Chapter 25: King of Valeria
Hey guys! Just a quick note before this chapter; firstly the drawing above is one of the concepts, it's during one of the earlier chapters when Obi-Wan first arrived in Eagle's fall. Secondly I would like to tell you that the manner in which Lyanna treats Eric in this chapter is the correct way in which to approach people in dire medical need, so take notes my darlings and maybe it'll come in handy someday.
"Father?!" I collected all the remaining strength I had to get back up. Stars covered my vision but I ignored them, determined to reach my father who was lying a few yards away in a puddle of his own blood. Nausea immediatelly erupted in my stomach and I struggled to keep standing, almost tripping over my own two feet as my legs slowly started to give up.
"Lyanna, he needs help, now!" I heard Aidan's voice and noticed that he'd already reached my fathers side. I could barely make out his face even from a few feet away as I stumbled. Just when I fell back on my knees and was about to vomit, Obi-Wan caught me and kept me standing.
"Anakin, try to look for another medic!" He said as he held me tightly, one arm wrapped before my chest to keep me from going any further.
"No, I can do this." I mumbled as my eyes threatened to close and my stomach was doing flips. Red covered my vision, confusing me as I reached up with my hand. It came back red and only then did I realize that I was bleeding badly.
"You're in no condition, princess." Obi-Wan whispered as he tried to keep me from going to my father. "You can barely keep yourself standing."
My vision somewhat cleared as I fought against the pain in my head. "He's my father." I narrowed my eyes at Obi-Wan and pushed him away, making my way towards my father and basically falling down on my knees before him.
"Lyanna." He opened his eyes slightly, his hand grasping for the wound on his chest. It was on the far left, just below his armpit. I had hoped that it'd missed his heart, but the blood flowing from the wound and the condition my father was in made me fear I was wrong. Eric sighed deeply as he closed his eyes again. "Listen to me closely, now."
"No, I don't want you to talk." I said determingly as I listened to him breathing. Firstly I needed to make sure he could breath through his airway, because that's what kills first. When I heard no weird sounds and knowing he could talk I moved on to the next step; the breathing itself. It was fastened, and his chest wasn't rising enough for him to properly get the oxygen he needed.
"It's too late." Eric tried to hold my hand but I swatted it away.
"Is he going to be all right?" Aidan nudged me impatiently.
"He's not going to be if you distract me!" I snapped at him and then quickly proceeded. From the corner of my eye I saw Aidan get up and pace in front of us. Obi-Wan took his place on the other side of my father and watched as I did my work.
Circulation. I closed my eyes for a moment to get rid of all the emotions and feelings I had and to focus. When I opened them again, I looked at my father and saw that his skin was pale. He was loosing too much blood, I noted, and when I pressed against his forehead the blood didn't flow back fast enough. I tried to feel his pulse but it was weak and irregular, fighting against the urge to stop. His heart was giving up too.
"Keep pressure on that wound." I commanded Obi-Wan and he immediatelly did as he was told but his worried gaze remained on my face.
"Princess." He said in a calming tone. "It's over."
"No it's not!" I tried to fight against the tears but they were blinding my vision. I wiped them away furiously and then reached for my medkit, pulling out a large tube which I could use to draw my blood to my father. "He just needs blood."
"Lyanna, stop." My father took my hand but I used it to my advantage, grasping his and finding an artery to put the tube in. As my hands were trembling I couldn't even keep the tube steady and the tears were blurring everything together. He struggled against me and then suddenly yelled loudly. "I said stop!"
Thunder struck behind me, making me drop everything. I closed my eyes and rested my hands before me, knowing that I had to. I felt a warm hand cover my shoulder, giving me little comfort as I felt the warm blood on it.
"I need you to listen." Eric pleaded as he took one of my hands. I opened my eyes again and looked at him. His golden hair was sticky with sweat, dirt and blood and his face covered with the same. He looked so much different than normal but his eyes remained the same. Swallowing the lump that was growing in my throat, I took in a deep breath to appear strong for him.
"I want you to have this." He said as he opened one of his hands, showing a necklace with a symbol. "It'll lead you to your parents." He smiled encouragingly as he pressed it on my palm and closed it around the necklace. "Follow the symbol, and it will lead you to your destiny."
I only looked at him, too afraid to divert my eyes. I couldn't miss a moment or even a second of the little time I had left with him. I wanted to savour everything, the warmth of his hands around my own, the safety of his presence and the caring look in his old, grey eyes. "I'm not ready, father." My voice broke midsentence and I was forced to look down.
"You need to be." His grip tightened. "And I know you are. Trust in your feelings." He laid his head back, resting his eyes for a moment as he breathed in deeply. "I'm sorry that you have to make up for my mistakes." The strength of his grip was fading. "I just hope that-." He groaned and tried to lift his arm but failed. His eyes were pressed shut due to the pain, his jaw clenched. When he calmed down his strength was gone and his eyes opened to stare up at the sky. The sun was rising, casting warm shadows on his face as he gazed off into the distance. "Please don't think differently of me, when you find out." He finished slowly.
