Chapter 2: A rare kind of soldier
"Lyanna, how's it going over there?" My brother, Aidan asked over the commlink. Only the highest commanders in our society got one since we rarely used any form of technology. But when we did, the technology was very advanced.
We had been doing this the whole night and morning, guiding the people out of their homes and towards the forest. Mainly we were needed to keep order on the streets and to make sure nobody ran anyone over.
"Well, I've evacuated a lot of people but there are still a few left and the jedi are getting close." I pressed the button on my ear while looking around. Everyone was now screaming and running over the streets towards the forest at the sight of the jedi and their army, leaving their homes behind.
"That must mean that they broke through Stefan's perimeter." I could hear my brother sigh deeply. "How close are they to you?"
"Well, if I round the corner I'd probably be face to face with one." I answered. Our soldiers were commanded to distract the jedi and were instructed to not fire unless fired upon. Still, in the distance I could hear the explosions and the gunshots, letting me know that I had little time left.
"Get out of there! We can't let the jedi see you, especially not capture you." My brother ordered.
I groaned when I noticed a child that was stuck beneath the rubble of a building. The city was falling apart due to the explosions, making it even harder to evacuate. "I can't, I've got to help them." I answered my brother as I ran up to the child.
"Dammit, Lyanna! For one time just listen, goddammit. Put yourself first instead of only taking care of others!"
"I'm sorry." I sighed and shut off my communicator. Lifting up the block of stone that was trapping the child, I freed him and helped him up. "Head for the forest, okay?" I asked while dusting off his clothes.
"Anakin! They're over there!"
My head shot up to the sound of his voice, my eyes quickly finding the source. Blond short hair, average height, full beard now covered in dirt and other debris, light brown clothes and a glowing stick for a sword.
The jedi are here.
I cursed under my breath, looking around for other people that still needed saving. I could hear their cries but didn't see them until I saw one at the window, one of our soldiers. He pointed at the jedi and then signaled that he had 5 other civilians with him.
"A distraction." I mumbled as my eyes wandered back to the blonde jedi who was now joined by another, a taller one with dark brown hair. Even from afar you could see that the darker one was pissed off while the other one was calm and collected.
A few clone troopers followed them only they stayed close to the walls or either crouched down, trying to avoid being shot. The jedi just didn't seem to give a shit.
Grasping a stick on the ground, for I needed to hide my sword for worse situations, I jumped at a group of clones that was previously hiding behind a large chuck of debris and started smashing them with it.
I caught them by surprise, leaving me able to knock the first down to the floor, the second to hit on the side of his head and the third to kick down by placing my foot on his chest and using all of my force to knock him over. His head collided with the wall behind him.
The last one tried to blast me from behind but I ducked quickly, dodging the blast and turning around, using the momentum to gain more force and knocking him down by hitting him with the stick.
"That went well." I smiled in triumph, looking at the stick in wonder. When I looked up though, the two jedi still hadn't noticed me. "So much for knocking down 4 troopers at once." I mumbled.
Squinting my eyes, I tried to look for another distraction. In the end I needed to get those jedi away from the city. There were still much more people that needed to escape. With the jedi gone, they would regain that opportunity.
My eyes landed on a speeder bike of one of the troopers that I had knocked out. Picking up one of their blasters, I swung my leg over the bike and pointed the gun at the blonde jedi's head.
"Rex, there are civilians in those buildings, see if you can get them out!" The man screamed just before I wanted to pull the trigger.
My eyes widened as I lowered the gun. He too was trying to save the people, he wasn't there to kill them. Examining his features I discovered that instead of dark, red eyes like my brother told me he would have, this man had kind, wise blue eyes.
Cursing under my breath, I put the gun in a holster in my belt and put my two fingers before my mouth. I whistled as loud as I could. As I had hoped, both jedi turned around immediately. They narrowed their eyes when they saw the unconscious clone troopers at my feet.
"Get off that bike!" The dark haired one screamed furiously as he charged towards me with his light blue glowing stick thing. He seemed ready to jump at me but he was too far away, even for a jedi.
"Anakin, don't!!" The blond one noticed the commotion and ran after his friend, igniting his sword in the process.
Smiling, I put my hand against my forehead and saluted at him, rushing off immediately. The bike went faster than I expected. Grasping the steer a little tighter, I sped through the streets in the opposite direction of where the people were going.
Either way, eventually I would end up in a dense forest. Just before I crossed the tree Line, I looked behind me to see if they were following me.
"Anakin! Slow down!" I saw the two following me, each on a separate bike plus a few clone troopers. They sure were enthusiastic to chase me. Some shots were fired in my direction but they only hit some trees, which did send splinters in my direction though.
Squinting my eyes, I rode through the forest, zigzagging skillfully between all the trees and bushes. Some branches got stuck in my hair and a few thorns left large scratches on my legs but I kept going, reminding myself that I needed to distract them in order to save the people.
"Aidan, they're after me. Please make sure my district is evacuated completely if I don't come back." I turned the commlink back on.
"What the hell are you doing Lyanna?"
