Chapter 34: The caves of time
"Is this it?" Obi-Wan frowned as he looked at the caved in entrance of what seemed to be an abandoned memorial site. Vegetation had overgrown the decorated stone walls and collapsed the pillars that previously held up the mountain. I could hear the clones tying up the gryphons behind us as they conversed amongst themselves.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm almost disappointed." Anakin scoffed lightly as his eyes studied the broken doors. He turned towards me as I was standing just a few feet before them. He couldn't see my eyes, but I knew he could sense that I felt the same way. I had expected a monument at the very least, maybe even an entire town but never this. It seemed abandoned and broken down for the years had probably taken its toll on the structure.
"C'mon, we can't waste any time." I mumbled quietly and stepped into the dark cave, stumbling over the rubble that had almost blocked the entrance. With the help of the jedi, I lifted some of the remaining rocks so that we could pass through. When the sunlight disappeared I simply created a small fire in the palm of my hand that lit our path. It was but a narrow passage, its walls decorated with depictions of the past that were too damaged to actually understand. Squinting my eyes, I made my way further down the moisty, dark space.
"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Obi-Wan followed in my footsteps and covered his nose. The smell of death and decay was everywhere, making him nauseous. "This doesn't seem like a place where we can find something to kill a legend."
"I don't know Obi-Wan, but I don't think we have any other options right now." I sighed deeply, trying to ignore the gnawing sensation of disappointment and hopelessness. "This is the only lead I got." I sighed when we entered a large room. I raised my hand with the flame and narrowed my eyes, discovering that it was some sort of entrance hall to something big. Both jedi and their troopers entered the chamber, looking around and seeing the massive statues lined up on the corners of the room.
It was at least as big as the great hall back in Eagle's fall, but instead of large benches and tables this one was completely empty except for the paintings and decorations on the walls. "Maybe it might work out after all." I softly smiled when I saw the huge statue of Anduin Fireheart on the other end of the chamber, filling my heart with hope again. I turned around and lit the braziers so we could make out what the paintings were trying to show us.
"It almost looks like they are telling a story." Obi-Wan walked towards the first painting he could see whilst Anakin shuffled around in disinterest and the clones cleared each corner.
"It's the story of the second war, when Anduin Fireheart defeated the jedi." I scoffed at the irony. Obi-Wan turned around slightly, his eyes narrowed in confusion. "As I said, your kind don't have a good reputation here. Almost 300 years ago we were invaded by the sith, so we made an alliance with the jedi so we could defeat them together."
Obi-Wan listened closely as his eyes wandered over the drawings of the war. He could make out several of his own people, dressed in their traditional clothes and standing beside massive warriors with their wings unwrapped behind them. They seemed close allies, for most paintings also showed them teaching each other their ways and traditions. On the other side of that same painting he saw the sith, their eyes bright red and their faces covered with large hoods. The ones showing the war were quite explicit, making Obi-Wan cringe slightly and hastily walk towards the next ones.
"Only we were betrayed." I looked at Obi-Wan when he arrived at the next painting. It showed those same jedi, only they were ready to behead a man which Obi-Wan presumed was king. Behind the king stood Anduin, at that time only a servant. "They turned against us. They killed our king and sent the whole planet into turmoil and chaos. It was only until Anduin Fireheart showed up that we could beat them."
"Why would we attack you?" Obi-Wan turned towards me as my eyes were glued on the painting of Anduin. He was everything I aspired to be but knew that I could never become. It seemed almost impossible, for I could never be his descendant, but somehow he felt like family. The fire in my hand made the orangy colour of his hair even more prominent on the paintings.
"I don't know. We rarely talk about that war. Its stories are forgotten, forced from our memories. All I know is that they turned against us and Anduin became king in the end." I told Obi-Wan as I walked closer to him, my hand softly touching his upper arm as I studied the painting. I could feel his eyes on the side of my face when my fingers slowly wandered down his arm, touching his muscles through his tunic. If it wasn't for the oddly familiar face on the painting that soon caught my eye I would've done more.
"Arthas?" I mumbled. My fingers glided over the painting of his face. I wasn't wrong, I discovered, when I recognized the sharpness of his jaw, his long black hair and the fierce red eyes. He was wearing his own armor with the sigil of the black dragon, yet he seemed friendly when standing next to Anduin. It almost seemed like the painter thought of him as a hero. "It can't be." Mumbling softly, my eyes searched the other paintings for the same person, discovering that on every piece he was either fighting or standing right beside Anduin the entire time.
