Chapter 29: Doctor knows best
Above the inspiration for Aidan! Sadly no fluff in this part, but there will be soon I promise!
"I will kill Obi-Wan." As I walked towards the hospital wing of the castle my brother's voice echoed through my head. "Because father lied to us!" His menacing voice spoiled the inevitable truth. As much as it hurt, I knew he was right. Father had tried to shield us from everything going on outside the castle, shield us from the plot that was boiling in the city itself. More and more I began to understand why my uncle had decided to plan the invasion now.
With a deep sigh I opened the door to the all too familair hospital wing and was greeted by an overcrowded waiting room filled with chaos. People were running around frantically, mothers going after their crying children and your usual stressed out spouse yelling at the nurses. When I spotted one of the nurses I called her name. "Ellen! Do you know where Adelaide is? I suspect I was called by her?"
"Val'Kyr!" Her face lit up when she saw me walking through the doors. She stood up from her chair and ran towards me. "It's so good to see you, we've been doing everything we can but the refugees keep coming and coming." Her eyes were filled with exhaustion, but they were still determined to keep going. "Here, I will show you where Adelaide is and then we'll discuss everything." She handed me one of the white overalls.
"Refugees?" I frowned, turning my full attention towards her as I put on the garment and tied my hair up.
"Yes, refugees, from the war." Her eyebrows slightly knotted together as she guided me through the halls. "Even though it hasn't begun yet, they keep on coming. I don't blame them though, when I heard Arthas Blackwing was back I immediately made sure my family was safe behind these walls."
"That doesn't explain why they're here." I glanced through the numerous doors we walked by and saw each of them filled with patients covered in bandages. They surely didn't look good. If you'd asked me, I would've thought there was a battle still going on.
"It's because of the rebellions on the streets." Ellen said, sighing deeply. "Now that a few days has gone by since the kings... Your father's death, people have been rilling up."
"But why? What do they want?" I frowned as I collected the medicine I needed. The patient I was going to see was an all too familiar one.
"Well, the jedi's head for an instance." Ellen leaned against the doorpost as she watched me work. "Secondly they're still not happy with the Stormrage dynasty. They still clasp to the Fireheart ideals, the hatred for every race other than ours, honor, war." She paused for a moment as she looked at me sadly. "They respected your father so they didn't do anything, but now that he's gone..."
"They rebel." I finished her sentence as I filled a syringe with the medicine I had just mixed. "Here, check this for me, will you?"
"Pancreatin 50 mg, you got it." She watched me warily as I nodded. When I walked past her and towards the room I knew my patient would be in, she followed me slowly. I could almost feel the words that she was dying to speak. "What if your brother... What if you could convince him to-"
"Just say it, Ellen." I sighed before entering the room, looking her right in her eyes.
"He needs to excecute the jedi." She crossed her arms before her chest and looked at me, her eyes big and filled with sympathy. "Maybe that way the people will finally calm down."
"You really want him to kill the people who saved us? Who helped us discover Derik's plan, who fought against Arthas Blackwing? Who sacrificed more troops than we ourselfs did?" My eyes flared with anger, my fists balling at my sides. Ellen didn't say anything, she just stared back as she realised my position on the matter. "I am not going to convince him to do that, Ellen. It's against everything I stand for."
I bit my lip and casted my eyes down to the floor. The anger was flaring up and I hated it, knowing that it wasn't the best emotion to act on. Before I knew it I was going to say things I'd regret later. I looked back at Ellen, one of the best nurses here in Eagle's Fall. She saved more people than I knew, I was sure, and she was a damn good nurse. Hearing this from her was odd to say the least. She was probably trying to keep people from getting hurt, our own people.
"I made a vow all those years ago that I would do no harm." I said as my hand reached for the doorknob, but my eyes remained on hers. "So I won't convince anyone to kill someone, especially not those who have helped me."