"Well, let's just say they sure like to race." I looked behind me to see that they had gained some distance.
"See if you can ambush them in any way. They can race better but you know the forest, use that to your advantage." He ordered.
"That sounds like a good idea." I looked in front of me and saw a huge branch just above me. I jumped off the speeder bike and up that branch which was too high to notice when you weren't looking for it.
"Whatever you do, don't show them what we can do or what we are. We need to keep that a surprise for a better time."
"You got it." I frowned, internally screaming.
"You better come back to me." I heard the worry that was laced through his voice.
"I will see you at dinner." I smiled. Kneeling down, I waited for the jedi to rush past. Just as I had hoped, the two were riding next to each other, too busy looking in front of them to notice me above them.
I grasped my sword, which now looked like an innocent small cylinder but at the touch of my hand two large swords came from both ends of the cylinder. It was much like their swords, only mine was double bladed and not glowing.
I jumped to the tree trunk, grasping another branch above me tightly and slashed through the wood, sending the branch down till it collided with the fronts of their speeder bikes. Immediately hiding my sword again, I smiled in triumph, watching how their bikes exploded.
Both jedi were lanced from their bikes, flying through the air as they both waved their arms and yelled in surprise. They were both rolling over the forest floor till they collided with either a trunk or a root, moss and leaves stuck in their hair and tunics.
I, on the other hand, landed gracefully right between the two, grasping the blaster in my hand and pointing it at the blonde one.
"You little-" the one that I assumed was Anakin cursed loudly as he sprang off the ground and on his feet, igniting his laser sword and narrowing his eyes threatingly.
"Calm down, Anakin." The one who had landed on his back against a tree got up slowly with his hands in the air, his blue eyes looking right at mine.
"Hello there." He breathed, seeming out of breath. He took in my appearance, his eyes scanning the scratches on my legs and arms in particular. I must've looked like hell with all the dust and dirt on my skin and hair, all the holes in my tight black pants. My chestguard however, which was made entirely out of several griffin's feathers which were almost impossible to destroy, was still completely intact and glowing a dark blue light.
The two started to circle around me, Anakin while looking very pissed off and the other only took me in, trying to find out as much about me as possible.
"Please do not shoot me." The blonde one chuckled lightly with his hands still in the air. Squinting my eyes at him, I tightened my grip around the blaster as I backed away from the two.
"It's not working, Obi-Wan." Anakin growled at my lack of response as he grasped his sword in both hands and bended his legs a little.
This so called Obi something sighed deeply and went to lower his hands until I stepped forwards immediately. "Don't you dare." I growled lowly as my finger went towards the trigger. Obi Wan and Anakin exchanged worried glances, looking at the blaster in my hand. Even jedi weren't faster than a gun.
"All the people are safe, Lyanna. You can come back." My brother said through the commlink. Luckily it was just an ear piece, making it impossible for the two jedi to hear it. They did notice my slight chance of posture though.
"Anakin, now!" Obi-dude yelled and before I knew it all I could see was blue before my eyes and my blaster was taken out of my hands. Thanking the gods that I still had reflexes, I stepped back even further and lifted up my knee, kicking him right in his crotch.
Anakin yelped in pain and doubled over but my victory was short since due to the shock, he had pulled the trigger of the blaster.
My teeth sunk into my lips as I tried to not scream out in pain, my hands flying towards my right leg. I had no time to register what had happened though since there was another blue stick coming right at me. I jumped back again until my back hit the tree, ignoring the pain in my leg. Knowing I was lost now because I couldn't possibly escape and had no means to defend myself, my eyes shot up to meet his again. I felt like a deer that was caught by the headlights, too mesmerized by his eyes to notice the upcoming end of my life.
Only he didn't attack. Obi-Wan only raised his empty hand in a calming manner as his eyes searched mine. "I'm not going to hurt you." He must've noticed the fear in my eyes when I looked up.
"What?" Anakin mustered out between some groans as his hands were holding his manhood tightly. He was holding himself up by leaning against a tree.
"Just calm down." Obi-Wan stepped closer carefully and lowered his sword. He never released my eyes as his kept staring into mine.
To be honest, I didn't want to look away. I was completely captivated not only by fear but also curiosity. I had never known anyone besides people from this planet, never had I known a human. But he seemed so much more.
He was just one foot away when he had completely lowered his sword and frowned at me. "I just want to ask you some questions." He explained in a flowing accent.
I wasn't going to have it. Nobody, not even someone from my own people, could just capture me that easily and 'ask me some questions." I couldn't let that happen, couldn't even take the chance of letting them talk to me, where there was a chance that I could slip some information about my people.
I let out a yell and kicked him in his belly, using the moment of surprise to run away quickly. My leg seemed to scream out in agony as I ran through the forest. Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried not to cry out loud. I heard their footsteps behind me, heard Anakin yelling for me to stop.
It was when I tripped over a root that I knew that they had me. I swiftly turned around, raising my arms to try and defend myself.
Only I was greeted with a bright blue light, then a shockwave that went through my whole body in a mere second and lastly there was complete darkness.
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