Chapter 21: Getting Ready For Battle
'No.' My father said curtly after pondering for a while. His eyes went up to meet mine as he sat on his throne, his hair tussled and messy. I had just told him about the plan I came up with. Obviously, I left out the part of how I had to kiss obi-wan to come up with it.
'But father, listen-'
'I said no, Lyanna!' he blurted in annoyance, making me jump back in surprise. His sudden outburst caused all the guards to stiffen up. 'Even if Arthas is weak after waking up, there' s no chance you could possibly reach him. Your plan it's... It's based solely on possibilities and assumptions!"
I swallowed the lump that was growing in my throat as I casted my eyes down to the ground." We won't be able to defeat them in hand to hand combat, father. There's too many of them. "
"I will not let you face Arthas. Not while I'm still breathing, I will not." he shook his head no as his eyes went to obi-wan. "Did you help her come up with this plan, Jedi?"
Obi-Wan glanced at me for a moment as he sighed deeply. "I did." he looked back at my father. "with all due respect, your grace, your daughter is right. You can't risk the men it will take for a full frontal assault."
"Are you deaf?!" my father yelled and quickly got up from his throne, towering over us as he glared down threatingly. "We can't defeat Arthas!"
Suddenly his face contorted with pain, his hand grasping at his chest as he fell back down on the throne. He groaned in agony as he almost curled up into a ball.
"father!" I ran straight up the stairs and towards him, my fingers quickly searching for a pulse.
"You have no idea what he is capable off." he whimpered as he looked at me. His heart rate was fastened, I found, and irregular. He'd had these attacks for months now, but they were getting more frequent with each passing day. "You didn't fight him like I did for so many times."
I quickly took one of the syringes he had in a bag around his waist and injected it in his arm. I then softly rubbed my thumb against his palm to calm him down as I waited for his attack to fade. I studied his sad eyes as he gazed off into the distance, recalling memories he had buried for a long time.
"He killed my father, my sister and my wife too. Nobody could stop him, not even 4 of our strongest Valarjar." he sighed deeply and closed his eyes, his heart rate returning back to normal.
"you know I could stop these attacks." I whispered softly as I heard Obi-Wan walking up to us carefully. "If you would just let me help you."
"everyone must die. It's just a matter of time." his hand went up to hold my cheek, his hand studying my face as his words pained me more than he could imagine. Being able to help him and yet not being allowed to was one of the hardest things to live through.
"It's my time soon." Eric continued." But not yours. You will live through tomorrow if you follow my orders and stay away from Arthas if he ever breaks out. Our priority must be to keep that from happening."
I sighed and nodded, knowing I wouldn't be able to change his mind. If there was one thing that was certain about my father, it would be that he was headstrong.
"Could you wait outside, Lyanna? I need to talk to the Jedi." he sat up straight again, his hand guiding me up by holding my elbows.
I nodded again and smiled at him softly. "Goodnight, father." on my way out I glanced at Obi-Wan. To my surprise, he didn't look the slightest bit afraid or nervous. Instead, he looked as calm and balanced as always. Above all he didn't even give me the slightest glance.
During my time waiting outside, I was pacing in front of the huge doors to the throne room. My mind was going haywire over the next day. One of the greatest battles of the century was going to take place, that much was certain. Who was going to be the one to tell the story was a whole other matter.
"Arthas Blackwing." I mumbled, my eyebrows furrowing as I bit my nails nervously. He'd become a legend in my folk's story's. He was said to be immortal and unbeatable. Surely though everything must have a weak spot, I hoped.
Yet I couldn't think of any. He'd never had a relationship, he'd killed his own family out of rage and never confided in anyone. He was said to be able to suck the life out of 16 people at once with a flick of his wrists, his wings were made of the strongest leather and his armour was forged with the last dragon's scales. He couldn't be harmed by fire and his skin was unpiercable by swords.
But maybe that was all made up by old women trying to scare their children. The only thing that everyone was certain of was his lust for vengeance against the Stormrages.
"Lucky us." I sighed and stopped my pacing. Maybe my father was right, maybe my plan was foolish and stupid. Who knew what Arthas was capable of even when he was still dazed.
The doors opened suddenly, making me jump back in surprise. When I saw just a strand of his blond hair though my nerves calmed immediately.
"Don't worry, princess, it's just me." Obi-Wan said as he walked further down the hall, his light brown robes waving after him.