"What about beneficence?" Ellen said before I could go. "What about justice, respect for the autonomy of the people?" She noticed I'd used the medical ethics against her, but she was way ahead of me. "If it could silence a civil war and keep millions from harm, if it means we'd finally get justice for the wrongs that had been inflicted on us all those years ago by the jedi, if it means following the wills of the people, why can't you make Aidan do it?"
"Because it's not my place to decide who gets to live and who doesn't." I said, glancing at Ellen. She only sighed, clearly frustrated and dissapointed but I also saw that she understood. Taking lifes was never part of our job, and it would never be easy. "We will talk about this later, Ellen."
"Val'Kyr." She bowed slightly and turned way while I opened the door to the room housing my favorite patient.
"L'Anna!" Adelaide jumped up from her mother's lap immediately when she saw me and ran towards me on her short, chubby legs. She still couldn't speak out my name properly, but the way her high-pitched voice spoke out the syllables made my heart flutter with joy every time. She had her blond hair in two braids and a crown of flowers on her head that matched perfectly with her blue dress. I picked her up from the ground when she reached me, perching her up on my left arm as I walked her towards the bed.
"Addie!" I laughed as she hugged me tightly. "Long time no see." Sitting her down on the bed I quickly checked all her vitals as she continued to play with my braid. I knew that soon she'd get tired of all the check upps and would refuse to cooperate. "How have you been doing my little friend?"
"She's been doing fine, actually. She can finally go outside and play with her friends." Her mother answered when her child was too preoccupied playing with my red hair. She smiled slightly at me when I looked at her, and I noticed a slight wave of worry fall off her shoulder. "We thought you wouldn't come. When we entered the hospital, they said that you'd been locked up in the palace all week and well.. I was getting quite nervous." The mother chuckled sadly as she glanced down at her intertwined hands. "You know Addie refuses to be treated by anyone else."
"It's alright now, I'm here." I sat down on the bed and pulled Adelaide on my lap, softly stroking her arm to calm her down as I hoisted the sleeve up to her shoulders. "I won't ever let any other doctor treat my favorite princess, not while I can do something about it." I smiled at the little girl as I tried to distract her from the syringe I had pulled from my pockets.
The little energy she had left seemed to dissapear as she leaned against my shoulder, not even phased by the needle as it stuck into her arm. Her eyes slowly dropped as she snuggled closer. "How long have you been here?" I asked worriedly as I slowly injected the medicine.
"2 days." The mother answered. "As I said, she refuses to be treated by anyone else. All the other doctors were too preoccupied with all the refugees coming in to take enough time to calm her down."
"I'm sorry." I sighed, wrapping my arm around the little girl when I was done. It had taken months for me to gain her trust, let alone the amount of time I spent figuring out what was ailing her. Adelaide slowly opened her eyes, which then soon focused on the new necklace around my neck. Her tiny hands grasped the pendant and inspected it, her weary eyes suddenly lighting up.
"Look mommy, it's the sign from the caves!" She held the pendant out, pointing exitedly.
"Wait what?" I frowned, taking the pendant from her hands. "You know this symbol?"
"Well, yes." The mother also glanced at the pendant. "You know we come from the northern mountains, we have numerous caves there that are being used as ancient burial places. That sign decorates one of the largest in all of Valeria. One of the newest, I think. Most of the place has collapsed though."
Hope started to flutter in my chest. I'd almost given up on finding what it meant, but now I finally had a lead. That also meant that I could free Obi-Wan and Anakin without having to worry about an excecution coming up. I leaned in closer towards the mother, looking her in her eyes intently. "Tell me everything you know."
While I was running towards the prisons I was still putting on my armor, my teeth biting on a strap to keep the shoulder pads from falling. My body was filled with adrenaline and my heart fluttered with hope, hope that I could finally discover my true heritage. Above all it was filled with excitement at the prospect of seeing Obi-Wan again, this time being able to tell him that I could get him out.
Besides the usual servant the halls were empty. They occasionally worriedly glanced at my hurried figure, their gazes stuck on the silver armor that was covering my arms and legs. They were used to seeing me with my featherly chestguard made out of griffin's feathers, but the armor was something I rarely put on. Even now it glowed a dark blue as the sun was setting.
