. "Stormrage."
So uuuhmm...
Yeah that was something. Intense, I think.
Anyyywaaaays I don't really know what to say except send out a huge thank you to all of you and this time especially to scribblebee for every comment and especially one certain one (you know which one)! As I've said before, I enjoyed each and every one and am eternally grateful for your support.
See you next time!
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