"What does this say?" Obi-Wan pointed at a word that was carved into the stone of the caves, right beneath Anduin.
My eyes narrowed even further in confusion. "It says, Tyrant." I scoffed, looking at Obi-Wan. "But using these runes it can also be translated to traitor." Shrugging, I turned around, my mind going haywire. "Guess you can't make everyone happy."
"Hey! I think you might want to see this." Anakin emerged from the entrance right next to the statue of Anduin. He motioned for us to come as other troopers quickly followed. "We went into the other passages but they are all either blocked or a dead end."
Obi-Wan and me walked side to side as we entered the passage. At first it was only Anakin's blue lightsaber that casted eery shadows on the walls, but when my warm flame illuminated the space it became clear that it was a burial chamber of sorts. It was long and stretched out as far as the eye could see. On both sides multiple graves were lined up, some with a small orb glowing in different colours. Occasionally there was a small passage either left or right that lead to another small chamber housing what I presumed to be a whole family's burial site.
"Are those the echoes you talked about?" Obi-Wan glanced at me as my eyes widened in wonder. I watched as Anakin walked towards the closest, which was glowing a warm orange.
"They are." I walked further down the hallway, my steps slow as I tried to take in every crave, every name of the heroes that fought in the wars. "There are so many." I mumbled. "So many families completely lost." I fought against the tears that were threatening to spill when my fingers slightly touched the graves. Taking in a deep breath, I turned back towards the jedi. "We need to look for a green dragon. As it's looking right now, I don't think my parents are still alive."
Anakin completely ignored what I was saying as he studied the same echo. He could feel the power radiating from the tiny orb, looking at the soft waves of magic and listening to the humming that almost sounded like a lightsaber. He slowly lifted his hand, eager to touch the luminescent fabric and find out what it had in store.
"Anakin!" I broke him from his trance. "Unless you want to die a most painful death, I wouldn't touch it if I were you. Unless, of course, you think that is your family's echo." I ended on a sarcastic note, raising one eyebrow at him.
"Princess." He only slightly bowed and then continued walking down the hall. He seemed deep in thought but didn't elaborate any further.
"You weren't lying when you said that this war had taken a toll." Obi-Wan said as he walked right next to me. His hand brushed against mine, but other than that he didn't make a move, knowing Anakin was walking right in front of us. I calmly watched as the clones investigated every grave for the sigil they were looking for, as they entered every side chamber and then emerged again from the darkness seconds later.
"Right now, it seems worse than ever before." I said when we arrived at another large chamber that led to even more passages filled with the same number of graves and echoes. Our voices echoed through the chamber, its high ceiling dripping with moisture and covered in moss.
"Echo, Fives, you take the right and Rex and I will take the one ahead." Anakin commanded and pointed the way for his troopers while Obi-Wan slowly made his way towards the left. Sighing deeply, I made my way to the midst of the chamber, trying to look each way until a soft rumble seemed to come from underneath us. Everyone stilled for a moment, looking around and watching the dust fall down from the ceiling.
"What was that?" Obi-Wan mumbled, looking down at the floor. It thrilled and groaned again, shaking violently. We heard multiple rocks falling down and in the distance a loud crash. When I looked around I noticed that some parts of the floor had broken down and collapsed, fading into a dark depth beneath us.
"Obi-Wan, don't move." I raised my arms to try and calm him. Every other passage seemed fine, but his was on the brink of collapse.
"Do we know what's beneath us?" He chuckled awkwardly with his knees slightly bend while parts of the surface around him broke down and fell down into the darkness. "Because I think I'll soon be there." Another loud shock went through the entire cave. Everyone stumbled and tried to regain balance, but just in time I saw the remainder of the surface break down right underneath Obi-Wan. Not only that, but the ceiling above him collapsed and would soon bury him alive. Without even a second of hesitation I jumped towards him, wrapping my arms around his torso to dodge the debris that was about to fall on him.
"Hold on!" I was too late to be able to unwrap my wings, to even slow us down just a bit before we fell down onto the cold hard surface about 20 feet down. The impact knocked the air right out of our lungs. Obi-Wan groaned loudly as I lay on top, my wings shielding us from the remaining rubble that rained down on us. My head was buried in his chest, my eyes pressed shut as I waited for the rain to end.