When I arrived my eyebrows knotted together. There were no guards in front of the door. No one, not even a mechanism was keeping them from leaving. "What in Valhalla..." I pushed the door open and was greeted by an empty room. By the looks of it, everyone had left in quite a hurry. I saw pieces of clone armor dropped across the floor and even the jedi's lightsabers on one of the cabinets.
"Stefan." I turned on my commlink with wide open eyes as I stored their weapons on my belt. "Stefan, do you read me?" The line remained silent as I ran towards the balcony. The whole city seemed silent, except for one part. The main sguare right before the palace. "Oh, no, no no." I mumbled. The crowd was packed, not even a single stone showing through the numerous figures. They were chanting, but they weren't rebelling. They were even happy, it seemed.
"Stefan!" I growled as I unwrapped my wrings, ready to glide down to the excecution block with no plan in mind. All I knew was that I had to save them from almost certain death. "Tell me this isn't happening right now!"
"Lyanna, stay out of this!" His voice suddenly answered. Just when he spoke I had dived off the balcony and was making my way towards the grand sguare. The wind was surging through my hair, the bitter cold biting at my skin.
"Where are the clones?!" As I neared the crowd I could only see the familiair light brown of Obi-Wan's tunic and the dark colors of Anakin's They were kneeling in front of the crowd, their heads bowed down with their arms tied behind their backs. They were defenseless.
"I got them out, I'm evacuating them as we speak." Stefan answered. "You can't save the jedi, Lyanna. Aidan has got them and he's about to kill them in front of our people."
"No he's not, not while I'm still drawing breath." I growled and made my dramatic entrance by landing on the midst of the stage, between Aidan and the jedi. With one of my knees still on the ground and one hand supporting my weight, I glared up at his towering figure. My wings protectively shielded the jedi from him, the golden tips glowing in the orange of the setting sun.
"Princess! What a delight to see you." Obi-Wan's usual calm, velvet voice filled the awkward silence that ensued when Aidan and I kept glaring at each other. "I was getting worried you wouldn't come."
"Well, I had patients to look after." I stood upright, ignoring the crowd that was watching us warily. "If I had known there would be an excecution I would've come sooner." My mouth was set in a thin line as I snarled at my brother.
"Our people demand justice, dear sister." Aidan's eyes shimmered with what seemed to be tears, yet his eyebrows were set in a stern gaze. His shoulders were tense underneath his golden decorated armor that shone in the sun's light, his blue cape waving behind him. He was dressed for the occation, the excessive plates and drapes covering his body. This whole ceremony was meant to represent his position as king I realized, to finally establish his position, showing the people that he was strong and could do what needed to be done. A simple and decessive solution, but a terrifying one.
"I don't know how justice works on your planet, but in our system people don't get judged for their ancestor's mistakes!" Anakin growled angrily while writhing against his restraints. "And they tend to thank people that have helped them, not excecute them!" A part of the crowd yelled angrily back at him, their hatred for jedi showing even more than before.
"It will be just the two of them, sister." Aidan seemed to plead as he walked closer to the jedi as soon as my wings granted him passage. His hand clasped around his greatsword. "The people will get what they want, we will send the clones back to where they came from and we can finally focus our full attention on Arthas. It is the only way."
"If it could silence a civil war and keep millions from harm, if it means we'd finally get justice for the wrongs that had been inflicted on us all those years ago by the jedi, if it means following the wills of the people, why can't you make Aidan do it?" Ellen's voice echoed through my head as I eyed Aidan warily. Was I willing to give up everything, just to save these two jedi that I'd only known for a few days? I would loose my brother, my people, potentially invoke a civil war that could lead to the downfall of my planet and my status as the Val'kyr.
I would become an outlaw, and for what? Because I couldn't let go of my moral standards? Because of my love, if it even was that, for a jedi? Was I willing to sacrifice that much? As I looked around my chances weren't in my favor. As soon as I tried anything, the whole crowd would be on top of me along with the kingsguard that were surrounding us.
