Chapter 14: An unexpected turn of events
It was around 3 o'clock in the morning when it started. The sky was dark but the numerous stars and the 2 moons made it possible for us to see where we were going. I'm going to be honest with you, I was almost shitting myself due to the nerves.
This whole battle was freaking me out. Not only because of the fact that it concerned Arthas and his possible escape, but also because I was afraid of people getting hurt. Clones included. For me that was kind of normal considering the fact that I was a medic but this time it was different, worse in a way.
I had no choice but to follow the plan though, just like Aidan said before. It was with great reluctance that I did.
To confuse the jedi and their troopers, my uncle Derik, Stefan and his men were sent outside to keep the fight there while Aidan and I made sure we could move Arthas. As we could hear the sounds of the battle raging on beneath us Aidan and I made our way to the palace.
Even though we first thought of going in silent, we now decided to literally fly through the roof of the Throne Room to save us the effort and time. The glass shattered all around us and followed us down through the hole and into the underground hall which contained the prison.
"Remember not to kill them!" I shouted at my brother while knocking out a trooper near me after we had landed. It was a complete chaos with shots being fired from everywhere and the large wings of our warriors that clouded our visions.
"Sometimes they don't give me a choice!" Aidan knocked back a trooper, sending him flying over ten feet till he hit a pillar and fell down, uncounsious. "I will try my best, sister." He smiled at me.
"Just hurry up with readying that prison, we need to get out of here as soon as possible." Within a few minutes all the clones that were standing guard in the hall were down. I knew that much more were coming, including two certain jedi's that I definitelly didn't want to encounter again.
"Don't worry, we've got this." Aidan chuckled. Just like he suggested, his men were throwing robes over the prison and tying it up, making it ready to be moved by the several gryphons we brought.
"We just need to somehow get it off the ground." Aidan huffed and watched how they were trying to get the crystal detached from the floor.
"Stefan, how much time do we have?" I put on my commlink.
"Well, not much." I could hear the rage of battle going on through the commlink. "Your uncle and his men are nowhere to be seen and I think we've lost the element of surprise. Just a few more minutes and we'll be overrun."
"What do you mean Derik's not there?" I frowned as my heart started to thump wildly.
"Exactly like I said, he's not here. I haven't seen the bugger since we bloody landed."
"What the hell." I groaned internally and turned around to face Aidan. He too had heard Stefan's words and was frowning deeply.
"He must've had a reason to leave you there." I heard Aidan's voice both through the commlink and normaly.
"I'm sure he did. But right now, we won't survive for much longer."
"Get out of there Stefan. We don't want to lose more men." I commanded. "We will take it from here."
"Are you sure about that?" His sarcastic voice with a hint of anger immediatelly made me groan internally. I turned around, catching Anakin's dark eyes as he was standing a few feet away with one of my men at his feet. His lightsaber casted blue shadows on his otherwise dark face, making him look like some kind of ghost.
"You're surrounded, princess." Obi-Wan emerged from another entrance. His eyes caught mine and held them.
"Aidan." I shuffled on my feet, motioning towards all of the clones that too emerged from all the other entrances to the vault. "I think we're no longer the only ones that know about those passages."
"Seems we've got company." Aidan smiled broadly. "Be a dear and distract them for me."
I whistled loudly, signalling my men to attack. They all immeiatelly stormed towards their enemy, both jedi's included. As Anakin's saber swung around to hit his assaulters, I flew towards him, gliding over all the others.
He noticed me too late to ready himself. I jumped right on him, sending us tumbling down the hall as we battled for dominance. Only I wasn't trying to hurt him, only to grasp his weapon.
And so I did. While Anakin was trying to get up I had snatched his weapon from his large hands, now standing back on my own feet as he too regained his balance.
His dangerous eyes narrowed at me further, a snarl escaping from his mouth. "You're getting on my nerves, feathers." He growled. "Give me back my lightsaber and maybe I'll let you live."
"So that's what they're called." I smiled as I juggled with his weapon. "Come and get it." I narrowed my eyes too and then unwrapped my wings, flying off in the opposite direction of where he was.
"LYANNA!!!" Anakin yelled furiously as I could hear his footsteps following me while we entered the vault again.
"Anakin? What are you doing?!" Obi-Wan's irritated voice came from a distance as I flew towards the centre of the battle. "Don't tell me that she stole your saber."
"She did." Anakin shrugged and smiled smugly at his former master.
"Just bloody take mine." Obi-Wan threw his saber towards Anakin who caught it easily and then spedd off towards me.
"Oh no, this is much worse." I mumbled before running off again, making my way through the battlefield and towards the hallway where I had a trap prepaired.
I ran through the hallway, taking a few turns left and right until I arrived at the room I was searching for. It was the end of the passage with no way to escape except for turning back. I stood there facing the wall in the dimmlit room, waiting for Obi-Wan to catch up.
I heard his footsteps echo through the hall right op to the point where he entered the room and came to a halt. A few moments of silence passed as Obi-Wan took in his surroundings.
"We've got to stop meeting like this." Obi-Wan sounded light-hearted but his clenched fists told me otherwise.
"What do you suggest, a nice and cozy bar? Or a romantic restaurant perhaps?" I sarcastically remarked with my back turned towards him.
