Chapter 3: A first time for everything
"Did you have to shoot her?" Obi-Wan sighed deeply, throwing another branch to the floor in annoyance. He was sitting on the moss, staring at the woman they had captured. After Anakin had stunned her with the blaster, they had carried her towards a better place and laid her down on the soft moss. They had already bound her hands together and sat her up, her back leaning against a fallen tree behind her.
"What else did you want to do? Run after her for another whole hour?" Anakin shot back, pacing before her unconscious body. He looked around himself, at the tall trees that towered till far above him, the whole network of branches that wove through all the trees, the soft but dense moss that covered everything and had lots of tiny white flowers in it. There was also a small stream close by, they could hear the water rushing down and crashing against the stones.
"At least we wouldn't have had to carry her." Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, well, maybe we should've just killed her, or shouldn't have chased her in the first place."
"That's where you're wrong." Obi-Wan stated and walked towards her sleeping figure. He knelt down on one knee and used the other to lean his elbow on and stroked his beard thoughtfully, looking at her delicate features.
"What do you mean?" Anakin followed the jedi master with his eyes and stopped pacing.
"Look at her, Anakin, and tell me what you see."
"I see a woman." Anakin scoffed but received a glare from Obi-Wan. "Fine." He huffed and knelt down beside his friend and started examining the girl. "Ripped clothes, dirt covered skin, red hair."
"Look closer, Anakin." Obi-Wan ordered. "I don't think she's an ordinary girl."
"Mmh." Anakin hummed and narrowed his eyes to concentrate. "That chestguard looks special, made out of feathers yet... seemingly indestructible. Looks expensive too, with the metal shoulder plates. And..." His hand went out to her belt. "Adamentium armor, that's not something you see on everyone." He glanced at her wrist plates.
"Or anyone." Obi-Wan added. "It's the rarest metal in the whole galaxy."
"There's also some kind of sigil on those wristguards. Looks like... a bird?" Anakin lifted her arm carefully and examined the metal plate.
"I noticed that too." Obi-Wan stated. "It's a griffin. I thought that the species had died out already, but I did hear something about it being the sigil of this planet's royal family."
Anakin's head shot up as his eyes found Obi-Wan's. "You think she's royalty?" Anakin lifted one eyebrow.
"I don't know. Everyone here could wear it seeing they worship their leaders. But our friend here is presumably someone of great importance since she's wearing a lot of expensive gear."
Anakin nodded and stood up. "What if she is? It doesn't matter to us, anyway. We still need to recover the weapon and kill all the rebels. She, who knocked out our troopers, is definitely one of them."
Obi-Wan sighed deeply, hiding his face in his hands in shame. "Where did I go wrong?" He mumbled quietly. He then turned towards his friend, looking at him as if he was a child. "We can negotiate with her, maybe even form a treaty. She's of more value to us alive than dead."
"She didn't seem to want to negotiate." Anakin shrugged and crossed his arms before his chest. "I don't think she ever will."
"That's because we were and are still attacking her city."
"Because they stole a weapon of mass destruction and were probably going to use it to destroy the senate."
"We don't know that." Obi-Wan said.
"We do." Anakin narrowed his eyes at Obi-Wan.
"You shouldn't believe everything the senate says, Anakin, how many times do I have to tell you that?" Obi-Wan remained calm as Anakin clearly got upset.
"What, you think they're lying?!"
"I'm not saying that, All I'm saying is that they might not know everything-" Obi-Wan and Anakin simultaneously turned around swiftly when they heard a soft, pained groan from behind them. Both their eyes widened at the sight of the girl waking up, her eyes only half-open as she took in the area around her.
"You've got to be kidding me." She cursed under her breath when she noticed the two jedi standing before her, pressing her eyes shut and opening them again to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She tried to stand up using her hands but then discovered that they were bound together with metal handcuffs. She rolled her eyes and looked up at Obi-Wan. "Seriously? Was this really necessary?"
"You did try to kill us." Anakin shrugged and glared at her.
"Yes, but I didn't."
"But you could have."
"But I didn't." She emphasized the words, trying to sit up. She only resulted in cursing in a language the two jedi didn't know as she moved her leg. "Maybe I should have, though." She added in English.
"Ha!" Anakin turned towards Obi-Wan immediately. "I told you."
"That's enough, Anakin." Obi-Wan interrupted, making Anakin throw up his hands in surrender and turn around, pacing in front of the two. Obi-Wan on the other hand walked towards the woman and kneeled down in front of her. "Are you hurt?"