"Next time you try to rescue me, perhaps try not to fall right on top of me?" He tried to wipe away the dust that had settled on his face as he placed his other hand on my waist to steady me. When our eyes met I could see a twinkle in his eyes and a goofy smile as he looked at me. "Thank you, princess."
"You know how I love this position, couldn't help myself." I smirked back, my hand reaching out for his cheeks to wipe off the remainder of dust. My eyes involuntarily darted to his lips and I could feel myself drifting closer to them.
"Master, princess!" Anakin's voice boomed through the cave. "Are you all right?!"
"Blast it." Obi-Wan cursed and then slowly stood up, aiding me by grasping my waist and hoisting me up. "We're fine!" He shouted back and tried to take in his surroundings. "Just continue with the search, we'll make it back to you!" We had landed in a huge chamber of the cave, this one clearly not part of the structure above. "Where are we?" He mumbled, igniting his lightsaber to light his way through the cave.
As I looked into the other direction I saw a small red light. "I don't know." I mumbled quietly, watching as the red light became bigger, or seemed to get closer. Completely mesmerized I looked as the light suddenly divided into two, until it became clear to me that they were eyes I was looking at. "Obi-Wan." I reached behind me and managed to slightly slap his thighs to get his attention.
"What is it, my dear princess?" He asked calmly and turned around but when his eyes spotted the figure emerging from the shadows I could literally hear him gulp.
He didn't even need to say anything to frighten us, for his presence was already terrifying. He wouldn't even have needed the huge sword that he had clasped in his hand to scare me, nor the dried-up blood that was covering its edges and all parts of his scaled armor. A smirk played on his lips as his narrowed eyes studied us patiently, waiting for us to make a move. His wings however that almost seemed to merge with the darkness of the cave moved slightly behind him to ready themselves for a swift action. Arthas chuckled as we took a few slow steps backwards away from him, but waved his wings threatingly, motioning for us to stop.
"What do you want from us, Arthas?" I sneered while grasping Obi-Wan's warm hand. "Wasn't killing my father enough for you?"
He thought for a moment, his eyes studying us intently. "Give me the pendant." His voice was a low growl but his eyes were filled with amusement. He extended his arm and opened his hand for us to place it into.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied easily while trying to stand upright, trying not to seem scared.
"Lying won't help you, Val'Kyr." Arthas chuckled lightly. "Don't test my patience."
"What are you doing here, Arthas?" I shuffled slightly, knowing that escaping him with the pendant still in possession wouldn't be easy. Hell, both of us would probably die while trying to do so. Arthas only narrowed his eyes and moved his extended arm slightly.
I felt Obi-Wan tuck at my hand and the soft gushes of wind as he whispered in my ear. "Blast the ceiling." My eyes darted to the walls above us but then heard Arthas move almost immediately when he noticed our plans.
"RUN!" I turned around completely and while doing so created a huge fireball in my hand that I swung towards the ceiling between us and Arthas. The impact caused a violent rumble shaking every part of the caves and collapsed the ceiling. I waited to watch my handywork but was pulled away by Obi-Wan.
Water splashed as we ran through the dark caves and rubble fell down everywhere around us. When another loud crash rang through our ears I looked over my shoulders only to spot the same red eyes emerging. "He's onto us!" I yelled in fright when he swung his powerful wings and almost closed the distance between us in one move.
"In here!" Obi-Wan pulled us into a low passage, identical to the ones above, where he wouldn't be able to fly. We ran by the graves of all of these people until suddenly the stones covering them moved, decayed bones with strings of flesh grasping the edges. Distracted for a moment by a head emerging from its grave with the same red eyes as Arthas, I didn't notice the hand that had grasped around my ankle. I tumbled over and hit the floor hard, making Obi-Wan stop dead in his tracks 4 feet away.
"You're only making this so much harder on yourself." Arthas's voice echoed through the hall as I heard his footsteps drawing near. More dead bodies emerged from their graves and joined him in his pursuit, while Obi-Wan ran towards me and tried to pull me up.
"Get up, princess." Obi-Wan mumbled desperately.
"Go, now! Find the grave!" I pushed the pendant into his hand and then turned towards the zombie still holding onto my leg. Obi-Wan froze for a moment, but then ran away. When I was freed, I gathered all the energy I had left in me and lit both my hands on fire. "Arthas!" I yelled angrily and watched as he laughed in amusement while being surrounded by all those dead bodies. They seemed the cackle with him, their bones clashing together with each step they took towards us.