"Find out what?" I sobbed as I held his hand firmly. "Father?" His eyes glazed over as he stared, the little strength in his hand fading. "Father!" I grasped his wrist and searched for his pulse, just in time to feel the last attempts of his heart before it too gave up.
Aidan only watched from a few feet away, his eyes glazed over as he stood there motionlessly. All the other soldiers gathered around and watched us silently, some of them bowing their heads and others getting on one knee to bow down one last time. All of them followed, silently paying their respects as only Anakin and Aidan remained standing.
"Lyanna." Obi-Wan softly whispered as I watched, all emotion gone from my face.
"I need you to step away." I looked back at him before I placed both my hands on my father's chest and took a firm stance. Then I proceeded by pressing down rapidly in a steady rythm, counting till 30 in my head.
"No, Lyanna, it's too late." Obi-Wan warned as Anakin quickly tried to grasp my arms from behind but I blasted him away, his back colliding with the ground a few feet away.
When I reached the count of thirty I went to his face to breathe in oxygen. Just before I could I could feel Obi-Wan wrap his arms around my waist tightly and drag me away, holding me closely as I fought against his hold. "It won't do anything, Lyanna." He told me as he firmly held me. "He's gone!" He continued when I resisted.
"Let me go, I can still save him!" I thrashed and kicked against him but his strength wasn't subsiding. "I can save him." The tears streamed down my face as I watched his motionless face, his eyes still opened. I saw Stefan approaching and slowly kneeling down before the body, sighing deeply as he reached for my father's face and closed his eyes. He fell down on his knees in defeat, looking down as he too fought against the tears.
"I'm sorry, princess." Obi-Wan whispered in my ear as I had calmed down. I ceased my efforts to fight him but intstead grasped his arms fully and burried myself deeper in his warmth. My gaze however remained locked on the body of my father and his eyes which were now closed.
"The king is dead." Stefan somehow managed to speak loudly, his jaw clenching when he looked up, knowing that he'd have to continue. He looked at me as if to apolagize for what he was saying, or for permission to continue. His voice was much weaker as he looked back at Aidan, who was just standing there. "Long live the king."
"Long live the king!" The soldiers around us repeated and Aidan straightened his back.
For some reason fury build up inside of me and the air became too thick to breathe. Most of all I couldn't bare the sight of the body anymore, so I stood up quickly and left everyone behind as I crossed the courtyard quickly. On the way there I bumped against Aidan and stopped for a quick moment to look at him. He only stared back, his mouth set in a thin line. I shook my head and continued on my way towards the gate.
"Princess!" Anakin was the first to catch up with me. "Where are you going?"
"We've suffered countless losses, jedi." I spoke as I ignored the tear stains on my cheek. "Don't you think there are countless wounded, too?"
"You don't want to go there." Anakin grasped my arm but I shook him off quickly. "You're wounded yourself!" He protested.
"What do you want me to do, stay there?!" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to face him. "I just lost my father, Anakin." My voice croaked. "I'm not ready to loose my people too." I turned back around towards the gate that lead outside the former city, the place where Aidan's battle took place.
Placing my hand on the gate I took in a deep breath. I felt so lost, so weak and fragile that it almost felt like I would fall apart any moment. It was like only a few tiny ropes were holding everything together and they were ready to snap at any moment. "I just failed to save one of the few I love." I heard Anakin shuffle behind me. "I have to make up for my failure."
"It's wasn't your fault." He only said.
Shaking my head, I pushed the gates open. What was behind it was the most terrifying thing I'd seen in my entire lifetime. Countless bodies were covering the hills, blood staining the barren ground black and red. Limbs were scattered around and some of the wounded were crawling away from the battlefield in a desperate search for safety. Derik's men had left, but those that were too weak to fly were left to be massacred in an attempt at revenge.
I made my way over the battlefield but the noice was so deafening that I didn't even know where to begin. Cries for help came from every direction and all were desperate. I kept turning around in an attempt to find the one who needed my help most. Only when a hand grasped my leg did I manage to concentrate on one. I knelt down quickly and assessed the situation. He'd lost his arm and was bleeding badly but the mud covering his chest made it almost impossible to bandage his arm properly.
"Please, I don't want to go." He pleaded but then suddenly lost all his strength and faded. It continued for what seemed like a lifetime, switching between wounded and moving on when the light had gone out. By the time that Stefan had found me and forced me to stop I was covered with blood from more than 62 soldiers.
"That's enough." He whispered as he steadied me. "Let's go home." When I allowed myself to stop, my legs trembled and gave up immediatelly. The last thing I remember is being carried on a gryphon back to Eagle's fall, and wishing that I'd been the one stabbed instead of my father.
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