"As much as I would like to, I don't think it's a good idea." His chuckle filled my ear but then suddenly it seemed like the mood in the room changed drastically as he took a step towards me.
"It's over, Lyanna, you've got no means to escape." I heard his voice from behind me as my hand traced the outlines of Anakin's saber.
"You remember last time you said something familiar?" I cringed as my voice loudly echoed through the room.
"Do not worry, princess, I won't be surprised as easily again." He remained silent a few seconds until he continued. "Hand over the saber."
"Come and get it." I made no move as to ready or defend myself as he made his way towards me. At first he was reluctant but then his steps got louder and more frequent, his confidence growing with each step that he took.
Until he stepped on the wrong tile and a cage slammed down from above, like a mouse trapped before it could reach its treat. I smiled, knowing that the trap worked better than I thought. I turned around to face him while juggling with Anakins's saber, walking towards the cage as Obi-Wan inspected his prison.
"Nice trap." He complimented as he touched the thin but strongly weaven strands of steel where you could barely fit two fingers through. "For how long do you think you can hold me?"
"For as long as I'd like." I narrowed my eyes and stopped before his cage, my hand resting on the cold metal as I looked right into his blue orbs.
"I warned you." I sighed and watched how Obi-Wan's finger started tracing mine through the bars. "You didn't listen."
"We've been over this already." Obi-Wan commented as he wove our hands together while watching me intently as if to observe my reaction. His eyes though were completely deprived of any emotion, probably hiding his true emotions from me while trying to read mine.
"So what, we continue this pointless facade where we pretend to hate each other till one of us dies at the hand of another's man?" I frowned and tightened my grip on his warm, soft hands as I stepped closer towards his cage to the point where I almost touched the cold metal.
"There's still a way out of all this, my darling." Obi-Wan neared me till I could feel his warm breath on my skin. He was provoking me, trying to find out how far he could go before I'd snap back.
I wasn't going to. But he, as a jedi, surely had to. It came to a point though were I doubted if he even cared about the rules or was just testing his limits. Eitherway I was a experiment for him and I wasn't going to give him the result he wanted.
My breath hitched in my throat when he downed his head a little to the point where his lips almost touched mine. His blue eyes observed me closely until they dropped to my lips, his eyebrows knotting together ever so slightly. I could feel the warmth of his body engulfing me to the point where it seemed that it burned my skin like a raging wildfire.
The sensation was almost too intense but I couldn't get enough of it. I needed to get closer, closer to the man who was an enemy and a foreigner to my planet. I shouldn't feel like this, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to his mystery.
"Lyanna, you mind want to see this." Aidan's voice snapped both of us out of our trance, making me jump back a few inches where I no longer felt Obi-Wan's warmth.
"Aidan, what's going on?!" I tried to catch the noises that echoed through the halls and discovered that there was no sound coming from the vault.
"Aidan?!" I pressed on when he didn't answer, completely foretting about Obi-Wan as my heartbeat quickened.
"Bloody hell." I cursed loudly and threw Anakan's lightsaber against the wall in frustration. I then turned towards Obi-Wan who looked at me with one eyebrow raised, seemingly unimpressed.
The whole moment had been ruined, leaving us both unsatisfied and confused. Above all we both remembered what was happening, almost like waking up from a dream. This one was one of the most beautiful ones I've ever had.
"Take your time cutting through that steel, I don't want to deal with you again before I leave." I snapped as I sped towards the exit, running towards the vault, frustrated.
"Wait, Lyanna!!!" He desperatelly clinged onto the bars. "I need to talk to you!"
I left Obi-Wan's screaming behind and ran through the halls towards the now silent chamber beneath the Throne Room. It was when I saw a light blue stretch of light coming towards me that I knew I fucked up.
Anakin and I both came to a halt as we stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. His eyes were dangerously narrowed and dark, watching my every move. He slowly got into one of his fighting poses, holding his saber before his body defensively.
"For Thor's sake, get your ass down here!" Aidan yelled through my commlink, making me jump in fright. I sighed and slowly etched my way further down the hall, putting my arms up in surrender.
"I just need to get to the vault, Anakin. There's no need for violence." I chuckled nervously while one of my hands slowly went for my sword.
"What did you do to Obi-Wan?" He growled lowly. "Why should I even let you go?"
"Listen here, dumbass, for if you haven't noticed yet the goddamned appcalyps is about to start if we don't destroy that facking cage!" I snapped, grasping my sword and waving it around as I talked. "So if you want to get beaten by a woman, go ahead. Just know that you may just cause the apocalyps."
"What happened to Obi-Wan?!!" Anakin yelled in response, refusing to let me pass.
"Bloody hell-"
"LYANNA!" Obi-Wan's voice echoed through the halls. "YOU GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
Anakin and I both slightly jumped in surprise, watching each other warily as we tried to anticipate the other's next move.
A smirk grew on Anakin's face just before he suddenly dashed towards the source of the yelling, not even sparing me a second glance as he sped by.
"That went well." I muttered under my breath, watching Anakin dissapear into the darkness of the long passages. Then I made my own way towards the vault again, an uneasy feeling erupting in the bottom of my stomach.
What I found wasn't what I had expected. It was silent, all the troopers were either gone or blacked out on the ground. The worst thing though was the fact that there were more of my people than before standing around the prison in two divided groups.
"Look who decided to finally show up." My uncle Derik smiled happily.
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