I ran after him and caught up soon, my footsteps following his quickened pace. "What did he want?"
"It was nothing special. He just wanted to know how far I can meddle in this war of yours." Obi-Wan mumbled, his words slurring together. I caught some hints of doubt in his voice but ignored it, my mind too busy with other things.
Obi-Wan glanced at me for a moment until he spoke up again. "Your father, what's wrong with him? "
I knew that he was going to wonder. Everyone in his situation would've asked it, yet I hated the fact that he did. He was curious and maybe even worried, I knew that he had no bad intentions, yet I was irritated.
"There's something in his brain." I said curtly while watching my feet. Obi-Wan stayed silent, allowing me room to speak. He'd probably sensed my discomfort because I could feel his stare turning worried.
"It's... Rare. Honestly, I have never seen anything like it before. I didn't even know how to act, I still don't know for sure." I couldn't bare the silence.
"What is it?" Obi-Wan wondered as we continued our walk through the halls of the castle. His voice was soft and almost soothing and finally my irritation disappeared.
"It's some sort of blockade I guess, in his brains. It's always there yet he doesn't always feel it. Yet when something happens, it's like it snaps. Sometimes he loses complete functions and it lasts for days. A few weeks back he couldn't see for a couple of hours. " I took in a deep breath." I think there's a clot there. Little parts of it break off, causing another part to be shut off from blood supply and making him lose the abilities or memories that that part enabled. So far, his body was able to restore the blockades. I'm scared that next time, it won't be able to. "
Obi-Wan nodded silently, not even uttering a thing. He looked up when we neared my own room and then took in a deep breath as he halted in his steps. "He's in good hands." He smiled at me and then bowed slightly. "Princess." He said and then turned around, probably going for his own chambers.
"Hey, wait!" I grasped his wrist before he could leave. "What's going on with you?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.
I saw his shoulders tense as he refused to turn around to face me. "I've got my duties, princess."
"Princess?" I noted how he refused to speak my name. After he'd returned from the throne room he never had even spoken it. When he still didn't turn around to face me I let go of his wrist, my heart clenching together as I suddenly realized what this was about. "You've made up your mind, haven't you?"
Obi-Wan turned around to face me, his eyes just as cold as before. My heart ached even more when my suspicions were confirmed. "What did he say to you?" I crossed my arms before my chest, trying to look indifferent.
"Your father has nothing to do with this." Obi-Wan denied as he looked everywhere but at me. When he finally did though his eyes weren't Obi-Wan's, but the Jedi's. I'd already learned to distinguish between the two. "You know what I am, princess. I could never give you what you want." His eyes turned sad as he sighed, already making moves to leave again. "I'm sorry."
The little hope I had left disappeared without a trace, leaving only emptiness behind. For a few hours I'd believed that maybe I could break through his walls, but it seemed that in those few moments he'd already learned to build them up again.
I tried to think of words to say but none would leave my mouth. So, I just stood there, gaping at him as he awaited my response. He probably sensed my utter defencelessness because his eyes were suddenly drowning in guilt. "Is that what you told Satine?" My eyes narrowed as I fought to hold back the tears, my gaze locking with his as I stared him down.
He bit his lip as he closed his eyes. He turned around completely, his feet carrying him away from me. He stopped near the corner of the hallway, glancing back at me before he disappeared from sight. "Goodnight, princess."
I woke up early that morning. To be fair, I didn't get much sleep at all. My mind was running over everything that'd happened that day. The war, my father's illness, Obi-Wan.
So instead of staring up at the ceiling whilst lying in bed I decided to practice my sword fighting, hoping that I could do more than just heal people. In all honesty I wasn't bad at fighting, not at all, I just preferred to help people instead of injuring them.
When the sun came up Anakin joined me and decided to teach me some random Jedi tricks he'd use often.
"Now, you're small." Anakin said as he stood near me. The sun had risen almost fully, casting warm shadows on his face.
At first we just sparred a little bit. Soon though Anakin discovered that he was better at me since he won every time. If it was because he was genuinely better or if it was because I couldn't keep my mind off of his former Master, I wasn't sure.
"What you should do is try to get in close by blocking most of the attacks. When you're close enough, you can slip underneath his next attack and stab him like this." he guided my hand towards his chest whilst showing me how I needed to stand. He was now formerly trying to teach me some moves, probably taking pity of the way he defeated me constantly.