"Oh, you stupid girl." Arthas ceased his movement and called the bodies to a halt. "You don't want to find what you're looking for, believe me." He scoffed and smirked, diverting his eyes away from the floor and towards me.
"And what will I find, Arthas?" I growled as the flames surrounded me. "More people that you killed? Is that why you're here, to visit those you murdered?!"
"No." The smile vanished and I saw anger flash through his eyes. "Those he killed."
"Don't blame others for your mistakes, Arthas." I sneered back.
"You think you know what happened, don't you?" He lifted one eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. "You think Anduin was a hero, a saviour? You're blinded by the lies that Eric told you, just like everyone in Valeria."
"All I know is that he was worth more than a hundred of you."
"ENOUGH!" Something seemed to have snapped within him. He extended his arm and I felt an invisible force wrap around my neck, pushing me down to the floor as he walked towards me with a snarl on his face. "You will give me the pendant, NOW, or I will kill the jedi you hold so dear."
Pushed down on my knees I looked up at him defiantly. Even though I tried to push against the force with my muscles straining with the effort, he wouldn't relent. "I won't let you." His voice from behind me startled us both, together with the huge chunk of stone that suddenly flew over my head and collided with Arthas's body.
"Come with me, princess!" Obi-Wan grasped my hand again as I watched him in bewilderment. "I found something." He dragged us through the hallways covered with dead bodies he probably killed with his lightsaber while more zombies ran after us and we heard Arthas yelling in the distance. We arrived in another huge hall, this one being even more high than the previous ones. It was clear that the wall on the other side was some kind of gate but it remained shut.
"Here, the green dragon!" Obi-Wan ran towards it and pointed to the dragon that was engraved into the stone. It was huge to say the least and was made to look like it was protecting something that looked like a massive tree, its branches reaching up to the skies. His hands investigated the wall, looking for some kind of switch while I joined him in the search. "There must be some way to open this-"
He was blasted aside by an unknown source. Arthas appeared in the doorway while Obi-Wan struggled to get back up, and he didn't look happy to say the least. "You have tested my patience long enough!" The same dark magic he had used in Borovia now twirled around his fingers while his red eyes flashed even fiercer. "Give me the pendant or I will kill you both!"
"You will try." Obi-Wan smirked and then used the force to hold him in place. "Lyanna, try to get that thing open!"
I was completely baffled by the power that Obi-Wan apparently had as he succeeded in keeping Arthas in place. But there wasn't time to admire him, I quickly decided, and so turned back towards the wall to find some kind of switch. My hands touched the surface almost everywhere in a hurry, until my eyes spotted a small round crevice right underneath the tree.
"Obi, the pendant!" I yelled at him as an idea arose.
"Blast it." Obi-Wan cursed, knowing he'd have to break his already fading hold on Arthas. With the last bit of energy he had left he pushed him back and then immediately threw the pendant my way. As Arthas broke free the same darkness immediately crashed down on us. We couldn't see anything, but I managed to find the spot and pushed the pendant into it.
Something seemed to click and soon a loud rumble followed. I was blinded almost immediately after that as the entrance seemed to open, the walls splitting and moving apart. Trying to cover my eyes from the blinding light I turned away, hearing Arthas's yelling in the distance. When it seemed to fade I tried to glance at what was behind the door, seeing a huge chamber filled with a brilliant green light.
When another crash rang through the air the walls seemed to close again. I didn't know what was happening for I was too distracted by the emerald orb in the distance. If it wasn't for Obi-Wan pulling me inside and keeping Arthas from entering too we would've died. Just in time I could glance through the small remaining space between the walls to see Arthas's red eyes staring right back at me as he yelled in anger.
Hello there!
It's me again. It's been some time, but I'm happy to tell all of you that I have my bachelors degree in Medicine now! Ya girl is becoming a real doctor this time. I'm so happy to have finally passed all these exams I have been working so hard for. Next year I'll be working in the clinic and I can't wait to get started.
I'm also happy to report that I will have way more time again to write for you guys. So sit back, get some drinks and enjoy the next few chapters because it's going to be a ride.
I hope you're all safe and doing well! Be sure to keep your distance from people, at least 1,5 m, stay home if you're sick and take care of your loved ones. Together we can and will fight this virus. If you want any advise or are not feeling well and need some help, feel free to contact me. I'll be glad to help.
Love all of you and see you next chapter!
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