"Just do it!" One of the witnesses yelled when they sensed the hesitation from both of us, soon joined by others. "Kill the jedi!" Their chants filled our ears while their fists pumped into the air.
Aidan reluctantly grasped his sword and unsheathed it, the light shining on the silver metal as he grasped it tightly and walked towards Anakin's side. He sighed deeply, closing his eyes. Yet he didn't proceed, instead his eyes focused on me, seemingly asking permission to continue as our people's cheers became deafening.
"Lyanna?" Obi-Wan awakened me from my trance, my gaze quickly finding his. His blue eyes locked with mine, immediately sending shivers through my spine. His golden locks hung before them but I could still make out the utter desperation and betrayal they were filled with. I remembered how the first time we met he could've killed me, but decided against it. Not because I wasn't a threat to him because I surely was, but because he still believed there was a diplomatic solution.
"Stop." I instantly decided. My voice felt odd when I spoke, but the confidence grew as I realised what was happening. From the corner of my eye I saw Obi-Wan relax almost instantly but Anakin remained on high alert as the king was standing right next to him.
"Aidan, stop!" He had already raised his sword. The noise from the crowd seemed to cloak my demands for he didn't even flinch. The golden crown wobbled a bit on his head as he hesitated, but soon he let his sword come down with an huge force, aiming for Anakin's neck.
'No!' Our swords clashed together right before Anakin whose eyes widened as they focused on the edge that was dangerously close to his neck. For a moment everything was silent, everyone holding in their breath as even the crowd quieted. But then it seemed like a bomb exploded.
To say hell broke loose would be an understatement. The kingsguard immediately sprang into action, grasping their swords and running towards me while the jedi sprung on their feet and reached for their lightsabers on my belt. The front of the crowd yelled in frustration while some tried to climb onto the stage to finish the job themselfs, while the back was still recovering from the shock.
"STOP!" Aidan yelled immediately and cast a lightning bolt that hit right before the guard's feet before they could reach me and the jedi. Obi-Wan and Anakin glanced at me hopelesly as their hands tightened around their lightsabers, already having freed themselves from the iron bounds. My attention however was focused on the chaotic crowd as an all too familiair banner seemd to appear everywhere.
The fiery phoenix of Anduin Fireheart. The red colors decorated the entire crowd, the walls around us and the towers in the distance as they draped the flag down. "It's a coup." I mumbled quietly, my entire body filling with dread when I realized what I had caused.
"Death to the Stormrages!" The crowd went mad, some of them killing the royal guards closest to them. I focused on Aidan again who only stood there, watching as his people turned against him. I had expected him to get angry and fight, maybe even to flee to the palace to save himself from the furious crowd but instead he sighed deeply as his deep blue eyes stared into the distance numbly. His guards crowded around him to shield him from the fury of the rebels as they started to climb up the stage.
"Aidan!" With both jedi on either side of me, protecting me from any attackers with their lightsabers, I called for his attention. He turned towards me and his eyes narrowed when they found out I was still there.
"What are you waiting for?" He yelled as he grasped his own sword to finally defend himself. His blue eyes locked with mine. Too late I realised he wasn't my enemy, he never had been. He pushed three of his guards towards me which he himself sorely needed. "GET THEM OUT OF HERE!"
Okay now that you've gone through all that drama I'd like to send out a quick thank you to all the people who have commented and voted like crazy on last chapter.
Oh my Kenobi guys, you really (pleasantly) surprised me there. I am amazed by all the support you're giving me and the thoughfullness you guys have shown me. I'd expected some irritated reactions about the lack of updates but instead you encouraged me to take care of myself. That is beyond incredible and I can't describe how thankful I am. It surely restored my faith in humanity, at the very least. You guys have such beautiful hearts and it is more than worthy of a compliment.
So thank you, with all my heart.
I'm sorry I can't take the time to talk to each of you personally (corona is still pestering me every day) but know that I would love to. Reading your comments and reactions helps me through these tough weeks.
Thank you.
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