"Obviously." She rolled her eyes at him and scooted away, trying to keep as much distance as possible. She lifted her leg off the ground and examined the wound. Luckily, Anakin had only scratched the surface but there was a lot of scorched muscle that needed to be treaded. Lyanna was happy with the fact that it was a blaster though, seeing that it left no blood or any kind of infection. She looked up at Obi-Wan, her healer instincts surfacing.
"Do you have any kind of bandage and water?" She asked. He nodded, understanding what she wanted to do and tore a piece of fabric off his tunic, making Lyanna frown in confusion. He then walked towards the stream a couple of feet further and dibbed it in the water.
"Here." Obi-Wan walked back to her and carefully lifted her leg. Only Lyanna protested when he touched her, scooting even further away from him till her whole back was lined up against the tree.
"Please don't... touch me." Her fearful eyes found his again, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her big, dark blue eyes sprung out even more due to the dirt that was covering her face. Even though she didn't seem afraid at first with her words being that blunt, she definitely was.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Obi-Wan smiled gently, trying to reassure her of his good intentions.
"Yeah, that's what you said before. Now look at me." Lyanna shivered under his gaze. Most of all she was unsure of what to think. The man before her seemed gentle while her brother had told her about the jedi being mindless killers.
"That was Anakin." Obi-Wan tried to crack a joke but hidden beneath it was a slight accusement towards Anakin. Lyanna didn't really relax in any way, making Obi-Wan sigh deeply when she tried to distance herself even further.
"If we don't apply this now you may not be able to walk back tomorrow. Now I don't know about Anakin, but I don't feel like carrying you all the way back." Obi-Wan smirked.
"Oh, I might just carry you." Anakin smiled too as he looked at Lyanna. "Just not the way you'd like." He winked.
Lyanna didn't answer in anyway, only swallowed loudly. Obi-Wan took it as a yes and lifted her leg carefully, placing it on his lap and ripping off the damaged cloth of her pants. She slightly protested at first but then slowly got accustomed to his touch and relaxed a bit.
"This is going to hurt." He glanced at Lyanna and then pressed the wet cloth against her wound. She sucked in a deep breath, biting her lip and closing her eyes tightly. Obi-Wan then began to wrap another piece of cloth that he had ripped off his own tunic, around her leg.
Lyanna glanced at his work when he was done, lifting one eyebrow. "Your bandaging skills might need some more practice, if you don't mind my saying." She chuckled awkwardly but then looked up at Obi-Wan with a small smile. "But thank you."
"General Skywalker, General Kenobi. Come in, please." A voice interrupted the silence.
"Rex? What's going on?" Anakin pushed the button on his commlink while Obi-Wan turned around to look at him.
"We've captured the city, only there seems to be no weapon anywhere." Rex answered. Lyanna sat up, listening carefully. She frowned when the commander mentioned a weapon, glancing at Obi-Wan to see if he was confused too.
"Have you checked if there are any underground passages? Maybe even asked the citizens?" Anakin connected his eyes with Obi-Wan who was again stroking his beard thoughtfully.
"We haven't found any passages and the locals are all gone."
Lyanna let out a deep sigh of relief and laid back down. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan glanced at her, having noticed her reaction.
"Right, Rex, stay there. We're coming towards you." Obi-Wan ordered.
"Where even are you?"
"Somewhere in the middle of the forest." Anakin glared at Obi-Wan. "With a prisoner."
"I'll send Cody and some men to trace your signal so they can come and escort you."
"Thanks, Rex." Anakin answered and then shut off his commlink. Both jedi then slowly turned towards their prisoner again. "So, feathers."
Lyanna raised one eyebrow at her nickname, glancing down at her tunic and then back up at Anakin.
"Are you going to tell us who or what you are and what you're doing here?" Anakin sat down on the moss with his legs crossed before him, his eyes never leaving hers. "Because honestly, I want to leave this planet as soon as possible."
"I'm an absolutely worthless, normal girl who is currently captured by two crazed men who are probably expecting answers they won't ever get from me."
Anakin smirked and then turned towards Obi-Wan. "This one is yours." He patted his shoulder and walked away.
"You and I both know that you're not worthless." Obi-Wan stated, kneeling down in front of her. Her eyes followed his, both not showing any emotion.
"And why do you think that?" She scoffed, looking away.
"Because a normal girl doesn't sacrifice her life to ensure the safety of 5 civilians." He gave her a knowing look when her eyes widened. "Also, your gear is a dead giveaway. So you're either a commander of some sort or a royalty."
She looked down at the ground and bit the inside of her cheek. "What do you want from me?" Lyanna spoke after a moment of silence, glancing between the two jedi.
"A name is always handy." Obi-Wan smiled.
"Lyanna, my name is Lyanna."
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