"Right." I laughed when Anakin pretended to be hurt after I'd held the dagger against him. "You're sure this isn't just a method to kill those Droids you usually fight?"
"Excuse you, princess. I'm one of the best fighters around nowadays." Anakin grasped for his heart dramatically as he sucked in a deep breath. "I think I can handle you Valerians."
"Don't let her hear you say that." Stefan stepped onto the courtyard with a specific Jedi I didn't want to see for the coming few hours. My heart skipped a beat and then hurt like hell when I saw his face. Yet his expression didn't shift even for a bit. I glanced down at my feet as I took a step back from Anakin.
"Before you know it she will have you knocked out." Stefan laughed and patted Anakin on the shoulder. "I speak from experience." he winked at me.
"It was only because you were distracted, general." I corrected him. "You're still the best warrior from around here, if you exclude my father and Aidan of course."
"Yes, well, I gave up trying to better the Stormrages a long time ago." Stefan chuckled. He then bowed slightly before me, turning the casual conversation into a serious one. "My princess, the army is ready to leave. We're waiting for you now."
"Yes, sadly I won't be flying with you." I smiled at Stefan and then glanced at Obi-Wan. His eyes still held the same contempt as the night before. "My father decided that I should stick with the Jedi, since I know them best and am possibly the only one who trusts them."
I placed the practice sword back in its stand and put my red cape back over my shoulder. All the while Obi-Wan was watching me closely. "We will be attacking from the back, with a small group of warriors. Stefan and Aidan will be leading the frontal assault."
"Yes, your father told me." Obi-Wan confirmed as he followed me out of the courtyard. His words rolled off his tong in a velvet like manner, just like always. I'd come to admire his carefulness in everything he did, but I also hated it.
"Typical." Anakin groaned in annoyance as he followed us. "We have to do the dirty work while the locals claim all the glory."
"Don't jump to conclusions so fast, Anakin." Obi-Wan said as we entered the stables. All the stalls were empty except for one which was containing a dark feathered gryphon. "We're charged with defeating Derik."
"Unfortunately." I whispered, the thought of my uncle betraying us still hurting me. Obi-Wan had heard my whisper, his glance sticking to the side of my face. "This one's yours, Anakin. Be careful, he's a bit reckless."
"That's perfect for me." Anakin smiled as he petted the grand gryphon, admiring his strong dark feathers.
I led the two back outside to where everyone else was waiting. I'd already said goodbye to Aidan and my father, so they were already on their way. I looked at the small group I had to lead and suddenly felt a huge responsibility weighing on my shoulders.
Their eyes followed my every move as they waited for my command. "Mount up and fly fast, we don't want to be late for the party." I tried to sound relaxed while in fact I was shivering.
I watched as some mounted their gryphons while others unwrapped their own wings. When I stretched my own behind my back I felt their numbness, the poison still weighing them down.
"Princess? " Obi-Wan spoke up from behind me. I turned around to face him and noted that he did not yet have his own mount.
"Right, sorry." I apologized and then whistled loudly, a screech soon following. "You'll be riding my own gryphon, Stormwind. She's a bit stubborn but she'll grow on you." I watched as she descended from the skies, her golden feathers reflecting the sun's light.
She immediately ran up to me, pushing her head against my chest while practically begging me to pet her. "Hello there, it's been a long time, right? " I smiled softly as she screeched in response. "Get on, she won't throw you off."
Obi-Wan did as he was told, almost too skilfully mounting the gryphon and grasping the reins. He shifted a bit till he sat right and then glanced at me. "Lyanna." I looked up at him immediately, my heart fluttering a bit when my name rolled off his tongue.
My eyes then glided from his eyes to his outstretched hand, my eyebrows knotting together in confusion when I looked back at his face.
"I know the poison is still affecting you." Obi-Wan spoke. "Let me at least carry you there."
His words from yesterday echoed through my head once again. I cannot give you what you need. He was probably just trying to be polite, yet his eyes told a different story. They were pleading me to forgive him it seemed, almost desperately trying to set things right.
I didn't want to succumb to his wishes, didn't want him to get the satisfaction of me forgiving him just yet, but I knew that if I tried to fly, I'd surely collapse before I reached the battle. I decided to ignore my own heart and grasped Obi-Wan's outstretched hand.
He pulled me on Stormwind behind him, my hands grasping his waist to steady myself as I took in a sharp breath. "Right." I glanced at my troops. "Let's go kill some traitors."
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